Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 478 Green Pheasant (4000 words)

Zhang Da also swears to the Warring States, saying that there is absolutely no problem with the lamb. If something goes wrong unfortunately, he will cook the lamb and Tom, and everyone will eat meat together.

And let Tom cook himself.

Tom was about to cry in fright, and chased the lamb to help it vomit.

But the lamb is also terrified of Tom now, and when he sees Tom rushing over, he runs... and rolls away.

A sheep and a cat ran out of afterimages in the spacious conference room. After two minutes, the lamb stopped and raised a hoof to signal a pause.

Tom braked quickly, and slid forward for a certain distance with the special brake sound and dust under his feet. His nose hit the goat's hoof, and he showed doubts in his eyes.

"Baa~" Xiao Yang took two steps back, gestured at his figure, and said that he had returned to normal, so don't come here again.

The Warring States period is a bit confused, when will my sheep learn to return life?


Brushing his teeth, washing his face, and tidying his hair in front of the mirror, Tom felt like a spirited kitten after doing these things skillfully.

He jumped off the small stool specially prepared because he was not tall enough, waved to the owner and left the bathroom - Tom's washing speed has always been the fastest, even if his face is full of hair, he can easily dry it with a towel after washing .

It has been a while since I came to the Navy Headquarters, and the living conditions in the dormitory are obviously not as good as those in the tavern, and it is also not as good as the room on the Amber.

Moreover, Shark Pepper and Jackie Chan often exercise or read books until midnight, and Ye Yan cheats dead bodies on time every night. To be honest, Tom doesn't really like living in the same room with them. But since the master lives here, Tom thinks he can make do with it.

If you want to talk about the advantages of living here, you don't have to cook for yourself every day, and you can get free newspapers. All Tom has to do now is to get a newspaper back.

"Morning, Tom!"

"Tom, do you want some fish? I caught it yesterday."

As a cat who has been invincible in the training camp, Tom has long been familiar with many people, and his popularity is not low, and he is often fed by people.

Tom smiled and waved to his acquaintances in response, which looked very much like a leader inspecting. Someone invited him to eat, and he accepted it unceremoniously. Anyway, the master would return the gift when he received too much.

After getting the newspaper, Tom looked through it by himself as usual, and first found the joke column: "Hohoohaha... oh~hahaha..."

The devilish laughter rang out for a while, and Tom began to check if there was any news related to everyone.

"Bendik Snake of the red-haired pirates fought with Shichibukai Chorakel Mihawk, and the two sides parted ways."

The man was fighting with someone else again, and Tom remembered that he gave himself a hat.

"The mysterious man joined the Don Quixote family and became one of the highest cadres in one fell swoop, the leader of the Red Heart Army."

Virgo had changed his appearance, not only wearing a hooded robe, but also a mask. Tom didn't even recognize who this person was, nor did he remember what the Don Quixote family was.

"The former Admiral Zefa led his troops to arrest the remnants of the Valdor Pirates."

Tom read the news carefully, and the Amber tour group was also mentioned in it, and there was even his handsome face stealing the scene in the corner of the picture.

But from the beginning to the end, I couldn't see the news of the man with the white crescent beard. Tom was a little puzzled, didn't the master say that that person was also a big shot?

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. The master will say after a while that Tom rolled up the newspaper and put it under his armpit, humming a little song and dancing back to the dormitory.

Everyone read the newspaper together usually during a short break after breakfast. Some people listened carefully to Zhang Daye reading the news, some were absent-minded, and some were eating fruit and dessert.

Sure enough, when talking about Zefa's news, Ye Yan asked the question Tom wanted to ask.

Zhang Da also said: "Weibull, didn't you say it yesterday, because White Beard may be involved, so you should handle it more cautiously..."

Looking around, Zhang Da also found that apart from Ye Yan, there were a few people who also looked ignorant, and said helplessly: "So apart from Tom who was busy feeding the sheep at that time, you guys didn't listen at all. right?"

Several people smiled, Ye Yan said: "Didn't you all listen to this?"

"Hehe, should I thank you for your trust? Next time, I might as well make a note and lend it to you for copying."

Tom looked like he had nothing to do with himself, and got up to refill a drink for Karoo.

