Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 474 Great Chu Xing, King Chen Sheng (4200 words)

The world is unpredictable, and Nanding and Guy Ram, whom Binjack had placed high hopes on, failed to bring him any good news. On the contrary, the little girls he thought he could catch returned to the battlefield first.

Noticing that Weibull, who was besieged by the three, was at the end of his battle, Wendy silently added a little buff to Artoria, Rui Mengmeng and Zefa. Brother Tatsuya said that the closer you are to victory, the less you can take it lightly. It should be right to do so, right?

Zhang Da didn't come back with them either. He was dealing with the group of pirates just now. Those who were dying would help him end his pain, and those who fainted would make up the time hammer a few times. He can't take so many people away, it's better to hand it over to the navy later, and the pirates can't run away before that.

When Zhang Da also went back, Weibull dragged his scarred body to make a final resistance. The serious injury did not make him have the idea of ​​running away, but greatly aroused his viciousness:

"Mom said, I want to beat you! Beat you!"

The big knife slashed down, and Rui Mengmeng hit him head-on with the sword. Several cracks appeared on the ground under his feet, but Rui Mengmeng himself was fine.

Zefa's fist hit Weibull on the left cheek, and his crescent-shaped white beard was skewed by him.

Artoria's sword pierced Weibble's right abdomen, and golden magic power penetrated through her body.

"It hurts to death!" Regardless of the injury, Weibull withdrew his sword and swept across, the first to bear the brunt was Zefa who slapped him in the face.

Zefa raised his right arm, his black wrist blocked the blade of the broadsword, and he was a little surprised by the pain from his wrist.

According to his expectations, even if Weibull's angry blow was blocked with armed arrogance, there would be at least a scar on his wrist. I didn't expect that apart from some pain, she didn't suffer much damage. Is this how powerful Wendy is?

Rui Mengmeng took the opportunity to jump high, and the big sword landed on Weibull's head. The boss said that her move was called Demacia justice, and it had a bonus damage to the villain, but Rui Mengmeng felt that as long as the head was hit, it would hurt everyone Is there a damage bonus?

Artoria adjusted her position and released the Wind King Hammer again, this time targeting Weibull's heart.

Weibull's two vital organs were severely injured, feeling his mind was dizzy and his strength was rapidly draining, he let go of his hand, and the big naginata clattered to the ground.

"Mom... I seem to have lost... I'm sorry..." Weibull knelt down weakly, then threw himself on the ground, crying like a child weighing three to five tons.

Not crying because it hurts, not terrified that life is being lost, just not doing what his mother asked him to do. My mother said, if he is not obedient, he will be ignored...

Rui Mengmeng leaned on the sword, looked at Weibull who was weeping bitterly, and couldn't help but said, "Why does it feel like we did something wrong."

"Don't let your heart soften just because of a little tear. Although his personality is like a child, he is indeed 24 years old, and the bounty is close to 300 million." Zefa has seen too many pirates who flaunt their suffering and then wantonly hurt others. "There are more than one villages and towns destroyed by him, and the civilians injured by him are more innocent than him."

"That's right." Rui Mengmeng nodded, "I'm going to help Uncle Long."


Miss. Bajin in the submarine cried bitterly. She grabbed Binjack's collar and shook it vigorously: "Float up, float up! Rescue Weibull quickly! Give me back my son!"

"Are you crazy? Weibull can't do anything about them, what's the use of us going up?" Binjack was very rational in an emergency, so rational that he was a little unreasonable.

When Waldo, whom he regarded as his brother, was injured by a traitor back then, he didn't try his best, but gave the order to abandon Waldo and run away. Only then did he retain part of his fighting power and the hope of rescuing Waldo, how could he go all out for Weibull now.

"Don't come out of the water, get out of here immediately!" Binjack gave the most correct order to the crew as he did back then. Although Sebastian is still fighting, he no longer thinks there will be any turning point. Escape is the best way important.

But this time there was a little bit of an accident in the retreat. The angry Miss. Bajin snatched Bin Jack's infusion tube holder and pulled out his infusion tube.

Miss. Bajin's combat power is not strong, but at least he has been in Rocks, and it is not a problem to deal with a bad old man and a few submarine pilots.

So a submarine sailed crookedly towards the Kingdom of Lulucia.

"Hit the water!" Sebastian used a technique similar to hitting the water to achieve the effect of the sea current falling over the shoulder.

The giant shark lowered its head and let the water jet hit the dorsal fin. The sharp dorsal fin split the water column in half. This entry-level water attack was not a threat to the giant shark.

