Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 433 Unlucky, Unlucky, Unlucky (4000 words)

Zhang Da, who was repelled, also stabilized his figure in time, put away the soul gong and exchanged it for the sword of Tianlun.

Tom, who was holding the phone bug on his shoulder, couldn't hold on, and rolled a few times on the ground and hit a red tree.

Tom pulled himself out of the tree trunk in a daze, and the phone bug that he threw flew fell on Tom's head. The big eyes on the tentacles bent down and looked at Tom, and retracted into the shell.

Zhang Da also subconsciously glanced at Tom to confirm that he was fine, and then began to observe Foz Fry.

However, Foz Fu only wanted to put Zhang Da down quickly and leave here, but he saw the phone bug in Tom's hand, and the longer it dragged on, the worse it would be for him.

"Shave!" Fuzz Fu approached Zhang Daye when he was distracted, and slapped him on the back of the head, "Lie down honestly!"

"I don't talk about martial arts! But it's so fast!" Zhang Da also realized that the six forms are different from the six forms. The shaving used by Foz Fu in the form of a human beast is much better than his own.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Da had no time to dodge, so he could only mobilize the various energies in his body, hoping that his head would be stronger.

Boom! Zhang Da only felt a pain in the back of his head, and he fell to the ground. The hole in the ground looked like the one Tom left on the tree.

Foz Foz didn't notice such small details, he slapped him with all his strength, even a master like Gabra who was proficient in iron blocks would have to be knocked out for a while, so he should be able to leave smoothly now, right?

However, something went beyond his expectation, Zhang Da not only did not faint, but also quickly pulled himself out of the pit, turned around and said with a sword: "Chop!"

"What?" Foz Fur crossed his arms in front of him, and simultaneously activated the iron block and the less proficient armed domineering, and took the move forcefully, "Why are you all right, you bastard!?"

"The tooth gun! Lanjiao!" One of the most powerful things about Foz Foz is that it doesn't affect his moves when he curses or asks questions.

There was a curious expression on his face, but his hands were unambiguous.

Zhang Da also wanted to learn this skill. When he wanted to use words to mock others, he had to be careful, which would inevitably affect the power of his moves. Zhang Da also admired Foz Fu's skill.

"Who knows? Maybe you're too weak." Zhang Da also knew that he was able to carry it down, of course it was because of the iron block and armed domineering in time, as well as his messy physique at work. Ye Yan's stun resistance Sexual estimation is indispensable.

But he doesn't have the habit of explaining his abilities to the enemy, so guess if you like.

Zhang Da also felt that it was a little difficult for him to deal with all kinds of attacks from Foz Fu with his sword.

In terms of strength, it's okay to say that with all kinds of messy additions, he may be stronger than Foz Fu in terms of strength alone. But Foz Fu in human-beast form is really unbelievably agile, and Zhang Da also thinks it's more appropriate to let Rui Mengmeng deal with him.

"You stubborn brat!" Foz Foss shot a string of tooth guns from a distance and then crawled on the ground, the muscles of his limbs tensed up. After a short period of energy accumulation, the whole body ejected, "Iron block tooth flash!"

More than a dozen tooth-shaped shock waves hit, and Zhang Da didn't dare to underestimate them. The defense-breaking effect of this move is quite strong, and a little carelessness may cause serious injuries: "Activate the super... I rely on it!"

Before Zhang Da could transform, Foz Fu's attack had already arrived, and two gleaming teeth were aimed at his throat and bit down.

Zhang Da also blocked with a horizontal sword, and the blade rubbed against Foz Fu's teeth and made a rattling sound: "It's so annoying!"

Fuzi Fu pressed Zhang Daye's sword down hard: "The stinky brat is quite strong, but it's just a sword blade, watch me crush it, and then it will be your head!"

"Your mouth is blocked by my sword, how can you talk!" Zhang Da also wanted to ask if this is a skill that people with a sword in their mouth will know.

The two stared at each other and wrestled with each other, but Foz Fu attacked with his mouth and his hands were still free. He planned to take the opportunity to show his advantage: "Finger Gun Madara!"

And Zhang Da finally had the opportunity to shout out the transformation slogan: "Start the super transformation form!"

At the same time, she silently used transformation magic to make the clothes bigger.

Zhang Daye's figure has swelled to more than three meters high. Although he is still not as big as Foz Fogga, he does not look so pocketable now.

"Bigger?" Foz Fau's brain was about to be overloaded. How many abilities does this person have? Isn't there only one devil fruit to eat? Despite all kinds of doubts, he poked his finger gun without hesitation.

