Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 459 The Next Internship Is About to Begin (4000 words)

It was not difficult to break the wooden stake. Many people present could do it. The key point was the speed displayed by the yellow ape at that moment. Before many people realized what was going on, the wooden stake was already broken.

Everything just happened right in front of their eyes, but their eyes thought they saw nothing except a bright light. To put it a bit exaggerated, it was like a frame drop, and it was over as soon as the picture turned.

Zhang Da can basically see the movements of the yellow ape, maybe part of the reason for his strength is stronger, but more importantly, if Tom is in a hurry to get milk and newspapers outside the door, his speed is faster than that of the yellow ape. Zhang Da Tatsuya was almost used to it.

The naval cadets didn't have such a good opportunity. At that moment, they didn't know what happened. They only heard the general say that he could explain his philosophy, and then the stake broke. If they hadn't seen the movement of the yellow ape slowly retracting its legs, they would almost have thought that the stake was broken by a laser.

"Speed ​​is power. With enough speed, even ordinary moves can exert powerful power. Of course, all of this depends on your physical strength..."

Huang Yuan explained to everyone how to speed up in his slow tone, Zhang Da also felt that this scene was somewhat strange.

"A lot of people don't like kicking because it's easier to throw yourself off balance than fighting with your hands and weapons. But for many people, the legs are stronger than the arms and have a better range. Far."

"Practicing kicking skills is very helpful to maintain the center of gravity of the body in battle, and it can also provide an additional attack method. In fact, three of the six postures are specially used to exercise the legs, that is, the shaving, the moon step and the hazy foot."

"Then let's start with these three styles..."

Huang Yuan seldom uses the Six Styles in battle, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to do it. It’s just that compared with the Six Styles, his ability to use the Shining Fruit is much easier to use. To move, he can turn into a flash, to attack with lasers, and to dodge There is elementalization, to defend...

Defense is of course armed with color, who would use iron for serious people?

Huang Yuan explained the principles of the three poses and some tricks he has mastered in a simple way, and even gave pointers to further develop Lanjiao for students who want to develop in the proposed aspect.

When the class was over, Zhang Da had the cheek to ask Huang Yuan to give Xia Lulu a small lesson, but unfortunately the two people's styles didn't match well, so Huang Yuan could only accompany Xia Lulu through a few tricks, and then pointed out some basic kick techniques.

In fact, Lanjiao is just as suitable for Xia Lulu to learn as Shaved. During this period, lay the necessary foundation and improve her physical fitness, and then consider how to use her excellent agility and body flexibility to fight, it will be more effective.


The next day, the Navy Headquarters received a piece of news that only a few people knew-Admiral Akainu captured more than 200 pirates in his last mission.

Admiral Akainu personally took action, there is nothing to care about the mere 200 pirates, but what is thought-provoking is that the wording used in the intelligence is "capture" instead of "killing", that is to say, the one who is very concerned about the pirates The ruthless general who didn't hold back his hands actually left a prisoner behind!

Warring States just glanced at the battle report at the time, and didn't pay much attention to it at first, but he always felt that something was not coordinated. He finally rescued the battle report from Xiao Yang's mouth, and looked at the wet text and fell into deep thought: What the hell is going on? thing?

The lamb who was robbed of food by the owner also fell into deep thought: I didn’t give me grass to eat before, but now I don’t even give me paper? What’s going on?

This is the 365th time that the lamb has missed Tom for more than a month. It would be fine if the owner changed. The cat seemed to be very good at cooking.

Warring States is not in the mood to consider Lamb's feelings now. He has to figure out what happened to Sakalski first. Although it seems to be changing for the better, the 180-degree turn in attitude is too suspicious a little.

He picked up the phone and was going to dial Lieutenant General Tsuru's phone number to discuss, but remembered that she was investigating Virgo's affairs, so he called Akainu's subordinates instead. Ghost Spider, Dauberman and others were all within Sengoku's inquiry range Inside.

After an investigation, Zhang Da was also called to Zhan Guo's office.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, what's the matter?" Zhang Da was also worried that the Warring States Period was too hungry for them to drive people away.

Warring States came straight to the point and said, "What's the name of those two cigarettes you gave Chinu?"

"Smoke?" Zhang Da was also taken aback for a moment before he remembered about the smoke. Is this the Dongchuang incident? Akainu won't be Karma, right?

