Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 470 The little girls encountered a big crisis (4400 words)

There is a saying that plans cannot keep up with changes, and Zhang Daye and the others are now facing this situation.

Last night, the little girls went to say goodbye to their new friends. When they came back, Zhang Da checked carefully to make sure that there were no stowaways on board with them.

But the next morning, Zhang Da still saw the girl named Moda—she went to the town with her mother to deliver milk, and then ran over to see her off.

Today is September 22. If solar terms are also mentioned in the great route, it should be the autumnal equinox now.

According to Zhang Da, the climate in the Kingdom of Lulucia is quite normal. The thin morning mist has not completely dissipated when he wakes up in the morning, and the air by the sea is humid and cool. A six or seven-year-old girl holds a large Heaped up things, stood on the shore pretty, and called out Perona's and the others' names to the Amber.

As a reward for receiving the gift yesterday, Moda brought a large bucket of milk, as well as a large pile of dairy products such as cheese, butter, and cream. It was hard for her to bring so many things from the town to the pier by herself. .

"Moda!" Weiwei cried out in surprise, jumped off the boat and gave Moda a big hug. Karu gave a 'croak' and followed Weiwei to join in the fun.

Wendy and Xia Lulu also followed, stroking Moda's head with a smile——Since Weiwei grew taller and taller, Wendy hadn't experienced this kind of happiness for a long time.

Perona floated down with a small umbrella and asked, "Why did you bring so many things here, isn't it heavy?"

As the biggest one in the little girl group, Perona is still very caring.

"Thanks to Tom, I couldn't sell all the milk in my family, and because I was worried that it would be spoiled, I made it into dairy products." Moda smiled shyly, "My strength is too weak, so I can only bring these .”

When talking about Tom, Moda glanced at the boat, as if he was a little worried.

But Tom on the boat noticed her gaze and hid behind Zhang Daye in fear. It wasn't that he was afraid of Moda, but that he was afraid of her cows. Tom didn't understand why there was a bull in the dairy farm, so when he went to milk the cows that day, he milked the bull by the way...

Then there are the bulls running so fast, the bull's horns are so sharp, the ground of the ranch is so easy to dig holes, and the story of the "before death" smoke is really fragrant.

Zhang Da also laughed unkindly for a while when he heard about this incident, and then thought about why Tom was so interested in milking cows. Could it be a cat's instinct to step on milk?

Zhang Da also touched Tom's head and asked, "Aren't you going to say goodbye to her?"

Tom shook his head resolutely, and retracted behind Zhang Daye, but seeing Moda's lost look, he poked his head out and waved to her.

Moda became happy, and waved her arms vigorously, then continued to chat with Wendy and the others, asking them to come and see her when they had time.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

A thick jet of water shot from a distance, aiming at the Amber.

Shark Pepper's eyes changed when he saw this move, and immediately jumped into the water: "The sea flows over the shoulder!"

boom! clatter~

The two water jets collided, and the sea water splashed in all directions, and the power was evenly matched!

The sea near the pier was choppy, and both the Amber and the warship shook violently.

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

The lookout on the warship belatedly raised the alarm, and the sailors hurried out with weapons to guard.

Zhang Daye's attention was also attracted by the sea.

Half of Shark Pepper came out of the water. He just saw the figure of the enemy from underwater, and said, "It's a murloc, and it's a fish giant. The power of that move just now is completely different from the murloc we met before."

"No matter what, it can't be better than Jinping, can it?" Zhang Da also felt that the power of the other party's sea flow over shoulder throw just now was not that powerful.

"The opponent only made one move, so it's hard to compare." Shark Pepper said, "Besides, that move wasn't an ocean current over the shoulder, but a water strike!"

"Huh? Are you sure?" Zhang Da was also taken aback. Ordinary slamming is just a bullet with a drop of water, but this giant fish can use slamming like a sea current throwing it over his shoulder? What is the origin of this?

"Absolutely not wrong!" Although the scale of the move just now was large, for Shark Pepper, who is familiar with murloc karate, it is easy to see the difference in the move. It seems that this time he really met a formidable opponent, and he is also a master who is good at murloc karate.

Shark Pepper is looking forward to it, maybe he can learn from this person the trick of using the shark giant to perform murloc karate: "Let me deal with this person, although I don't know why, but it is probably for our reward in the underground world." Jin is here, I don’t know if he has any accomplices.”

Without Shark Pepper's reminder, Zhang Da has already started to use the color of knowledge to explore the sea surface in the distance. Although the morning fog is not too thick, the vision is still greatly affected, and it is difficult to see the distance clearly.

