Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 649 I’ll take the blame

At the same time, outside Ye Yan's room, the entire palace's guards, maids, and chefs knelt on the ground.

The pressure of the Four Flags Master could make Ye Yan almost unable to get up under normal conditions, but Tom was the Ten Flags Master.

Fortunately, this coercion can be retracted as soon as it is released, and he himself doesn't know how powerful he is, otherwise there will definitely be big trouble now.

But despite this, King Liku's family was still shocked.

"What's going on?" King Liku felt a palpitation in his heart. He was reviewing documents just now, but now his hands were shaking so much that he couldn't hold the pen at all.

The young Rebecca fell unexpectedly, tears welling up in her eyes. She seemed to have seen a very scary cat just now. Hey, it didn't seem that scary.

Sweat dripped from Cyrus' forehead: "There may be another strong enemy. I'll go out and take a look."

"It's the Overlord Color. It's even scarier than Doflamingo's Overlord Color." Violet was also well-informed, and her voice was a little shaky when she spoke, "Mr. Tatsuya and the others are also in the castle, so why not go first?" Ask them, if it is a strong enemy, they will definitely find it."

As she spoke, Violet also began to use her abilities to find possible enemies around her.

"That's right." Cyrus walked towards Zhang Daye's room.

The culprit still didn't know what happened, so Ye Yan complained:

"Tom, I won't ask you why you can transform into a master, but can you have a more serious expression when you transform? All the strength of the master has been lost..."

Zhang Da also patted Ye Yan on the shoulder and comforted him: "You can rest assured about this. The last time you transformed into a master and fell from the air cursing, the master's strength had already been lost."

Ye Yan: "..."

Tom was only happy for a short while. As soon as the medicine took effect, Tom's black robe disappeared immediately, and the whole cat fell straight to the ground.

Maybe it was because Tom's physique was 'very poor'. The side effects of the medicine and the side effects of the dominant form struck at the same time, and Tom collapsed instantly.

But a second later, Tom opened his eyes in confusion and sat up. He raised his hands and scratched the top of his head, as if he didn't understand what happened.

Zhang Da also checked Tom's body, and of course there was no problem. He asked, "Is it fun?"

Tom nodded, it was fun.

Zhang Da also said angrily: "Then do you need me to make another pill for you?"

Tom shook his head. He took the pills because they looked like chocolate beans, but they didn't taste good at all and he was miserable.

"..." Zhang Daye said helplessly, "Who asked you if it tastes good? I want to tell you, don't eat things you don't know the effects of. If you eat the wrong things, you will get a stomachache, right?"

Tom nodded and shook his head, meaning that eating bad food would cause stomachache, but he knew the effect of taking the pill. Taking it could control the flag, so he didn't eat randomly.

"Your logic..." Zhang Daye was at a loss for words. There was nothing wrong with it. After all, Ye Yan had said the effect of the medicine, and he had also demonstrated it to Tom.

"Forget it, let's get down to business." Zhang Da also discovered that Tom was not ignorant, but was using strange thinking and logic to do things despite being sensible, and he had nothing to do with this.

"There's nothing more to say about the business." Ye Yan thought for a while and reminded:

"But you have to know that this test is just to test your upper limit and help you awaken your ability to control flags.

If you want to reach this upper limit, you still have to practice from the first side. Every time you control one more Huang Yao Banner, you have to put in a lot of sweat. If you rely on your own talent, you won't..."

Ye Yan was stuck again: "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Ye Yan remembered that this guy didn't need him to tell him how to work hard.

Others said they were going to practice to death just to encourage themselves when they said they couldn't practice, but this guy said he was going to practice to death as if he really wanted to die.

The key is that he can't practice to death, which makes people jealous.

Boom, boom.

Cyrus's voice sounded: "Is anyone there?"

Zhang Daye and Ye Yan looked at each other and replied, "Please come in."

Cyrus opened the door, glanced at the scattered flags on the ground, and said, "Excuse me, Mr. Tatsuya and Mr. Ye Yan, I wonder if you two have noticed that a powerful overlord-like domineering aura just enveloped the entire palace. So many people fell to their knees or even fainted..."

Listening to Cyrus' explanation, Zhang Daye and Ye Yan looked at Tom.

Tom's eyes were wandering, he tilted his head with his hands behind his back, and whistled to pretend to be innocent.

Okay, I have to take the blame again. Zhang Da also sighed in his heart and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I was just doing special training to test my ability, and then I accidentally failed to control it. I'm very sorry. .”

"So...it's you?" Cyrus breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that he's not an enemy. Dressrosa can't stand the trouble anymore.

"Well, if anyone is injured, I will be responsible for the treatment. I can also compensate for lost work time, nutritional expenses, etc." What can Zhang Da also say? Of course, he must properly resolve the matters caused by his cat.

Cyrus said quickly: "No, no, no, it's not that serious, as long as I go and comfort him a little."

"It's better that I go with you. You have to make amends, or at least apologize." Zhang Da also grabbed the back of Tom's neck, and he couldn't hide from it.

Compared with when he first came to this world, Zhang Daye's strength has become much stronger, and his mentality has become much more relaxed than that time, but some concepts have not changed, and he still has to do what he should do.

Seeing his resolute attitude, Cyrus had no choice but to take Zhang Daye with him, silently sighing that his benefactor was a good man.

Ye Yan said: "I won't join in the fun anymore. I want to clean up this pile of things and catch up on my sleep. You made me miss my bed and my afternoon nap."

Zhang Da also raised his middle finger outside the door: "Bah, you didn't sleep in the cage this morning just to watch the excitement, right? Is it my fault too?"

The sudden pressure caused a small panic in the palace. After the explanation was given, nothing happened.

Moreover, Captain Cyrus actually came together with Mr. Zhang Daye to express condolences and apologize in person, which flattered the guards in the palace. Would such a big shot care about their thoughts?

Sure enough, working for the Liku royal family is much better than following the Don Quixote family.

Those who were injured when they fell received Zhang Daye's treatment and touched their quickly recovering wounds with novelty, but they resolutely refused the compensation proposed by Zhang Daye.

Zhang Da didn't force it either. Later he could buy a few carts of fruit and send them to the palace as a token of appreciation.

Money is not an issue. Anyway, I have the 50 million I just received and an IOU from the Navy. I guess the Navy will send over the remaining bounty tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, right?

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