Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 153 Wait until I come back before taking action

You guys are really brave. With such complete information, you were responsible for the last attack on the biotechnology company building, right?

When Sasha showed Securicine's information to Max Jones, the Night City Enquirer reporter was dumbfounded. The information covered all aspects.

Yes, these are all obtained from the database of biotechnology companies. They are absolutely true. You can verify them.

Sasha nodded. Her information was absolutely correct. She could guarantee this. She had done some verification and investigation herself these days, and she had definitely not wronged the biotechnology company.

I will go and verify it myself. We are not those tabloids who report randomly just to gain attention. I hope you understand this.

Max Jones paused. He found it unbelievable that everything went smoothly. In the past, they had to work hard for a long time to make a big news, and the final results were often disappointing.

But this time, a big news was handed over to him. It was hard for Max Jones to believe it. He had to be more cautious. This was responsible for himself and the truth.

Although the information was complete, he had to verify it himself whether it was true or not. He only believed what he saw with his own eyes.

Ke Ling and Sasha looked at each other, and the expressions on their faces were a little worried, which was concern for Max Jones' life.

Mr. Jones, with all due respect, this matter is now being strictly monitored by people from the biotechnology company. If you want to investigate, you will probably be targeted by the other party in advance, and you may not even have the chance to publish this news. Lost.”

Ke Ling spoke, and what he said was relatively tactful. The general meaning was to advise Max Jones to don't be too wasteful with your food and just do what you should do honestly.

This is not alarmist. In fact, the reporter I contacted last time was targeted and killed by someone from a biotechnology company.

Sasha added that what he said was very clear. They believed that Max Jones should have sufficient understanding of the dangers behind this matter. What should be done and what should not be done, this man should be able to understand in his heart I want to understand.


Max Jones was silent for a moment. Of course he understood how dangerous this matter was. This was the kind of news that would lead to death if it was published. Biotechnology companies must be very sensitive to this, especially if they know that someone is planning to expose it. .

But I won't publish any unverified news.

After thinking about it for a while, Max Jones still shook his head. He had to find a way to verify the authenticity of the information. He had to find some victims to interview. As a reporter, what he pursued was the truth. He didn't We will publish any news whose authenticity has not been verified by ourselves.


Ke Ling couldn't help but feel sour. Max Jones was a bit unexpectedly stubborn. But if he thought about it carefully, if he wasn't a person with this kind of personality, it would be difficult for him to risk his life to pursue the truth in Night City. This is indeed not the case. Things that ordinary people would do.

No problem, we'll protect you to investigate.

Seeing that he could not convince Max Jones, Ke Ling decided to do the next best thing and investigate. They were responsible for ensuring the safety of this guy's life. This is actually what they should do. After the matter was reported, they also had to protect it. Max Jones, at least keep him out of danger.

We cannot allow Max Jones to follow in the footsteps of Liam Allen, who shot himself in the back in his apartment.

It's not that I'm stubborn. The information you provided is only paper evidence. Although it is the internal experimental data and results of the biotechnology company, there is absolutely no way to beat them to death by just publishing these.

Max Jones took a deep drag on his cigarette and slowly explained that he was actually quite cautious. If he was not careful in their line of work, he would probably die very quickly.

The reason why he insisted on investigating was because the evidence was insufficient, leaving biotechnology companies with a lot of room for maneuver. Vague reports would soon muddy the waters, just like in the case of the race. Bo is mentally ill.

The public relations of prosthetic companies have made the cause of cyberpsychosis a mystery to this day. They even want to erase the existence of this disease. Even if countless practitioners with unscrupulous consciences come forward to expose the news, public opinion is still firmly controlled by the companies. Control.

This is a lesson. If it cannot be beaten to death, public opinion will inevitably be manipulated by the company, and Securicine will still exist. Their revelations will only be thrown into the trash can with all kinds of junk information, and will not make any waves.

Night City Inquirer has been paying attention to the issue of cyberpsychosis. Max Jones knows too much about this kind of thing, so he must get more conclusive evidence.

For example, they need to have enough data and examples to prove that there is a direct link between consuming Securicine and suffering from neurodegenerative diseases. It is best to have records of drug purchase, time of illness, whether there is a genetic history, etc. Information.

The difference between Securicine and a prosthetic body is that not everyone will consume Securicine, so this is much simpler than proving that installing a prosthetic body is related to cyberpsychosis.