Except for Ye Yan who happened to be catching up on sleep at this time, other people also gathered together. Ye Yan had been fighting for several nights in a row. He seemed a little tired and slept soundly.

Zefa was also alarmed by the sudden attack, and soon came to the deck to direct the students to investigate and guard.

The little girls on the shore reacted quickly and protected Moda and Kalu, who had no combat power, but Moda didn't show much fear. She knew that these girls were very powerful, so she put her arms around Kalu's neck Ready to see everyone perform.

However, the next attack did not start from the sea, but the shore began to vibrate first.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, the ground on the shore shattered into two-meter-square earth and stone cubes, and they flew or moved quickly and scatteredly.

A huge gap suddenly appeared on the coast that was higher than the sea surface, and the sea water poured in, and the warship and the Amber inevitably tilted severely. Many sailors were caught off guard and fell, and some, like Zefa, grabbed the railing in time.

The situation on the Amber was better. Tom hugged Zhang Daye's thigh in time to prevent him from being thrown away. Everyone else grabbed something that could hold them in place. Ye Yan, who was sleeping soundly in the room, rolled from the end of the bed to the head of the bed. Lala turned over the blindfold and continued to sleep.

The people on board were basically fine, because the target of the attackers was not them, but a few little girls and Karoo on the shore.

The little girls were shaken by the sudden 'earthquake' and fell into a ball. Wendy, who usually falls on the ground, should be the culprit. She was the first to fall to the ground, and by the way, other people were also implicated.

Under the manipulation of the attackers, the earth and stone blocks formed a prison, trapping the little girls inside, and quickly moved towards the distance.

The little girls finally got up and supported the wall, and felt the movement of their feet before they realized their situation.

"What's going on? Have we been caught?" At this moment, Moda began to feel a little scared.

Xia Lulu patted her little head and comforted her: "Don't worry, Wendy can easily break this kind of thing. Right, Wendy...Wendy?"

"Woo... it's... it's moving..." Wendy leaned on the ground with one hand and covered her mouth with the other, "I hate vehicles..."

Perona was shocked and said: "No way! Does this count?! Take heart, Wendy!"

Xia Lulu patted her forehead and said helplessly, "Ah, it's almost like Natsu..."

"Yes... I'm sorry... Woo!" Wendy's face became more and more ugly, as if she was about to vomit at any time.

"Then leave it to me!" Weiwei stood up and pressed the palm of one hand against the wall, "Although I don't like this move, but, let's turn into sand!"

The prison composed of earth and stone blocks quickly weathered into sand with Weiwei's palm as the center.

"Wow~" The little girls fell to the ground collectively with their feet empty, and rolled forward in sync, obviously not ready to land.

"That's amazing, Sister Weiwei!" Moda has seen Weiwei's performance ability, but she has never seen this move. After getting up, she didn't even care about the dirt on her body, and immediately praised her in admiration.

"Hee hee, it's okay, I'm pretty good at punching holes." Weiwei was a little embarrassed, she used a similar method to punch holes to escape at first.

"Now is not the time to talk about this." Xia Lulu put on a fighting posture and reminded, "We seem to be surrounded."

More than a hundred people with various weapons came out of the woods and surrounded the little girls.

"Is it really necessary for this kind of little girl to be dealt with by so many of us?"

"Don't be careless, Vice Captain Binjack said that they are all capable."

"But with the information and countermeasures from the deputy captain, as long as you follow through, you can win, right?"

Looking at these vicious people, Karu was so frightened that he hugged Moda and shivered.

Weiwei was much calmer than him, she observed the situation calmly: "Karu, protect Moda, and take her back to the Amber if possible."

"Gah!" Carew saluted with his wings. Running is what he is best at, and he has the confidence to get rid of everyone. But he actually wanted to take Weiwei away.

"Just listen to me, we'll be fine." Vivi probably knew what Karu wanted to say, "Sister Wendy, are you still okay?"

Wendy's complexion is still very bad, she needs to relax a little: "Well, sorry, I still feel a little uncomfortable, but it will be fine soon."

"It doesn't matter if you don't need Wendy!" Perona said confidently, "I can solve these guys by myself!"

After the voice fell, dozens of negative ghosts flew out of Perona's hands, and scattered towards the pirates who surrounded them: "Hehehehehehehe~ give up!"

"It's Princess Mononoke! Use that!"

With an order, more than a hundred pirates took out a paper bag and poured the medicine powder into their mouths.

When the ghosts passed through their bodies, the expressions of the pirates became very exciting, but the scene of everyone kneeling down in Perona's imagination did not appear.

All the pirates stuck out their tongues and shouted loudly: "It's so bitter, it's so bitter!"

