Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 146 Grasshopper

In a place like this, you don't have to think twice to know that the entrance must be protected by optical camouflage, but the courtyard wall may not be able to protect it.

Ke Ling remembered that he used to play games and do stealth assassinations, and he always liked to climb over walls. Even if he could go through the door, he would never take it with him. Maybe he liked to run around after playing Assassin's Creed too much.

It is now eight or nine o'clock, and the sky is as dark as a black diamond. Dog Town is far less prosperous than Night City. It can be seen from the number of neon lights that the night in Dog Town has a bit of a night feel, unlike the night city. The city is full of neon colors.

Avoiding the illumination of the searchlight, Ke Ling began to take action. The prison wall was very high, at least six or seven meters in height. Naturally, there were a lot of protective measures on the wall. There were electric grids and spikes, but these protections were definitely Even Ke Ling couldn't help it.

Ke Ling stepped on the courtyard wall in a few steps, directly over the electric grid and spikes. This height was indeed nothing to him.

Landing firmly on the ground, Ke Ling did not continue to move. He looked around, his nose twitching constantly, and the smell of humans came over him. Ke Ling judged their location.

Several searchlights were constantly scanning the surroundings. Ke Ling avoided the searchlights. The searchlights might have the ability to illuminate optical camouflage. He didn't want to test it, so he just stayed away.

How about it?

V's voice came to his ears. Ke Ling had left the prison yard and found a barracks. The prison was not big, but there was still a yard. The prisoners and guards always had to move around.

It's not certain whether the Ghost Dog is useful or not. After all, the prisoners captured by them probably don't have any human rights.

Don't worry, I'm thinking.

Ke Ling leaned against the wall. He restrained his breath and relied entirely on his nose to locate himself. This time was actually not suitable. The guards were still active and it was not yet time for people to rest quietly in the dead of night.

However, Ke Ling could feel that their vigilance was very weak. The sound in the room was noisy, and it sounded like they were playing cards, and it was also gambling in nature.

It's normal when you think about it. This is Dog Town, a Dog Town ruled by Kurt Hansen. Who dares to find anything about their Ghost Dogs in Dog Town?

Ke Ling avoided the barracks and found the place where the prisoners were kept. Compared with the bustling barracks, it was relatively deserted here, but the guards were still very lax. There was no one standing guard at the door. They all huddled in the guard room bored. inside.

Six guards, two patrolling the cells and four in the guard room, give it a try.

Ke Ling did not hesitate and approached the cell directly. It was nonsense to try to get in through the window because the window was very small and the entire cell was very closed. There was no place to enter or exit except the door. After all, it was a place dedicated to holding prisoners.

The four guards in the guard room were chatting. They did not realize Ke Ling's approach until Ke Ling came to the door.


The guard room remembered the siren, and the four guards responded immediately. They quickly picked up their weapons and looked at the door. This was an alarm that detected fluctuations in the optical camouflage.


Ke Ling did not hesitate. The Shadow Sword Box appeared at his hand. He unsheathed his swords and activated Si'an Westan. He rushed directly towards the four guards. Between the lightning and flint, gunshots rang out fiercely. The four guards quickly acted. There was a reaction.

Dang Dang Dang!!!

Ke Ling swung his swords and blocked the bullets. The bullets were reflected back by him and hit the four guards in the guard room.

What happened?! Exposed?!

V's voice sounded again. Although the alarm only sounded in the guard room, the sound of the gunshot spread far away. Both V and Jack Wills had heard it, so they were naturally anxious.

I've been exposed. I'll give it a try. You guys should be ready to retreat.

Ke Ling replied. At the same time, the double swords in his hands had already cut off a head. Under the sudden attack, the space was not very wide. The four guards had very little operating space. They were completely passive. Ke Ling quickly solved.

Ke Ling picked up a few grenades and rushed directly into the cell. The entire prison had been alerted, leaving him little time.

Boom boom!!!

Two explosions were heard, and Ke Ling turned around and saw that it was over the prison door. Smoke was billowing at this time, as if he had been attacked. V and Jack were helping him attract attention.

You all die!

V carried the rocket launcher with an extremely excited expression, and fired another round, directly blasting towards the searchlight that was shining on her and Jack. The door had already been blown down by her and Jack one by one.


The lighthouse was blown up, and the guards in the prison drew their attention to her. The guards quickly rushed to the gate to support them. They thought there were many people attacking the gate.

The gunfire in the prison had stopped. The warden only sent a few people to check the cells, and more guards were sent to the gate.