“But it’s still not something that can be accomplished in a short time.”

V added next to her. She frowned. This is a big job. If you want to get absolute evidence that the biotechnology company cannot refute, you need to investigate the patients and consumers one by one. After hearing this, you know that it is necessary. It takes a lot of time and effort.

But in fact, the risk is relatively low. People from biotechnology companies cannot keep an eye on everyone who buys Securicine. They are not that powerful.

The light in Max Jones' eyes flashed. He dared to do such a thing. In addition to his sense of justice, he also had some means. Although this method was troublesome, it was safe enough.

Ke Ling and the others looked at each other, and finally decided to trust the judgment of professionals. Max Jones's concerns were indeed very reasonable. To do this, we must do things absolutely. We must not let biotechnology companies easily disclose the news. Turn over.

So, I don't actually need your protection very much. If the stall is too big, it will easily arouse the vigilance of biotechnology companies. You just need to find a way to help me get the list of customers who buy Securicine. In addition, I have neurodegenerative diseases. There is a list of patients with the disease, and I will conduct unannounced visits to them.”

Max Jones made his request. He refused the escort and protection of Ke Ling and others. He was still used to investigating alone, so that at least the target would be smaller and less conspicuous.

No problem, it's a small matter.

Sasha agreed immediately. Obtaining this information was a piece of cake for her. This kind of information was not considered top-secret information. Biotechnology companies couldn’t encrypt it even if they wanted to, because this information is available in offline stores and can be obtained. The difficulty is very low.

That's it, give me a moment and I'll give the biotech company a hard blow.

Max Jones threw down the cigarette butt and stamped it out. He got in the car and said goodbye to everyone. The meeting was over.

So, it's okay for us?

Jack spread his hands. He felt like he was powerless and had nowhere to go. He promised to help, but why didn't he do anything in the end?

If you want to help, it's very simple. Maybe some of our people and people around us have used this Securicine before. Come and ask to see if anyone is sick. It can also be regarded as helping Max get a few more example.

Ke Ling said with a smile. Now they are indirectly managing hundreds of people. Maybe there are also people who are troubled by Securicine. If they find and treat them early, he can also help. His Wei He It can also treat this neurological problem.

Good idea, let's go back and ask.

Jack's eyes immediately lit up. This was indeed a good idea, and he was helping. Moreover, Ke Ling was able to cure these people, which was a good thing. It was estimated that he would gain many helpers who were hostile to biotechnology companies. The common enemy was the most important. Good bond.

Just in time, you guys are busy in the city first. I'm going to buy some goods to save people. Remember to be cautious before I come back.

The matter came to an end, and Ke Ling made the decision to leave temporarily.

He planned to go to Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba first to see if he could reach an agreement with the Demon Slayer team on the matter of killing ghosts, and then go to the world of Tokyo Ghoul to get some Rc cell inhibitors. Toys are gradually becoming a necessity.

There was no way, who told him that he did not have the ability to absorb Rc cells for the time being, so he could only inject Rc cell inhibitors into the people treated by Wei He.

Do you need us to go with you?

V asked. Anyway, Sasha wouldn't need her for this matter for the time being. If Ke Ling needed help, she could come with him.

We can go with you after we get the list.

Sasha also spoke. Getting the list was a trivial matter. She and Lucy acted together and could finish it quickly. Max Jones didn't need their help. They could go and help Ke Ling.

Thanks, no, my job is also suitable for solo action.

Ke Ling smiled and waved his hand to refuse. He wanted to take people with him, but he did not have the ability for the time being, and it was not easy to explain time travel to others.

Be careful.

Seeing Ke Ling's refusal, V didn't say much. She just said to be careful. She was very confident about Ke Ling's strength. With this perverted ability, as long as he didn't let it go, he wouldn't die.

Ke Ling, thank you for coming to help.

Sasha pursed her lips and thanked Ke Ling and the others. She originally planned to act alone. None of her teammates knew about it. Only Lucy learned about it by chance, and that's how she ended up now. Even though I find things troublesome to my friends, the feeling of having someone to help me is really heartwarming.

Yes, we are friends, aren't we? Remember my words, before I come back, you must not act impulsively. Even if Max Jones has collected enough evidence, don't act. You must wait for me to come back.

Ke Ling responded with a smile, and then reiterated wait for him to come back.

