Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 434 Don't Talk about Martial Virtue (4000 words)

"Hey, you don't have a bounty, do you?" Zhang Da also asked the question he was most worried about.

"Isn't this a matter of course? People like you should have heard of CP9, right?" Foz Fu asked confidently.

Zhang Da didn't say anything, and Fuzi Fu took it as his acquiescence, and continued:

"CIPHER-POL-No.9, because it has the privilege of "killing citizens who are unwilling to cooperate with the world government", so it cannot be made public, that is to say, it is a 'non-existent' organization. "

Zhang Da also almost understood the situation of Fuzi Fu: "So you..."

Foz Foz said: "I am a traitor to that organization, and I have important information about the world government in my hands. Strictly speaking, I should not exist. If I rashly announce my crimes and offer a reward, I will Facing the danger of the organization being exposed to the world. At the same time, I also have to consider whether I will leak the information I know if I have to."

Zhang Da also asked: "According to this, don't you have to worry about being hunted down, and you can even find a place to live in seclusion?"

Foz Fu sneered: "How can there be such a good thing, the reason why they will not rashly issue a reward is that they will send someone to deal with me in a short time. If they fail to kill me, then I will probably be killed Accused of killing world government officials and so on, and then offered a reward just like ordinary pirates."

"Are you not afraid of information leakage at that time?"

"The period of time during which I was chasing and killing me is enough for them to take some emergency measures."

"Then why didn't you release all the information from the very beginning? You're going to be hunted down anyway, so let's just make them uneasy first."

"You guy, aren't you really a pirate? You don't look like a peaceful person if you have such an idea." Fuzi Fu looked Zhang Da up and down for a while, and he was almost sure now that Amber The tour group should not be an undercover agent of the world government or something. The Six Styles probably learned through other means.

"You read it wrong." Zhang Da also said, "How could I be restless."

Although they killed two Shichibukai, killed the golden lion, and rescued a bunch of slaves, but their amber tour group are all law-abiding people.

"Hmph~" Foz Ferrer grinned, "If you do that, CP9 won't be the only one chasing me."

Being restless has nothing to do with him, Foz Fu just wants to see if there is a chance for the other party to let him go.

Zhang Da also guessed: "You won't want to say next time that if you are handed over to the navy, not only will it not be beneficial, but it will cause you a whole lot of trouble, right?"

"No, it's just not beneficial at all. If the bounty is high, I think you probably don't care about this trouble." Seeing Zhang Daye's attitude, Foz thought that he didn't care at all. Thinking about it differently, if he If his companion is that strong, he won't care. It seems that this time he is in danger.

"That's not true." As he spoke, Zhang Daye's body returned to its original size, and his clothes became baggy, "Huh, is it time?"

Zhang Da also quickly canceled the transformation magic to avoid embarrassing situations.

"It's time?" Foz Fu, who was lying on the ground, keenly captured the key words. It is only natural that such a strong state has a time limit.

He felt his state, he still had physical strength, and the injury was a little bit serious, but he could still move if he persisted.

Foz Fu took another look at Zhang Daye's appearance. His right shoulder and left arm were wrapped in bandages. They were hit by his own tooth gun. It seems that he is not in good condition... Wait!

When did he get the bandages?

Not only was this guy able to catch up to me who was running away with all his strength, but he even had time to wrap himself in a bandage?

Foz Fu was shocked, is the speed difference so big?

Zhang Da also noticed the change in his expression: "What does that look mean?"

"No, it's nothing, I just feel...Lanjiao!" Foz Fu pretended nothing happened, and in the middle of speaking, he suddenly changed into a human-beast form, jumped up and launched an attack. As long as the sneak attack kills this guy first, no matter how fast it is, it's useless!

"Wow!" Lan's foot hit Zhang Daye's chest, but there was a faint light on Zhang Daye's body, "The defense power has increased, Armor!"

"It's that strange light again, you bastard, what kind of ability are you!" Foz Fu pounced on, "Finger Gun Madara!"

"You really don't have any martial arts virtues at all, you are as shameless as Ye Yan!" Zhang Da also tried his best to capture Fuzi Fu's movements, and then used his fists to deal with his constantly poking fingers. Defensive power, give it a try.