This is a blameless choice. In contrast, guarding the door is definitely more important. People who sneak in can't make any big noise.

what happened?!

In the cell, the two guards patrolling the cell ran out with guns in hand and happened to bump into Ke Ling. The two shot directly. Ke Ling rushed towards the two without stopping.


The hot blade of the thermal samurai sword cut through the subcutaneous armor and cut off one guard's head cleanly. Kuink's Blood Cry was inserted into the chest of another guard.

The sudden change made the prisoners in the cell a little confused, but soon someone reacted and started shouting at Ke Ling:

Get me out! I have a lot of savings! As long as you get me out, I'll give it all to you!

The prisoners became excited and kept shouting and shouting. They didn't want to miss this opportunity and hacked the guards to death. No need to think about it, they must have come to save people. Maybe they could get a ride. He ran out for a ride.

Ke Ling waved his two swords and cut off the cell door lock with a click sound. The prisoners rushed out while shouting words of thanks, looking ecstatic. Of course, some people did not move. These are smart people. , knowing that rushing out would mean death.

Ke Ling quickly found his target, Amadou Javo. He was obviously a smart man and did not run away. Of course, it might also be because he simply couldn't run away.

Amadou Jawo?

Ke Ling compared the pictures given by Mr. Hands and found that this guy was right. This middle-aged man looked like he had suffered a lot of torture, with injuries all over his body, and he was lying very weak in the cell.

I am. You are from Mr. Hands.

Amadou Jawo looked at Ke Ling, but before he finished speaking, Ke Ling picked him up and rushed directly out of the cell.

Bang bang bang!!!

There was loud gunfire outside the cell. The guards who came to reinforce met the prisoners who were fleeing. They opened fire without hesitation, and the prisoners also fought back. They picked up the weapons of six guards, but their return fire was not It didn't last long.

Compared with the guards, the prisoners obviously did not have any advantages. Their fighting qualities and weapons and equipment were crushed in all directions, and they were quickly slaughtered by the guards like mowing grass.

Ke Ling took advantage of the chaos and rushed out. The shadow shield protected Amadou Javo. Ke Ling was not afraid of bullets, but Amadou Javo was. If this guy was accidentally shot, it would be easy to save him, but saving him Finally, you have to use Rc cell inhibitor.

Ke Ling didn't intend to waste the few Rc cell inhibitors on this guy, so he used his shadow to protect this guy. Of course, he must have been knocked unconscious beforehand.

It's time to take the time to go back and get some more Rc cell inhibitors.

Ke Ling thought as he quickly turned a corner and went in a different direction from the other prisoners. He would definitely not take the main entrance. These prisoners could not climb up the wall, but he could easily climb out.

Boom boom boom!

A few grenades were thrown out, hoping that the prisoners would be able to delay a little longer and relieve some pressure on V and Jack.

Why haven't you come out yet?! I can't stand it anymore! The two of us retreat first!

V's voice sounded, and the sound of gunfire continued to come over there. After all, there were only two of them, so it was normal for them to be unable to withstand it.

I'm going to climb out over the wall, run away first, and we'll meet up later.

Ke Ling said, he had quickly climbed out of the wall, there was a noise here, the guards in the former NCPD police station next door were obviously alerted, they had to run now, otherwise they would definitely be killed later. Being made into dumplings.

Church! Someone is coming to make dumplings! Let's retreat!

Hearing Ke Ling's words, V immediately took a few steps back and retreated into the car. Although she was having a great time fighting, it would be troublesome if she was surrounded.

Go, go, go!

Jack Wills started the car, Thracian's engine began to roar, and as soon as there was a commotion inside, their pressure was indeed relieved. This wave of cooperation was very good, leaving these guys in a dilemma.


After another bombardment, V retracted directly into Thrace, the car snaked and drove away quickly despite the hail of bullets.


Jack Wills shouted, very excited, Thrac gradually accelerated, and two cars drove out of the prison behind them, following closely behind them.

We have no more cannons, get rid of them.

V looked into the trunk and saw that all the ammunition had been used. Now he could only use his gun, but the cars behind him were obviously bulletproof.

Bang bang bang!

The bullets hit the car, making a clanging sound. The pursuers behind leaned out of the window and kept putting pressure on them.

Oh shit!

V stuck out her head and fired at the car behind her. She was a marksman and her gun was very steady. The pursuers immediately did not dare to take the lead.

Ke Ling! Where are you? Let's pick you up!

