Planting the World Tree From Pirates

Chapter 426: rock-paper-scissors

Within half a year, the end of the world may be ushered in. This sudden news certainly made the conference room a bit depressing.

But the S-class heroes in the conference room returned to their normal hearts in a blink of an eye.

This made Muye admire these S-class heroes with admiration. S-class is worthy of S-class, and the strength is very different, so I won't mention this.

Just the mentality, it is very human beings can compare!

And just when everyone was still struggling, when exactly this "within half a year" would be, the headquarters of the Hero Association suddenly shook violently.

Everyone present immediately became vigilant!

"This building is under attack!"

Genos made a judgment immediately, this attack is similar to the extreme explosion he pursues,

The super alloy black light is unbelievable, "How is it possible? This is the headquarters of the Hero Association!"

Not only the super alloy black light, but other S-class heroes also feel a bit absurd at the same time.

The headquarters of the Hero Association is not only an impregnable fortress, but also has a large number of heroes stationed there.

Not to mention, today is still the day when all S-class heroes are called up.

At this moment, everyone heard Muye's voice.

"Everyone, get ready, a new round of attacks is coming. Compared with this round of attacks, the attack just now is similar to Gua Sha!"

Makino's remarks naturally attracted everyone's attention.

But more of it is skeptical!

As S-class heroes, they are more willing to believe in themselves than in others.

Is there a new round of attacks coming?

They didn't feel anything!

But at this moment, everyone saw Genos looking at Muye nervously.

"Makino-kun, what kind of attack? Can you handle it?"

Seeing Genos' reaction, except for the Silver Fang Banggu, Atomic Warrior, and Tornado, who knew a little about the inside story, everyone else was full of disbelief.

Genos is a little too respectful to Makino!

The tornado directly applied two layers of protective shields to his body and said, "Everyone be careful..."

However, before the tornado was finished, everyone in the conference room suddenly felt a huge shock.

In an instant.

The conference room was directly powered off and became pitch black.

Activate the emergency power system.

Accompanied by a system beep, the meeting room lights up again.

But many S-rank heroes are all horrified.

However, they are not shocked that the headquarters of the Horror Heroes Association has suffered such damage that even the power supply system has collapsed.

Almost every S-class hero looked at Makino in disbelief.

Also in the conference room, Makino sensed the arrival of the crisis, but they didn't notice it at all.

How is this possible?

Could it be that the gap between them and Muye has grown to such an extent?

This made it difficult for every S-class hero here to accept it.

As old-fashioned S-level heroes, how could they be willing to be compared by a hairy boy like Muye?

for a while.

The S-Class heroes in the conference room all began to speculate on Makino's abilities.

The only thing that feels better is the tornado.

Seeing everyone's expressions as if they were constipated, a smug smile appeared on the dragon roll's face.

However, Tornado will not admit defeat so easily.

She has already paid attention, and she must let Muye take a good look at this crisis and why she has been made the "ultimate weapon" by the Hero Association.

Her strongest is not melee combat, not singled out, but unparalleled strategic value!

At this moment, it was Nishizaki's shock that interrupted everyone's "intrigue".

" is it possible? The damage rate is as high as 99.8%? City A...the city was destroyed in an instant? Who can imagine that the prophecy will come soon!"


Nishizaki's words made everyone angry at the same time.

Those who are not in city a are fine, but those who are in city a are completely stunned for the first time.

A city was completely destroyed in an instant, what about their families?

Even if their home is not in city a, they are human beings after all, and it is inevitable that things will hurt them.

What if the disaster continues to expand?

There is no doubt that the earth has encountered an unprecedented crisis.

Of course, this is also the meaning of their existence as heroes!

The heroes started to take action one after another, and Genos immediately looked for Teacher Saitama.

The tornado found Muye for the first time, and the purpose was naturally to find Muye to declare war.

Light green fluorescent light wrapped around the tornado, and the tornado instantly floated up.


Tornado patted his barren chest and said with a complacent face, "I like **** who pretend to be B-rank, this time, let's take a good look at my performance as the second S-rank!"

However, to the surprise of Tornado, she put on a pose for a long time, but got no response.

When Tornado opened his eyes again, there were only a few heroes leaving in the conference room. As for Muye, where can we see him?

"When people talk to him, they leave without saying a word. This is too disrespectful!"

"I must be afraid that he will lose face if I show his power. Yes, it must be so!"

Tornado ran while thinking about it, and there were only a few staff members of the Hero Association left in the conference room.

Several people looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

However, both of them felt a little surprised at the same time.

It is also a miracle that he was so remarked by the second-ranked tornado of the S-rank, and he was still safe and sound.

The two couldn't help but admire Makino even more curiously!


Hero Association headquarters.


Makino and Saitama appeared outside almost at the same time.

Above the heads of the two was the spaceship of the Black Matter Pirates led by Boros.

The spaceship is really too huge, covering the sky and the sun, Makino and Saitama, in front of this spaceship, are like two insignificant ants.

