Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 147 Men’s Romance


Si'an Westan activated, and the demonic behemoth rushed towards the Grasshopper at an incredible speed, and slapped it on the ground. The Grasshopper, which is known for its lightweight and flexibility, did not react at all.


The mechanical armor fell to the ground, and the driver of the Grasshopper looked confused. The sudden appearance of the demonic behemoth looked like a monster crawling out of the abyss of hell, possessing terrifying power.

Although the Grasshopper is known for its lightweight, compared with other humanoid tanks that weigh several tons, the weight of the Grasshopper of nearly 500 kilograms is still crushing for humans.


The four scales spread out like sharp claws and stabbed towards the grasshopper. It was obvious that this demonic beast could hardly be called a human being.

The driver controlled the Grasshopper to block, and the demon beast suppressed him. Its two arms and the four tentacle-like things took turns attacking, making the Grasshopper unable to cope with it at all.

One arm of the Grasshopper mecha struggled with Ke Ling's hand, and the other hand held a giant sword to block Ke Ling's armor, but facing the four scales, he could no longer deal with it.

Buzz buzz!!!

The flight pack started, spitting out tail flames continuously, and the grasshopper began to fly close to the ground. The demon beast pressed on the grasshopper, moved with the grasshopper flying close to the ground, and crashed straight into on one side of the wall.


The two collided with the wall. Ke Ling's two horns arched hard and penetrated the wall. The grasshopper finally found a chance to escape. He got rid of Ke Ling and flew into the sky.

The flight backpack was steaming, and the overloaded operation almost made it useless, but fortunately it didn't completely emit black smoke.


Ke Ling released his wings, his Rc cells sprayed out, and his huge purple wings spread out. The fallen angel's wings waved and brought up a gust of wind. The demon rose into the sky and crashed into the swaying grasshopper.

Damn! What the hell is this?!

The pilot of the Grasshopper controlled the Grasshopper and tried to evade, but the flight pack was in strike mode and he did not completely dodge.


He had no choice but to swing the giant sword in his hand and slash at the demon beast.

Ke Ling dodged the slashing attack, stretched out his hand to grab the grasshopper's head, then dived toward the ground, pressed the grasshopper's head to the ground, and glided away for a distance along with the impact.

Boom boom boom!

Grasshopper's head kept rubbing against the ground, and fine lines were faintly visible on the high-tech helmet. The driver was so messed up inside that he felt like his brain was shocked to the point of being turned into mush. The virtual reality in front of him The interface keeps popping up red warnings.


Ke Ling and Grasshopper stopped next to Thrace. V and Jack looked at the scene of the demon fighting the mecha in front of them, and could only open their mouths wide, unable to express any useful opinions.

To be honest, they were really shocked. They naturally knew how powerful the Grasshopper was. After all, the Grasshopper was time-tested. It came out during the Fourth Corporate War. It has been perfected from generation to generation and is now very mature. war machine.

It's a bit exaggerated that Ke Ling can directly suppress this war machine with his body. No wonder the biotechnology company is offering a bounty to Ke Ling. There must be a damn bounty!


Ke Ling didn't know what V and Jack were thinking. His four scales kept thrusting out and hitting the grasshopper's limbs, making the grasshopper unable to move. The blue-purple sword in his hand also It kept thrusting out, bombarding the Grasshopper's helmet.

There is a special armored window in front of the Grasshopper helmet. The outside cannot see inside, but the people inside can clearly see the outside. A virtual reality interface like a game is displayed on it.

The driver looked at the terrifying demon beast that was constantly bombarding him, and felt despair from the bottom of his heart. This terrifying monster made him feel as if he was fighting an Arasaka Demon.

Arasaka Daigui is a super heavyweight battlefield ACPA. It has the image of an evil ghost. It also has two horns on its head. It is bigger than the monster in front of you. If it is Arasaka Daigui, it may have torn him into pieces. It is not at all A heavyweight.


Under Ke Ling's violent attack, the helmet of the grasshopper finally shattered. The sharp blue-purple armor penetrated the helmet and penetrated into the grasshopper. When it was pulled out, it was already stained with a lot of blood.

Puff! Puff!

After a few more thrusts, Ke Ling lifted the Grasshopper up. He had confirmed that the driver was dead and that this thing was no longer dangerous.

Ke Ling opened the trunk of Thracian. Although Thracian's trunk was not small, it was not a truck after all. It was impossible to completely stuff a mechanical armor like Grasshopper into it.

Why don't you throw it away! This thing is too heavy and too big!