"Guess!" Zhang Daye's sword-holding hands slammed hard, and he was thrown away before Fuzi Fu's finger gun fell on him.

"Damn it! The strength has also become stronger along with the size." Foz Foz fell to the ground after somersaulting, and retreated a little distance cautiously. He reached out and touched his teeth, but fortunately, they were not loose.

Today's battle made him doubt his life. Can a person possess so many abilities at the same time? Not to mention a few different styles of swordsmanship, first manipulating the wind, then accelerating, the weird sound of the gong, and now suddenly getting louder, plus the ability to take out weapons out of thin air...

If it wasn't for the ability of the devil fruit, it wouldn't make sense at all, but if it was really the ability of the devil fruit, why wouldn't this person die?

Shocked and shocked, the fight is still going to be fought, Foz Fu quickly thought about the countermeasure: "If strength is not dominant, use speed and skill to win!"

On the other side, Zhang Da was also a little distressed. The sword in his hand seemed a bit small after he got bigger. Or use fists... Hey, this one seems pretty good."

Zhang Da also took out a telegraph pole, and Tom in the distance subconsciously covered his head.

【Hit Tom's electric pole: Only Tom knows whether it hurts to be hit by this electric pole. 】

Instead of a sword, use a piece of wood? Foz Fu felt that he was underestimated. No matter how you look at it, it was just an ordinary piece of wood, right? No, maybe there are some strange abilities, so don't be careless: "Yuebu! Lanjiao!"

"Tianlong's hook claw!" Zhang Da also kicked and smashed Lan's foot, and then jumped up, using the moon step. Even using the moon step is much easier in the super transformation form, flying up to five floors in one breath The height is effortless, and it can even carry a pole.

"You can actually know the six moves! Could it be that you..." Foz Fu was not sure whether Zhang Da also used iron blocks in his defensive palm, but he could not mistake the moon steps in front of him.

After all, the fact that the navy rewarded Zhang Daye and the others with the six-style and domineering training method was not known to everyone, so Foz Fozi misunderstood Zhang Da when he saw that Zhang Da was using the six-style so skillfully.

"Who knows?" Zhang Da also swung up the telegraph pole, aimed at Foz Fodang and smashed it down.

Although he didn't know what he was going to ask, but based on the principle of not disclosing useful information, he was vague and let him guess.

Foz Foz stepped on the air a few times to evade: "Such a simple attack, how could I be..."

boom! Unexpectedly, the telegraph pole suddenly changed direction strangely and hit his head impartially.

Foz Fow was in a daze, and fell from the sky, and stuck straight into the ground.

Tom hid behind the tree shaking his head and smacking his lips. It must hurt from being hit on the head by a telephone pole, right?

Foz Fow was so stupid, I should have avoided it! And it's just a piece of wood, where's my domineering, where's my iron block? How did he beat me down?

For the sake of caution, Foz Foz quickly checked his body after crawling out of the pit, only to find that he had no additional injuries other than multiple bags on his head and messy clothes. This...isn't it?

"It's really useful! Come again!" Zhang Da also swooped down, and the telegraph pole fell down again.

"Shave!" Foz Fowler's figure disappeared in an instant, but the telegraph pole seemed to have eyes, and it followed him to hit the top of his head.

"Damn it, Tooth Gun!"

Crack, the top of the utility pole was sliced ​​off by the tooth-shaped shock wave, but the remaining part was just enough to hit Foz Foo on the head, smashing him into the ground again with a bang.

Foz Fow was sure he had defended with the iron this time, but he had another bump on his head, and it hurt just as badly as before.

Fortunately, he didn't get beaten in vain. At least he confirmed that the strange pole can be destroyed. As long as it is completely smashed, it will be fine, right?

"So it's going to be broken." Zhang Da also discovered this problem, so he regretfully put away the slightly damaged utility pole.

As long as Foz Fow is not stupid, this game of whack-a-mole can no longer be played, save it for a little surprise for someone in the future.

Moreover, using bugs to kill monsters wasn't Zhang Da's original intention to challenge him one-on-one, just hit him twice to feel refreshed. If you really want to test and train yourself, you still have to rely on your real skills to defeat him.

Of course, the most important reason is that he sensed that Artoria had arrived, so she shouldn't die after a wave.

'If I regret my life to such an extent, I will definitely not have the chance to be a king in the future. ’ Zhang Da also has a clear understanding of himself, so he decided to learn a few more skills in the future, and then to break the cognition of those who have a domineering look.

Seeing Fuzi Fu crawling out of the pit, Zhang Da also punched him directly in the chest: "The mystery of murloc karate Uso punches!"