He glanced at Tom, who had come with him, and felt a little relieved.

At this time, Tom was feeding the lambs in the Warring States period with pastures. The lambs rubbed Tom's face affectionately, and then ate the pastures happily. Sure enough, it should change the owner, it thought.

"Sakaski became abnormal after smoking the cigarette you sent. Is there any psychotropic drug in the tobacco?"

In fact, Zhan Guo didn't really believe this guess, because according to Dauberman, the smoke had already been sent for inspection, and all the ingredients were normal.

Some people have tried it out of curiosity. Apart from calming down a lot, that is, the taste is a little better. In other respects, they don’t feel any difference from ordinary cigarettes. At least it won’t make people change their behavior patterns. How did they come to Sakaski? So strong?

"No, I never let go of strange things! That cigarette was just obtained by chance, and no one on our ship likes to smoke, so I gave it away." Zhang Da also said, "It is said that after smoking that, people will The mood is calm, I wonder if ordinary cigarettes have the same effect? ​​What happened to General Sakasky?"

Warring States did not answer his question, but asked: "Then do you know how long the effect can last?"

Zhang Da also said: "It should only be for a short while. Tom used to smoke one because he was afraid of being chased by a bull. After being hit by a bull, it has no effect."

Warring States feels that this sentence has too many slots. Tom actually smokes? Why is it possible to light a cigarette when being chased by a cow? Do you just watch Tom being chased by a bull, you master? And let him be hit by a bull?

Could it be that Sakalski has to be bumped by a bull to get back to normal? Where can I find a cow that can be armed and domineering?

No, no, Warring States feels that my thinking is a bit off today. The point is that the effect of one cigarette does not last long, but Sakaski is an old smoker, and he almost never leaves his mouth. Sometimes he lights two at a time, so Did it last this long?

Then he should be fine after smoking, right? When Sakaski came back and arrested him for a physical examination, Zhan Guo thought about it and asked, "How much of that kind of cigarette do you have?"

Zhang Da also flipped through it, but there were too many pages in the inventory, and he was too lazy to look for it, so he said perfunctorily, "It seems to be gone, Tom, do you still have it?"

Tom scratched behind him, took out a cigarette and a match, and signaled whether he wanted to light it.

"No need." Zhang Da also put the cigarette on Zhan Guo's desk, "I'm causing you trouble."

"It's nothing, thank you for your cooperation." Before reaching a conclusion, Zhan Guo would not do anything, "Then let's do this first, and you can continue to work."

Zhang Da also left the office with Tom, and Zhan Guo sent the document to the side again, but after waiting for a while, there was no movement at all.

When the Warring States period turned around, there were question marks all over his face, where is my sheep?


"Why did it follow?" Zhang Da, who returned to the dormitory, also touched the sheep's head.

Tom spread his hands to show he didn't know.

The lamb rubbed Zhang Daye's palm to please him, then rubbed Tom's face, and bleated a few times, which sounded cute.

"Is today's afternoon tea roasted whole lamb? It feels a bit greasy." Jackie Chan said, "And this lamb is a little smaller, even if Artoria is not here..."

"Baa~" Xiao Yang looked at Jackie Chan in horror, this man is so scary, does anyone actually like to eat sheep?

Tom suddenly realized that this is edible!

In Tom's eyes, the cute lamb changed suddenly. It turned into a roast leg of lamb, a chop of lamb, and mutton in a moment.

"Artoria isn't here?" Zhang Da was not attracted by Tom's imagined feast of sheep, but was concerned about more important things, "Where did she go?"

For a moment, he even wondered if the Warring States Period was going to tune the tiger away from the mountain.

"Lieutenant General Garp said he brought donuts back and wanted to treat us to them." Rui Mengmeng said, "But we were sweating all over and wanted to come back and wash. Artoria couldn't wait to go there first."

Artoria studied swordsmanship by herself today, and didn't take part in projects that consume too much energy, so don't rush to take a bath, and donuts are more important.


A week later, Garp took his dog-headed warship through the windless belt to the East China Sea. He picked up a group of pirates on the way and sent them to Rogge Town by the way—he couldn't bring a group of prisoners back to Windmill Village.

Colonel Ruster of Rogue Town Naval Base personally went to the pier to meet Cap.

Looking at the burly figure with a dog's head hat on the warship, Last stood at attention and saluted: "Vice Admiral Karp!"

