Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 477 Warring States: Lamb, are you swollen? (4300 words)

I saw Warring States again not in the office, but in the conference room. In the middle of the conference room was a large round table enough for twenty people to have a meeting. There was also a pot of green plants in the middle of the table.

This is the place where Shichibukai was called for a meeting later on. It is usually not used for anything important. This time, Sengoku gave a good reason for using it here—his office is too small.

The last time he chatted with the members of the amber tour group in his office, it felt very crowded. When Garp said something inconspicuous, it was not convenient for Sengoku to punch him.

It is much more spacious here, and the lamb of the Warring States Period can even occupy a place, standing directly on the conference table and eating newspapers.

Lieutenant General He and Zefa sat on both sides of the Warring States Period, and the three naval bosses sat together, quite like a three-room trial.

But in fact the atmosphere was not that serious, especially Lieutenant General He looked kindly, looking at the little girls as if he was looking at his granddaughter.

The little girls greeted each other obediently, General He smiled more kindly: "They are all good boys, much better than that bad boy over there."

Zhang Da also felt that she was connoting herself: "Hey... Lieutenant General He, didn't I just say a few polite words last time, why do you still hold grudges?"

"I can't compare to you in terms of holding grudges." Lieutenant General He smiled, "How did I hear that Midnight chased you all the way from Twin Cape to Gaya Island just because he said something about you as a running dog?"

"Rumors, they must be rumors! I thought Lieutenant General He was different from those secular people, but I didn't expect to listen to rumors." Zhang Da also said sadly, "I did all this for justice!"

Lieutenant General He looked at him: "Do you believe this?"

"Most...to earn some money while upholding justice." Zhang Da didn't want to continue this topic, "Why didn't you see Lieutenant General Gion?"

Zhang Da also took a look at Artoria, the Gion trap is here, since she didn't come, she should not be in the headquarters.

Lieutenant General He said: "Gion is still on Gaya Island, acting as the base chief, and it is thanks to you."

It is still not enough for Tina and Smoke to be in charge of a newly established naval base alone. Before deciding on a candidate to replace Virgo, Gion can only be temporarily replaced.

But when she was there, she basically left all kinds of things to Tina and Smoker to deal with, and only went to hold the battle during the battle, which was considered a half-vacation state. Time can also give advice to Tina and Smoker.

Especially Smoker, who is also a natural ability user after all, it would be too shameful to rush forward recklessly and be knocked down with a head hammer by the subdued prisoner.

Lieutenant General He said: "Let's not mention her, let's talk about you, you have never stopped causing trouble."

Zhang Da also wondered: "What trouble have I caused? We have been keeping a low profile in the training camp recently, right?"

Lieutenant General He said unhappily: "In the navy headquarters, you scolded Qi Wuhai angrily, and even beat his subordinates on the ground. Is this your low-key way?"

Zhang Da also argued: "He was the one who provoked the bully first, and it's none of my business. Mr. Zefa can testify."

Zefa didn't want to pay attention to him. Doflamingo's dominance was true, but it was obviously you who provoked him by reporting on Virgo.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if you say it, Zhang Da will retort, ‘It must be because the third eyebrow from the right of his left eye moved, as if he was mocking me, so I provoked it. '

If it doesn't work, you can say, 'When he walks, his right leg is a little wider than his left leg, he must look down on me', anyway, according to Doflamingo's logic, whoever wins in the end will be right.

"Actually, I have a suggestion. You see, Lieutenant General He is a great staff officer, and Marshal of the Warring States Period is also called 'Smart General'. Why don't you two think of a way, let us legally give Doflamingo to... Ka " Zhang Da also cut his throat with a smile, "In this way we don't have to worry about how to deal with the aftermath of today's incident."

The two guards at the door of the conference room heard Zhang Daye's loud conspiracy clearly, and involuntarily reached out to wipe the cold sweat off his forehead.

Could it be that the amber tour group was arranged by the marshal and the chief staff from the beginning?

Think about it carefully, the Amber Tour Group only became active after the Marshal of the Warring States Period took office!

On the eve of the Warring States Marshal's appointment, the Amber Tour Group and General Polusalino jointly killed the Golden Lion, thereby announcing the end of the old era.

After the Warring States Marshal took office, the Amber tour group cleaned up the pirates in the East China Sea and reported the moths in the navy. At that time, the headquarters also sent Lieutenant General Gion to the East China Sea to carry out an "anti-corruption".

