Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 644 You guys, isn’t it illegal to kidnap a princess?

Zhang Daye knocked on Ye Yan's door.

Ye Yan sleepily opened the door a crack. Although he didn't keep vigil yesterday, he still had insomnia when he should have: "Is there something... is it done...?"

Ye Yan saw the suit of clothes Tom was dragging at a glance and immediately became energetic.

This costume is amazing. It is a mammoth costume. The pair of tusks on it are made of real mammoth teeth. They are cut and polished. The raw materials are kindly provided by Jack.

In fact, he wanted to use Kaido's dragon tail to make a set of dragon-man clothes, but the flesh-and-blood tail was disgusting, so this ivory one was better.

Ye Yan looked at this Mammoth costume over and over again and couldn't put it down.

Tom rubbed his hands to show that he had agreed to pay.

"No problem!" Ye Yan waved his hand, "When the flag demons are all here, they will listen to your orders at any time. Those guys are absolutely good at killing chickens."

Tom nodded with satisfaction, and the flag demons felt comfortable slapping their backs and shoulders.

"What kind of messy deal are you doing..." Zhang Da also complained and got down to business, "Cyrus came to ask about the location of the Amber. Where are Lu Dashan and the others?"

Ye Yan's reaction was similar to Zhang Da's: "Don't you have clairvoyance? Can't you just let her see?"

Cyrus explained the reason again. It was not that they were making a fuss, but that it was too rude to look at the benefactor's companions with their power like surveillance.

Ye Yan used telepathy to ask Lu Dashan about their itinerary, and then said: "Within today, you can visit those two guys as you like. I authorize you to help check and see if those two guys are lazy."

After saying that, he yawned: "I'm going to catch up on my sleep, you guys are busy."

Cyrus said: "Thank you for your help, excuse me."

The distance between the Amber and Dressrosa was still far, so there was no point in hurrying.

I don’t know if Shukaret and Rebecca have had breakfast. Rebecca is still young and it’s not good to be hungry. I don’t know if the child messed up the benefactor’s boat. Shukaret should be optimistic about her. ?

Cyrus took Zhang Daye and Tom to the restaurant with great concern.


"Morning, Tatsuya, Tom."

"Good morning, boss, good morning, Teacher Tom."

Zhang Da also glanced at the table and found that the two men had achieved great results, but he didn't say anything and went to get breakfast with Tom.

Cyrus followed absently and asked for one.

Artoria was calm and composed. She consumed so much magic power yesterday that it was reasonable to replenish the food. As for why she didn't replenish food at yesterday's banquet... it might be because the magic power needed to be replenished in batches many times.

Rui Mengmeng was a little embarrassed, but she was injured and needed to eat more to replenish energy.

Fortunately, the chefs had seen the world yesterday and were well prepared this morning. They recommended some familiar chef friends to the king in advance to take shifts.

During the meal break, Arturia asked, "How is your injury, Tatsuya?"

"As you know, my physique is completely restored as soon as I wake up." Zhang Da also said that he is now full of health and mana, and has several tubes of mana.

"Let Wendy and I help you treat it later. If the two of us work together, you will recover quickly." Zhang Da also glanced at Rui Mengmeng's forehead, "I promise there will be no scars."

"Thank you, boss!" Rui Mengmeng became happy, but then began to wonder whether she should eat so much since she could recover quickly.

Zhang Da also looked at Cyrus with a little regret. Unfortunately, his leg was chopped off a month or two ago. Doflamingo would definitely not be kind enough to help him preserve it. Now he couldn't help even if he wanted to.

We can't let Thomson rub a leg out... at most we can help him make a prosthetic leg.

Artoria continued: "In that case, I will practice sword practice with you today."

Zhang Da also wondered: "Huh? Don't you want to go out for a walk? Dressrosa's food is famous far and wide."

Artoria shook her head and said, "You had a big problem in the last battle. I think it needs to be corrected as soon as possible."

"You said so, well, we haven't fought for a while." Zhang Da also thought that he would stay here for a while anyway, so he could eat in the palace for a few days before taking her out to eat.

After the meal was full, Zhang Daye said: "Let's go, go find Wendy."

Cyrus still followed, Zhang Da also said: "Mr. Cyrus doesn't have to stay with us all the time. There must be a lot of domestic affairs now, right?"

"That's true, but the king ordered me to take today off."

King Liku, the father-in-law, was actually pretty good to his son-in-law. If Cyrus hadn't been obsessed with the fact that he had killed someone when he was young, their family of three would have lived a much easier life.

"Come and listen to my command, exhale, inhale... don't make random movements..."

Jackie Chan is taking a group of children to practice boxing, and even Kalu is kicking his legs and waving his wings.

——Since learning to swim in various postures from Tom, Carew has found that his body is much more flexible than before, and he can even make many movements that violate the body structure of a running duck.

The morning exercises of the Amber Tour Group usually consist of running and kung fu taught by Uncle Long.

Perona used to be lazy, but as more little sisters accompanied her, she gradually got used to it.

And if you do a little exercise and stretch your body in the morning, you will indeed feel very comfortable.

"Mr. Jackie Chan seems to be very popular with children." Violet used to have the habit of walking in the garden. Today, just after recovering, she encountered Jackie Chan leading a group of children to practice martial arts, so she went up to say hello.

"It's okay, they have always been more sensible." In front of outsiders, Jackie Chan has to take care of his children's self-esteem, tell a few white lies, and silently pray that they don't get carried away after being praised.

"That must be because you have taught them well." Violet said, "I heard that Mr. Jackie Chan is very good at physical skills. I just saw how you taught them. They are really good."

"What the hell..." Jackie Chan felt a little embarrassed by her praise, "Princess Violet's dance yesterday was also very good."

"It's embarrassing. In fact, there are many beautiful dancers in Dressrosa. I only know a little bit about it." Violet said, "By the way, Mr. Tatsuya said before that you have to stay here for a while. If you need anything, Please feel free to tell me."

"Thank you." Jackie Chan said politely, and then suddenly remembered that he did have something to ask, "I heard that the Riku family became the royal family here hundreds of years ago. Does Dressrosa have a long history?"

Violet tapped her chin with her finger and looked like she was thinking: "Well... I don't know much about this, but there are records in the palace documents. Are you interested in history?"

Zhang Da, who came to the garden, saw the two people chatting happily, and grabbed Cyrus in front of him: "Well, please wait... Is it illegal for you to kidnap a princess?"

Cyrus: "???"

Did I offend my benefactor in some way, so he hinted at me?

I actually lost fifty cents today o(╥﹏╥)o

I brought a few steel coins to fetch water, but when I put in the coins, I found that I lost a 50-cent steel coin. What a novel experience! I don’t know how many years I haven’t lost money...

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