Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 137 Flesh Puppet

Ke Ling manipulated the Hezi monster and tried to put it into the shadow space. Unsurprisingly, it failed. The Hezi monster created with Weihe was not accepted by the shadow space.

If ordinary Hebao and Hezi are put in, there will be no problem, and they can be used just as well when taken out. Logically speaking, this Hezi monster is actually a Hebao plus a mutated Hezi. There must be a reason why it cannot be put in.

Try remodeling it.

Ke Ling was not discouraged. He let the Hezi monster lie back on the operating bed, then took out a lot of Kuinkang and began to transform the Hezi monster. He probably had some guesses.

In this transformation, Ke Ling used the method of making Kuink. He tried to completely transform the Hezi monster into Kuink, completely eliminating the activity of the Hezi monster.

After being completely deactivated, this Hezi monster will become like an ordinary Kuink, no longer having any plasticity, and become a real flesh and blood puppet.

According to Ke Ling's guess, the Hezi monster probably has a bit of metaphysics in it. For example, the manipulated Izumi Takatsuki was able to return to his light in the end, and Noroi also briefly regained consciousness before being completely destroyed.

There is also the consciousness of the original owner in the body, and it can even temporarily regain consciousness. It is indeed difficult to say that this thing is a purely dead thing.

This thing is considered a dead thing, but it is not completely dead. If it is stuck, it is a dead thing. Shadow Space obviously does not recognize this state.

After completely eliminating the activity and turning it into a product with similar properties to Kuink, this thing should be acceptable.

Although this is all Ke Ling's own guess, the purpose of the experiment is to verify the guess. If the verification fails in the end, then taking out the He bag and giving an injection of Rc cell inhibitor will eliminate this thing without leaving any traces. Ke Ling still left one or two tubes of Rc cell inhibitor for emergency use.

The technology for making Kuink was naturally obtained from Kano Akihiro. Although Kano Akihiro majored in medicine and had worked as a dissector before, he had not studied Kuink in depth.

But Akihiro Kano is very concerned about any research related to resurrection from the dead, and Standing Humanoid Kuink is one of them.

Standing Humanoid Kuink is an abandoned project. Related research was conducted in Germany, where Kano Akihiro came into contact with it.

This standing humanoid Kuink is made from the corpse of a ghoul. It is controlled using the principles of Huba Control and Remote Control Structure. The final product is Corpse Control, which can make the dead The ghouls fight like they were alive, and can even speak and communicate, which is very magical.

The two SS-level ghouls, Madoka Furuma and Kaoru Nirumi of the Anding District Cafe, were transformed into Standing Humanoid Kuink after death. Kano Akihiro's thoughts on resurrection from the dead Research made this originally abandoned plan finally come to fruition.

Of course, Kano Akihiro's research has just started, and it has definitely not yet created such results. What Ke Ling is doing now can only be said to be a bankrupt version of Standing Humanoid Kuink.

Ke Ling did not expect to be able to create a complete version of the standing humanoid Kuink. He could only say that he knew that he did not have the scientific research capabilities yet. He could not understand the research for the time being, so he could only hope that Kano Akihiro would continue. tried.

But this does not prevent Ke Ling from experimenting on this Hezi monster. Anyway, this thing is not dead, so it can be used for him to practice his skills.

Hi~ No, try again.

Oh~ It's wrong again, do it again!

Come again!

Ke Ling tried to transform it over and over again. He really didn't have much hands-on practical experience, but this is the meaning of the existence of this Hezi monster. There are some things that you will never know if you don't practice. To draw parallels, you must first touch it before talking about it.

After a busy day and countless failures, Ke Ling finally succeeded. He deactivated this monster and created it into an existence like Kuink.

The final result is of course far from the standing humanoid Kuink, and there is no comparison, but as a Kuink puppet, this thing is fully qualified, having both Kuink Gang and Rc Advantages of Cells.

Let's call you flesh puppet.

Looking at the results of his experiment, Ke Ling happily gave it a name. After all, it was done by himself.

If it were a complete Standing Humanoid Kuink, this ability could be directly named Reincarnation in the Dirty Land.