After breakfast, it was time for morning exercises that Tom hated. He followed the team for a few steps, then climbed onto Karoo’s back and took a nap. .

When he opened his eyes, he was already lying on the desk in the classroom, and Zefa was talking about ocean currents on the podium again.

Tom yawned, not interested at all, and looked around, the master listened carefully and couldn't disturb him. Shark Pepper and Jackie Chan are similar, and even Weiwei sits upright.

Ye Yan and Karu were the only ones who took the opportunity to sleep. Perona's head was pecked and pecked, and she seemed to be unable to hold on anymore. Tom has an evil smile, why not play a prank?

However, a big hand held down his head and touched it gently.

It's the master's hand, and this comfortable feeling can be distinguished immediately. Tom rubbed his master's palm and calmed down again. It's not that important to play a prank or something.

The boring cultural class was spent in sleep and enjoying head touching, and Tom greeted the morning training class in high spirits. According to the usual practice, someone should come to give advice today, and then be taught by one of the companions at the end of the course. Tom is already very familiar with this process.

But today's people seem to be a little different. Tom's first feeling when he saw him was that he was lazy. This person seemed to be even lazy than Meow.

Zefa couldn't help but said, "Kuzan, why are you still so unmotivated?"

General Aokiji, when he first joined the army, he studied with Zefa in the training camp, but it didn't take long for him to feel that the instructors in the training camp could not teach him anything.

So I found Karp, and it can be said that he pestered Karp to learn from him.

Although Garp thought it was troublesome, he didn't drive him away. The two of them used the warship as sandbags and beat each other with punches. The warship was beaten badly.

At that time, the Admiral of the Navy was not yet in the Warring States Period. After knowing that these two guys were ruining the warship, I don't know if the Admiral got mad.

In this way, Aokiji can be regarded as Garp's disciple, as well as Zefa's student.

Zefa remembered that Aokiji first believed in 'Burning Justice', and he was a very energetic young man. It's a pity that after participating in the demon-slaying order on O'Hara, the holy land of archaeology, my whole belief was shaken, and the "burning justice" also became "lazy justice".

"Well, there's nothing you can do about it, Mr. Zefa." Aokiji was a very stubborn person, and he couldn't get motivated until he got rid of the shadow of the O'Hara incident.

Zefa didn't try to persuade him anymore. After all, he himself is a person with wavering beliefs. He really has no position to criticize Aokiji. This is one of his best students. I just hope he can walk on the right path.

"Then let's start today's lecture." Aokiji scratched his curly hair and said with some distress, "That's what I said, but actually I don't know what to teach you..."

Teach them to punch warships with their fists? There are so many people in the training camp, and there are not so many warships in the headquarters for them to spoil. Even if there is, Aokiji is worried that if he teaches someone to beat a warship today, the Marshal of the Warring States Period will demonstrate how to beat a general tomorrow.

After thinking for a while, Aokiji said, "Why don't you just talk about basic physical training. No matter which direction you want to develop in the future, physical fitness is an important foundation."

Sharing his experience of exercising when he was young, Aokiji said: "It doesn't feel like anything special. To sum it up, I just keep breaking through my limit. Today I ran ten kilometers with a load, and tomorrow I will run an extra kilometer, or add ten more. Heavy loads and the like..."

"Then let's move on to the battle. In order to save time, a group of three will attack me, no matter what method is used." In fact, Aokiji wants to omit this link, it is too troublesome, but come here ...

Seeing that his master was about to move, Tom seemed to think that if he went with Arturia and Rui Mengmeng, he should be able to beat Aokiji.

However, Aokiji also thought of this, and said in advance: "Except for the few of you."

Being treated differently, Zhang Da also stepped aside boredly, ready to watch the green pheasant abuse vegetables.

Tom felt that he had nothing to do here, and wanted to take his best meal partner to buy some game and have breakfast and lunch.

Early lunch refers to eating breakfast and lunch together before noon after waking up late, but Tom's is obviously not suitable, so it should be called morning tea.

Perhaps because of the tacit understanding between the foodies, Artoria accidentally met Tom's gaze, Tom blinked his left eye, and Arturia understood.

The two left the team quietly. With so many people in the training camp, Artoria felt that Aokiji should give advice for a while, and it would be too late to come back when it was their turn.


