Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 675 He still has to thank us

"Bobby, it's time to change!" Amid the beatings from his opponents and the abuse from the audience, Kelly finally recovered enough strength, and his temper could no longer be tolerated.

No matter Rogan or the viewers who scolded him, Kelly didn't want to let go of any of them!

Without saying a word, Bobby obediently allowed his brother to regain control of his body.

Logan only felt that his opponent's eyes suddenly changed from cowardly to fierce. What made him feel guilty the most was that the opponent actually stood up against his attack, as if his punch was someone else.

Kelly opened his hands and held Logan's fist, licked his lips and said, "You bastard, have you beaten enough?"

"How can you still stand up after taking so many punches from me?"

"Punch? What kind of punch? Aren't they getting weaker and weaker?" Kelly let go of his hand and punched Logan in the face, followed by continuous attacks. "This is called a punch, Ola." Oh!"

"Oh~~The situation has reversed!" Dias shouted loudly, "Contestant Kelly, who had been motionless until just now, suddenly started to fight back! Contestant Logan has no power to fight back. Is he exhausted?"

Zhang Da also began to feel bored. He thought he was just watching two rookies peck each other, but it turned out that the guy beat him for a long time and not only failed to break his defense, but also tired himself. This was a bit too much.

What if you even picked him up and threw him out of the ring while he was holding his head and squatting in defense? The rules of this so-called 'boxing match' are not that strict, it's just mind-numbing.

But fortunately, this long-delayed bad game is finally over.

As Dias said, Logan's physical strength could no longer support him and he completely lost consciousness after being hit in the head by Kelly dozens of times.

He originally wanted to continue the beating, but Kelly was worried about the penalty, so he finally yelled and kicked Logan out of the ring.

"Winner, Kelly Fanku!"

There was a burst of cheers from the audience: "Oh oh oh!!!"

At the same time, some people pointed their thumbs down and cheered: "Woo"

It is clear at a glance who has won money and who has lost money.

"The champion of the first boxing competition in the Kingdom of Prudence is Kelly Fanku!" Dias repeated the results of the competition loudly, and then said, "Next, please His Majesty the King to present awards to the contestants!"

Elizabello sighed. In fact, he didn't really want to award this award now. When he originally set up this process, he felt that the champion of the first competition should be stronger and more able to win the respect of the people. Only in this way can the winner be stronger. He deserves the award himself.

But I never expected that this champion would actually be a guy who had to hold his head and defend for a while in the ring...

Can such a person convince the public if he is put into the army?

Even if it was too late to regret now, Elizabello decided to go through the process and then reflect on what went wrong.

He turned to look at Zhang Tatsuya, as if to ask if he was interested in joining.

Zhang Da also waved his hand. If he was to give an award to Tom, he would definitely go there. It would be better to forget about giving it to this rookie.

So Elizabello walked onto the ring accompanied by Vasco da Gama and Diaz. Ye Yan and Misaka stood two steps behind Kelly, waiting for the process to be completed and went back to eat.

At this time, a firework suddenly rose outside the venue, and then the sound of firecrackers crackled. Colorful fireworks rose one after another, lighting up the entire sky.

The audience looked up to the sky and exclaimed in uncontrollably.

But Elizabello looked at the fireworks in the sky, and his expression was a little ugly. Why do things always go wrong today? He glanced at Vasco da Gama, somewhat annoyed.

Vasco da Gama and Dias both had dark faces at the same time: "These idiots, didn't they say they would wait until it was completely over before setting off fireworks?"

When everyone's attention was attracted by the fireworks, a fist was stamped on Elizabello's face.

"Ugh!" Elizabello was knocked to the ground unexpectedly, bleeding from the corner of her mouth. The crown clattered to the ground, revealing the top of her head with sparse hair.

Vasco da Gama and Diaz stood in front of the king and yelled: "Kelly Fancu! What are you doing! Attacking the king is a grave sin!"

Kelly Fanku knocked Da Gama over with another punch, and Da Gama's round body knocked down Diaz next to him.

Kelly rushed towards Elizabello: "Whoever wants to attack the king, I just want to kill him, go to hell!"

At the same time as Kelly took action, forty people in the audience suddenly drew their sharp blades and instantly restrained the officials of the Kingdom of Prudence and some invited dignitaries from other countries in the VIP seats.

This is a premeditated assassination!

The audience was stunned by the sudden turn of events, and then began to run away. What if they were kidnapped if they didn't run away?

But they absolutely shouldn't, so they divided up a dozen people, each with a dagger in their hand, to try to hijack the Amber Tour Group.

There was no doubt that all those who attacked the adult group were knocked to the ground with one move, but the four people who attacked the little girl were almost stabbed, so they were killed on the spot by Zhang Tatsuya, Artoria and Rui Mengmeng.

"Don't move!" Some people felt that they were emboldened by taking hostages and shouted to Zhang Daye, "If you dare to act rashly, these dignitaries from various countries will be dead!"

Zhang Da also felt baffled: "What does it have to do with me? I don't know them."


There seems to be something wrong with this script, but there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it. The gangster is a little confused.

But the politicians from various countries were frightened and begged:

"Please save me, Lord Zhang Daye!"

"Help me, we met at the banquet!"

"I, I even had dinner with you, in the restaurant of the Port Hotel!"

God, we had dinner together! Does eating at the same cafeteria count as eating together? Are the seats twenty or thirty meters away?

The gangsters were obviously very satisfied with the behavior of the hostages. Yes, they begged them like this. They just needed to hold off the troublesome guys like the Amber Tour Group until the king was killed by the Fanku brothers.

"A bunch of pig teammates." Zhang Da also sighed, "Then you just endure the pain."


Before anyone could react, Zhang Daye flashed thirty rays of lightning and accurately hit thirty gangsters.

But no matter how accurate it was, it was still an electric shock, and the hostages who were held hostage were still affected. Their hair exploded, and they fell to the ground together with the gangsters, emitting black smoke.

Perona saw the appearance of these people and asked: "Hey, if you let me do it, it doesn't have to be like this at all, right? Even if the negative ghost hits them together, it doesn't have to be so painful."

"You don't understand. For them, it's better for them to let me shock them than to fall to their knees and lose face after falling for your trick." Zhang Daye said matter-of-factly, "If I shock them like this, they still have to Thank you."

Some officials who did not faint said cooperatively: "Thank you... thank you..."

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