Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 790 Hera and Napoleon

Uncle Long is a man with common sense. When he saw Tom's appearance, he immediately thought of a solution.

He went to a roadside shop and borrowed a pot of hot water. He tested the temperature and felt it was about the same. He said confidently:

"In this case, just pour the warm water along Tom's tongue and it will be fine, like this..."

Warm water flowed from the spout, and Tom felt a warmth on his tongue, with a comfortable expression on his face.

But instead of breaking away from the wall, his tongue was wrapped in newly formed ice and completely frozen on the wall.

Tom pulled a little harder and showed an aggrieved expression to Uncle Long.

"Oh... there are always things that go against common sense in the world, right?" Uncle Long tried to hide his embarrassment, "I think I should return the kettle now. See you later!"

"I'll do it." Zhang Da also took out a sword. He had great experience in how to save Tom who was trapped inexplicably.

As long as he drew his sword and looked like he was going to cut off Tom's tongue, he would naturally be frightened and retreat, and then he would take it down.

Just as Zhang Daye expected, before his long sword came down, Tom had already retreated dozens of meters.

The only problem is, he exits with an entire piece of the wall.

When the incident happened, the owner of the house was sitting at home reading a newspaper. After hearing the sound, he lowered the newspaper and happened to meet Zhang Daye's eyes.

The two people stared at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Rui Mengmeng nudged Zhang Daye with her elbow: "Boss, you are in trouble."

"I know." Zhang Da also accepted his fate and made an apology gesture, "I'm sorry, I apologize!"

By the time he and the owner of the house had negotiated the compensation, Tom was already sitting in the shop across the street with everyone, eating ice cream happily.

I heard from the store clerk that there is an ice skating rink and a ski resort on this island. The ice and snow there are also sweet and can be eaten as desserts.

So the next itinerary was decided, and as expected, it was another busy day.

In the evening, everyone did not go back to the Amber, but stayed in a hotel on the island as usual.

"After playing for several days, it's time to get down to business." Zhang Da also took out the Huang Yao Banner, "Tom, I heard Artoria say where did you stuff the cloud and the hat that you stuffed in?" ?”

Tom tilted his head and stuffed it into the flag.

Tom rummaged through the eight-sided Fairy Flag, picked up each side, shook it left and right, and put it to his ear. After finding the original side, he unfolded it and shook it down hard.

Snap, a pink pirate hat fell off: "It hurts!"

Tom glanced at him and continued to wander.

Poof, a white cloud with long golden hair fell out: "It hurts!"

Zhang Da also picked them up one by one: "The lines are all the same. We are not a family. We don't belong to the same family."

Hera seemed dissatisfied with being carried like this, and complained before she could see clearly who was in front of her: "Who are you, so rude!"

"But thanks to you guys, I finally came out from a strange place... came out... was it you?!" Napoleon was startled when he saw Zhang Daye, and became even more frightened when he saw Tom, "And... have you?!"

"It's you!" After Hera recognized Zhang Daye and Tom clearly, she changed from a white cloud to a thunder cloud, and her size also became larger.

But he suddenly calmed down and returned to his normal appearance: "You, what do you want?"

The two of them were knocked unconscious by Zhang Daye's Dark Night Soul-Souling Gong, and they had no idea what happened afterwards.

"I want to ask you two what you think and what your plans are in the future." Zhang Da also told them that their aunt had died in the battle and that the Big Mom Pirates had been destroyed.

'What? Is the Qing Dynasty dead? ’ Zhang Da also seemed to be able to read this line from their faces.

"This, this is impossible!" Napoleon expressed disbelief.

Zhang Da also threw the newspapers from the past few days in their faces, and called a few cookie soldiers and flag demons to come out to testify.

Biscuit Soldier naively said that the master was right, Charlotte Lingling is dead, you might as well join the master, and what are the benefits of being a flag demon?

However, Hera didn't know many Homitz, and Napoleon had no impression of these biscuit soldiers with no distinctive features, so the chat between them was not pleasant.

Zhang Da also thought about it and simply called Ye Yan over and asked him to let Zeus and Prometheus go.

"Hera, Napoleon! It's great that you are still alive!" Prometheus was somewhat at odds with Zeus now, and was very happy to see Hera and Napoleon.

"Yeah, that's great." Zeus wasn't familiar with Hera, but he thought she was beautiful at first sight.

Although the other party appeared to take his place, Zeus felt that that was all in the past. Everyone was a thunder cloud and they should have a good communication.

Prometheus approached Zeus and said, "Hey, Zeus, Hera is the girlfriend my mother created for me. Don't stare at her like that!"

"Is that so? But Hera is a thundercloud like me." Zeus avoided Prometheus and looked at Hera helplessly, waiting for her to deny.

"Humph!" Hera didn't want to pay attention to them. She felt that these three were idiots, but it was not appropriate to say these things now.

Fortunately, Napoleon still remembered the business and asked: "What's going on? What's wrong with mother? Why are you like this?"

Only then did Zeus and Prometheus stop quarreling, and you talked to me about the whole story.

"So...Mom, she really..." Napoleon shrank into the corner of the room, turning into a broadsword for a while, a double-edged sword for a while, and a three-cornered hat for a while.

Zhang Da also felt that the hostility in him came and went.

Hera grieved for a while and then recovered quickly. It had only been a few days since she was born, and the time she spent with her eldest mother was only a few hours.

The reason why I am loyal to my aunt is because of the limitations of the Soul Soul Fruit. It is not possible to say how deep my feelings are.

"In short, this is what happened. Prometheus and I are now following Master Ye Yan. He is the most talented watchman and a powerful being who can transform into the master of the night. You can't go wrong by following him!"

Zhang Da also glanced at Zeus. This guy learned the art of flattery very quickly.

Prometheus followed and said: "That's right, Hera, are you coming too? We will continue to be companions. If you don't become a flag demon, you will disappear soon... Oh, so will Napoleon."

Napoleon: "..."

Prometheus what do you mean?

Zeus added: "By the way, it's not just us, even the Anthem has followed its master now. In addition to him, there are also King Bam and Randolph..."

Hera and Napoleon swayed a little more every time a person's name was announced.

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