Jack Wells shouted on the voice channel that it was just two vehicles chasing troops, which was not a problem for them. He felt there was no pressure and could go and pick up Ke Ling.

Bring the pursuers here and I will deal with them.

Ke Ling sent the location. He was actually out of danger. After climbing out of the wall, he was not pursued.

Apparently there were so many prisoners that the guards probably didn't even notice that he had escaped over the wall with Amadou Javo.

Ke Ling, V, and Jack were not far away. Thrace turned a corner and arrived at Ke Ling's location in a short while, followed closely by the two pursuing cars.


Ke Ling jumped down from the wall on one side, and four scarlet scales overturned the car, causing the two cars to collide directly.

Boom boom boom!

The four scales were waving wildly and beating the two cars. The people inside could not get out at all. They returned to the west with an explosion, and the two cars were completely destroyed.


Ke Ling called it a day and got in the car. He knew best whether a person was dead or not. He could tell by looking at whether the experience points were added or not. Although it became difficult to obtain experience points, these Netherworld Dogs people were not bad at all. It doesn't provide any experience points at all.


Before the car started, a shell exploded next to the Thracian car. Ke Ling just put down Amadou Javo, who had been knocked unconscious. He turned around and saw a figure approaching quickly in the sky.

It was a mechanical armor with a backpack flight system behind it. It was said to be a backpack, but it was actually like a glider, but a glider with a powerful power system.

ACPA! Grasshopper!

Seeing that figure, Jack Wells shouted in surprise. He could only say that the Netherworld Dogs were indeed a serious army. They had everything. It was not surprising that they had ACPA armor.

Bang bang bang!

V fired back, firing continuously at the figure hovering in the sky. Her marksmanship was very accurate, and her hit rate on the moving target was very high, but all the bullets bounced off the ACPA armor.

Grasshopper ACPA Armor is a product of Zeta Technology. Among ACPA armors, this is a very lightweight product. It is generally used for reconnaissance and special operations. No wonder it can catch up with them. ACPA is not so heavyweight on the battlefield. It’s so fast that even the “backpack flight system” needs to be modified before it can be used.


The Grasshopper ACPA landed quickly and stood in front of Thrace. The heavy machine gun in his hand started shooting directly at the car glass.


The bullet hit the thick bulletproof car window and bounced off, but the sound it made was heart-stopping. No matter how strong the shield was, it couldn't withstand constant beatings, let alone being strafed at this distance.

Jack accelerated and rushed forward. The flight pack behind the ACPA armor took off and stood directly on the roof of the Thracian car.


V and Jack cursed together, and Ke Ling opened the car door without saying a word. He turned over and jumped on the roof of the car, throwing himself at the ACPA armor.


With one fist, Ke Ling hit the ACPA armor's head directly. The Grasshopper ACPA was not big, but it was taller than ordinary people. It was over two meters tall and looked very powerful.

The Grasshopper is nicknamed the ACPA for street fighting. The main reason is that it is too lightweight and will be torn apart by other humanoid tanks weighing several tons on the battlefield. But on the street, when fighting with people, its advantages are It is clear.

If Ke Ling's punch hit a person's head, it would definitely explode. But if it hit the grasshopper on the head, it would just make the grasshopper tilt its head. After all, it is a combat mecha, and its performance is here. It's not something that can be easily solved.


Grasshopper dropped the machine gun and pulled out the equipped knight's sword. This sword was also larger than the ordinary one and was obviously specially customized.

Ke Ling's four scales were thrown out and hit the Grasshopper directly, knocking the mechanical armor off the car. Then he jumped up directly and pounced on the Grasshopper who fell on the ground. The four tails pierced out like sharp blades, and the blue-purple Jiahe poked out, and the sharp blade stabbed straight into the head of Grasshopper.

Grasshopper stood firm on the ground, jumped back, sprayed energy from his jetpack, and avoided Ke Ling's attack. He waved his big sword and slashed directly at Ke Ling who fell on the ground.

Ke Ling raised Jiahe to block the blow, and a huge force came from him, making him take two steps back. The war machine is indeed stronger than the human body, even if it is equipped with a prosthetic body, in front of this kind of war machine , and will definitely be at a disadvantage.

The fighting mecha is awesome? Watch me tear you apart with my hands!

Ke Ling did not hesitate and directly activated the Hezhe Transformation. The Rc cells spurted out and quickly formed a layer of armor on his body. The sharp horns, sharp claws, and devil legs were all exposed. His figure grew several times larger than this. Grasshopper is even bigger.

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