“My teacher, there are gods residing in the body!”

As the words in Genos’ heart fell, countless dimensions fell into a sensation.

After indigo dyeing, this is again related to the word god!!!

“Laughing dead, what do you mean that there are gods in the body!?”

“Ignorant mortals are simply blasphemous!!!!”

In the world of the seven deadly sins, the god of the Ten Commandments, Jerudlis, laughed.

From the initial combat power of the video, it can be seen that the life level on this planet is also this level!!

It is estimated that even those paladins of the human realm are not opponents, how can they touch the realm of gods!!!!

Do they really know…?

What a supreme honor does it represent to be associated with the word God?

Even himself, as the son of the Demon God King, did not dare to claim to have reached the realm of God!!

“The realm of God? It’s really arrogant~~”

At the same time.

The sin of arrogance among the seven deadly sins, Escano also looked disdainful.

Even at noon, when his strength was strongest, he did not dare to say that he could compete with the gods, at most, it was invincible in heaven and earth.

“Are there people with gods in their bodies…?”

Saint Seiya World, Virgo Saga in the zodiac muttered with his eyes closed.

Even he, who is known as the closest person to God, would not judge the gods with such contemptuous words.

How could the supreme deity succumb to the body of a human being!?

But in the next second….

Saga’s eyelids opened sharply, widening his eyeballs to a point he had never seen in his life.

He saw….

In the picture, a caped bald head wearing a yellow tights is running inside a huge battleship.

The other heroes are obviously all staying outside….

But he broke in alone….

World of Death.

In the invisible empire, Youhabak slowly stood up from the shadowy throne, his face grim.

This bald head should be the owner of that fist on the cover!!

In vain, he watched the frolic of ants for so long, and finally waited for this guy….

At the same time, one punch world.

Sitting in the spaceship, Poros’s fists clenched violently, and the one-eyed face trembled madly.

“Nameless powerhouse, prophecy is not wrong!!!!!”

“Hurry up and come to my palace, and then fight the winner!!!!”

Just by seeing the video, Poros could feel Saitama’s terrifying mysterious power.

Think about it….

Since this battle can be selected as the top 7 shocking scenes.

This means that the decision to travel is completely worth it!!!!

However, compared with the shock and excitement of a few strong people, the heroes of the one-punch man world are a little confused.

“Ah, how could it be that guy, is he C or B?”

“Isn’t this the bald cape? His reputation seems to be very bad, saying that it is cheating or something…”

“Not even an S-class hero, why can he have a picture?”

“Isn’t this just a bald man! Laugh me to death!!! ”

Even the S-class heroes who were in the meeting could not understand.

After all, some of them didn’t even know Saitama at all.

The little tornado floated in the sky with his arms folded and a disdainful expression.

The atomic warrior had a straw in his mouth, and he looked like a hanger, dismissing the words in Genos’s heart.

The pig god has been eating….


The vest Venerable is even exercising his muscles.

None of the people present cared about the funny-clad bald head in the video.

If he is a deity, the word deity is too cheap!!!


A few seconds later, Saitama kicked open the gate at the end of the battleship and finally reached the final location.

Then, the various dimensions also saw the being sitting on the throne.

Cosmic overlord, Poros !!!!

A one-eyed alien creature with long purple-pink hair and armor, its whole body exudes a terrifying momentum!

So strong!!!!!!!!

At the moment of seeing this person’s existence, the entire world of One-Punch Man fell into a brief silence.

At this moment, the pig god stopped eating, Tong Di stopped playing with electronic products, and the flashing FLASH’s matching sword “clang” fell to the ground with a sound.

The pupils of the little tornado also contracted violently, and the cold hairs all over the body stood up!!

What terrifying energy does it contain…?

Poros’s visibly visible toughness shocked the entire anime dimension in an instant.

The Da Tumu clan, the Xiao Organization, the Four Emperors of Pirates, the Navy Headquarters, the Thirteen Guards Team, the Ten Commandments, the Seven Deadly Sins, the Twelve Shields of the Guardian Saint, and the Phantom Brigade were all stunned!!

“Much more terrifying than the Demon God King!!!” The god of the Ten Commandments, Gerudlis, exclaimed even more, revealing an expression of disbelief.

In the Heavenly Dimension, the powerhouses of countless worlds trembled under the oppression of Poros!

Not to mention ordinary people!

Everyone shivered under the terrifying momentum of Poros.

In the world of Death Note, the fingers holding the pen of the night god Moon are constantly trembling, and it seems that even the courage to write this guy’s name has been lost.

A tingling sensation in the scalp came to my heart.

The blood in the whole body seemed to be flowing backwards.

In front of the overlord of the universe, Polos, it was so heavy that it seemed that even breathing became an incomparably luxury.

Shocking the famous scene TOP7, directly raising the top combat power to a new level….

Planet-level combat power !!!!

This battle is not equal at all!!!

Because, even the dimension they are in as a living species is completely different….

Earth, finished!!!!!!!



(PS: The new book needs support, the author is motivated, 3000 flowers plus one change, 300 evaluation votes plus one change, 30 monthly tickets plus one change, 3 tips plus one change, kneeling to thank the family!!!!!! )

Dragon Boat Reading Tianle, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: June 3rd to June 5th)

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