But at this time, neither Makino nor Saitama paid attention to the spaceship.

The two looked at each other, and for a moment there was even a flash of lightning in their eyes.

Both of them knew each other's thoughts, but neither of them wanted to back down.

Saitama wants to seek the thrill of battle, and Makino hopes to use the battle with Boros to find an opportunity to break through the limiter.

Makino: "If the two of us are together, then there will be no fun in this fight."

Saitama nodded expressionlessly, agreeing that he couldn't agree more.

In terms of physique alone, he is slightly stronger.

However, Makino's abilities are all kinds of strange, and none of them are weak.

If the two get on together, even if there are really powerful aliens in this spaceship, they cannot meet the fighting needs of the two.

The end result is that neither of them can enjoy themselves.

Makino gave a bad smile, "Rock paper scissors?"

Saitama was suddenly embarrassed.

He is not good at guessing boxing!

Seeing Saitama's rare expression, Makino suddenly smiled.

If Saitama was good at this, he would definitely not come up with this proposal!

Makino: "One game determines the outcome!"

Saitama was a little unconfident, "No no no, let's win two of three games!"

How could Makino let such a long night dream happen?

Muye: "The battle situation is tense. Let's decide the outcome in one round. You shouldn't be afraid of losing, right? If you are afraid of losing, just admit defeat."

Please do not be as aggressive. Although Saitama is indifferent, it does not mean that he has no emotions at all.

What's more, the opponent is Makino, who is evenly matched with him.

After being agitated by Muye, he was directly caught.

Saitama: "Who is afraid of losing? You can decide whether to win or lose. Come on!"

"Rock-paper-scissors, rock-paper-scissors..."

Under the spaceship, Saitama and Makino, like two kindergarten children, competed for the qualification to enter the spaceship by guessing.

And this spaceship can monitor everything that happens outside at any time.

When he saw through the screen that Makino and Saitama decided who would enter the spaceship and beat them through boxing, Goliugan, the first power user in the spaceship, who was in charge of commanding and driving, almost lost his head.

They are the cosmic dark matter pirates that have resounded throughout the universe, making countless powerhouses in the universe tremble under them!


With the order of Goryukanshup, all the pilots of the spacecraft opened fire at the same time in the control room.

And Makino and Saitama are still rock-paper-scissors.

What made the two of them feel a little wicked was that it was a boxing game that could tell the winner in an instant. The two of them had punched back and forth nearly fifty times, but they still couldn't tell the winner.

Even Makino was speechless!

This is not scientific!

Saitama this guy,

Aren't you particularly bad at things other than beatings?

For example, play video games.

It was a life of suspicion that King abused him, and King could even beat him with only two fingers.

Never heard that Saitama is so good at guessing boxing!

At this moment, both Saitama and Makino were startled at the same time.

Makino's eyes even flickered with a red light that was domineering.

next second.

Makino and Saitama both moved at the same time, only to see Saitama kicked to the side.

A fragmented cannonball that could blast the entire city of a in an instant was directly kicked and shattered.

And Makino directly stretched out a finger!

In the eyes of everyone in disbelief, a cannonball capable of destroying a city was squeezed, deformed, and even turned into a flat plate directly in front of Makino's fingers.

If the shell is hit violently, it will produce a big explosion.

The power of the cannonball also mainly comes from this.

But what made everyone in the spaceship unbelievable was that the cannonball was completely squeezed into a thick disk at Makino's fingertips, and there was still no explosion.

What exactly is going on?

Could it be that Makino happened to encounter a dud whose quality was not good enough?

Not to mention the existence inside the spaceship, even Saitama was a little surprised.

This is too cool!

The aliens, who did not believe in evil, fired a large number of shells one after another.

But what made the aliens want to vomit blood again was that each of these shells exploded, and they all exploded in the barrel.


The spaceship inevitably shook violently.

At this time, the "battle" between Makino and Saitama has completely reached a white-hot stage.

"Rock-paper-scissors", "Rock-paper-scissors", and "Rock-paper-scissors", the two of them punched so fast that countless afterimages appeared on their hands.

Ordinary people can't really see what happened.

But for Saitama and Makino, naturally, there is no problem at all.

As the intensity of the "battle" continued to rise, both Makino and Saitama became more and more serious.

Saitama's heart even started to burn.

After many years, Saitama once again recalled the thrill of battle!

Makino's hands didn't stop at all, but he also had some doubts about life for a while.

Saitama, when did he become good at guessing?

It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!

Could it be the correction power of the world that is destined to make the big boss Boros die in the hands of the great Demon King Saitama?

"I still don't believe it!"

After a series of victories, Makino's competitive spirit was completely inspired.

"Saitama, admit defeat, victory must belong to me!"

Saitama was excited and didn't give in half a step, "Dream, victory must belong to me."

too long!

He really waited too long for this kind of "evenly matched" "battle" that made his blood boil.

He will definitely win this battle!

