Please Call Me Cyber Ghost King

Chapter 136 Ke Ling’s Experiment

Mr. Ke Ling, Saint-Domingue will never forget this kindness.

When Ke Ling cured all the children with severe symptoms, the old captain Muammar Reyes respected him from the bottom of his heart. This was nothing more than 150 living lives. Represents the future life of Santo Domingo.

Will Saint Domingo forget that your old captain's words don't count. People's hearts are fickle, not to mention they are just a group of children.

Ke Ling smiled and shook his head. He would not believe such words. It would be a bit exaggerated to rise to the level of the entire Saint-Domingue. After all, once the base number becomes large, some monsters and monsters will definitely appear.

Is this why you didn't let those children know where they were being treated? Are you worried that these children would leak the news?

The old captain paused. Ke Ling arranged the matter very secretly. None of the children knew where they were treated or who the person who treated them was.

That's right, I don't care if Saint Domingo forgets it, as long as your old captain remembers it. Compared with other people's verbal gratitude, I believe in your old captain's loyalty more.

As Ke Ling spoke, he stretched out a hand to the old captain, and the latter reached out and shook it with him with a serious look.

It is true that I, Muammar Reyes, cannot represent the entire Santo Domingo, but I can still be considered to have some energy. From now on, Muammar will never refuse Mr. Keling's invitation.

The old captain said his promise with a serious face. If Ke Ling chose to trust him, he would give his own reward.

With your words, I feel relieved. I will try to find ways to get some medicines and try to use them for more children.

Ke Ling nodded with satisfaction. The old captain's integrity was still trustworthy. This guy was also a breath of fresh air in the City of Night.

Can we help?

The old captain asked immediately. Ke Ling had already told him that a special medicine must be used after the operation, otherwise the person who underwent the operation would fall into a deep coma.

Although the old captain didn't understand what was going on, he knew one thing clearly: that state was very dangerous, so the operation could only be performed with the use of medicine.

You can't get involved. You can't even see any news related to it on the market. This thing is beyond your reach.

Ke Ling shook his head and began to exaggerate the importance of Rc cell inhibitor. The more difficult the operation, the more precious the medicine used, and the higher the value of the favor. This trick is still very useful for the old captain.


The old captain was silent for a moment. He actually didn't believe it. As the most famous middleman in Santo Domingo District and one of the most famous people in Night City, he didn't believe that he couldn't get what Ke Ling could get. This was his fault. The confidence gained from being in Night City for so many years.

No matter how precious the medicine is, as long as you are skilled enough, you can always get it. Even medicines that are still in the experimental stage may leak out.

What's more, the old captain himself knew many people in the company. The reason why they were able to keep snatching medicines and equipment to treat diseases was based on the information provided by informants in the company.

Maria Sparks, the head of the project that had polluted Santo Domingo's water, was now their informant.

When they first found the guy, they originally wanted to take revenge, but after catching the guy, they found out that these company dogs were also victims. These company dogs were also drinking contaminated water. The company did not tell them the real situation at all. .

Maria Sparks still had some conscience and chose to cooperate with them, providing them with information about the company's transportation team from time to time so that they could obtain treatment drugs and equipment.

Although these stolen medicines and equipment cannot completely cure the disease, they can at least help patients relieve their pain, allowing them to live easier and longer.

The most important thing is that they constantly grab medicines and equipment to treat patients, so that those suffering from water pollution diseases can feel that they are still cared about and that they still have the value of existence. This is The government cannot provide it.

I won't joke about this kind of thing, Muammar. If it's really that easy to get, I definitely won't hide it and let you do it. Isn't it easier than doing it myself?

Ke Ling could see what the old captain was thinking. It was normal for the old captain to think so. After all, he was a well-informed middleman. The old captain must be very confident in his intelligence network.

For this potion, I will only mention one example, Devor Collins. You should know the dangers of this thing, right?

Ke Ling did not reveal his identity directly, but mentioning Devor Collins should make the old captain understand the dangers involved in this potion and make the old captain shy away from it.

From a biotech company?

Sure enough, when he heard Devor Collins, the old captain frowned.

The Immortal Demon has been the top figure in Night City during this period. There is also a Devil Gang in Santo Domingo. Of course he knows a lot about it. If this potion is of the same level as Devor Collins, , then they really can't reach it.


The old captain became worried. Can Ke Ling really get such a confidential level of medicine again? This is too dangerous!

Of course, the old captain had to worry about Ke Ling's safety. After all, Old Wei had told him that this medicine was just the last step, and Ke Ling's treatment was the key. Only this medicine, without Ke Ling, still could not cure the disease, so Nothing should happen to Ke Ling.

