Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 458 Perona Floats Speed ​​is Power (4000 words)

Chapter 458 Perona Floats_Speed ​​is Power (4000 words)

Without looking back, Zhang Da knew who the yelling was. He made a note of it, and he promised that he would not retaliate.

Although Huoshaoshan's name sounds like he belonged to the Red Dog faction, he is actually a mild-mannered person, and the competition with Zhang Daye is as far as it goes.

Seeing that Zhang Da was also lost in thought (referring to being embarrassed in place), Huo Shaoshan turned to give advice to others, and said goodbye to Zefa when the time was up—he was one of the few who came to the training camp and kept it. face-saving people.

"By the way, thank you for the cigars you sent last time. This is the dessert I brought back from the New World. The little girls will probably like it." Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan asked someone to fetch a few gift boxes as a return gift and handed them to Zhang Daye .

"Desserts from the New World? I thank you on their behalf." Zhang Da was also curious about where he got them from. He couldn't go to the aunt's territory to carry out missions, so he just dug them up, right?

Sure enough, the desserts sent by Huoshaoshan received unanimous praise from the little girls, and even gave birth to the idea of ​​going to the new world.

"Your decision is hasty." Zhang Da also said, "We will go to the New World in the future, but it is still too dangerous. It is very difficult for us to win the Four Emperors now. How can we play in the New World with confidence."

"Are the Four Emperors so strong?" Jackie Chan asked, "Can't Artoria win?"

"Well... I'm talking about the Four Emperors together."

"Don't be so exaggerated?" Xia Lulu complained, "Are you taking us on a trip or to start a war?"

"We have offended so many people, who knows how many people want to murder us, hurry up and become stronger, and you can play more freely in the future." Zhang Da also said, "You can see that Weiwei has made great progress recently. But have you learned anything in such a long time?"

Vivi smiled shyly.

"Hmph..." Perona didn't panic as usual, but raised her head with a smug face, "How do you know I haven't made any progress?"

Zhang Da also showed interest: "Oh? Show show?"

"Look out." Three negative ghosts floated out of Perona's palm, and the ghosts merged into Perona and stood on the ground.

Zhang Da has seen this trick before: "Isn't this a ghost clone developed to be lazy in front of me?"

"It's not over yet!" The body of Perona, who was sitting on the chair, slowly floated up, and slowly circled around Zhang Daye's head a few times.

"Hehehehehehehe~ How is it?" Perona changed her posture in the air at will, looking very comfortable.

"You can fly?" Zhang Daye and Jackie Chan were very surprised. Before, he could only let the spirit body float, and the body could only hang up on the spot.

Wei Wei and Wendy seemed to have known about this for a long time, and they didn't show any surprise.

In fact, Wendy is in a bit of a dilemma right now. He doesn't know if he should tell everyone that Perona learned to float because she was too tired from practicing moon steps.

Seeing Perona enjoying everyone's praise, the kind-hearted Wendy decided to hide the truth for a while to make Perona happy for a while.

"Then why did you deliberately create a clone?" Zhang Da also asked curiously, "Is there any restriction on floating? There must be a clone on the ground or something?"

"How could there be such a restriction?" Perona put her hands on her chin, kept a prostrate posture and floated in front of Zhang Daye, with her calves raised and dangling, wondering why Zhang Daye had such an idea.

"Of course it's because I've seen such cases." Zhang Da also remembered that Bucky's torn fruit was that no matter how his body flew around, his feet couldn't fly.

"And you're too close." Zhang Da also pressed Perona's forehead with his fingers and pushed her away.

"Don't poke like this, it hurts!" Perona used to float around in a spirit state, and it doesn't matter if she gets closer or even puts it on. Now that she has just been able to fly for a long time, she almost forgot that she is an entity.

Perona frowned and rubbed her forehead, but immediately became happy again: "As long as I have this trick, I can let the ghost clone teach me classes for me in the future, and I will pretend to be the clone and leave, pretending that I am practicing my ability!" Perona seems to see a bright future where she doesn't have to take classes.

"So it can be like this~" Zhang Da also suddenly realized that this child is floating, and he said seriously, "Then I will make sure whether you are a clone or an entity before class."

"No way!" Perona's eyes drifted back blankly, and she suddenly realized that she shouldn't have said the matter of skipping class in front of the black-hearted boss.