In the third month of Warring States Marshal's tenure, Crocodile was shot dead by Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan jointly with the Amber Tour Group.

In the fourth month, the amber tour group cleaned up Gaya Island, known as the "Island of Pirates", and promoted the establishment of a naval base there.

In the seventh month, the amber tour group entered the training camp of the headquarters to study. Until today, more than two months later, they directly attacked Doflamingo in the headquarters.

Every big action of the navy this year seems to be played by the amber tour group. The two guards looked at each other and felt that the amber tour group must have something to do with the navy. The Sengoku Marshal must be playing a big game!

In the meeting room, Tom stood on the meeting table, feeding the lamb with pasture.

But the lamb, who used to eat happily every time, backed away hesitantly today, as if worried that Tom would harm it.

The Warring States period patted the lamb's butt to make it safe to eat, no problem. The lamb wants to cry but has no tears. It may be okay now. When you are away from work someday, I may be on fire.

Warring States didn't have time to take care of Xiao Yang's psychology. He frowned when he heard Zhang Daye's words. Do you think today's incident is not big enough?

Emotionally, Sengoku was actually very happy to see Virgo being beaten, but his rationality told him that if he left it alone, the Amber Tour Group might really chop Doflamingo up one day.

"Don't say such things casually." Warring States said, "Next time you meet Doflamingo, please calm down."

"Porp porp porp..." the phone bug of the Warring States Period rang.

"Okay." Zhang Da also agreed with his mouth, thinking that next time he meets Doflamingo, he will definitely persuade him to calm down.

Zefa's expression was a little tense, obviously remembering Zhang Daye's previous conversation with Doflamingo.

Zhan Guo has already connected the phone, and there seems to be a certain branch of the East China Sea, reporting something to Zhan Guo.

Lieutenant General He chatted with Zhang Daye in a low voice, then left him and talked to a few little girls kindly, and the others were taken care of one by one, even though she had read everyone's information over and over again , but I still want to get in touch with it personally, the information is dead after all.

The old lady seemed to be particularly interested in Weiwei, and was very curious about how her father felt relieved that his daughter was running around the world with a small tour group. If something happened to this, the heir to Alabasta would be gone.

"Be sincere!" Weiwei felt that her sincere request must have moved her father.

Maybe it was more pleasant to chat with Lieutenant General He, Weiwei quickly talked about the process of obtaining the ability of the rustling fruit, even Lieutenant General He was sweating for the ability users of the amber tour group.

Everyone was chatting happily, but the Warring States period suddenly began to curse people.

What he meant seemed to be that Garp wanted to apply for an extension of the seven-day vacation on the grounds that he had captured seven more pirates. Sengoku scolded him and told him to come back quickly.

Finally, he threatened Karp that if he didn't come back by the time, he would eat all the snacks he had hidden, and never think about taking a vacation until the end of the year.

"Damn it, Sengoku, you are too despicable!"

"Stop making fun of me, old bastard!"

"You are the bastard, or the fool!"


Two figures at the top of the navy, arguing like two children.

Lieutenant General He and Zefa are both used to it, but they feel a little ashamed in front of outsiders.

After finally hanging up the phone, Zhan Guo said seriously as if nothing happened, "Then continue our topic..."

Zhang Da also nodded secretly, as expected of the admiral of the navy, the thickness of his skin is also worth learning.

Warring States briefly mentioned the various pressures they faced, and finally concluded: "...In short, there is no such person as Virgo in the world. Although it is a bit regrettable, this matter can only end here. You don't have to worry about it. What, Doflamingo probably doesn't have the face to say anything about what happened today."

Doflamingo is currently busy building bridges, contacting and wooing underground forces. If this incident gets out today, he will definitely lose face, and his plan may also suffer twists and turns.

Zhang Da is also not very clear about this matter, otherwise he would definitely write an article "Tian Yasha was brutally beaten in the Navy Headquarters because of his indecent walking posture" and submit it to Morgans, so as to add trouble to Doflamingo.

Both Zefa and Lieutenant General Crane can understand the difficulties of the Warring States Period. To put it a bit exaggeratedly, I specially brought the amber tour group to the meeting today, hoping that they can calm down and stop expanding the situation. In name only, there is no deterrence.

Zhang Da also generally understood the situation of the Warring States Period, and asked without giving up: "Then if you catch his pigtails, can you do it?"

To be honest, Warring States was moved for a moment. Zhang Da could have discovered Virgo's hiding so deep. Maybe he could really catch Doflamingo? Like Crocodile's handle that can make him unable to turn over with one shot.

