Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 645 Super Zhang Tatsuya

Cyrus was speechless. As a person who abducted a princess and had a child with her, he felt that it should not be illegal.

"Do you think Mr. Jackie Chan and Violet..."

Before Zhang Da could say anything, Violet had already noticed them: "Brother-in-law, Mr. Da Ye, what are you..."

Cyrus said: "Oh, I came to pick up your sister with you. Mr. Tatsuya and the others came to see Miss Wendy."

After getting Ye Yan's inspection authorization, Cyrus and Violet can help the king handle various affairs, as long as they check the location of the Amber from time to time.

Wendy paused her training and asked doubtfully: "Brother Tatsuya, are you looking for me?"

Zhang Da also nodded: "Well, come and help Mengmeng and Artoria treat their injuries."

Arturia had previously received a claw from Kaido in the fire dragon state. Although she was protected by armor, she was still slightly injured.

There is nothing good to say about the treatment, and even the scars can be removed at the same time, but there is nothing they can do about the burnt hair ends, so they can only ask Tom to trim them.

Master Tang has fast haircutting speed and good skills. He can kill countless Tony teachers in an instant with just a pair of scissors.

After the haircut, Zhang Da also stared at the hair on the ground and Artoria's hair hanging down for a while: "It's a haircut, but... why doesn't it feel shorter at all?"

Phew~ Tom blew off a piece of burnt blond hair on the scissors, then turned the scissors a few times and put them away coolly, indicating that this was technique.

Artoria looked in the mirror and saw no difference. She rolled up her long hair and tied it into a simple ponytail: "Okay, let's get started Tatsuya."

"Here?" Zhang Daye said hesitantly, "Why don't we borrow a place like the training ground to avoid messing up the garden?"

With Zhang Daye's current status in Dressrosa, such a small thing as borrowing a training ground is completely fine.

The person responsible for receiving them was Tank Repante, who served as the commander of the army after Cyrus resigned. Now that Cyrus has returned, Tank believes that he has completely failed to fulfill his responsibility to protect the king when the Don Quixote family invaded. I want to take the blame and resign.

However, King Riku and Cyrus persuaded him to keep him - Dressrosa is too short of people, and there are not many who can fight all over the country. Tanks are already burly and have some prestige in the army. Very good.

Although in Zhang Daye's opinion, he could easily be defeated by just calling a few small human warriors.

Zhang Da also wants to fight with Artoria, and everyone in the Amber tour group except Shark Chili comes to watch the fun.

After Ye Yan heard about this, he didn't even bother to sleep. He didn't even change into the newly acquired Mammoth suit. He ran to the training ground in his pajamas and asked the flag demon to rush to buy peanuts, melon seeds, and popcorn.

He's always going to get beaten too! Is there anything more important than this?

The flag demons knew how to do things. In addition to buying snacks, they also brought small benches for everyone, and everyone sat in the distance to watch.

Tank was a little dazed. Mr. Tatsuya said he was just trying to practice swordsmanship. Is that such an exaggeration? Could it be that watching the sword fight between the two of them has a strong improvement effect?

If that's the case, then we should take a closer look, but why are you sitting so far away?

With full of doubts, Tank stopped the hundreds of soldiers who were running around, and joined them not far away to see how strong the swordsmen of the Amber Tour Group were.

It is said that Miss Artoria is the world's greatest swordsman who can defeat Hawkeye. Is she really stronger than Lord Cyrus?


A huge golden slash was blocked by Zhang Daye and thrown away, grazing the tank's helmet and flying upwards, cutting off the red tassel on the top of his helmet.

"Tank...tank army commander!" The soldiers were frightened and retreated dozens of meters away.

Tank touched the top of his head, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and followed the footsteps of the soldiers numbly.

Is this the battle that defeated Doflamingo and even Kaido?

Just the aftermath almost cut off their heads, so scary!

Zhang Da also didn't understand: "Is it so big at the beginning?"

"You're not 'playing', Tatsuya, treat me as an enemy for now." Artoria looked very serious, her skirt armor had already appeared on her body, and her long sword was covered by the Wind King's barrier and became 'transparent' .

It was absolutely impossible to treat her as an enemy. If she were an enemy, Zhang Da would have been sneaking up on her, or exposing her shortcomings, or talking trash.

But he understood the meaning, which was to take this battle seriously.

"Okay, then...super transformation form! Burner, Arms, Armor, God's Knight, God's Crown! And a new move, Thunder Armor!"

Zhang Daye's figure increased by more than three meters, and five magic arrays lit up under his feet, coating his body with a faint magical light, and then arcs of electricity flashed across his body.

The so-called thunder armor was a method he only thought of yesterday. Its power is definitely not comparable to that of the Raikage in the studio next door, and it has no effect of stimulating cell acceleration. At most, it can immediately launch an electric shock when the enemy comes into physical contact.

The effect on Artoria may not be great, but the key is that he is handsome. Anyway, he cannot sneak attack Artoria with moves such as electromagnetic guns. It is a waste to use up the power in his body, so it is better to use it to support the scene.

With this series of buffs turned on, Zhang Da also felt stronger than ever before.

This is the first time Zhang Tatsuya has tried to add all the possible states. Please call him Super Jang Tatsuya.

Ye Yan looked at Zhang Daye's changes and his teeth became sour: "I will never fight with you again in the future, unless I can use the dominant form at will."

This is just like playing some rubbish online games, and you are about to PK, but your opponent's special effect halo with various attribute bonuses flashes the screen for half a minute before the game.

Just looking at it is enough to make you desperate, but why are you fighting? Get a haircut.

Tom sat quietly on one side, with one hand hanging to the ground, his arm wrapped around everyone's small bench, grabbed the popcorn in Ye Yan's hand, and took it back with a swipe, while also taking the popcorn in his hand. The empty box was exchanged.

"Gua~" Kalu said that he saw it and everyone who saw it had a share.

Tom nodded and shared the popcorn with Karoo one by one.

Zhang Da, who was on the field, also changed to a longer sword. The sword was covered with a dark armed color. He rushed towards Artoria with a movement of his feet. He stepped on the ground where he had just stood and made several cracks.

Few people in the audience could clearly see Zhang Tatsuya's movements. His figure seemed to suddenly disappear and then suddenly appear in front of Artoria, his long sword cutting through the air.


The long black sword collided with the invisible sword, and a strong wind surged between the two. Zhang Tatsuya's black hair and Artoria's blond hair were blown by the wind at the same time.

Arturia smiled with some relief, and the ground beneath her feet sank a few centimeters.

Zhang Tatsuya, who has been in a lot of states, has reached an astonishing level in both speed and strength.

Just one update today...

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