This matter is not a trivial matter. Although V has a tendency to develop towards V Zhentian, she is not that mature yet and is still a little far away from becoming the living king of hell. Ke Ling is not sure to let them deal with the biotechnology company alone. Counterattack.

Don't worry, we won't be impulsive.

Jack patted his chest, then stretched out his hand and shook Ke Ling's fist.

You guys go back, I'm leaving too.

Ke Ling nodded and said goodbye to everyone. He had nothing to deal with, and his belongings were all placed in the shadow space.

be safe.

The four of them got in the car. Lucy, who had not spoken much, got on last. She said something to Ke Ling and got in the car without waiting for Ke Ling's response.

Ke Ling smiled and shook his head. Lucy still felt something different about him. Of course he had noticed that it was a kind of attention to the same kind. Although it was a misunderstanding, he had no intention of explaining it.

Ke Ling turned around and left, and Jack and the other three also drove away. After driving far away from Thrace, Ke Ling found an alley to stop. He called up the system interface and clicked on the [World] page.

“Return to the past.”

Without much hesitation, Ke Ling started traveling directly.

[Return to the Past] The option to select a world popped up. Ke Ling chose Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, and the world of Tokyo Ghoul disappeared.

【Travel completed】

[Current World: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba]

Ke Ling's eyes flashed and his figure disappeared. He came to a mountain forest. This was the place he left last time. He had done a lot of damage to the birds and beasts in the mountains. He didn't know if he had recovered. It probably didn't happen that quickly. , after all, it has been no more than two months since I last left.

Go to Mr. Nintaki, and then contact the Demon Slayer Corps to give these Demon Slayer bastards some cyber shock.

Ke Ling judged the direction and headed back towards Saagiri Mountain. It just so happened that he wanted to learn the art of carving masks from Mr. Lintaki. Although the disaster relief mask added very little luck, it still had special qualities. It’s a good idea to use props with special effects to give away to others.

Ke Ling took out the silver fox mask and put it on. He had arrived at the foot of Mount Samagiri, not far from Mr. Lintaki's wooden house.

He liberated the second form, the ghost form, and then tried his best to converge his breath and approach the wooden house. It turned out that he did not master any method of controlling his breath. As soon as he approached the wooden house, the young man who was trying to swing his sword in front of the wooden house discovered him.

I have no choice but to say that this nose is indeed incredible.

Mr. Ke Ling! Are you back?!

Tanjiro Kamado had a look of surprise on his face. When he moved his nose, he smelled the scent of Mr. Ke Ling. He had always been worried about Mr. Ke Ling. After all, it was too dangerous to fight ghosts alone, and Mr. Ke Ling was also with the Demon Slayer Squad. It’s not a good scene.

Tanjiro, your nose is really enviable.

Ke Ling showed his figure, jumped down from the tree and came to Kamado Tanjiro. He smiled and reached out to pat Kamado Tanjiro's shoulder.

This kid is visibly stronger. Kamado Tanjiro is already physically strong, and the past two months of training have made his muscles tighter and tighter.

Hey, Mr. Ke Ling, why does your smell become weird? In addition to the smell of ghosts, it is also mixed with other smells.

Tanjiro Kamado smiled, and then asked with a puzzled look. In fact, when he smelled Mr. Ke Ling's scent, he hesitated for a moment because Mr. Ke Ling's scent was mixed with something else. The smell was something he had never smelled before.

It's all the result of my hard work.

Ke Ling was perfunctory and didn't explain much. Then he looked at the wooden house. Mr. Lintaki's smell was in it. His nose was relatively sensitive to smelling human smells.

You continue to practice, I'll go find Mr. Lintaki.

Ke Ling patted Kamado Tanjiro, and then walked towards the wooden house. Kamado Tanjiro scratched the back of his head, and wanted to follow him in to have a look, but he felt that it was not good, so he honestly stayed and continued practicing, but he obviously It’s already hard to concentrate.


Ke Ling knocked on the door, and Rin Taki Sakonji's voice came from inside the door.

Please come in.

Ke Ling pushed the door open and went in. He saw Nintaki Sakonji sitting on the edge of the bed, seemingly muttering something to Kamado Nezuko. After he came in, Nintaki Sakonji looked at him.

Ke Ling, have you figured it out?

Lin Takizao looked at Ke Ling for the last time. After not seeing each other for a while, Ke Ling had become more mature and calmer.

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