Sebastian thought that the attack range of the water strike was not wide enough, and the penetration power was not strong enough, so he tried to change his move: "Oya Musame!"

Countless 'water droplets' shot at the giant shark like arrows, with the momentum of a thousand arrows.

Shark Pepper controls the giant shark to learn Sebastian's way of exerting force: "Hit the water!"

But he didn't write Sharingan after all, the first attempt was not successful, it just set off a big wave, if Zhang Da also noticed it, he would probably call it Water Array Wall.

The water waves pounced on Yabusha, but failed to swallow them. The arrow-like sharp water droplets passed through the big waves unscientifically, and hit the giant shark with ping-pong-pong, making dozens of small dents. mark.

"The power seems to be very strong." Shark Pepper carefully checked the status of the giant shark, and continued to fight after confirming that there was no problem.

After several rounds of fighting, Sebastian confirmed one thing, his murloc karate level was not high enough, and it might be difficult to break the robot's shell with this kind of water attack.

So he chose to take weapons, a pair of spiked hammers.

Shark Pepper hasn't given up on learning skills yet: "Hit the water! Oya Wusame!"

Sebastian waved his hammers to break through the waves created by the giant shark, and approached quickly, and the giant shark greeted him with a fist.

Boom! Boom! The huge strength of the fish giant, combined with the heavy hammer, smashed sparks in the hand of the shark giant.

"Double super transformation form!" After a simple attempt, Shark Pepper felt sorry for the giant shark's damage, and decided to defeat him quickly—since the opponent no longer uses murloc karate, the battle should almost be over.

"Heavy Hammer Tornado!"

"Shark fin ship cutter!"

Sebastian spun with the double hammers in his hands, and attacked the giant shark like a tornado—that is, the murloc could spin like this with half of his body submerged in the water.

The giant shark slashed down with the ship-chopping knife in hand, and the two of them stood in a stalemate for a while, the sledgehammer kept colliding with the ship-chopping knife, and finally a few spikes broke off, and the sledgehammer was bounced off.

The Zhanjian knife left a long scar on Sebastian's chest.

Plop, plop, when!

There seemed to be something strange mixed in with the sound of the two flying hammers entering the water and the sound of Sebastian falling into the sea.

However, because Sebastian was too close to splash the water, Shark Pepper didn't notice it.

The battle is over, and the navy and the amber tour group should have won a big victory.

This battle successfully captures Nandin, Sebastian, Guy Ram and Edward Weible.

Among them, Guy Ram was killed on the spot; Nanding was already very old, and he used drugs to overdraw his life, and he shouldn't live long after being beaten by Tom; Edward Weibull, on the other hand, had tenacious vitality, and he was still alive after being so seriously injured. .

Most of these people were captured by the amber tour group, and after doing the calculations, they received hundreds of millions of bounties. And their losses... some furniture such as tables, chairs, benches, sunshades, etc., plus a little damage to the deck and ship's side.

The naval cadets have also gained a lot. They have experienced two fierce battles in a short period of time. Although they suffered some injuries, after this internship, their strength will definitely be greatly improved.

If there is any regret, it is that Miss. Barkin and Bin Jack are missing.

The sailors searched the port town and the nearby woods but couldn't find it. A pirate leaked that they had a submarine, and then Shark Pepper searched the sea, but couldn't find it.

After rescuing some seriously injured sailors and doing some small favors, everyone returned to the Amber to rest. The scheduled itinerary needs to be changed, at least it should not be able to leave today.

"Haha~ I slept so comfortably." Ye Yan came out of the cabin with a yawn, and was a little puzzled when he saw his companions who were tidying up the deck and repairing the ship.

"Did I miss something?" Ye Yan looked around and realized that he was no longer in the familiar port. "Already arrived at the next island? Didn't I say I was going back to the Navy headquarters—I won't sleep for several days at once. Bar?"

"I said why there seems to be someone missing!" Zhang Da suddenly realized, "Uncle Long, didn't you call him before?"

"I forgot too." Jackie Chan said awkwardly, "Besides, I've been being hunted down by people. Bringing people into the cabin will cause great damage, right?"

Jackie Chan actually had some idea of ​​his ability to demolish the house, and he would not lead the enemy into the cabin unless it was absolutely necessary.

The bow statue silently praised Uncle Long.

"That's what happened..." Zhang Da also told the story.

"Damn, it's so exciting, there are actually people in this world who use their brains to fight?" Ye Yan was a little surprised, and after knowing that everyone was fine, he resumed his hippie smile, and said casually, "Ah, fortunately, I missed it. "

Ye Yan successfully received a bunch of contemptuous looks.

