Planting the World Tree From Pirates

Chapter 427: Makino vs Poros

inside the spaceship.

Muye walked in a leisurely manner, but every time he took a step, he moved dozens of meters, giving people the feeling of being teleported through space.

Behind Muye, there were strangely shaped aliens lying all over the place.

"Hahaha, I was able to hit here, intruder, but that's the end of it, because it's absolutely impossible to beat me, Gloribus!"

"Let this uncle take you on your way!"

Gloribus shouted, and rushed straight towards Makino.

But in the next second, Gloribus fell directly from the air to the ground, and a fist-sized hole appeared in his chest.

Gloribus fell in a pool of blood, and his vision became completely blurred.

"How is it possible? This uncle... turned out to be..."

Seeing Makino's back, Gloribus still couldn't believe it.

You must know that he is one of the three highest combatants of the Black Matter Pirates, and a senior cadre with an extremely prominent position.

Even if you look at the universe, he is a famous villain.

But what he didn't expect was that he would die so incomprehensibly, and what's more, he couldn't even take a move from Mu Ye.

Makino didn't take this "little fish" down at all.

As for his name...who cares?

The structure of the spaceship can effectively isolate the transmission of sound and energy, which brings some trouble for Makino to find and locate the enemy.

However, that's about it.

For this spaceship, the existence of Makino is undoubtedly the biggest threat.

The combatants in the spaceship will definitely do everything possible to stop him.


Muye walked straight ahead, and the spaceship portal in front of him was directly crushed by Muye's horizontal gravity, and then completely scrapped with a bang.

The protection of the spaceship is also like a silkworm cocoon, which is peeled off layer by layer by Makino.

Of course, after Makino broke through a layer of protection, a large number of combatants in the spaceship rushed over immediately.

However, after just a short while, all these fighters who rushed over with a full of evil spirits and screams were all lying on the ground.

As for Muye, he is always in a hurry, giving people a feeling of leisure, elegance, and leisurely strolling.

It seems that this is not an invasion of a spaceship, but a walk in your own backyard.

But it was Makino, who was so "leisure and elegant", that he put unimaginable pressure on all the fighters in the spaceship.

at the same time.

Spaceship cab.

Goliugan, the top combatant who had been in charge of driving the spaceship and in control of the overall situation, was completely stunned.

Gloribus was the top three fighters alongside him and Meruzagarudo, and he was the most highly regarded senior cadre by Lord Boros.

As a result, Gloribus died in an instant.

Damn it!

what is happening?

At this moment, the door of the spacecraft's cab slammed open.

Who is Poros, who is not known as the "overlord of the universe"?

Although Boros sensed the violent shaking of the spaceship, he did not intend to take action.

Ordinary small trash fish is not worthy of his shot.

"Goryukan Sup, what are you doing?"

Hearing this voice, one of the top combatants, Goliuganshupu, who is known as "the first power user of the universe", suddenly oozes out beads of sweat the size of a bean.

He, the number one master of the universe, is nothing in front of the captain Boros, who is known as the overlord of the universe.

Goryukanshupu said nervously, "Ah... Lord Boros, I'm sorry for letting the aborigines of this planet break in. In just three minutes, the damage rate of the spacecraft reached 25%, and the invaders still There is only one person. The combatants who went to meet them were all killed in an instant."

Hearing Goryugansup's report, Boros felt no emotion in his heart.

The reason why he arrived on this planet was just to follow the prophecy 20 years ago.

As for whether the trash fish on the boat are dead or alive, he doesn't care too much!

Poros: "Don't panic, as long as the power ball is not destroyed, the ship will not fall. What is destroyed now is only the living area of ​​the crew, and the trash fish is definitely not his opponent!"

"What about Gloribus and Meruzagarudo? You are the most advanced warriors on this spaceship, go and destroy the invaders!"

After Boros finished speaking, he turned his head to leave.

But Geliugan Xiupu, who is known as the first power master in the universe, lowered his head in horror.

"Gloribus just got wiped out!"


Boroston was surprised.

In his eyes, although Gloribus is also a trash fish, as one of the most capable generals under his command, he still has real skills.

Such a Gloribus was actually wiped out!

Boros' words made Goryukanshupu pale in shock.

The anger of Captain Boros, he was not able to bear it.

The panic-stricken Goliugan Xiupu said, "I will call Meruzagarudo back immediately, and I will cooperate with him to kill the intruder!"

Seeing the giant Makino's appearance displayed on the big screen in the cab, Poros' one eye slowly flickered.

The prophecy happened twenty years ago, when all his subordinates did not believe it.

Thinking that this was just a trap set by those people to save him, Boros chose to sail away without hesitation.

The days when you can't find an opponent in the universe is really boring!

If Goryukanshup dared to look directly at Boros, he would have noticed that not only was Boros not angry, but he was a little excited.

