Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 473 Are you the only one who bullies Xia Lulu? (4200 words)

Zhang Da also picked up Tom and shook it, put down Tom who had recovered to his original state, and said to Guy Ram: "Why don't you try again?"

Tom looked at Zhang Daye with his hips on his hips, do you want to listen to what you are saying, who wants him to hit him again?

"Damn it." Gailam threw the half-cut sledgehammer to the ground, opened his arms, compressed them in the middle, and then pushed them out, "Air Cube!"

The air cube with a side length of nearly two meters was compressed to the size of a palm, and it flew towards Zhang Da following Guy Ram's movements.

"Isn't this the big bear's trick?" Zhang Da was also taken aback, and hurriedly dodged to the side.

Seeing Zhang Daye's reaction, Tom immediately fled to the other side, until he stopped behind a big rock, wiped his sweat and probed to observe.

The air cube exploded with a bang, and a large square pit appeared on the ground unscientifically.

"Cubic chaos! Cube acceleration block" Gailam pressed his hand on the ground, the ground split into neat cubes and moved randomly, and the ground under Zhang Daye's feet sank directly.

At the same time, Guy Ram pushed with his hand, and a cube in front of him shattered into countless small cubes, shooting toward Zhang Daye and the hollow under his feet like bullets.

However, there was no one there, and Zhang Da had already stepped into the air: "Are you stupid? I can fly."

"Six Forms!" Gailam suddenly realized while being surprised. Could this be the purpose of the amber tour group and the navy?

Zhang Da also adjusted the angle, put his right hand on the back of his left hand to take a weapon from the inventory, and then swooped down: "Have you ever seen a folding stool that fell from the sky!"

Gailam hurriedly picked up half of the sledgehammer to resist, but only heard a 'clang', the half sledgehammer was split in two again, and a bloodstain stretched down from the top of his head.

He widened his eyes, and said weakly: "Didn't you say... fold the stool..."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I took it wrong." Zhang Da also put away the long sword, took out the folding stool and slapped it on the back of his head, "Satisfied now?"

Gailam fell to the ground with a bang, dying with resignation.


"Traditional Chinese Medicine Boxing Profound Meaning Hot Blood Ginseng Soup!"

Nan Ding, who was kicked away by Wendy, swallowed a mouthful of the medicinal soup with difficulty, and immediately jumped up from the ground, his whole body glowing red and excited, like Tong Xiangyu who had eaten ginseng for thousands of years.

"Hehehahaha~ This is my strongest secret medicine. Now I am twice as fast and stronger as before!" Nan Ding laughed a little bit, "Resign yourself to fate, little girls!"

"Be careful, Wendy." Xia Lulu said, "But that kind of thing must have side effects, right?"

"It feels like a medicine that overdraws your life." Wendy made a defensive posture.

Nanding exerted force under her feet, and she stepped on the ground to create several cracks, and her whole body flew upwards like a cannonball, and then...

It flew back like a cannonball.

Tom ran over at some point, took a shovel and slapped Nanding indiscriminately. Tom has already recognized who this person is. Carew said that this is the person who bullied Xia Lulu just now.

"Yeah! Ah! Whoops! Awwh~"

Under the service of Tom's shovel, Nandin uttered all kinds of screams, and every time he was hit, his hands and feet would stick up once.

Soon, Nanding, who was relying on drugs to maintain her youthful figure, began to shrink. Tom obviously didn't notice her changes, or for him, it was normal for her to become smaller and flatter after being beaten, so he continued to beat her.

Xia Lulu: o_o

Wendy: "It feels so pitiful."

"It deserves it." Xia Lulu was not only unsympathetic, but also a little happy, "Leave her alone, go help Perona and Weiwei first."



"Bingjack! What's going on! Didn't you say that you have mastered everyone's weaknesses?" Miss Bajin angrily hit Binjack's head with the short crutch in her hand.

Fortunately, Binjack was wearing a horned helmet, otherwise he would have been single-handedly killed by this temporary teammate. He struggled to dodge Miss Bajin's crutches: "Don't worry, ahem, they'll attack right away."

In the screen sent by the monitoring phone bug, Weibull was beaten back by Artoria.

His strength is extremely strong, every shot has the momentum of splitting mountains and rocks, and every blow can make the earth feel pain.