Snapped! Garp's snot bubble burst, and he looked around in confusion.

The adjutant had long been used to Garp's appearance, and briefly explained the situation beside him, and introduced the person in front of him by the way.

"Ah, sorry, I haven't closed my eyes for three days." Garp scratched the back of his head embarrassingly.

Colonel Ruster and a group of sailors were in awe: "Is the task of the headquarters so heavy? You have worked hard!"

"No, missions are fine." Garp denied, "I'm just here for special training."

"Ah..." Ruster was stunned for a moment and thought it was understandable, "It must be for a very powerful move, right?"

The adjutant pressed down on the brim of his hat and took two steps back, feeling that he was really blind.

"It's nothing, I just ate 841 donuts without sleep, and accidentally fell asleep." Karp was a real person, and he took out another donut and took a bite, "The... eight hundredth Forty-two……"

Cap's head drooped, and the snot bubbles hung again.

The adjutant looked familiar: "Don't worry about Lieutenant General Karp, let's take the prisoner first."

"Ah, yes!" Colonel Ruster commanded his men to receive the pirates, and finally couldn't help asking, "Lieutenant General Garp is..."

The adjutant sighed: "It is said that I lost in a 'Donut Eating Competition', so I have been practicing hard for the past few days, and I plan to win it back next time. This time it seems that I will soon break the record."

"This, this is really..." Rust didn't know what to say, but the name of a tour group suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Ah, I accidentally fell asleep again!" Garp was annoyed at first, and then became happy again, "Bogart, I have thought of a way to defeat her!"

"Really." The adjutant's face was expressionless, it must be some kind of unreliable idea anyway.

"That's right!" Garp said enthusiastically, "As long as I can eat while sleeping, I don't have to worry about falling asleep halfway and affecting my eating speed!"

Sure enough, Bogart said helplessly, "Then you go for it."


"It's not so exaggerated to eat some donuts, right?" Zhang Da also said, "I actually took three days off to compete with him."

During those three days, Zhang Da didn't see Arturia in the training camp. He had to check after class to make sure that she was still playing against Garp. If he disturbed him, he would be disgusted.

The people who used to get along day and night suddenly turned into clocking in between classes and clocking in and out of get off work. To be honest, Zhang Da was not used to it, and once wanted to skip class to join the competition.

"If you want to decide the outcome, you must never admit defeat easily." Artoria's desire to win always pops up in strange places.

Zhang Da also knows this, and there is nothing he can do about it until now, but thanks to her, the Lamb of the Warring States Period was able to find a chance to escape back to the office and become a ruthless shredder. Xiao Yang suddenly felt that, in fact, Zhan Guo was quite a good person.

"Today I'm going to talk about this place, the Kingdom of Lulucia." Zefa projected a map on the wall with a video phone bug, "The Kingdom of Lulucia is one of the member countries of the World Government, and one of the islands that is relatively close to the headquarters. Because the military strength is not strong enough, it is often harassed by pirates..."

Zepha paused for a moment, and continued: "In addition, this is also the destination of our next internship."

The trainees suddenly regained their spirits, are you going to start the second internship? During this period of non-stop training and learning, the students felt that they had improved a lot, and just wanted to find an opportunity to give it a try, and this opportunity finally came.

The Kingdom of Lulucia, Zhang Da also felt very familiar with the name. When he heard that the G2 branch fortress headed by Lieutenant General Gumir was nearby, Zhang Da also suddenly remembered that this is the story of Ai in the title page story. Is the country where the milk girl who Si helped deliver the letter is located in?

The more important thing is that this is the unlucky country that Im used to destroy the country with a weapon that looks like the king of heaven!

And the reason for killing this country was not because of the pirates' rebellion, nor because of the appearance of the Revolutionary Army, but just because the distance was close enough for them to test the effects of their weapons.

Zhang Daye's mood is a bit complicated. When he finds out the details of Im and Wulaoxing one day, he simply blows up the Holy Land, before they can make such a show.

Of course, the other members of the amber tour group didn't think so much. They were looking forward to the new journey. After all, they stayed in the Navy headquarters for a long time.

I'm not at home for something, this chapter was coded in a hotel, and I don't have a decent computer desk, I feel like my old waist is going to be useless.

When I wrote 365, I remembered Sister Coco Lee’s 365 days of missing you, hey, I hope everyone can maintain a good mood every day

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