Zhang Da is also thinking about whether he is too strict, a good child, why is he raising him more and more dull now?

Regardless of Perona's motivation, learning new skills is a good thing. Zhang Da also rarely praised her, affirming Perona's hard work.

The small gathering after dinner ended with Shark Pepper's reminder of "remember to brush your teeth", and everyone returned to the dormitory.

Having lived in the dormitory for so long, I have already missed everything that should be missed. Zhang Da also has to admit that it is still comfortable to sleep on the big bed in the Amber and the tavern.

However, one of the advantages of living in a dormitory is that it is more convenient to do some things.

At midnight, Ye Yan opened his eyes on time, and sat up like a dead body: "Sure enough, I still can't sleep until dawn."

The occupational disease of the gangsters makes him mentally ill in the middle of the night, Ye Yan, a genius among the gangsters, has no cure for this disease.

Before that, every time he woke up, he would choose to go to the training ground to practice with the students—there would always be some hard-working students who would rather lose a few hours of sleep and hurry up to exercise. After being stimulated by Zhang Daye and the others Even more so.

So now there should be people on the training ground. Ye Yan is already very familiar with these people, and the students are also happy to watch Ye Yan perform an impromptu performance or something to relax after exercising.

· But today's situation is a bit different. As soon as Ye Yan sat up, he was hit hard on the top of the head and fell back instantly.

The banner demons probably received the subconscious order from Ye Yan before he fainted, and poked their heads out of the banner one by one.

Zhang Da also made a silent gesture: "It's none of your business. I'll help him improve his sleep quality. If you have insomnia, you can also come to me. Hammer, hammer, hammer..."

Seeing Zhang Da also slamming on Ye Yan's head, the banner demons shrank back without much hesitation. In a small scene, it's not a day or two for these two people to cheat each other. It's better for them not to participate.

"Master teased you like that during the day, and you actually helped him improve his sleep quality, it's so kind." Sui Fenger quickly figured out the key point, and warmly reminded before returning to Huang Yaofan, "But don't forget the master It’s for beating people, and it’s resistant to stun attacks. If it’s a temporary hammer, I think about twenty hammers are enough for him to sleep until dawn.”

Zhang Da also gave him a thumbs up, he almost forgot about it.

Suifeng returned a thumbs up with a smile.

The other banner demons looked at Sui Feng'er with shocked eyes, when did this kid become so brave, he dared to join others to trick the master? Doesn't he know that with our demonic quality, we will definitely tell the truth tomorrow?

Sui Fenger gave them a contemptuous look, you know what a fart, I am saving the master, if the boss forgets about the stun resistance of the master, why not use a split hammer to relieve the anger at the end?

Rather than doing that, it's better to set him a psychological expectation of twenty hammers in advance, so that the master can save a lot of blows, and he is well-intentioned.

The next morning, when Ye Yan opened his eyes, he saw eight green heads forming a circle within his field of vision.

"Master, you are awake!"

"Hiss~ It hurts..." Ye Yan stretched out his hand and felt the big bump on the top of his head, "This familiar feeling is always using a timing hammer to bully me!"

"Master, I always asked me to bring you a sentence." Sui Fenger said cautiously, "He said that he taught you to learn 'Iron Block Grass' by sneak attack, but unfortunately you couldn't hold it even once, I have no choice but to follow the trend to help you improve your sleep quality."

"I'll improve his uncle's sleep quality!" Ye Yan frantically threw the pillow on Sui Feng'er's face, this guy is definitely holding a grudge, right?

Anyway, sooner or later, there will be a way to get revenge, neither angry nor angry, Ye Yan calmed down and asked, "Where are they?"

Sui Fenger hugged the pillow, and replied: "I went to morning exercise, and I always said that he accidentally knocked an extra hammer yesterday, and couldn't determine the time when he woke up, so we left us here to take care of it. Breakfast is here, because it has been Covered with an insulated cover, it's still hot...this thing keeps warm for a long time"

Of course, the dinner plate was also provided by Zhang Da, and the squabbles belonged to the slapstick, and there was no lack of concern for his companions.

It's just that Ye Yan was a little bit guilty in his heart, there must be laxatives in here, right? Or extra pepper and salt or something?


Ye Yan missed morning exercises today, and when he went to class, a few familiar students asked him what was going on. Ye Yan gave Zhang Daye a resentful look, and said that he was not feeling well yesterday.