But he still denied his own idea, at least in a short period of time, the Amber tour group should not be allowed to mess around again, Wu Laoxing's patience with them was almost reaching its limit. If they are really allowed to completely abolish the Qiwuhai system, it will rise to the level of undermining the decision-making of the world government, and things will be very, very troublesome.

Lieutenant General He asked, "You want to deal with Doflamingo that much?"

Zhang Da also nodded: "Yeah, he scolded me today for leaving... Well, of course, the sooner a scum like him is dealt with, the better."

Lieutenant General He looked at Zhang Daye jokingly, and said that you don't hold grudges.

"In short, you should train well in the training camp. I'm asking you." Warring States said, "As compensation, don't you want to go to Sky Island? I will collect as much information about Sky Island as possible for you. , there is more than one empty island, maybe we can find other ways to get on the island.”

"Okay." Zhang Da also agreed. Although the Sky Island Project was temporarily postponed, he never forgot it.

After solving the biggest problem, Zefa began to talk about the internship. The progress of the students needs to be mentioned so that Sengoku can be aware of it. The focus is on the remnants of the Wufeng Pirates, the remnants of the Waldo Pirates, and Weibull. .

"The Wufeng Pirates, Xu Hai, handing over to the Lulucia Kingdom for execution is not a problem, anyway, it's not a troublesome ability user."

The big pirates who are capable people are usually locked in the big prison under the sea, because the devil fruit will regenerate after the capable person dies, and being locked in the prison can make the thorny fruit regenerate as late as possible.

In fact, the previous Golden Lion and Crocodile should have handled it this way, but it was the Amber Tour Group who did it, and there was a good reason for doing it, so they couldn't do anything about it.

It's okay to say that the rustling fruit was eaten by Weiwei, but the fluttering fruit has always made them hard to let go. It's really uncomfortable to have an enemy who can fly freely, especially when he can fly with the island.

The tragic situation of Marin Vanduo back then is still vivid in the Warring States Period.

"As for the remnants of the Waldor Pirates..." Warring States couldn't help but glance at Zhang Daye, how could this person always provoke legendary figures, "Send it to the deep sea prison and let Magellan focus on supervision. Bin Are Jack and Miss. Barkin confirmed missing?"

Zefa said: "I can be sure that they must be hiding somewhere to watch the battle, but they couldn't find it after searching for a day. I have asked Gumir to arrange people to watch out nearby."

Zhan Guo continued to nod: "Well, let's send some more people from the headquarters, Bin Jack can't be left alone."

Crane put his arms on the table, crossed his fingers, and said seriously: "The most troublesome thing should be this Edward Weibull. It is said that he has always claimed to be Whitebeard's biological son, but it has not been confirmed. We need to consider Whitebeard. Will you do anything for him?"

Weibull's long blond hair, white crescent-shaped beard, and terrifying strength, these features are so similar to Whitebeard, even the three of them who are very familiar with Whitebeard doubt it.

Zhan Guo said: "Suppress the news as much as possible first, investigate this matter carefully, and let the CP investigate it. They will pay attention to matters that have such a big impact."

If it is really White Beard's son, Zhan Guo needs to consider how to use this news, maybe he can take this opportunity to give this old friend an ending.

Zhang Da was also taken aback when he heard it. How big is the matter? It can't be because of a Weibull that the top war will come out, right?

Next, Zefa told Zhan Guo that Zhang Da also planned to use the bounties of these pirates to help Lulucia Kingdom repair the port. Zhan Guo fully agreed and guaranteed that the money would not be stolen.

Lieutenant General He looked at Zhang Daye with satisfaction. Although this kid was a bit reckless and playful, he was still very kind in the end.

At the end of the meeting, Zhan Guo was about to leave with his lamb, but he was surprised when he saw the lamb's appearance: "Are you swollen?"

"Meh~ hiccup~"

Zhang Da also laughed, it was the first time he heard a sheep hiccup.

Xiao Yang looked at Zhan Guo resentfully, you finally thought of me, it's all your fault for letting me eat that cat's food, baa is almost dead.

At this time, the lamb has become chubby, not simply with a bulging belly, but with a bigger body, with four short legs that can barely reach the ground.

Tom put his hands behind his back, looking like he was waiting for praise, and beside him was a large dinner plate with traces of feed left in it.

Zhang Da also suddenly remembered that Tom seems to have a super duck-feeding technique?

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