Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 676 Iron Sand Sword

Zhang Da also casually called on the nearby soldiers to come and take the gangster away, without worrying about the king's situation.

Ye Yan and Misaka are both here, and what kind of splash can the Fan Ku brothers make with just these two moves.

Sure enough, Kelly Fanku's second punch to the king was blocked by Ye Yan, and his skills were not in vain.

Ye Yan asked doubtfully: "I told you, you will get the bonus of 100 million Baileys soon, why are you so crazy here?"

"A mere 100 million is nothing. As long as I kill him, I can get a billion! So, don't get in the way here!" Kelly Fanku punched Ye Yan, "I am a killer!"

"Then there's nothing more to say, the flag demon comes out!"

Ye Yan waved his hand, and Lu Dashan emerged from the Huangyao Banner, stood in front of Ye Yan, and easily caught Kelly's two fists.

Jin Erpeng and Sui Feng'er then appeared, shouting "Destroy the lotus with ruthless hands" and "Sweep the jade phoenix with whip legs" respectively.

In fact, it is an eye poke and a kick in the crotch, and there is no lower limit to the moves.

But Bobby Fanku's natural steel frame is not built for nothing. As long as Kelly closed his eyes, the flag demons' destructive moves would be useless.

Kelly's jacket fruit is also very unscientific. It's obvious that he turned into a jacket and wore it outside, but as long as the people inside were not injured, he was completely fine.

Magic Li Zha, Golden Tongue Langjun and Ma Laowu also emerged from the Huang Yao Banner, and the six flag demons surrounded the Fan Ku brothers, punching and kicking them.

A group of monsters beating up a person is probably one of their favorite team-building activities.

Ye Yan took the time to care about the king's condition: "Is it okay if you are injured?"

"It's such a disgrace to the Elizabello family." Elizabello had already stood up, "Thank you, Mr. Ye Yan, I'm fine."

He has a combative personality to begin with, and he also practiced a lot in order to master the King's Fist, so his physical skills are actually pretty good, and he didn't suffer much damage from this punch.

If he hadn't been attacked by Kelly, he wouldn't have been able to fight for several rounds.

Elizabello spoke very kindly to Ye Yan, but he was already furious: "Brother Fanku and these gangsters really dare to do this! Vasco da Gama!"

Da Gama rolled to his feet and stood up: "Yes!"

"Give me a good torture and ask who sent those guys!"

"Yes!" Da Gama was also very angry, "I will definitely entertain them well!"

Kelly, who was surrounded by the flag monsters, was still very arrogant: "Don't get in the way, you monsters!"

He relied on his younger brother's strong body to fight one against six. In addition to the attacks of Lu Dashan and Jintongue Langjun, which could give him some pain, the other four non-combat flag demons not only couldn't hurt him, but also asked him to find him. He took a few punches at the right opportunity.

Following the principle that a crying child should be fed, Sui Feng Er covered her cheeks and screamed a few times, then continued to step forward to 'endure the pain' in order to carry out the master's order and 'endure the pain'.

Anyway, in addition to the master, all the eldest brothers and sisters were also present. Sui Feng'er judged that this little shrimp couldn't make any trouble, so it wouldn't be a big problem to act.

Sister Misaka watched from behind for a while and found that the flag demons seemed to have nothing to do with this guy, so she poked Sui Feng'er's back: "Do you need help? Du~ Misaka asked this question."

Suifeng'er chose to get off the donkey along the slope and hurriedly made room for an empty seat: "It would be great if Miss Misaka can help me!"

Sui Feng'er did not forget to remind the other flag demons: "Brothers, the eldest sister is about to take action, be careful of being electrocuted to death!"

The flag demons all took a step back. They were quite frightened by the thunder and lightning.

"Ah? What a big sister, little girl, I've seen you unhappy for a long time!" Kelly hit Misaka again.

If Misaka hadn't been in charge of the security check and checked the weapons accurately, Kelly felt that he could have brought a dagger with him. In that case, the king would have been dead just now.

It's definitely this little girl's fault that she couldn't get a billion heads immediately!

He is really not a very professional killer. He goes crazy and hits whoever he wants, completely forgetting his own goals.

However, just as Kelly raised his fist, thunder and lightning enveloped him. The dazzling lightning and the thunder drowned Kelly. People nearby seemed to be able to see the bones inside flickering through the lightning.

When the thunder stopped, Kelly puffed out a puff of black smoke, staggered towards Misaka, and said harshly: "But... damn little girl... this kind of thing doesn't work at all!"

After being poisoned by Zhang Tatsuya, Misaka had already accepted the 'common sense' that lightning strikes are difficult to electrocute people, so she made second-hand preparations. Black iron sand gathered in her open palm, gradually gathering into the shape of a sword. .

"Sword? That thing can't hurt me!" Kelly was full of confidence in his brother's physical strength and rushed forward without fear.

Misaka tilted her head. She had never encountered an opponent who would bump into the blade of the sword. Misaka held the sword and made a light stroke, and a huge wound immediately appeared on Kelly's body.

Misaka took two steps back to avoid the blood spurting out.

Kelly cried out in pain and rolled his eyes: "No, it's impossible...how can a mere sword hurt Bobby's body..."

"The Iron Sand Sword is a chainsaw-like structure formed by high-frequency vibration of iron sand. Its sharpness cannot be compared with ordinary sword blades. Du~ Misaka confirmed that the opponent has lost the ability to fight, so he gave an explanation."

At the end of the battle, Misaka stopped controlling, and fine iron sand fell to the ground.

Weiwei was thoughtful when she saw this move. Misaka controls iron sand because electromagnetic force can only control iron sand. So, can the power of the Shasha fruit, which can directly control sand, be used in this way?

Perhaps we can consult the workings of Misaka's Iron Sand Sword to develop a 'sword' that is sharper than Crocodile's Desert Great Sword?

Elizabello praised: "What an amazing ability. Thank you Miss Misaka for your help."

"You're welcome, but it would be great if I could have a cup of black tea after the battle. Du~ Misaka made her request nonchalantly."

"No problem, Dias, go and prepare the best black tea and snacks right away!" Elizabello will definitely satisfy this small request.

He looked at Misaka with a fatherly look, what a good child, both strong and cute, it would be great if she was my daughter.

Zhang Da also immediately stepped forward to protect the food. This look was so familiar. It was exactly the same as Kapu Zefa's. Isn't this Lao Deng a good person? He wants to kidnap our Misaka sister?

Perona and Wendy were squatting on the ground studying the Fanku brothers.

The brothers were still not separated after being knocked down, but a zipper visible to the naked eye appeared on their bodies, extending from the crotch to the top of the head.

Xia Lulu tentatively pulled the slider down, and Kelly actually parted it like a piece of clothing, revealing Bobby who also rolled his eyes underneath.

"It's amazing, it really looks like clothes."

Tom couldn't listen to this. There was something magical about having a zipper on his body. He put his hand to his neck and touched it, then pulled it down, and the cat's skin opened.

He is not magical at all. Look at me, look at me!

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