"Rock-paper-scissors, rock-paper-scissors, rock-paper-scissors..."

In the blink of an eye, Makino and Saitama were constantly changing their positions in the air.

Later, every time the two of them guessed their fists, the surrounding air even vibrated violently.

Makino and Saitama even had bloodshot eyes, and a lot of blood appeared.

The two guessed their fists, and the style of boxing was so terrifying that the metal on the outside of the spacecraft was dented and deformed in a large area.

In the cab of the spacecraft, many pilots looked at each other.

He was timid, and there were even beads of sweat oozing out from his face.

What planet is this?

What a guess, the gust of wind caused by the gods can cause damage to the spaceship.

Can you believe this?

Is it too late for them to go home now?




The psychic master Geliugan Xiupu was furious and ordered the combatants to fire again.

But this time, the shells released were not of the same level as before.


Both Makino and Saitama felt the attack of a large number of shells at the same time, but at this time they were fighting fiercely. How could there be no time to deal with these miscellaneous fish shells?

But at this moment, Mu Ye's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Go away!"

Makino turned his fist into a palm and swept away a large number of shells.

Immediately, a large number of shells exploded directly.

And Saitama is also very annoying. He is about to live a victory. Is it annoying to interfere at this time?

"Seriously punch."

Furious Saitama punched the spaceship.

How powerful is Saitama's fist?

Accompanied by an unimaginable white shock wave, the spaceship was like a string of strings in an instant, and it was stabbed with a chill.

But at this moment, Makino jumped out directly.

"Oh, what I just gave out was cloth, and what you gave out was stone, Saitama, you lost!"

Saitama lowered his head, looked at him still maintaining a serious punching posture, and looked at Makino's outstretched palm, the psychological shadow area was infinite for a while.

"Did I lose?"

Saitama couldn't believe it for a while.

How did Makino's dough get so thick?

But if Muye insisted that it was just a matter of time, he would indeed lose.

for a while.

Saitama is a little autistic!

Makino laughed, "As the winner, I will board the spaceship, and Boros will also board. Say goodbye to Saitama. After returning from victory, I will tell you 800 sons about my experience and experience of fighting Boros!"

Saitama was speechless.

"You are so cheap!"


After Makino finished speaking, as soon as he stepped on the ground of the Hero Association, he entered the spaceship directly from the huge gap that Saitama had just punched.

In an instant.

In the cab inside the spacecraft, all the pilots shivered for a while.

A monster with a strange shape, like a slug, was even more scared to tears.

Not long after Muye entered the spaceship, the spaceship began to shake violently, seemingly unbearable.

And Boros, the cosmic overlord in the captain's room, also intuitively felt the arrival of Makino.

"Real peerless powerhouse... You are finally here!"


All this may seem like a long time, but in fact it only takes a minute or two.

Although Saitama just lost inexplicably, he even fell into autism.

But with a strong heart, he recovered his mentality in just a blink of an eye.

Saitama rushed over immediately after sensing that there was a battle not far from the association's headquarters building.

Genos, who performed "Where's the Teacher" and "The Little Robot Looking for a Teacher", found Saitama-sensei who was on his way as soon as possible.

Genoston was so excited, as if he had found the backbone.

And followed, there are S-class heroes such as Silver Fang, Tongdi, and Tornado.

After the tornado arrived, he looked in all directions for the first time. When he didn't find Muye's figure, he immediately crossed his arms and said with a poisonous tongue, "What about that guy Muye? Could it be that he was frightened when he saw that the spaceship was so huge. Trembling, don't you dare to come out? It's really a shame for our S-class heroes!"

Genos looked serious, "Please don't say that to Makino-kun, he is not such a person."

The tornado has a black line on its face.

She said Muye, what's the matter with the heartless robot Guan Genos?

He doesn't even have a heart, does he know what courage and fear are?

Tornado won't be merciless, just say whatever comes to mind.

So, Genos was directly told by the tornado that his head was full of black lines.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with being a remodeler!

Seeing the tornado embarrassing Genos, Silver Fang laughed.

"I'm relieved to see you so energetic. Genos-kun is as serious as ever!"

Tornado was unreasonable and continued to fire, "Robots, of course!"

Silver Fang: "Dragon Roll, are you paying too much attention to Makino-kun?"

Tornado's face immediately flushed, and he was immediately annoyed.

Fire at the silver-faced Who cares about that guy Makino? Hurry up, old guy, take your words back, or I won't forgive you! "

Tornado's words not only failed to quell all this, but made everyone around him happy.

Calling you venomous, telling you to be rude, now you're shriveled?

However, everyone noticed it at the same time.

This guy, Tornado, really paid attention to Makino's accident!


At this moment, all the S-class heroes who arrived one after another shot at the same time.

In an instant, Meruzagarudo, who had grown several heads, was smashed to pieces, but in the blink of an eye, Meruzagarudo, who had turned into flesh, was restored to its original shape.

Super speed regeneration ability?

No wonder Atomic Samurai and his lover fought so hard!

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