I don't know if it's because he slept a lot yesterday, but Ye Yan felt very refreshed when he was attending class in the morning. Normally, he would have already fallen asleep at this time, but today he didn't feel sleepy at all.

But this feeling of being full of energy is really a torment for Ye Yan, he has no interest in what is being said on stage! Unexpectedly, did the total revenge start from now? It turned out to be mental torture!

The bored Ye Yan stared at Zhang Daye's back in a daze.

Zhang Da also had a chill on his back, feeling inexplicable, who wanted to murder me?


Amid Ye Yan's torment, the cultural class in the morning was finally over, and for today's actual combat class, Zefa invited a heavyweight, General Huang Yuan.

There are rumors that Zefa and Kizaru are at odds, but that's just a rumor. At most, the two have different ideas, and it won't rise to the level of discord. It's all about the tone, but the trust he should have in the yellow ape is no less.

"Brother Tatsuya, and everyone from the Amber Tour Group, long time no see~" Huang Yuan still spoke slowly, "Your team seems to be getting stronger and stronger~"

Zhang Da also said with a smile: "It's been a long time, I haven't had time to congratulate you on being promoted to general."

"Well, it doesn't matter if you don't need congratulations." Huang Yuan said, "Anyway..."

"Porusalino." Zefa signaled him to think it over before speaking. In front of so many students, it's best not to say anything inappropriate.

"...Being a general is just a heavier responsibility on the shoulders. It doesn't matter if you congratulate me or not." Huang Yuan could still say a little bit of nice words, but he still changed the subject, "Speaking of which, those bottles of wine you gave me really not bad."

"It's fine if you like it." Zhang Da also said with some regret, "Actually, I saw a very delicate set of nail clippers when I was in Chambord. Someone bought it, otherwise I wanted to give you that."

"Is this what you're talking about? I've asked someone to buy it back, and Da Ye is also interested in this." Huang Yuan took out a small box from his pocket and opened it, which contained nail clippers, nail files, sharp inlays, etc. A series of tools such as nail pliers, a total of 18 pieces, are neat and shiny, and they seem to be well-preserved.

As for why it was in the hands of Huang Yuan... Rear Admiral Kadalu at the Chambord Naval Base is his direct subordinate, so it's nothing to help buy this little thing.

"That's it, so you've already got it." Zhang Da also thought about it, and said, "Next time, I'll help you find a better one."

He planned to go to Wano Country to ask Mr. Kai to order a set of nail clippers when he was able to single out the Four Emperors. He asked Hai Loushi to make them.

Speaking of this, he had never seen how Weiwei cut her nails, so he was a little curious.

Huang Yuan put away the nail clipper set and said, "Then I'll have to look forward to it."

Zefa listened to these two people talking about some strange topics with black lines all over his head, and couldn't help reminding: "It's almost time to start."

If you don't get to the point, the students will almost think that your code name is either Yellow Ape or Yellow Nail.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm here to give a lecture, I'll talk about it later." In fact, Huang Yuan thinks it's good to just chat like this for a class. It not only saves energy, but also lets the students understand that the general is just an ordinary person. It may also increase the cohesion within the navy.

"Then what are we going to talk about? Six styles? Swordsmanship? Or ability development?"

Most of the ordinary students feel that General Huang Yuan has too many things, and they are seriously thinking about what to teach.

But Zhang Da also directly regarded Huang Yuan as providing options for everyone, and chose D among the three options of ABC.

"Why don't you talk about kicking skills? The lieutenant generals have taught the previous ones, and only kicking skills have been mentioned less frequently."

Xia Lulu glanced at Zhang Daye, he still remembered this incident.

Zhang Da also smiled, he was serious about working for the welfare of his own people. Moreover, there are quite a few people in the training camp who like to use their legs, so it's not like he's benefiting himself at the expense of others.

"Kicking skills...Actually, I'm not very good at it..."

"However, it's good to take the opportunity to talk about my fighting philosophy." Huang Yuan turned into a golden light and appeared beside a training stake in an instant.

"Speed..." The slender legs were kicked out, and the center of the stake was instantly blown into pieces. Only then did the second half of Huang Yuan's words reach everyone's ears, "...that is power."

Sacrifice Seedlings "The way this chat group is opened is really wrong"

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