Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 648 Tom, Lord of the Night

Chapter 648 Lord of the Night——Tom

The matter of robbing Auntie Homiz needs long-term thinking.

Big Mom is different from Doflamingo. Her territory and military strength are truly at the level of a big country.

In addition to the attached pirate group and a large number of Homitz, the most important thing under her command is her seventy or eighty children, and each one is more capable than the last.

If Zhang Da also leads everyone in directly, he might really have to reduce the number of people.

He doesn't have Luffy's aura of turning enemies into friends, nor does he have the Big Mom Life Card that can command most of the Homitz.

But if you can get more information about Big Mom, and then sneak in quietly to steal a few Homitz, you should still be able to do it.

Before that, Zhang Da also needs to be upgraded.

I have just finished taking Teacher Kai's improvement class. If I don't experience it and improve, it would be disrespectful to Teacher Kai.

"I advise you not to be too happy too early." Ye Yan said, "The age of 8-10 is the best time for a watcher to awaken the ability to control flags. After that age, it is basically impossible, so although you have obtained the brilliant Whether the demon flag can be used is another matter."

Zhang Da also thought about it, and it seemed that there was such a setting, but he received this talent directly from Ye Yan. He could learn the soul-soothing gong, so there was no reason why he couldn't control the flags. He asked, "How to test?"

Ye Yan said: "We need to prepare some auxiliary drugs, and we also need to prepare the Huang Yao Banner for testing... You should also come together. I can teach you how to make temporary banners, which can be used in emergencies."

Zhang Da also asked: "What if I can control the eight-sided demon flag like you, what if the five sides are not enough?"

Ye Yan said indifferently: "If it's not enough, it's not enough. Anyway, there are no monsters for you to catch now. Learning to control the flags just means you have a few more darts."

Zhang Da also looked at him without speaking.

"Okay..." Ye Yan spread his hands, "It's troublesome to make the official Huang Yao Banner. I don't know if I can find those materials in this world. Why don't you draw the lottery slowly by yourself? Anyway, our uncles, uncles, brothers and sisters are very fond of it. There are many, and there are also many deceased ancestors..."

"I thank you on their behalf."

"What should we do? You have no control over your broken lottery, and you're talking about replicas. It doesn't matter. Just don't bring me the tablets in the Ye Family Ancestral Hall."

Zhang Da also nodded: "Good idea, I will work hard."

"Your uncle..."

All joking aside, Zhang Daye still seriously followed Ye Yan to learn medicine and banner making.

Others wanted to take a vacation and exercise if they wanted to. Only Tom found it interesting and still followed Zhang Daye.

Fortunately, although the world is different, the necessary herbal medicines are still as complete as ever. Even if Dressrosa is not good at medical skills, it is easy to find the ingredients for auxiliary medicines.

It is even easier to test flags and temporary flags. The conditions they require are extremely simple. You can make temporary flags with just a piece of rag, and even a bandage wrapped around your body can be used in emergencies.

The disadvantage is that although it can temporarily accommodate the flag demon, it cannot achieve the effect of making the contracted flag demon live forever.

"That'll be fine."

After several hours of making and teaching, two chocolate-bean-like pills and a ten-sided test Huang Yao Banner were placed in front of the two of them.

Because he was very interested in learning new skills, Zhang Da didn't even watch the excitement of tanks running circles with his men on the training ground. After gathering the materials, he and Ye Yan stayed in the room making medicine and making banners.

Zhang Da also said: "Let's start then. Can we just swallow this thing?"

"Yes, but there is something that must be made clear." Ye Yan became serious, "This medicine was developed to test the limits of the control person. It can fully stimulate the potential of control in your body in a short period of time, and will give the body It imposes quite a burden.”

"If your physical fitness is not strong enough, you may even suffer side effects..." At this point, Ye Yan got stuck. Poor physical fitness may lead to disability, but the physical fitness of the guy in front of him...

As strong as a monster.

He even felt that if the other party could activate the night master form, there might not even be any side effects.

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say it." Ye Yan was a little autistic. Normal people couldn't compare to hanging on the wall, and he felt tired.

Why are you so discouraged... Zhang Da also opened his mouth to take the medicine. He just put the pill in his mouth and took it out again: "I'd better take this one you made, it's safer."

It was the first time for him to make medicine. Zhang Da didn't dare to take the medicine he made. He didn't know what he was doing.

However, when he swallowed the pill, Ye Yan said, "Actually, there is no difference. This is my first time too."

"Your sister!" Zhang Da also wanted to scratch his throat, but his strong ability to digest and absorb the medicine made the effect of the medicine work very quickly, and he felt a little sick just a few seconds after taking it.

The vitality belonging to the watchman in his body began to stir. Zhang Da also stretched out his hand and felt that the Huang Yao banners lying on the ground were like a part of his body and could be freely manipulated.

Swish, swish, just as Zhang Daye expected, the number of Huangyao banners he could control at the same time was as eight as that of Ye Yan.

He nervously controlled the Huang Yao Banner to fly up, down, left and right in front of Ye Yan: "Did you see it, Ba Mian! What does it mean to be gifted, what does it mean to control it freely, what does it mean to use your fingers like an arm..."

Ye Yan didn't say anything and looked at him with Erha's eyes.

As a result, as soon as the effect of the medicine wore off, the Huang Yao banner fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

Zhang Da was also dizzy for a second. When he tried to control the flag again, only one side lazily turned over on the ground.


Ye Yan smiled and pointed at the yellow demon flag that looked like a salted fish: "Like an arm and a finger?"

Zhang Da was also speechless.

But the next moment, the Huang Yao Banner floated again without any warning, and this time not eight sides, but all ten sides floated!

Ye Yan was so frightened that he said, "Ten flags caller? You must be too open-minded, right?"

Zhang Daye looked innocent: "Don't look at me like that, it wasn't me."

"If it wasn't you, it could have been me..." Ye Yan turned his head and saw Tom sticking out his tongue and waving his arms happily. The ten-faced demon flags were sometimes arranged in a single character, and sometimes in a personal character.

The auxiliary pill made by Zhang Daye has disappeared.

The answer is obvious.

Ye Yan had a pained expression on his face: "Can he learn this too?"

"Sorry, I guess I can't just learn it." Zhang Daye said, "We can control the eight-sided demon flag because our limit is eight sides, and Tom can control ten sides because we only made ten sides."

"..." Ye Yan was speechless. The next second, he suddenly felt his body sinking and had the urge to kneel down.

Ye Yan said in a foul tone: "Holy crap, the master of pressure? The master of the night? Or the special Ten Flag master!"

I saw that Tom was already wearing a black robe with red edges, which was exactly the same as Ye Yan's clothes when he transformed.

However, behind this heavy and domineering pressure, there is a cat face that has no majesty at all.

Not only was he not dignified, but he was also smiling happily.

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