Don't worry, I know what's going on, don't worry about me.

Ke Ling's expression was serious, and he did all the tricks when he was acting. No matter how many people the old captain saw, he still couldn't stand his tricks.

Besides, everything Ke Ling said can stand up to the investigation. Even if the old captain tried his best, he would not be able to find any relevant information. Just like when he checked the information about Devor Collins, it was something that did not exist at all. Where to check?


The old captain remained silent, his expression becoming more and more complex. This debt was too heavy, and he really didn't have enough life to repay it.

I won't send it to you.

Ke Ling naturally understood the principle of too much is too much. He didn't say anything else, but simply said goodbye to the old captain.

The old captain got in the car and left with a melancholy look on his face. He was obviously a little unhappy that he couldn't help.

But it's not like he can't help with anything. At least he can help Ke Ling sell goods. With his help, Ke Ling's contraband shop market has broadened a lot.

After all, unlike the priest, the old captain is already in the second-hand car business. He has a wide range of channels, which he can use just right.

This old captain has something up his sleeve!

Only two days later, V expressed emotion. She and Jack had been running around delivering goods in the past two days. The old captain had received many orders, including various kinds of meat, fruits, and tea. The priest is much more efficient here.

Of course, the priest's side is more stable, they are all old customers, and there is nothing to worry about. The old captain's side is a mixed bag, with everyone there, and there are a lot of things to pay attention to.

Is this here?

Jack drove the car and stopped in front of a four-story building. It was a large building, but it didn't look like he could afford it.

cheer up.

V squinted her eyes, and she also noticed the problem. Although they had made a lot of money in the past two days, they also encountered problems that they had not encountered before, such as deliberately deceiving them to come out and take advantage of others.

Damn it, is it so hard to make money honestly? You have to look for trouble.

Jack stopped the car, carried the bag containing the goods behind his back, had already drawn both guns, and entered the building first, cursing.

V also directly took out Ajax. This is how doing business on the black market is. First of all, you must have the ability to protect your goods, otherwise you will be unlucky if others take advantage of you.

The two entered the building and soon arrived at the trading room. The people they met along the way were not surprised by this, but they all stayed away quickly, for fear that they would get into a fight and get blood on them.

Dang Dang Dang!

Jack Wells took the lead and knocked on the door directly, while V watched the surroundings vigilantly from behind, his prosthetic eyes flashing.


The door was opened, and two guys in flashy clothes blocked the door.

Have you brought anything?

A cockscomb man asked, holding a cigarette in his mouth and puffing away, and the smoke he exhaled went straight into Jack Wills' face.

I brought it, where's the money?

Jack took a step back, with an unsightly expression on his face. The smoke didn't look like an ordinary cigarette. I'm afraid these guys might have smoked too much.

Let's take a look at the goods first.

Cockscomb reached out to grab the backpack, but Jack slapped his hand away.

Just watch, don't move your hands or feet.

Jack opened his backpack, and there was a lot of stuff inside, including meat, fruits, vegetables, tea, etc. The group ordered a lot of things.

Okay, okay, everything is quite complete, come in.

The cockscomb head was slapped by Jack. He bared his teeth and rubbed his hands to get out of the way. Jack Wells's height was not in vain.

Jack glanced at V. The street girl squinted her eyes, and the expression on her face gradually became excited. She nodded and followed through the door.

As soon as the two of them entered, the door was already closed, the room was filled with smoke, and many people were looking at V and Jack with playful expressions.

Ha, there's a little girl here too. I'm so blessed today. Don't even try to compete with me.

A big man stood up, his eyes fixed on V, and the little girl in his mouth was naturally none other than V on the street.


As soon as he finished speaking, a gunshot rang out, and the big man fell directly on his back. A bullet hole was clearly visible between his eyebrows. The expression on his face was a mixture of lewd laughter and surprise, which looked very funny.

Shut up if you can't speak.

V's voice sounded, and her prosthetic eyes had marked everyone in the room.

If you still want the goods, pay for them as soon as possible.

Jack scratched his nose and spoke to the confused gangsters.

Damn it! Kill them!

This was like poking a hornet's nest, and the gangsters immediately woke up.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of gunshots echoed in the room. Jack swooped towards the gangster who was giving orders. He punched the guy in the face with his casserole-sized fist and pinned him to the ground.

Someone tried to come up to save him, but Jack punched him in the face again, sending him flying out and slamming into the wall.

Don't fucking move!

Jack Wells picked up the badly beaten leader and roared, making the room quiet.


V snapped her fingers, and in a blink of an eye, she had killed five gangsters, all with one headshot.