Of course V understands Ke Ling's thoughts. As a garbage person, she also covets this grasshopper, but there is really no need to take risks for this thing. No matter how good the garbage is, she still has to save her life!

Wait a minute, I'll be ready soon.

Ke Ling didn't say anything more. The Rc Cell armor faded away and he returned to his anthropomorphic form. He held the grasshopper in his hand and stuffed it directly into the shadow. The driver was already dead. The grasshopper was a dead thing, so of course it could be stuffed directly. Into the shadow space.

Ke Ling was so anxious just now that he didn't think about it for the first time. He opened the car door and got into the seat in the back. Ke Ling patted the driver's seat.

Let's go!

Jack Wills started the car. In fact, even if the trunk can be put down, they should not load the Grasshopper. The Thracian is already heavy enough, and then pull a Grasshopper weighing nearly 500 kilograms. This car's The engine is really put to the test.

But Ke Ling doesn't have to worry about it if he puts it in the shadow space. The weight in the shadow space won't be reflected.

Thrace drove away from the battlefield and away from the prison and police station. The guards at the prison and police station were quelling the unrest of the criminals and did not allocate more troops to pursue them.

They feel that two vehicles plus one Grasshopper are completely enough. This is not arrogance. If it were ordinary people, 99.99% of them would not be able to escape. Especially when all the rocket launchers are fired, it would be difficult to even attack the Grasshopper. Cause effective damage.

Unfortunately, they met Ke Ling. With his physical strength alone, he was able to overpower the Grasshopper and fight. This fighting mecha, which was said to be invincible on the street, was no more than that in front of Ke Ling.


After the riot in the prison was quelled, the prison warden and the commander of the nearby police camp received news that the culprit had escaped.

How can it be?!

The camp commander looked incredulous. Even a Grasshopper couldn't kill those guys? ! And the Grasshopper was destroyed and lost contact? !

Do you want to report it to the higher authorities? That Amadou Javo ran away, and we haven't found anything useful from him yet.

The warden's face was also ugly. From the current point of view, this group of people came to save Amadou Javo. They were most likely Hanz's people, or they might be the cross-river dragons that Hanz had found.

I never heard that that guy has such a powerful person in his hands.

The camp commander frowned. In the five years since they took root in Dog Town, they had dealt with Hanz's people a lot. If Hanz had such a trump card, he would have played it long ago, so that they would not be used by them like they are now. Squeeze living space.

Report it to the superiors, we can't hide it.

After thinking about it for a while, the two chose to report the situation to the superior. This matter could be big or small, but the news of the attack was not small, and it certainly couldn't be hidden. It was better to report it to the superior.

Although they don't know the specific situation and haven't even seen the person who robbed the prison, Hanz is sure to have found a powerful helper. This can't be blamed on them. They have tried their best, but the other party can even solve the Grasshopper Lose!

It should be fine. The boss has never been very fond of Hanz. The middlemen are just a group of pimps.

The warden comforted himself, but this was true. Kurt Hansen had never thought highly of the middleman Mr. Hands. Strength was the last word. Hands only used some tricks. Under Kurt Hans Hansen doesn't seem to be able to get on the stage at all.

It can be said that the two sides have very different views on each other. Mr. Hanz has a very high evaluation of Kurt Hansen. Hansen is powerful, powerful, insatiable, and very smart. For Mr. Hanz, Said to be a very difficult enemy.

Kurt Hansen wants to hold the entire Dog Town in his hands, which is naturally difficult for a middleman like Mr. Hands to accept, because it will seriously damage his interests.

Kurt Hansen looked down on middlemen like Hanz who were hiding their heads and tail, but Mr. Hanz regarded Kurt Hansen as a life-or-death enemy. This difference in attitude may have doomed the final outcome of the two men.

In the political game of Dog Town, the person who laughs last is most likely Mr. Hands, not Kurt Hansen, who seems to be in full swing.

Club with worries, Ke Ling threw Amadou Jawo directly on the sofa, who was still in a coma.

They brought it to you intact.

Ke Ling spoke, and Mr. Hands took the teapot and started pouring tea. He poured Ke Ling, V, and Jack a cup of tea each.

I just said that I saw the right person. They are indeed professional. If my people were as capable as you, let alone Dog Town, even Taipingzhou or other places, it wouldn't be a problem.

While pouring tea, Mr. Hands said with a smile. This was a very pleasant thing to say. People in the middle are like this. Strength means everything. As long as you show your strength, they will immediately become amiable and eager to have a drink with you.

I like this flattery.

V is a submissive donkey. Mr. Hands' words made her laugh. Although it could be heard as a compliment, it felt very comfortable.