"It's okay to miss it." Zhang Da also gave him a show of what is called a skinny smile, "Everyone is very tired after going through the battle. Since some people didn't catch up, they will be responsible for cleaning up the deck and repairing the ship. At noon If you can't finish it before, I'll give you a chance to miss lunch."

"Hey, no way!"

"Let's go, everyone get off work!" Zhang Da also waved his hand, "Didn't Mengmeng and Artoria bring back a bunch of insulated boxes? Go and see what's delicious!"

Mentioning this matter, Artoria's hair on the top of her head twitched, and her affection for Rui Mengmeng soared.

"Oh!!" Perona threw away the broom in her hand, and immediately responded to Zhang Daye's call. This was the most positive time she had ever done. Not only being able to be lazy, but also being able to annoy Ye Yan, double happiness, Perona suddenly felt that Zhang Da had become a little more pleasing to the eye.

The others followed suit one by one, and Ye Yan raised his middle finger at Zhang Daye's back.

Then, the bright demon banner was sacrificed.

Ye Yan was the one who started the trouble, and the Banner Demon was the unlucky one, which makes sense.


The small port town suffered bad luck. Following the remnants of the Wufeng Pirates, it was attacked by the Waldo Pirates and Edward Weibull.

Since the target of this attack was the amber tour group, the town suffered little damage, but the port that had just begun to be rebuilt was turned into a bay, and its shape was about to catch up with the Crescent Bay of the Navy Headquarters.

The king quickly learned the cause and effect, but he only dared to catch the navy and curse the street, and he didn't dare to trouble Zhang Daye. After the belated Lancer settled the townspeople, he came to comfort Zhang Daye, saying that he could not be blamed for this incident. The townspeople even regarded them as benefactors who repelled the pirates.

In this way, Zhang Da felt even more guilty. After all, the incident was caused by him. Making the port like this would definitely affect the lives of the residents. If he didn't make some compensation, he would really feel sorry.

Especially for Moda's family, Zhang Da also made a special trip to apologize for involving Moda in danger, hoping that this incident would not affect the friendship between the children.

The first thing after the war was to send Moda back home. With such a big commotion at the port, her parents were worried.

"How can you blame you for this kind of thing? Those pirates are not good. Besides, Moda likes to go out to play, so it is inevitable that this kind of thing will happen. Without you, maybe it will be more dangerous?"

Moda's parents said so, and even wanted to keep them for dinner.

Zhang Da didn't have the heart to harm their family, so he took everyone away quickly, still thinking about how to compensate the townspeople on the way.

Everyone discussed and decided to use this bounty to build a port or repair houses for the townspeople. However, given their lack of trust in the king of the Lulucia Kingdom, this matter should be left to Zefa or Sengoku.

Early the next morning, the warship and the Amber really set sail. This time, nothing happened. After a brief handover at the G-2 branch, everyone returned to the Navy headquarters smoothly.

After they left, another major event happened in the Kingdom of Lulucia. After the king fell asleep the night before, he never woke up.

Many doctors were invited to check, and the conclusion was that all the indicators were normal. The king just fell asleep, even if it was serious, he passed out, and he should wake up at any time.

However, this anytime, just followed seven days.

During this period of time, people in the Kingdom of Lulucia rumored that the king had a strange disease and became a vegetable. It was also said that the minister of state affairs, Niharon, had poisoned the king.

What's more interesting is that recently, when many fishermen were killing fish, they found that there were cloth strips hidden in the belly of the fish, which said, "The savior of the Kingdom of Lulucia is Neharumbai" and "The king is condemned by God for doing this." ', 'Only Nihalombai can save Lulucia'... and so on.

The fishermen once believed it was true, and domestic rumors spread everywhere.

Nihalombai ordered people to collect a lot of such notes. At first he thought it was something strange, but after hearing too many rumors, he believed it himself.

Now that the king is bedridden and the princess is still young, Nihalombai has a bold idea in his heart: maybe I should be the king?

Only Lancer, the captain of the king's army, felt that something was wrong. He read the notes carefully and found that the handwriting on them was very similar to that of Nihalombai. There must be a conspiracy here!


"Also, you are proficient in playing 'Da Chuxing, King Chen Sheng', and you are playing in reverse."

"Hey, you scumbag actually know about 'Da Chuxing, King Chen Sheng'?"

py: "Sunshine of Death, Cheerful Boy"

Introduction: Sifengyuan Yilong, the vice-captain of the second team, an ordinary branch of the declining nobleman, a sunny and cheerful boy.

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