Compared to confronting him head-on, using agility to deal with him is the best choice - of course, people with weaker strength want to do this, they will definitely seek death. For most people, Weibull is actually a flexible fat man. .

Artoria is not the kind of character who insists on defeating the opponent in their strengths. To her, victory is the most important thing. Especially since Tatsuya is so relieved to hand Weibull to her, she has to respond to this. Only trust will do.

And the other people who are fighting are also looking forward to her victory?

Arturia lost the silver armor on her body, keeping only the blue battle skirt. This posture can make her movements more light. As long as she doesn't get hit, the armor defense is not necessary.

As the armor disappeared, the long sword in Artoria's hand was also entangled by the wind and became transparent.

Weibull's mind was not spinning fast, no matter how the other party's weapons and armor were, in short, he had to slash first before talking.

boom! The power of Weibull's attack was as terrifying as ever, and a big crack appeared on the ground with the knife.

However, Artoria avoided the attack nimbly, neither backwards nor dodging to the side, but straight forward.

It's a little too much to say so, but Weibull's 6.8-meter height and 7-8-meter-long big razor gave the petite Artoria enough room to move.

Arturia aimed the sword point at Weibble's chest, which was exposed by the attack: "The Hammer of the Wind King!"

The highly compressed wind on the sword was released in one breath, piercing into Weibull's chest like a sharp sword.

Pooh! A flower of blood exploded from Weibble's chest.

"It hurts." He yelled in a dull tone, as if he felt that the knife was not fast enough, Weibull actually grabbed Arturia with his left hand, "Look at me crushing you, you little bitch!"

Artoria naturally wouldn't wait, the long sword pierced Weibull's dark armed domineering palm, adding another wound to him.

The two big bosses were fighting, and ordinary pirates were reluctant to get close at first. Their initial expectation was that the two sides would be evenly matched, or that Weibull could suppress Artoria. But now the battle situation is not ideal, the pirates who received Binjack's instructions in advance carefully gathered there, and began to try to target Artoria's 'weakness'.

Arturia noticed that the pirates were approaching and distracted her attention a little. She is now in a state of high attack and low defense, so she needs to be careful of what powerful weapons the opponent has.

Zefa also noticed the movements of the pirates, and waved his fists to beat up the pirates blocking the way, ready to support - I saw that Artoria and Weibull were singled out without other people interfering, Zefa was more concerned about own students.

Rui Mengmeng also brandished a big sword and came over. She didn't think Artoria would lose, but she was worried that Artoria would be attacked.

However, the pressure on Uncle Long became very high in this way, and some people who suffered from Rui Mengmeng planned to get back their position on Uncle Long, so:

"Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky!" Uncle Long, who was besieged by more people, seemed to have become more agile.

A wise man swam from the water to the front of the Amber with a weapon on his back, climbed onto the deck and planned to attack Jackie Chan from behind, but just as he raised his mace, he felt his foot being stepped on.

"Yiyi~Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" The pirate held his hands in both hands. Two seconds later, he remembered something. When he looked up, he saw a mace stuck in the air. Frightened eyes hit him in the face.

The pirate fell to the ground with a plop, with a striking red mark on his face.

When Uncle Long heard the movement behind him and turned his head, the statue had already returned to its original position, maintaining its original posture.

"He... fell down by himself?" Uncle Long scratched his head, but soon he couldn't care less about thinking, "Electric shock baton!"

beach chairs! Umbrellas! coffee table!

Every decoration on the deck has become Uncle Long's weapon. It may not be very lethal, but it can always play a powerful role. Whether it blocks the line of sight or distracts attention, Uncle Long can always use some in the melee. A little trick to let the opponent's own people beat their own people.

The statue sighed secretly, it was really not worrying at all.

At this time, Arturia was facing a severe test. The pirates surrounding her and Weibull each took out a small box, and after opening it carefully, there were various things inside.

Cakes, foie gras, seafood, soups... without exception, they are all exquisite delicacies. What's more, each of the pirates took out a fan and gently sent the incomparably tempting aroma to Artorie Ya fanned the past.

Zefa, who came to support him, staggered and almost lost his waist. Rui Mengmeng threw the big sword in his hand inadvertently. The two couldn't believe their eyes: "What is it???"

The secret weapon that makes them so nervous, are these things?