Just tell the truth. If you have any questions in the future, you can come to me. I will also ask you to help me do something. I hope we can have a happy cooperation.

Mr. Hands didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said. He raised his tea cup and drank tea with the three of them.

If you have any big orders, just come to us.

Jack smiled and drank it all in one gulp. Mr. Hands was very good at getting things done, and there was nothing bad for them to form a good relationship with such a person.

Middlemen have great powers, especially those who are rooted in the region. They have their own philosophy of survival and their own team. If they want to know some local information and do something locally, it will be much more convenient with their help.

The priest and the old captain are all representatives of this type. In Night City, it is much more effective to go to local gangsters than to the NCPD when there is something going on.

After bidding farewell to Mr. Hands, Ke Ling and the other three left the Preoccupation Club and went back to their respective homes. Ke Ling was eager to go back and study the newly acquired toy, the Grasshopper mecha.

High-precision weapons such as Nekomata and Asura, and cutting-edge Sianwestan prosthetics such as Reality Warp, Peregrine Falcon, and Apogee, may also be obtained through smuggling, robbery of transport teams, etc.

However, things like ACPA are difficult to leak out. The confidentiality level is quite high and the technology content is also very high. It is difficult for the private sector to copy it.

You're going to the operating room? Studying that grasshopper?

On the Thracian car, V asked Ke Ling, her eyes full of curiosity. She was also very interested in that grasshopper. After all, it was ACPA and she couldn't get in touch with it at all.


Of course Jack Wells was also very interested. He immediately turned around and the two of them did not go home. They followed Ke Ling to the operating room. Of course Ke Ling had no objection to this.

When they arrived at the operating room, Ke Ling took out the Grasshopper from the shadow space. The three of them fiddled with it for a while before opening the ACPA and taking out the body. The Grasshopper was already filled with blood and stings and needed to be treated properly. Clean it up.

After cleaning, the three people pulled out the Grasshopper and began to study it. Mechas are men's romance. Although Grasshopper is only a lightweight mecha, the three of them still couldn't put it down. Well, although V is a woman, But she is obviously different.

The virtual reality interface uses Segadari's interface, which is the best at present. Zeta Technology's ACPA seems to have been using Segadari's interface. They have not done deep research in this aspect.

Jack said that he had paid attention to this stuff. He was very interested in motorcycles, cars and other things, and he often saw news related to ACPA.


Ke Ling paused. The name sounded a bit familiar. There were still many companies in this world that Ke Ling was familiar with. Of course, some companies had seemingly different names.

Take Macroware, for example. Ke Ling was almost stunned when he saw it for the first time. I'm afraid it wasn't an Easter egg. This Macroware company loves to release semi-finished games. Think of the grand occasion when Cyberpunk 2077 was first released. , Ke Ling could only say that the Polish jackass had screwed him up.

SegAtari, as you can tell from the name, was formed by the merger of Sega and Atari. They developed a virtual reality interface in 2014. Of course, this thing was initially applied to games, making fighting games popular. for a while.

But a year later, in 2015, the virtual reality interface was applied to ACPA by Mitsubishi-Sugao Company, and the first ACPA was born, which can be truly applied in actual combat.

ACPA means auxiliary infantry combat armor. The first prototype Kakashi was born in 2010 and was manufactured by Mitsubishi-Sugao Corporation. This company was formed by the merger of Sugo Industries and Mitsubishi. The owner of the company The project of the battalion is to manufacture armored fighting vehicles, tanks, and automobiles.

There are many merging companies in this world, such as Kenjiri-Adachi Military Industries, Sega Dali, Mitsubishi-Sugao. There is no way, they are all for survival. Merging can lead to better development. Of course, there are also some who have failed in business wars and were forced to merge.

The history of ACPA can be traced back to 1993. The Japanese Self-Defense Force announced the development of a fully capable vehicle intelligent control mecha. At that time, Western media and military institutions expressed disdain for this idea. No one thought that this thing could really be used. There are results.

But in 2015, Mitsubishi-Sugao really made this thing. By 2017, Mitsubishi-Sugao and Arasaka cooperated, and ACPA began to be put into large-scale mass production.

At this time, European and American companies and military agencies really realized that something was wrong. The earliest Grasshopper was born at that time. Grasshopper focused on lightweighting and took a differentiated path from other ACPAs. Don't tell me, it really was. Let Zeta Technology play with it, and Grasshopper still exists to this day.

“Can this grasshopper still work?”

V pointed to the helmet that was punctured by Ke Ling. This place is quite critical, as it is where the virtual reality interface is loaded.

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