Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 791 Anthem and Candy Sea Monster

The two Homitz with nowhere to go can either choose to slowly drain out their lifespan and eventually dissipate, or they can choose to continue living as flag monsters like Zeus and Prometheus.

Hera decided to choose the latter, and Napoleon struggled for a long time.

But Randolph told him that there are only more than 200 Homitz who can become flag monsters. There are many trees in the Temptation Forest, and even those who want to become flag monsters can't...

So Napoleon also obeyed, and Zhang Da also signed two new employees.

"I understand the truth, but isn't it a bit impolite for Napoleon to become a cuckold?" Zhang Da also held Napoleon in his hands and was very dissatisfied with his form.

Ye Yan snickered: "The flag demons are all of this color. Do you want to try it with me?"

Zhang Da also looked at him expressionlessly: "Why don't I give it to you? This guy is much stronger than ordinary famous swords, and he can act independently like Zeus and the others. It's quite strong."

Ye Yan was determined not to: "I don't know how to use a knife or a sword, but it's better for you to hold it."

Zhang Da also encouraged: "If you don't want to, you can take it back to your girlfriend. Huang Xiaoyan doesn't use a sword, and I'm not greedy. You can just exchange it with me for a biscuit soldier."

"Huang Xiaoyan has the ancient Immortal Killing Sword, so there is no need for this thing." After saying this, Ye Yan's face suddenly turned red, "And she is not my girlfriend!"

Although Brother Yan knows all the postures, Brother Yan will blush just by mentioning his girlfriend.

Zhang Daye said earnestly: "Ye Yan, you can't be so cowardly."

Ye Yan looked at him with dead fish eyes: "Are you qualified to speak against me?"

Zhang Da also stared back but said nothing.

Napoleon didn't know what happened, but at least he knew that he was disliked, and he quickly said: "Master, if you don't like the three-cornered hat, I will keep my sword form from now on."

"That's it, you can hang out with me from now on." Zhang Daye said, "Although I am not the world's greatest swordsman, I have been slashed by the world's greatest swordsman, and I have a bright future."

Napoleon felt that his future was bleak.

"Okay, there is a candy monster, let's sign it too." Zhang Da also looked around and felt that the room was a bit small, "Let's go to the sea and fly."

"Yes, Master." Hera immediately floated to the window and expanded in size, "You can leave at any time~"

But when she turned around, she saw the white wings behind Zhang Daye, and her expression became a little aggrieved.

"Oh~ It can still be like this!" The wings behind Zhang Daye disappeared. He almost forgot that an important mission of Hera and Zeus was to be flying vehicles, "Tom, let's go!"

Tom immediately jumped on Hera and stepped on all fours.

Then he tried to play on the trampoline for a while, then he put his hands behind his head and lay down, crossing his legs.

Zhang Da also went to the next door to tell everyone that he was leaving for a while, and then jumped on Hera's back: "It's soft and quite comfortable."

Ye Yan did not lag behind, jumped on Zeus and flew out.

It was already night, the sky was full of stars, and the lights on the island were also dotted with stars.

Two dark green clouds took advantage of the night to fly high into the sky, drifting slowly away without attracting attention.

Tom just lay down at first. After flying farther, he started to lie on the edge of the clouds and looked down. The ice cream island looked like a big table filled with all kinds of frozen drinks, which made Tom a little greedy.

"It seems a little cold." Ye Yan muttered, called Prometheus out, made him the size of a basketball, and held him in his arms to keep warm.

When he said this, Tom also felt cold. He sauntered from Hera to Zeus, stretched out his hand and started to warm himself by the fire.

Completely ignoring the stretch of sky between Zeus and Hera.

"..." Zhang Da didn't care about Tom. He estimated that the distance was close and asked Hera to stop.

"Master, if Homitz is released in a place like this, will he escape?" Hera seemed to adapt to the job-hopping thing very quickly, and she began to think about Zhang Daye's interests.

Zhang Da also took out the soul-suppressing gong and said, "It's okay. If he runs away, Ye Yan and I won't have to mess around anymore."

Hera was startled. She was deeply impressed by the sound of the gong that stunned her, but thinking about it now that she was one of her own, she shouldn't have to worry about that gong, right?

"Let's take this opportunity to let you meet my biggest flag demon." Ye Yan waved his hand, "Hymn, go out into battle!"

Dark green smoke emerged from the Huang Yao Banner, forming an oversized sailboat on the sea.

"Ship~Ship~" the Hymn sang in a slow tone, "Master, the ship is coming~"

The Anthem has now also turned into the uniform green color of the flag demon, and the logo on the sail seems to have been erased by Ye Yan.

After the originally colorful and childlike ship turned green, the painting style immediately changed. In addition, it was night again, and it looked like a ghost ship.

Hera and Zeus descended slowly and placed Zhang Daye, Tom and Ye Yan on the Anthem.

"Although it's not the first time I've seen it, I still want to say that this thing is too big, isn't it? It's already catching up with Labu." Zhang Daye said, "How did you accept him at that time?"

"Conquer him with violence. Time was tight at that time. I slapped the soul-shattering palm to test its power, and then used the dominance to reason with him, and he was subdued."

Ye Yan said in an understatement, "Homizi is different from ordinary demons. Even if he is big, he may not have the soul strength that matches his size."

"It seems to be the same." Zhang Da also handed the Huang Yao Banner to Tom.

Tom grabbed the Huang Fei flag and threw it around. The sixteen flag demons inside were in bad luck and flew out one by one in a daze.

While shouting Ouch Ouch, it maintained its atomized state and floated around like sixteen lonely ghosts.

Tom tilted his head and slapped the metal pole of the Huang Yao Banner a few more times before pouring out a huge object and fell into the sea with a thud.

It was an unknown object composed of a ball of orange syrup. After tumbling a few times in the sea, it revealed its head and face, looking like an oversized slime.

This guy was quite calm. After seeing Zhang Daye and the others, he neither spoke nor ran away, he just stared blankly.

Compared with the Anthem, the Candy Sea Monster's size is not that great, but in fact, its size is several times that of the Amber.

Tom quietly jumped down and licked the candy sea monster. It was sweet and he continued to lick it.

The Candy Sea Monster didn't seem to be worried about being licked by such a tiny little kitten. It was probably equivalent to having a mosquito land on him.

"Who are you? Where is mom? No, where are the people who defeated mom?" Candy Sea Monster's voice seemed a bit silly.

When Auntie created him, Zhang Daye and Ye Yan were both lying far away. He had never seen them before, but he felt that the kitten on his body looked familiar.

"It is our companions who defeated Big Mom and captured your men." Zhang Da also got straight to the point, "You can follow us from now on."

The Candy Sea Monster didn't seem to think at all: "Okay."

Zhang Daye: "???"

Rab's body length is officially set at 400 meters, which is equivalent to the length of ten Sunshines. The bow of the Anthem is about the same size as the Sunshine, and its volume may be even longer than Rab's.

But he doesn't draw comics strictly according to scale. Sometimes ordinary people and giants stand side by side and there's not even a ten-fold height difference.

So just have fun looking at the size thing.

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