Ke Ling is able to achieve what he is now, thanks to the tail of Human Nick. If it weren't for the tail of Hepburn, who can create monsters, Ke Ling wouldn't even be able to understand this flesh puppet.

Ke Ling manipulated the flesh puppet into the shadow space, and succeeded easily. The flesh puppet that was completely transformed into Kuinke no longer has any ability to bring people back to life. The flesh puppet has completely separated from the original owner of the body. Contact was broken.

If we make more of this thing, wouldn't it be possible to directly operate it with hundreds of machines? I am the insect swarm? One person can become an army?

Ke Ling took out the flesh puppet and got used to the feeling of controlling this thing. In fact, this thing is quite a test of one's spirit.

This flesh and blood puppet is like an incarnation outside the body, moving with thoughts, so manipulating this thing naturally requires some attention.

Is it possible to use technology chips or the like to control it?

Sitting on the chair, Ke Ling was controlling the flesh puppets that looked like ancient gods coming to the world, while thinking about whether there was any way to be lazy. If he could directly use skill chips to control these flesh puppets, it would be much easier for him. .

Ding ding ding!

Just as Ke Ling was thinking about it, a call came in. It was V's profile picture and number.

Ke Ling, what are you doing?! I sent you a message and I didn't reply!

Ke Ling answered the phone, and V immediately raised questions on the other end. She wondered if Ke Ling had gone out to cause trouble behind their backs again.

I'm in the operating room, doing research, what's wrong?

Ke Ling cleaned himself up, put the flesh and blood puppet into the shadow space, and answered V's questions as he went out.

Didn't I send you a message? Jack and I picked up money!

V said, still sounding a little excited, and he was talking non-stop. Ke Ling slowly understood. The two people brought a chicken coop, and then gave the money from the sale to one pot.

How much?

Ke Ling was a little confused. Seeing how excited V was, how much had he picked up?

“I’m afraid I’ll scare you if I tell you, 150,000!”

V finally told the reason why they were so happy. Good guy, I picked up 150,000, which really made me smile.

This thing is really quite profitable. Counting what we sold ourselves in the past two days, we must have more than 200,000 yuan in our account, right?

As Ke Ling walked back, he sighed, In this business, you can make money quickly. Sure enough, the ways to make money quickly are written in the criminal law.

That's right, you didn't see that the chicken sellers had a lot of people. Jack and I thought they needed someone above them, so we took the money and didn't dare to stay any longer. They might be targeting us.

V continued, the chicken sellers were obviously organized, maybe they were already being targeted by their colleagues.

Unlike them who had just started in the black market, this group of chicken dealers had obviously grown to a large scale and had established effective connections with homeless people outside the city.

This group of people probably collected their chicken from the homeless tribe outside the city. They may have raised it themselves or they may have smuggled it in. In short, they have formed an interest group.

What a bullshit interest group. If we can't live in peace and harmony, then let's see what the real deal is.

Ke Ling laughed and cursed, can this be called an interest group? The Wanderer tribe doesn't care who sells the goods for them. As long as someone takes it and the price is fair, they will sell it to anyone.

In other words, if this group of meat dealers are eliminated, they can take over the vacated market. As long as the price is fair, can the Wandering Tribe keep the chickens and not sell them?

You're right. If you mess with us, you can only say that these meat dealers are short-sighted.

Ke Ling's words were recognized by V. They were just a group of chicken sellers, how could they go up to the sky? If they dare to cause trouble again, then they will have a good fight with these guys.

In fact, V and Jack are a little jealous of the profits of this group of people. The market recognition of these guys is obviously much higher than theirs.

The things Ke Ling makes are all products consumed by the petty bourgeoisie. Although the price of each product is high, the market is indeed not big.

It is true that chicken cannot be sold at a high price in Night City due to various reasons such as bird flu, but it cannot afford small profits but quick turnover. This is already a mature industry, so it will naturally make more money than them.

The two chatted for a while and hung up. Ke Ling saw a message from the old captain. He had returned to his cabin at this time.