Boros is gone, he's going to meet the battle he's been looking forward to for over 20 years!


Muye demolished the house all the way, and when he saw that he came to a crossroads, a warning voice came directly in his mind.

The owner of the voice is not the blue octopus universe, who is the first master of meditation, Goryukanshupu?

What made Muye feel a little funny was that Geliugan Xiupu warned Muye over and over again not to approach.

But it was the voice of Goliugan Sup that made Makino realize that the power of thought could penetrate nearby.

Muye's spiritual pressure instantly penetrated the layers of barriers and entered the cab directly.

In an instant.

All the aliens in the entire cab felt an unimaginable coercion at the same time.

The blue octopus was even more stunned for the first time, and his body was sweating like rain, and he could no longer play the prestige of the first teacher of the universe.

"How... so powerful?"

Looking at the appearance that came to his mind, Goryukanshup even seemed to see the figure of Captain Boros.

Is this the existence in front of him that the captain's 20-year-seeking prophecy guides?

Makino: "Can you tell me where Boros is?"

Goryukanshupu was extremely frightened, but an unimaginable mental power surged in his mind in an instant.

"I am the most trusted top cadre of the captain. It is... idiot to let me betray you! Heart! Delusion! Think!"

"I didn't expect you, a vicious thug, to be quite loyal... I'd better find it myself."


The whole body exploded due to the limit of the power of mind, and even Goliugan Xiupu's head, which burst out with a lot of light, shattered directly.

It was like an inflated balloon was directly punctured, and the body shriveled directly.

The shriveled Goryukan-Supu still couldn't believe it.

He was a big pirate who robbed the universe and made countless forces in the universe feel fearful about it. He was killed so simply.

How can it be?

As he was dying, Goryukanshup also saw that his accomplices in the cab fell one by one.

Without even seeing the enemy's face, he was directly destroyed. What kind of monster planet is this?

Just as Goliugan Xiupu fell to the ground and died, Makino's eyes also brightened.

"found it!"

Perhaps it was because Boros was also looking for Muye, he actually released a powerful breath, and Muye found the existence of Boros without any effort.

Obviously, this is a signal that Boros deliberately sent... He is seeking battle!

Mu Ye did not hesitate, and directly released the powerful aura from his body.

Perceiving the powerful breath released by Makino, Boroston showed a cruel smile.

"Come on...I'm looking for a strong opponent for 20 years!"


The core powerhouse of the spacecraft.

Boros, who was wearing a set of golden-gold armor, sat on the throne and looked at Muye with a scrutiny.

Seeing that Muye's body was spotless and leisurely, Boros was even happier, with a glint of excitement in his one eye.

"So calm, it seems that you are more than I imagined

The one in the middle is a little more powerful...awesome! "

He hadn't met an opponent for a long time.

Invincible and overwhelming power, too boring.

What subordinates, what combatants, what top cadres, he didn't even care about this spaceship.

All he wanted was to get his boring life back into some fun!

Muye looked at Boros and said, "I need a hearty battle to help me break through the realm. Do your best to me, I hope you, the overlord of the universe, won't let me down!"

Makino's words surprised Boros for a moment.

He usually said such things to others, but he never expected that someone would say such things to him today.


I hope that the existence in the prophecy can be as strong as the mouth.

Boros: "Before the battle, report your name. I am the leader of the Dark Matter Pirates, the overlord of the entire universe, Boros."

The famous sword White Deer appeared in Makino's hand, and Makino also politely reported his name.

"Singer Protoss, tree planter walking in the heavens, swordsman Muye."

Singer Protoss, Walking in the Heavens, Swordsman Muye?

Although Boros has never heard of one, since he is a "God Race" and can "walk the heavens", he must not be too weak.

"Come on, give my life a boost, that's what I'm here for!"

"as you wish."

The famous sword, the white deer, slowly unsheathed, and the momentum around Makino rose steadily.

In a short period of time, the energy around Makino was filled with explosive power.

And Muye's body was directly haunted by the green divine light. These energies were too explosive, entangling and wandering on the surface of Muye's body, looking like green electric dragons.

The green energy light is too vast and pure. In Poros' eyes, it is like a bright green sun rising into the sky.

Boros's one eye shrank slightly. The lingering energy in Muye's body is really too vast, far exceeding any opponent he has encountered in the past.

Not only that, but Makino burst out with such vast energy that it did not cause any damage to the surroundings.

All this shows one thing, Muye's body not only contains unparalleled energy, but also can fully control these energy.

But Boros was very dissatisfied, "Are you deliberately accumulating power like this to give me time to prepare? I dominate the entire universe, and you dare to look down on me like this, you are the first!"


A huge beam of energy burst out from Boros's body in an instant, and the beam of light soared into the sky, so that even the spaceship suffered huge damage.

Unlike Makino's subtle control, Boros' fighting style is to destroy, destroy, destroy... destroy everything!

