Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 469: Setting sail soon (4000 words)

At noon, Zhang Da also went to watch the execution of the pirates. He had seen many killing scenes, but this was the first time he saw the execution.

The place of execution was chosen in the port town where the incident took place, and it was presided over by Minister of State Nehalombai himself.

Before the execution began, someone read out the origins and crimes of the pirates, and when the audience became a little excited, Nihalombai gave an order, and each of them stabbed each of them with two sharp knives of the same style as the execution of One Piece. The body of a pirate.

Some people in the audience screamed, some people shouted, and some people covered their eyes in fright.

In the end, Nihalombai said a few words on the scene and expressed his anger on behalf of the king, and the matter was over.

In the next few days, the navy has almost dealt with the aftermath, and the seriously injured can basically go to the ground for activities.

Under the intensive care of Zhang Daye and Wendy, Lancer quickly led his hands to help the residents alive and well. In the past few days, there were occasional pirate attacks, but they were all dealt with, and the navy did not take action at all.

In order to express his gratitude, Lancer decided to invite Zhang Daye and the others to dinner.

"Master Lancer, welcome!" The owner of the restaurant is very respectful to Lancer, "Since you brought me a friend, today's consumption is free, right?"

Lancer smiled and said, "That's not acceptable. I agreed to treat them today."

"Oh, you are always like this, I just want to thank you very much." The restaurant owner seemed to respect Lancer very much.

Lancer said: "If you want to thank, ask the chef to show all his skills."

After the boss left, Zhang Da also said: "Captain Lancer's reputation seems to be very high."

Along the way, Zhang Da also saw many people greeting Lancer, and many wanted to invite him as a guest. It doesn't look like fawning on them, but genuine gratitude.

Lancer said a little shyly: "Actually, I just did what I was supposed to do, and what's more, I didn't do it very well..."

Obviously, it was a big blow to him to watch the town of Hong Kong being destroyed and to be powerless to do anything.

"You have done your best." Zhang Da could only comfort him in this way, and then happily entered the ordering session under Lancer's help.


Although Lancer was surprised that the amber tour group emptied the restaurant's food stock, he did not show any embarrassment.

When Zhang Da also proposed that they pay at their own expense, Lancer refused, saying that his family still had some savings.

Zhang Da didn't insist anymore, because he knew what Lancer said was true. According to Suifenger's investigation, Lancer, like Nihalombai, was born in a noble family in Lulucia. Still quite solid.

It's just that Lancer's style of painting is different from most nobles. He has been sympathetic since he was a child. When he was 6 years old, he saw pirates attacking a port and bullying civilians. Lancer made up his mind to Practice martial arts.

Lancer's parents can't say how enlightened they are, but they do love him very much. Thinking about the hard work of practicing martial arts, it is estimated that his son will not last long, and even if he can persist, it is a good thing to train his body stronger, so Let him go.

Just ask him not to leave behind the necessary things such as knowledge and etiquette that should be learned.

But what they didn't expect was that the kid actually persevered and learned powerful spear skills. At the age of seventeen, he was already able to defeat the most outstanding fighters in the country.

If it's just like this, it's fine. What Lancer's parents can't tolerate the most is that when the child reaches the age of eighteen, he completely disobeys their arrangements. Not only does he refuse to marry other nobles, but he also shouts To protect the people joined the king's army.

Even if he became the captain of the army, his parents still find it difficult to agree - a real noble should sit gracefully in a carriage like a Tianlong man, or sit on the back of a slave, and fighting should be left to those soldiers.

How can a nobleman fight and kill vicious pirates with a gun? That's so rude, it's an insult to the status of aristocrats.

Sui Fenger said that Lancer's parents have been working hard to practice the trumpet in recent years, but they have not gained anything so far, so Lancer is still the only child in their family, and his parents have no good solution for the time being—even if it is The nobles can't ask the king to expel their sons, so they can only let it go now.

That's how Zhang Daye and the others know Lancer.

As far as Zhang Da is concerned, dyeing this man blue hair and saying that he is Weiwei's brother doesn't feel out of harmony.

"It's really bad hospitality." Lancer went to the boss to settle the bill, and said enthusiastically, "Why don't you change to another restaurant?"