"Is it a move to increase defense?" Foz Foz almost guessed the effect of this move, "Crush your head, tooth gun!"

Although there is only one saber tooth, the momentum cannot be lost.

"Strength increase, Arms!" Zhang Da also found that the opponent could attack with both hands and teeth, but he couldn't bear to bite. It was very unfair, so he added a status to himself.

"Break your other tooth!" Zhang Da also avoided biting, and tried his best to let Foz Fu's finger gun hit his shoulder and punch him in the face.


"Ah..." Foz Foz flew out in a familiar posture. Although the power of this punch was not as strong as last time, it was enough for him to bear.

Zhang Da also took out his long sword, looking at Foz Fu as if he didn't intend to give up. Of course, even if he said that he would give up, Zhang Da would not believe it.

"Damn it, it's that one again..." Foz Fu struggled to get up, "Iron Block Tooth Flash!"

Although the power of this move is greatly reduced without the two saber teeth, he has no other choice. Rather than being taken away by the navy and handed over to the world government for torture, he would rather die here in battle.

Zhang Daye's sword was dyed with a layer of black, and wrapped with a layer of hurricane, magic power, true energy, dark energy, etc. were all attached to it, holding the sword with both hands and stabbing forward: "Wind King · Straight through!"

laugh! Zhang Daye's sword tip penetrated Fuzi Fu's body, his posture was very similar to the way Artoria pierced Uncle B with the Wind King's hammer.

"Cough... today is really... an eye-opener..." Foz Foz fell to the ground, his body returned to his human form, and said in a weak voice, "cough... the sun god Nika... the world government has always wanted to hide something...that day..."

"What~~~ The wind is too strong, I can't hear~~~" Zhang Da also raised his hand and made a knife.

Arturia came over: "It has become a lot stronger, Tatsuya."

"Haha, it's okay, okay!" Using all the abilities he mastered to defeat a strong enemy alone, and then being praised so earnestly by Arturia, Zhang Daye was in a great mood, "Did you also fight just now?" ?”

Arturia nodded: "Well, when I arrived, I found some people hiding nearby and wanted to sneak attack you, so I took them out. Judging by the clothes, they are probably his accomplices."

"Accomplices?" Zhang Da followed Artoria to look around, and there were about 20 or 30 people who were dealt with by her. Most of them were dressed like cats, and they should be Foz Fau's subordinates.

There are still a small number who want to pick up cheap ones, but they have no chance to make a move when they are about to make a move.

Because these people came aiming at Zhang Daye's life, Artoria didn't hold back.

It was impossible for these corpses to be handed over to the navy, so Zhang Da simply dug a hole and buried them. Although the Chambord Islands are a tree, there is always a way to dig a hole.


There were no accidents in the next cleaning operation, because Zhang Da simply followed Arturia directly, worried that another strong enemy would not be enough for him.

It was not until evening that the two embarked on their return journey. Tom followed behind the two, holding a rope in his hand, and a string of nearly a hundred pirates was tied to the rope mightily, ready to be sent to the naval base.

For being led away by a mere cat, the pirates were a little annoyed at first, and thought about turning around and dragging the cat to escape.

However, the result was different from what they had imagined. Although turning around suddenly and running away could drag Tom a somersault, Tom was able to get up and brake quickly, and then yanked hard in retaliation, causing everyone to lose their lives.

After trying a few times, the pirates gave up, and even a few who fell hard offered to help maintain order and advised everyone to stay in line.

Such a wonderful queue inevitably attracted the attention of passers-by, so the news that the amber tour group arrived at the Chambord Islands began to spread on a large scale.

When Zhang Daye and the others arrived at the naval base with the pirates, Shark Pepper had already arrived and was waiting for the navy to count the number of pirates and confirm their identities.

Shark Chili asked curiously: "Boss Tatsuya, Artoria? How did you get together?"

"I encountered a small accident, and I'll talk about it when I go back. You caught quite a few people. Are you injured?" Zhang Da also didn't want to talk about Foz Ferrer at the naval base.

"I'm fine." Shark Pepper said, "I didn't meet any pirate with a particularly high bounty, but I got a little scratch when I was besieged."