Makino is cheap, he doesn't take it!

Muye: "I hope to use your strength to break through the realm, I hope you are not too weak... I'm going to use my sword!"

When Makino said a word, Boroston became angry.

Mu Ye, this bastard, even reminded him again, who is he looking down on?

He is the cosmic overlord Boros! ! !

But at this moment, Boros suddenly saw a silver light appear in front of him.

In Boros' eyes, he could even see the sword energy that shattered everything, getting closer and bigger.

Boros instinctively folded his hands in front of him.

Not only that, the surging energy of Boros directly protected his body.

With this kind of energy protection, Boros' body is undefeated, and even the Star Destroyer Cannon can't cause damage to him.

next second.

Boros suddenly felt that the "silver thread" that was cut in front of him became larger, as if it was a huge moon blade that could cut apart the stars, and an unimaginable force hit his arms.

Boros' body was directly knocked backwards, and his feet were wearing divine golden boots, and he was constantly rubbing against the ground.

So much so that wherever Poros's feet passed, a series of sparks were brought up.

And the power of Makino's sword was far more than that. Boros' body smashed heavily on the metal wall of the spaceship.

In an instant.

The metal wall was directly dented and deformed, and then Poros' body directly pierced the wall of the spacecraft.

And this is just the beginning!

When Boros' body penetrated ten walls, he stopped.

After the dust cleared, Boros still maintained a defensive posture with his arms crossed.

But if any of Boros' subordinates saw it, they would definitely be shocked.

Captain Boros is a well-deserved overlord of the universe. He can survive a single move in his hands, and he can't find a few in the entire universe.

But in the process of fighting against Makino, it was only the first move that he was injured.

Licking the blood that had penetrated the metal armguard, Boros' face suddenly showed an unprecedented smile.

"Blood, I actually bleed, hahaha, after decades, finally an enemy made me bleed again!"

"There are such fierce swordsmen on this planet, and the prophecy did not disappoint me!"

Muye threw the sword in his hand and said, "Remove the armor on your body. If you only have this level, then I will be disappointed!"

"That sword just now was just my usual sword..."

A smile appeared on Boros' face, "Did you see that, as expected of the prophecy that can fight me!"


Boros burst out with energy, and in an instant, the golden armor that bound his strength was shattered.

At the same time, the energy around Boros suddenly increased exponentially.

The energy released at one time is too huge, and Poros even seems to have white arcs that keep wandering around.

And these arcs are intertwined rapidly, and in a very short period of time, even layers of electric curtains are intertwined.

And this is still just the beginning. Boros's muscles swelled instantly, and his body proportions changed drastically.

Not only that, the incomparably huge energy has changed the life level of Boros in terms of genes.


With the explosion of energy on Poros, the entire spaceship instantly lit up with a purple light.

Under this vast energy, everything in the spacecraft is beginning to be stripped and destroyed, just like a nuclear explosion.

Under the explosion, everything was ashes.

In Muye's perception, the energy in Boros' body even directly changed from a big river to an endless ocean.

Perceiving such Boros, Makino's eyes slowly became hot.

This huge energy may really be possible!

The wandering energy began to pass through Makino's arm and wrapped directly around the famous sword, White Deer.

In an instant.

With Makino at the center, everything around him began to be reflected in green light.

The green light spread, and the purple light emitted by Boros' body began to push back continuously.

Unlike the endless destruction brought about by the purple energy of Boros, the green light emanating from Makino's body is like the sunshine of spring.

Wherever the light passes, all the ice and snow are cold and smiling.

It was like a competition. In just a short moment, the soft green light emanating from Muye's body occupied most of the space.

Boros naturally sensed all this!

"Competition energy burst? Humph!"

No matter what the competition was, as long as it was a battle, he, Boros, was never afraid.


Under the deliberate control of Poros, the energy of Poros' body, after being compressed for a while, was like the eruption of a solar storm, and instantly swept away in all directions.

Perceiving the explosion of Boros, Makino also showed a smile on his face.

Explosive competition?

Who is afraid of who!

Muye inserted the sword in his hand to the ground of the spaceship, and immediately, the energy that had already been united on his body began to spew out.

Not only that, but the world tree planted in Makino began to sway.

In an instant.

The world tree phantoms appeared around Muye!


The spaceship was completely transformed into a sea of ​​green and purple energy!

On the one hand, it is as destructive as the cold wind, and on the other hand, it is as gentle as the warm spring breeze, but the collision is not bad at all.

In the violent collision between the purple awns and the green awns, everything in the spacecraft began to erode and dissolve.

I don't know how long it took, and the outer wall of the spacecraft was destroyed.

So much so that the heroes and aliens who were still fighting outside the spaceship could not open their eyes at the same time.

In the eyes of everyone, it was even like two kinds of light, purple and green, penetrating the thick dark clouds.

Everything is so dazzling!

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