Miss. Ba Jin, who was watching the battlefield through the surveillance screen, was also a little dumbfounded. After a moment, she pulled Bin Jack's beard angrily: "Are you an idiot? Idiot! What's the use of taking out so much food! Is this kind of thing showing flaws?"

"My information is absolutely correct! Artoria is the most gluttonous person in the Amber Tour Group, and she will never remain indifferent to the exquisite food I specially asked the top chef to prepare!" Bin Jack said solemnly, "As long as Wei Bull took her distraction to put her...why is Weibull distracted!?"

There was a huge deviation between the situation and Binjack's expectations, and Arturia was not someone who would be shaken in battle because of such things. I was just a little confused when I saw the enemy take out a lot of delicious food, but then I recovered.

On the contrary, Weibull's mind is too simple, and he is easily attracted by strange things, so he has a few more wounds on his body.

"Sorry to disturb your battle, but I think we should concentrate our efforts to eliminate him from the battlefield." Zefa easily knocked down several pirates who were fanning the wind, and proposed to join hands with Artoria to solve Weibull as soon as possible.

"I think so too." Rui Mengmeng took a little longer than Zefa to come over, because she snatched the food and put it back in the box after defeating the pirates. She looked at it, and the box seemed to be insulated. , then I can give Artoria a little surprise.

"Okay." Arturia didn't reject other people's help, and quickly defeated him so that she could support others.

Although Weibull was powerful and thick-skinned, he couldn't stand the siege of Arturia, Rui Mengmeng, and Zefa. He was soon beaten up and covered with injuries, and his movements became more and more sluggish.

"Idiot! Idiot!" Miss Bakin scolded angrily, not knowing whether she was scolding Weibull or Binjack's plan for being too stupid.

Her son Weibble is still a child!

Now she regrets that she was not perfect when she cloned Weibull—yes, Weibull was actually 'manufactured' through Vegapunk's cloning technology. The laboratory has been idle for a while, and by the way, provided a little bit of its own genes.

The first successful clone produced by Vegapunk used the blood factor of Miss Barkin. Now that clone is one of the most important figures in the Underworld, Stucey the Queen of Pleasure Street.

That is to say, Miss. Bajin was very beautiful when she was young, and she spent a period of time as a "scientist" in the Lockes Pirates, and successfully obtained the blood factor of Whitebeard.

How she got it is still doubtful, but the fact that she advertised that she is White Beard's lover really makes people imagine.

For various reasons, the Weibull created by Miss. Bajin perfectly obtained the potential of Whitebeard, only lacking in IQ. Maybe it's because she hasn't mastered her skills, or maybe she made it this way on purpose to make it easier to control.

But now, Weibull's IQ problem has obviously become a shortcoming. When facing opponents of the same level or higher level, his brain is not good and he only knows that recklessness is not enough.

Even try to escape, or capture a few marines and threaten Zefa?

Miss. Bajin was in a hurry, she pulled Bin Jack's collar: "Save him quickly, find a way to save him! Didn't you say that old guy Zefa wouldn't participate? Why did it become like this!"

"Ahem, ahem..." Binjack said with difficulty, a little out of breath, "Just wait for Sebastian to kill the robot, or wait for Nanding to solve it, and then he can come to rescue him immediately!"

In fact, Jack Bin couldn't figure this out either. According to his information, Zefa and his training camp should have just fought a battle with Xu Hai, one of the eight warriors of the Wufeng Pirates. In the end, the Amber Tour Group came to the rescue. They are now He shouldn't even heal his injuries.

Why can Zefa and his students maintain such a strong combat effectiveness?

Even with the Maiden of the Sky, a little girl's physical strength should not be able to support her to treat too many people with her abilities.

According to the plan, as long as there are enough people to besiege the navy, Zefa should not even be able to take care of his own students, but what went wrong?

Binjack felt that he should have considered everything thoroughly, and even chose the time of attack in the early morning, which was the most sleepy time when the watchmen had just finished their vigil. He wanted to use this to reduce an important combat power of the Amber Tour Group-he didn't know how to deal with the Requiem Gong, and as an alternative, he asked everyone to prepare earplugs.

But even though he had thought so thoroughly, something went wrong with this perfect plan in the end. What was wrong?

Bin Jack was puzzled and could only pin his hopes on the other two battlefields.

py: the title of the book "Who is the villain after all the witches are posted"

Introduction: A love story with a rich woman and a little witch written by a veteran foot control driver——mainly a science fiction

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