Jack was able to hold down the leader so easily, which was a big credit to her. She killed all the guys in the way.

Let go of our boss!

The shouts of the gangsters were already a bit harsh. It was just a face-to-face meeting. There were so many of them fighting two people, but in the end, several of them were killed by the other side, and the boss was even caught.

Where's the money?

Holding the gangster boss's neck, Jack Wells asked simply, You've come here, so of course you can't go in vain.


There was a gunshot, and the gangster boss was shot to death by one of his own. This made Jack a little confused. Is this development not right?

Kill them! Let's divide the things and money!

Someone shouted, but before he could finish his words, a bullet took his life, and V killed him neatly.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of gunfire echoed in the room again. Jack used the body of the gangster boss as a shield, raised one hand, and took out a gun with the other hand to shoot.

V was more straightforward. She ran in the face of the hail of bullets. Ajax kept spitting out tongues of fire and reaping life. The face of the street girl was full of excitement. The breathing chip improved her athletic ability, and the subcutaneous armor helped her resist. The shooting compensation device and ballistic auxiliary device ensure the accuracy of her shooting.

She had already spent all her savings to buy herself a prosthetic body. Although it was not too advanced, it was enough for her to torture these gangsters, and V Zhentian was beginning to show his prowess.

These bastards want to eat us, it's really interesting.

The battle ended soon, and V began to clean the battlefield. She still maintained her good habit of cleaning the battlefield after the battle.

I'm high on drugs.

Jack shook his head. He began to search for valuable things in the room, and then he was surprised to find that there were many freezers in the back room. They also contained meat, but the categories were relatively simple, only chicken, snake meat, mouse meat, etc. .

Is this a meat dealer colluding with the homeless people outside the city?

Seeing these things, Jack understood that he had met a colleague.

What happened to the old captain?

V couldn't help but rolled his eyes. He also accepted orders from his peers? But then she thought about it, it seemed like she said she would accept everyone who came?

Haha! I think it would be good to have more sand sculptures like this. The money these guys sell is actually cheaper than us!

Jack laughed and dug out a bag of money. These butchers were obviously doing offline transactions, so it was easier for them now.

Damn! Sure enough, you can make money faster by cheating!

When the two opened the bag and took a look, they immediately sighed together.

We've made it! Ke Ling! We've made it!

Looking at the message sent by V, Ke Ling was a little confused. Why did he just send it? Although he knows that the store's business has been very good these two days, he shouldn't be so exaggerated, right?

He ignored V and turned his attention back to the front. A group of Sixth Street Gang members were surrounding and killing the Devils Gang members. They were beating the few who were in large numbers, and deliberately and unintentionally, the Devils Gang members were beaten until they were running away with their heads in their arms.

This was the advantage brought by having control of intelligence. The people from the Devil Gang were unable to fight back and were quickly eliminated by the people from the Sixth Street Gang.

After the Sixth Street Gang quickly evacuated, Ke Ling came to the battlefield. He released Wei He, who danced crazily and injected Rc cells into a corpse.


Under the influence of Rc cells, the corpse began to move, the severed head and body were reconnected, and the originally lost vital signs began to gradually recover, but the man did not wake up, and Ke Ling did not inject him with Rc cells. Inhibitors.

Ke Ling took away the body that was being resurrected from the dead and returned to Lao Wei's secret base. Of course, it has now become his special operating room. Lao Wei is still very interested in being able to help the people of Santo Domingo. happy.

Putting the cadaver on the operating table, Ke Ling began to perform the operation, including the transplantation operation, but he did not conduct an adaptability test.


After the transplantation, this resurrected body was obviously not a lucky one. The compatibility with the Rc cells was very low and the operation failed. However, this was within Ke Ling's prediction.


Wei He was released by Ke Ling, and he began to operate on the mutating body. He wanted to try to create a Hezi monster.

Under Ke Ling's operation, the Hezi who was about to go berserk calmed down in this corpse. This Hezi would replace the body's brain and become the source of control over the body.

Soon, the transformation was successfully completed. The corpse on the operating table was beyond recognition and twisted as if it had been pieced together.

Well, after all, it's my first time, hands-on.

Ke Ling was a little embarrassed. This was indeed his problem. He didn't operate it well. Logically speaking, it should be no problem to maintain a normal human form, but this would not affect its use.

Ke Ling's thoughts moved, and the Hezi monster started to move under his control. This thing was not a living thing, but more like a puppet, or a group of twisted Rc cells.

Since it's not a living thing.

Ke Ling narrowed his eyes. Now is the time to verify his suspicion. Can his vampire technique and his shadow store this Hezi monster?

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