Mr. Ke Ling, someone wants to talk to you because of business matters.

The message from the old captain, coupled with what V and Jack had just done, immediately made Ke Ling understand who wanted to contact him.


Ke Ling replied that the old captain immediately sent relevant information, all about this group of meat traders.

Klee Hall, an old Taipingzhou native, runs an organic meat business on the black market. He manages four to five hundred people under his control. His home base is in Taipingzhou.

This Klee Hall is the leader of this group of meat dealers. The old Taiping people mean that he is not an immigrant from Haiti, but an aborigine who originally lived in Taiping.

Now I understand that this Klee Hall is not only related to the Wanderer tribe, but also sells goods from Taipingzhou and Dog Town. There may be someone behind him.

It is said that he started from scratch. I rarely get involved in Taipingzhou affairs and don't know much about him. This person is actually quite reliable. The quality of the organic meat he sells has always been pretty good.

The old captain expressed his opinion. Obviously, although they didn't have many interactions, he had a good impression of Klee Hall. Otherwise, he wouldn't have recommended the order to V and Jack Wills, but he didn't expect it. Something happened in the end.

Do you think his men acted on their own initiative?

Ke Ling heard what the old captain meant. The old captain's evaluation of this Klee Hall seemed to be quite high.

I can't say for sure, but it certainly doesn't seem like something Klee Hall would do.

The old captain expressed his opinion. He still suggested that Ke Ling have a chat with Klee Hall, who sells organic meat on the black market.

As you say, let's have a chat.

Ke Ling did not refuse and gave the old captain some face. The old captain obviously felt a little embarrassed when such a thing happened.

Soon, Klee Hall added Ke Ling, and he directly sent an address, an unfinished small building in Taipingzhou District.

Send the two men who killed my brother here, and the matter between us will be wiped out. 28 for 2, which is enough to give the old captain face.

Klee Hall sent a message, which made Ke Ling laugh directly. Don't say it. You really don't say it. It really gives you face.

Wait, then.

Ke Ling replied, and then directly forwarded the message to V and Jack, which directly caused questions from the two of them.

Who is this? The boss of that group? Is he out of his mind?

Jack's answer was straightforward and, obviously, impossible to accept.

Give them a surprise at 12 noon tomorrow.

V's answer was more direct, why are such people talking nonsense to them?

Okay, I've made an appointment with him.

Ke Ling smiled. It seemed that V and Jack still didn't beat the gang to pain. They really hurt them, so naturally they didn't dare to raise any opinions.

Of course he can understand Klee Hall's approach. As the boss, faced with this situation, he must seek justice for his subordinates. Even if he is unreasonable, he cannot remain indifferent, otherwise how can he survive in the future? How can my subordinates be convinced?

But understanding is understanding, and when it's time to take action, Ke Ling will not be soft-hearted. The only blame for this incident can only be blamed on Klee Hall's own lack of strict control. His people picked the wrong opponent.


The old captain was even more embarrassed, but for Klee Hall, it was already quite a show of respect to only hand over the two culprits of the murder, and he didn't even mention the money that was taken away.

Klee Hall really had to give the old captain some face. After all, if the old captain wanted to destroy his business in Santo Domingo, it would be easy and he would lose a large market.

It's just that this face is obviously not enough for Ke Ling and the others, and it is no different from not giving them any face.

I'll take you with me.

Although the negotiation was unsuccessful, the old captain was loyal and prepared to help Ke Ling and others deal with Klee Hall and his gang.

Forget it, it's not easy for you Santo Domingo people to enter Taipingzhou with great fanfare. It may easily cause unnecessary conflicts.

Ke Ling rejected the old captain's kindness. The old captain could call many people, but if the matter got serious, it might involve more forces, such as the Voodoo Gang, the managers of Taipingzhou District.

They might be related to the Voodoo Gang. After all, these Haitians in Taipingzhou are under the management of the Voodoo Gang. They collect organic meat, so they must have to deal with the Voodoo Gang.

The old captain still wanted to come over and help, but there was no one in Santo Domingo who was afraid of trouble.

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