“Is there really a strong person on this planet who can fight me?”

“These tiny humans are simply vulnerable!!”

Sitting in a spaceship.

Seeing the weak and spicy performance of the S-class heroes in the video, the space overlord Poros, who was preparing to rush to Earth, showed an extremely disappointed expression.

How tricky will it be for so many people to join forces to face Meruza Galudo?

This is the only level of life representing this planet.

Could it be that the soothsayer’s prophecy was wrong…?



Meruzagaludo burst out with all his might, and his destructive power caused Silver Fangs and other heroes to fall into the downside in an instant.

This guy is a real monster!!

No matter how it is destroyed, its flesh will be restored in an instant!

Slashes, bats, punches, power, any attack has no effect!!

Could it be that you want to completely crush all the cells of the other party!?

How is it possible to do this kind of thing….

Many heroes only feel a headache.

Soon after, everyone gradually felt despair.

Because one of Meruzagarudo’s pieces of meat were too slender, he was smashed by a metal bat and found a glass ball hidden inside.

This glass ball is its heart, just destroy it and you can defeat this monster!

After learning this, everyone made the strongest moves.

“Flowing Water Crushed Rock Fist !!!”

“Atomic Chopping !!!”

“Dark Angel Attack!!”

Bang bang bang –

Under the joint efforts of the three people of silver fangs, atomic samurai, and sexy prisoner, the remaining glass balls burst at the same time.

The dragon-level weirdo, Meruza Galudo, was also violently killed on the spot, turning into a puddle of withered meat mud.

“Hahaha, great!!!”

Seeing this scene, the people of the one-punch superman world collectively cheered, and countless low-level heroes showed their adoration.

It’s shocking!!!

It is worthy of being an S-class hero, and it is completely different from everyone!!

However, this moment….

The S-class heroes in the conference room of the headquarters of the Hero Association looked surprised, and they felt that something was not right.

“Defeated so easily? It’s just that this level can’t touch the edge of shock, right? ”

Actually, let alone the battle between Lan Dye and Moon Wuyue.

Even Ulquiora’s Duan Gui Blade and the violent aesthetics of Ichigo the Bullhead are tens of thousands of times more shocking than this battle!!

Although the S-class heroes are happy because they have won, they are still a little self-aware!

“Sure enough, the real boss hasn’t come out yet!!”

“You still have to rely on KING!!!”



Right at this very moment.

Except for the one-punch man world, the other dimensions almost collectively fell into silence.

At this moment, let alone the world-destroying BOSS, even many miscellaneous fish characters were stunned.

“What’s the thing, I still thought that this guy with infinite recovery had some strength, but I didn’t expect to have such a big weakness!!! Isn’t this looking for death? ”

“What is this extremely valuable thing? Evolved to this extent and don’t know how to protect your weaknesses!! Combat experience is completely zero! ”

“Laughing dead, is this TOP7!?”

In the Heavenly Dimension, the powerhouses of countless worlds are mocking, madly belittling the combat power of TOP7.

But this is also a matter of course, can humans be shocked to see ants fighting?

It’s just funny, right!!!

This shocking scene is really stretching the crotch!!

Under the contemptuous gaze of countless strong people, the picture came to the rooftop area of the hero headquarters.

At this moment, five figures were standing at the edge of the platform, staring at the huge space battleship in the sky.

“The weirdo on the ground has four S-class heroes to deal with, the key is that big guy in the sky, how can he fight down?”

Ranked fifth among S-class heroes, Tong Di, who had a lollipop in his mouth, was a little speechless.

After all, they are still mortals, and there is no way to fly into the sky.

Even if you fly over, you will be shot down by terrifying shells….

“KING, as a top hero of the S-class, do you have any options?” Super alloy black light turned his head and asked.



“I can’t do anything, it’s always in the sky, and there’s nothing I can do.”


What, even KING can’t deal with it!?



At the same time, the little tornado in the video also went crazy.

“What a shame, you are still the strongest man on earth!!”

“Now that a city has been destroyed, you just sit and don’t care about anything, it’s unbelievable!!”

“Enough, I’ll solve it alone!!!”

Hearing these words, countless dimensional audiences tensed their moods again, holding their breath and staring at the picture.

Could it be that the shocking famous scene TOP7 has not gone wrong at all, but the main lord has not yet come out!!

This green-haired girl in color may have very terrifying strength!?

However, it is under all the attention….

The devil-transformed man Genos in the video looked at the spaceship above, and a paragraph slowly appeared in his heart.

“The teacher should have been inside the spaceship by now.”

“In this world, there is no opponent that the teacher cannot win!!”

“Because, if even the teacher can’t win, then humanity would have been exterminated a long time ago!!!!”

“In the teacher’s body, there are gods…”


At this moment, the words in Genos’ heart swept through all dimensions like an earthquake.

Hosts a god in the body?

This guy can really brag!!


If no real strong man appears, how did this battle get into the TOP7?

Who is the real protagonist!!!!!!

At the same time, many heroes were taken aback.

Genos, who is also an S-class hero with them, actually praised his teacher so much, and even compared him to a god?

His teacher….

Who the hell!?



(PS: The new book needs support, the author is motivated, 3000 flowers plus one change, 300 evaluation votes plus one change, 30 monthly tickets plus one change, 3 tips plus one change, kneeling to thank the family!!!!!! )

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