Zhang Da also politely declined: "Thank you for your kindness. We still have play and training plans in the afternoon. You should be busy too, so I won't bother you this time."

Lancer didn't force him to stay any longer. There were many things waiting for him to deal with in the army. He was indeed quite busy, and he had been a little slack in training recently. He wanted to increase his training.

In the future, he didn't want to experience that kind of despair again.

After sending them off, the restaurant owner kept wiping the cold sweat off his forehead with a handkerchief: "Fortunately, Lord Lancer didn't agree to let me treat guests, otherwise today's meal will be painful for a long time..."


It's not that nothing happened these few days. There are two things that people are most concerned about. One is that Ye Yan plans to fight with the killer who is lurking every night.

These killers are very similar to the Altaïr I met last time. After being caught, they want to kill themselves whenever they have a chance, and they can't find anything during interrogation. They are probably the same undertaker with big hands.

It's just that he didn't know if that guy simply accepted the reward, or if he really had a grudge against the Amber tour group, the kind that would never die.

Although the strength of the recent killers is much stronger than before, and the number is increasing, Ye Yan hasn't stood still in the past few months, and he didn't even use the soul gong when arranging them.

In his words: "The duty of the watchman is to let everyone sleep well. If I don't even have this ability, then I don't have to mess around."

If he hadn't immediately reached out to ask Zhang Da for overtime pay after saying this, then he must have been handsome at the time.

The second incident did not spread very widely, and the Virgo incident broke out.

There was an undercover agent in the navy, and the other party was also a brigadier general, who was about to be promoted to a major general. This was a scandal for the navy.

If Zhang Da hadn't also reported and provided information, he would never have known the details.

It is now September 21, 1511 in the lunar calendar, and Zhang Daye justly backstabbed Virgo in mid-July, which means that two months have passed.

This is not because the navy is slow, but that it needs to be checked carefully, and it cannot be easily done without full confidence.

For this reason, Lieutenant General Crane specially drew up a set of combat plans to capture Doflamingo under the pretense of recruiting Qiwuhai, and then went to Gaya Island for secondment on the grounds that some of the links required Tina's ability to cooperate. Tina.

Tina is Virgo's subordinate at this time, and Tina's secondment naturally cannot avoid him, but the plan is kept secret from others, so when Lieutenant General He's subordinates went to pick up Tina, they revealed to Tina that it was for Against Doflamingo.

The voice was relatively low when he said this sentence, and he deliberately stuck it at the time when he walked out of Virgo's office and closed the door with his backhand-this timing and volume were practiced repeatedly to ensure that Virgo could just hear it, and made him think The two who were speaking thought he could not hear.

So Virgo was hooked, and he had to be tricked, because even if it was just a little talk, he couldn't help but want to investigate for the safety of the young master.

A few days later, seeing that the plan was about to start, Virgo found very little.

But the more this is the case, the more reliable the plan will be, and the more dangerous the young master's situation will be. Therefore, Virgo can only contact Doflamingo, inform him of the limited information he has obtained so far, and remind him to be more careful.

Then... He was caught by Lieutenant General Tsuru and Lieutenant Gion.

Virgo tried to fight back.

Virgo played GG.

The operation went very smoothly. If there was any accident, Smoker grabbed Virgo by the collar and asked him why he did such a thing.

When everyone built the Gaya Island naval base together, Smoker still admired the brigadier general, but now he feels uncomfortable when he thinks that he has been under the pirates for so long.

Virgo refuses to answer, and gives Smoker a slap in the head, knocking him out of his head.

Smoker paid the price not only for his head iron, but also for his lack of iron head.

Doflamingo on the other end of the phone crushed a delicate red wine glass, and immediately said on the phone that he would negotiate with the Navy.

Lieutenant General He didn't want to negotiate with him for the time being, and planned to bring Virgo back to the headquarters for interrogation first. Warring States wanted to see him by name, and Lieutenant General He knew that he probably wanted to ask about Rossindi in person.

Doflamingo gritted his teeth, and he quickly realized that this was a trap for Virgo, and the Navy only made such trouble when there were no tangible clues and evidence. But how was Virgo exposed if there was no proof? Who betrayed him?