Zhang Da also quietly scanned Shark Pepper and caught those people with a domineering look. Judging from the breath alone, if Shark Pepper used Giant Shark, those people might not be able to break the defense. It must have been scratched because he didn't want to use it at all.

They were chatting leisurely here, but the sailors in the base were running back and forth in a hurry.

It was the first time they encountered such a thing to receive more than a hundred prisoners at once, and most of them were rewarded prisoners.

Although the bounty is not much, the scene is big enough.

"Is this the style of the Amber Tour Group? It's amazing." Some sailors were transferred recently, and they don't know much about Zhang Daye's opening of the tavern.

"No, they used to send only a few bounty criminals at one time, and the rest should be small characters without rewards." An old sea soldier said that this was the first time he had seen such a scene.

"I heard that they are going to live here for a while. We won't be so busy every day in the future, right?"

"No way……"

"It's all for justice! Don't complain about such a trivial matter! You know, we should have done all these things they did!"

"Ah, yes! I'm too superficial to complain because of this kind of thing! I'm really sorry for Mr. Tatsuya who fought bravely!"

Zhang Da also received a lot of apologies, because only his clothes were torn and bandaged, and he knew that he had gone through a hard battle. No one knew that the person who made him fight so hard was never brought here.

"These people, as always, have a lot of drama."


After the sea soldiers were flustered for a while, Zhang Da also left the naval base smoothly carrying a box of banknotes.

"Brother Tatsuya, do you want to buy an apple? Apples." The owner of the fruit stand on the street greeted warmly.

Zhang Da also wanted to refuse, but Tom and Artoria were already trying.

"Is it delicious?" Zhang Da also asked.

Seeing the two nodding their heads, Zhang Da had no choice but to pay for it: "I'll take it to the tavern."

"Thank you for your patronage!" The fruit stall owner praised his wit.

The nearby merchants also followed suit. They haven't seen Zhang Daye for a long time, and they couldn't remember that this is a big customer for a while, so they have to make up for it quickly.

Shark Pepper laughed and said, "It really feels familiar!"

There was a little delay on the road, and when we got back to the tavern, the sky had completely darkened, and Uncle Long and Rui Mengmeng had already returned from Chambord Park with the loli team.

The little girls chirped and discussed whether the bubble roller coaster was fun or the bubble ferris wheel was fun.

Only Wendy didn't want to talk, she must be tired from having too much fun.

Rui Mengmeng and Uncle Long were busy receiving a large amount of ingredients from each - Zhang Da also bought things earlier than he went home.

Ye Yan was supervising the cleaning of the banner demons' rooms: "You guys are back, the tavern has been remodeled, and the rooms on the first floor can be moved in at any time, oh, just wait until they finish cleaning."

"It's finished? Uncle Goodman is efficient enough." Zhang Da also went to the dock to place the order this morning. The design and construction were completed so quickly.

"That uncle brought a lot of helpers, and the efficiency is frighteningly high." Ye Yan yawned, and his upper and lower eyelids began to fight, "It's just that I have been working all day, so I didn't sleep well in the afternoon."

Zhang Da also said: "Thank you for your hard work, have you paid your wages yet?"

"Salary? They didn't say anything, I thought you paid it." Ye Yan said, "I only let Banner Demon go out and buy two meals."

"Forget it, I'll go and tie it up tomorrow." Zhang Da also looked at the newly added rooms, which were clean and tidy, and several boatmen also helped to make the necessary furniture.

The area of ​​the tavern hall has shrunk a lot, and Goodman helped redesign the partition between the business area and the living area, making the interior of the tavern look more natural.

"Have you selected all the rooms?" Zhang Da also asked.

"I've chosen!" Weiwei hurriedly replied, "But we want to live together for a few more days! Is that okay?"

Zhang Da also said: "It's up to you, if you want, you can change it to upper and lower bunks."

"Great!" Vivi was elated, and Perona and Wendy also found it interesting.

Zhang Da also turned around a few times and found nothing wrong, so he went to help carry the ingredients: "Tom, let's cook!"

I don't have a fever but I feel a little fluttery, as if I want to fly up, it feels so weird...

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