Foz Fu had been prepared for a long time and crossed his arms to defend, but was knocked back by Zhang Daye's huge strength under the super transformation form, and his feet plowed two three-meter-long ravines on the ground.

"What kind of murloc karate are you!" The first thing Foz Fu did after standing still was to complain loudly. It's not like he hasn't seen murloc karate before, but this punch has nothing but brute force. A little skill.

"It's said to be 'Uso's fist', I lied to you!" Zhang Da was also confident, and he was even self-reflecting. If he could punch him from a different angle just now, he should have just hit him into the pit. It seems that in terms of using the terrain, I still need to ask Uncle Long for advice.

Foz Fu became cautious, the opponent could easily repel him with brute force alone, what would happen if he was added with other abilities? Can no longer be hit by him.

"Tooth gun! Shave!" Foz Fu fired more than a dozen tooth-shaped shock waves again, and then began to move around Zhang Daye at high speed.

Zhang Daye's fists were covered with a layer of black, one punch after another smashed or knocked away one tooth gun after another. Although it sounds a bit unbelievable, no matter it is this kind of shock wave or the flying slash of a swordsman, it can It flew.

Being able to fly does not mean that the tooth gun is weak. If it hits other parts of the body instead of the fist, it may still break the defense.

So Zhang Da was also more careful when dealing with this move, and he also had to beware of Foz Fur, who was constantly moving at high speed with his razor, and beware of his sneak attack from strange angles.

The human-beast form of the saber-toothed tiger fruit endows Foz Foz with excellent strength and jumping ability, which also makes the speed of the shavings he uses far beyond ordinary people, whether he can see it with eyes or catch it with knowledge, and whether he can react Coming here is two different things.

And Zhang Da is...almost used to it, every time Foz Fu uses Shave, Zhang Da also gets more used to his moving speed.

Therefore, when Fuzi Fu thought he had found an opening to attack from the side and rear, Zhang Da also turned around and punched Fuzi Fu, confident that this move would definitely hit Fuzi Fu hard in the face.

He didn't notice how much he looked like when Tom was getting carried away.

boom! Click!

"Unexpectedly..." Fuzi Fu's cheek was deformed by Zhang Daye's fist, and his whole body slammed into the ground not far away with a bang. There were bloodstains on the corners of his mouth and forehead, and a broken saber tooth. Clanking and rolling down beside him.

"Hiss~ unlucky!" Zhang Da shook his hands in pain at this moment, the teeth were the hardest and sharpest part of Foz Fau's body, and it was precisely because of this that Foz Foz's moves revolved around the teeth develop.

But now, his proud teeth were broken by Zhang Daye's punch. One can imagine how painful Zhang Daye's fist must be at this time.

Tom poked his head behind the tree to confirm that the battle was almost over. His eyes lit up and he happily picked up the broken tooth, the tooth of a saber-toothed tiger. If you show it off to Baier and Baierdi's friends, you will definitely gain something Lots of compliments, maybe you can exchange some dried fish.

Thinking of the dried fish, Tom stared maliciously at the remaining saber tooth of Foz Fowler.

However, Foz Fur returned to human form at this time, and the saber teeth in Tom's hand changed back to ordinary human teeth.

Tom observed curiously for a while, pinched and shook it with his fingers, found nothing changed, threw it on the ground in disgust, and wiped his hands on Foz Fur's trouser legs.

Foz Fu seemed to give up struggling, lay flat on the ground, and asked, "I'm just a rookie pirate, why did I do this on purpose?"

"You are so proficient in using the six styles, you even know domineering, and you still have the face to call yourself a rookie pirate? Tell me, how many hundred million will the bounty be?" This kind of royal group cadre who appeared in the later stage has a bounty of several hundred million at every turn, and Zhang Da also Can't remember the exact amount.

But a defected CP9, with important information in his hand, shouldn't be inferior to the defected Major General Drake, right?

"Heh..." Foz Fu pulled out an ugly smile, "You want to exchange me for a bounty?"

"Otherwise?" Zhang Da also had a sudden feeling in his heart, there will be no pitfalls, right?

[Small knowledge: Foz Fu is CP9 of the same generation as Gabra, Gabra is the wolf, Robin’s long-lost brother (not), both of them have pursued a girl named Catherine on Judicial Island waitresses, and ended up getting dumped.

In addition, Catherine's image can be simply described as "like a flower". The new humans in Shemale Island are almost all of this type, do you have any pictures?]

I have had a fever for two days, and my current condition is a sore throat and a dry cough. The good news is that it doesn’t affect the code words very much, and the bad news doesn’t affect the code words too much o(╥﹏╥)o

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