Doflamingo, who was in the new world, left immediately and rushed to the Navy headquarters alone, intending to use his special status to demand someone. After all, Virgo was one of the people who assisted him in establishing the Don Quixote family in the first place. He was also very powerful and capable in all aspects, and he was a very important person to him.

Using the ability of string fruit to connect to the clouds in the sky, flying in the sky like Spiderman, Doflamingo thought about the reason why Virgo was exposed, and the bargaining chips he could use to negotiate.

Then he became more and more depressed.

He became Shichibukai at the end of last year, and decided to speed up his plan when Crocodile had an accident at the beginning of the year, and then reached an agreement with many underground world forces in just over half a year. You must know that in the original plan, these things will take one to two years, and it is amazing to be able to shorten it so much.

Doflamingo is only short of a territory of his own, and the goal has already been set. Now that something like this has happened, he only hopes that this accident will not affect the next plan.


"If Doflamingo wants someone, will Marshal Warring States release him?" Zhang Da only knew that Qi Wuhai's subordinates could be protected, but this time the matter was obviously more complicated, so he could only ask Zefa's Opinion.

"If he directly seeks important people from Zhan Guo, Zhan Guo will not let him go anyway." Zefa knew about Zhan Guo's adopted son Rosindi, and Zhan Guo would never let it go, if it wasn't for Doflamingo's special status , Warring States may even fight with him.

"But if Doflamingo puts pressure on the Warring States through other channels, it's hard to say." Zefa has other worries. Zefa can't understand the pain of losing his family. He at least caught the murderer with his own hands. Send them to trial.

However, the murderer has only just been identified in the Warring States Period, and it is very likely that he will not be convicted.

Zefa worried that Sengoku's mentality would also go wrong.

He thought for a while and said, "I want to finish the matter here as soon as possible, and return to the Navy headquarters early tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Zhang Da also saw that Zefa had something on his mind, so he didn't mind going back with him. It would be nice if he could meet that flamingo.

As for revenge against the king, it can be arranged before leaving. If it’s too late, it’s fine if you don’t. He thinks he and Zefa are friends, and he has a little friendship with the Warring States. Come back secretly later.

After everyone who was waiting to go out to play that night returned to the Amber, Zhang Da also told everyone about the temporarily changed itinerary.

Everyone basically has no opinion. These days, they have watched what they should watch and played what they should play. It's okay to leave now.

Shark Pepper's evaluation here is that the toothbrush technology is not very good, the toothpaste is also below the average level of shampoo, and it has no special features.

Because Banner Demon knows his master's hobbies very well, he brought out a set of full-body armor worn by knights from the castle. The one with helmet and visor, Ye Yan thinks it's pretty cool, and he's been working on making a suit for himself these two days. of.

Uncle Long was probably interested in the craftsmanship of that pair of armor, so he volunteered to help Ye Yan draw the blueprint, and on the basis of that, he used his rich historical knowledge to explain to Ye Yan the armor styles of various countries and periods, and suggested where to make it Some changes will look better.

Ye Yan immediately admired Uncle Long, as if he hated seeing each other for too long. If he had known that Uncle Long knew so much about armor and clothing styles from all over the world, he would have accepted him and worshiped him.

Now Ye Yan has found a treasure. These days, Uncle Long is so obsessed that he almost has no time to educate the little girls.

It is precisely because of this that the little girls have played wildly these few days, and even went to the small village downstream of the port town to make friends with Moda.

Yesterday they took Tom to play at Moda's cow pasture.

When he came back, Tom had two holes in his buttocks. The cows in Moda's family had doubled their milk production yesterday, and they didn't know what they played with Tom.

"It's too late to say goodbye to Moda!" Perona complained.

Wei Wei and Wendy Xia Lulu also thought so.

Zhang Da also said: "You can go now. If you run over there, it will probably be dark when you arrive at their house, so it's time for evening practice."

The little girls looked at each other, ran out stunned, and ran back a moment later: "I forgot to take the gift!"

Looking at their turbulent backs, Zhang Da also thought of Perona and Weiwei's previous convictions, and quickly reminded: "Go back, don't kidnap people for me! Moda's parents are ordinary people, and the daughter will be lost for a while." crying!"

"Know it!"

Zhang Da was still worried, and said viciously: "If I find out that there is one more person when I set sail, I will throw one of you down!"

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