"Huh??? It doesn't work, why?" Perona tried again, but the result was still the same. She asked in disbelief, "What's going on? What did you eat!"

The pirates wanted to laugh, but the unprecedented bitter taste in their mouths made them unable to laugh at all, and it was difficult for them to even speak.

At this time, a little old lady wearing a pink cheongsam, a white coat, and glasses came out and said with a proud smile:

"This is my secret medicine, Poison Bitter Hell, which is made of hundreds of bitter medicines, and it is the most bitter Chinese medicine in the world! Just a little bit of it can make people ignore all other thoughts, that is to say, you That ability to make people pessimistic is useless to us, Princess Mononoke!"

The pirates greeted her with difficulty: "Master Nanding!" (Some versions are translated as Naiqin, but this is a ship's doctor, so it is more appropriate to translate it as Nanding.)

The man named Nan Ding looked at least 70 years old, but he was wearing a cheongsam, high heels, and even eyeshadow and lipstick.

Perona couldn't care about her uncoordinated attire, because she was hit hard at this time: "Why, why is this..."

Xia Lulu said seriously: "There may be trouble this time. It seems that they know our information very well, and they have specially prepared a way to deal with us."

"Sister Perona, cheer up." Weiwei said, "Even if we don't rely on the negative ghost, we can still fight. Haven't you also become very powerful?"

"That's right, I'm still here!" Wendy finally recovered, clenched her fists, "I will protect everyone!"

"Oh? Is that so?" Nan Ding showed a smirk on his face, and took out a glass bottle, "How about trying this?"

Wendy saw the orange-red fruit in the bottle clearly, and had a bad feeling: "Then, what is that?"

"A candied fruit made from the world's most sour plum."

"It's just a sour plum, it's not a big deal!" Wendy said, but her upper body couldn't help but want to hide back.

"Really, but in the process of making it, I used the most sour vinegar, and added hawthorn juice, lime juice, sour grape juice... It can be said to be the most sour preserve in the world." Nanding opened the bottle Gai took out a sour plum and put it to his mouth, "I want to eat it, I want to eat it~"

"Hey~~~~" Wendy could smell the sour smell overflowing from the bottle ten meters away, she covered her cheek with her hand, and said uncomfortablely, "I haven't eaten it yet, but I just feel that it's sour when I see her take it out." Teeth are soft!"

"Don't be so exaggerated?!" The friends were all shocked, and they had never realized that she was afraid of being sour to such an extent before.

"Calm down, Wendy, no matter what, she will eat it, not you." Xia Lulu helplessly comforted the child who is extremely afraid of acid, "However, how do they even know that Wendy is afraid of acid? "

Wendy raised her hand weakly: "That... I said it myself..."


"Didn't there be an interview before, they asked about annoying things, and then it was published in the newspaper." Wendy wanted to cry a little bit, and it was okay to be dealt with by Gray and the others on Sirius Island, but she didn't expect to come here Someone still took advantage of her weakness to deal with it.

"I said you..." Xia Lulu had a headache.

"It's okay, I'm not the kid I used to be!" Wendy tried to stay calm, and reluctantly said, "I can't stand alone like this, I have grown up, even if it's sour...I also...I also... ..."

"That guy Binjack's intelligence ability is still as powerful as before, but he doesn't need it now." Nan Ding suddenly put away the bottle, but before Wendy was happy, she said again: "I seem to have discovered a more interesting weakness. , Guy Ram!"

"Yes!" A thick male voice came, and then the ground under Wendy's feet turned into a block again, supporting her to float up and move quickly.

"Woo... so uncomfortable!" Poor Wendy fell to the ground again, covering her mouth and being unable to move.


"Sister Wendy!"

After seeing the effect he wanted, Nan Ding waved his hand with a smile: "In this way, the witch of the sky is also solved, and the next one is the princess of sand in Alabasta."

Seeing the gesture, the pirates took off the weapons they were carrying on their backs - huge water guns.

Nanding can't let everyone master the armed color, but he can let everyone bring some water.

Both Weiwei and Xia Lulu's expressions changed: "You even know this!"

"No, we don't know, it's just that Bin Jack asked us to try it. It seems that he guessed it right." Nan Ding showed a tricky smile, "It's okay for little girls not to like bathing~"

The pirates smirked and pointed their water guns at Weiwei, and the little girl group encountered unprecedented trouble.

These are Bondi Valdo's subordinates. Bondi Valdo is a character in One Piece Special Chapter 3D2Y. The setting is a character that both Garp and Sengoku find difficult. The next chapter will introduce it.

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