A harmonious morning passed like this. By the time Tom and Arturia returned to the training ground together, everyone had already entered the rest time, and it seemed that the surrounding area seemed to be much cooler.

It is now the end of September, but the weather in Marinfando does not look like it has entered late autumn. It is still similar to summer. Only today, the temperature seems to have dropped.

Tom found that the closer he was to the man with the blindfold, the cooler he was.

Moreover, Zhang Daye's next behavior made Tom suddenly fall in love with this person.

Seeing that Zhang Da did not know where to bring out a large tray of drinks, he poked Qingzhi's arm lightly, and when he lifted a corner of the blindfold, Zhang Da also said with a smile: "Let's chill it when you are tired? "

Aokiji looked at him for a few seconds, and decided to do a little favor for the gift last time. With a big wave of his hand, the temperature of each glass of drink dropped, and there were two more ice cubes in each glass .

Immediately afterwards, a 'cold air' visible to the naked eye appeared at the mouth of the cup, and condensed water quickly hung on the outer wall of the cup.

"Thank you!" Zhang Da also happily distributed drinks to his companions.

Of course Tom also got a glass, and after careful observation, he took a sip through a straw.

"Ha~" Tom breathed a sigh of relief as if drinking a glass of iced Coke, feeling comfortable all over. He suddenly felt that he should make friends with this person, this is simply a mobile cold storage.

The students in the training camp all showed admiration. Mr. Tatsuya dared to use General Kuzan's ability in such a way. He deserved to be the man who violently beat up Qi Wukai's subordinates yesterday.

Feeling a little uncomfortable being looked at by these people, Zhang Da also felt that it was not good to eat alone, so he brought a bunch of big watermelons.

In the eyes of everyone looking at the warrior, Zhang Da also poked Qingzhi again: "Trouble me again?"

Aokiji lifted the blindfold: "I am also an admiral after all, is it appropriate to always help you do this kind of thing?"

Zhang Da also thought about it, and said, "It's not in vain. I'll give you a comfortable hammock, so that people won't be willing to get off after lying on it. If there is a second person who has experienced this hammock, they might fight you for fighting over it." One."

"Is there such a thing?" Aokiji became interested, and precisely controlled the cold air to cool down the watermelon. By the way, he also made an ice knife to show off his knife skills, and cut the watermelon into small even pieces for everyone.

For a moment, the students didn't know whether to say thank you, General, or Mr. Tatsuya.

Qingzhi also took a piece of watermelon himself, and watched Zhang Daye's performance while nibbling on it.

Zhang Da didn't talk nonsense, he rummaged through the inventory for a while, and took out a blue hammock with white lace: "Here, find a place for you to hang it yourself."

Aokiji threw away the melon rind, spitting out the watermelon seeds, took the hammock and looked it over carefully, but couldn't find anything special about it, except for the traces of sewing on it - such a dilapidated thing must be taken To give someone away?

With a wave of his hand, two icicles rose from the ground, and the hammock was hung on them.

Zhang Da also looked envious for a while. Putting aside the lethality of this ability, the convenience is really full.

As one of the onlookers eating melons, Zefa was a little hesitant. He still remembered how outrageous the cigarettes Zhang Daye gave Chigou, and now he brought out a hammock... Kuzan won't be able to fall asleep, right?

While he was hesitating, Aokiji had already tried to lie down on it, but he didn't even have time to put on the blindfold, and the little snorer had already started snoring. Judging by his complexion, the quality of sleep was quite good.

Zefa asked, "Is your bed okay?"

Zhang Da also said: "No problem, it can improve the quality of sleep."

【Tom's Hammock: To compete for this hammock, Tom and Jerry once launched a fierce battle. You can imagine how comfortable this bed is. 】

Therefore, Aokiji, one of the top three generals of the navy, performed on the training ground and fell asleep in a second.

The glorious image of the general in the hearts of the recruits was shattered.

After a while, Zefa was a little worried after all, and tried to wake up Aokiji.

As a result, when Aokiji sat up, an ice pick appeared in his hand, and he stabbed it subconsciously, but fortunately, he reacted quickly enough to take it back in time.

Zefa looked at Zhang Daye; "Is this what you said, no problem?"

"Well... the bed is so comfortable, it's inevitable that you will get a little angry when you wake up..."

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