Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 421 A smile: Could it be that the five old stars are also blind?

In the office of the Warring States Period, besides Zefa, the Warring States Period, and the Xiaoyang of the Warring States Period, there was also a Lieutenant General Jiaji (tea dolphin) who also had a relationship with Zhang Da.

This man also looked casual in Zhan Guo's office, listening to Zhan Guo, Zefa and Zhang Daye's conversation with a cigarette in his mouth and laughing.

Because Zefa mentioned the matter of the training camp, after hanging up the phone, Zhan Guo first asked: "How is the matter of the training camp?"

Zefa smiled: "Everything is going well, and there are two good newcomers in this issue."

"Really? Then I have to look forward to it."

Zefa nodded: "Although it's not as strong as Sakalski and the others, if it goes well, it won't be worse than Tina and Smoker."

Zhan Guo smiled and said, "Tina is fine, don't be such a reckless prick like Smoker."

"Haha, you and Garp were no worse than Smoker when you were young!" Zefa teased, waved to Sengoku and Kake, turned and left the office.

Warring States shook his head, asking what that bastard Kapu was doing.

Jia Ji waited until Zhan Guo looked at him, and said this time: "I'm going to trouble the marshal too."

Zhan Guo sighed: "Over there with a smile...how is the specific situation?"

Jia Ji said: "Originally, Yixiao planned to come to the navy after looking outside more, and enlist in the army through ordinary channels, but he went to Chambord some time ago... and encountered some things, so he was a little hesitant."

"Chambord...he did that." Warring States remembered the subsidence of the Chambord Islands some time ago. Those places that operated casinos on the surface and secretly traded slaves were all destroyed overnight.

Because the incident happened in an illegal area, and civilians were not involved, the Navy only received an order to cooperate with the CP in the investigation, and the headquarters did not even do anything.

"That's the thing, Yixiao originally just wanted to gamble money." Jiake said helplessly, "This time the incident is similar to the situation of the Amber tour group. They are obviously not pirates but they suddenly received an invitation from Shichibukai..."

In order to fill Qiwuhai's quota as soon as possible and create a "stable" situation where the three major forces check and balance each other, Wu Laoxing has also exhausted his mind and searched for suitable people all over the world.

Although Yixiao's reputation is not that great, far below Qi Wuhai's standard, but his strength is there, so there is no need to worry about reputation.

When receiving the letter from the world government, Yixiao had just sent the last slave home. He was much more patient than Zhang Da in this regard, and of course there was also the factor of ability and convenience.

Because of the inconvenience of eyesight, I smiled and asked a passerby to help read the letter. After reading it, the passerby laughed for a long time and said something like, "Uncle, if you want to make a joke, you should change your reason, make up a letter from the five old stars, and be careful not to be arrested."

Yixiao said this when contacting Jiaji: "Personally speaking, being blind is also a blessing, because I don't have to see those dirty things. But Wu Laoxing is in a high position, but he compares me with pirates and others." On the other hand, is it also a person who does not see things?"

Lieutenant General will naturally not convey these words to Warring States, just say that he is very dissatisfied.

"I see, I'm going to see Wu Laoxing." Zhan Guo felt that he was very tired. He was trying his best to recruit talents and strengthen the strength of the navy, but Wu Laoxing was trying his best to push people away. Really... Complicated feelings.

"Then I won't bother." Like most navies, Jia Ji slightly misjudged the position between the Admiral of the Navy and the Five Old Stars.

They all thought that the marshal could settle the matter as long as he met Wu Laoxing, explained his interests, and argued hard. I don't know that even if what Zhan Guo said is reasonable, it is very likely to be scolded by the five old stars.

But this is not what he, the admiral of the navy, cares about. What he cares about is that the admiral Gion is about to return from his mission. How should he confess to her?

I have failed to confess to her 37 times before, so I must impress her this time!


"Oh, it's Lieutenant General Gion. I have something to ask for you, but your phone didn't get through. Later, we contacted Mr. Zefa."

"Because I was on a mission that day, it's not convenient to answer, Tatsuya-chan, don't be angry~"

"I should be asking you not to blame me for contacting me rashly. I don't know if I'm interrupting your mission?" Zhang Da also automatically ignored her provocative tone. heartbeat.

"It's okay, it's okay~" Lieutenant General Gion said with some distress, "I hope people will contact me more often. I've been working in the New World recently, and it's boring."

Zhang Da also asked: "New world? I heard that the new world is very chaotic recently. It's dangerous to go there at this time, right?"

"It's not dangerous, it's just troublesome." Because the task has been almost handled, and it's not a secret, Gion said directly, "The culprits are still red hair and Wufeng Pirates, because Wang Zhi has been attacked recently. A lot of pirates, big and small, have been fighting frequently, which has led to the defeat of many pirates in the new world recently."

Zhang Da also wondered: "If the soldiers are defeated, their morale will be lost, so it shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

"The problem is that they are pirates." Lieutenant General Gion said, "Maybe they don't have much fighting power, but they have inexhaustible strength when facing civilians.

The most troublesome thing is that because of the rout, they often flee irregularly, and when they get there, they often improvise, grab something and hide, it is very difficult to find. If it was a premeditated and organized activity, we would not have such a headache. "

"It seems to be quite troublesome. It's really hard work for you." Zhang Da also thought about it for a while, this kind of people seems to be quite troublesome.

"Fortunately, most of them have been resolved. Although judging from the current situation, such things will not be less in the future, but we can only talk about it later. I can finally rest for a while."

Although Gion doesn't like to be lazy like some admirals, he is not a workaholic. After working hard for a period of time, he still wants to rest.

"It's true Tatsuya-chan, it's rare to contact me once, why don't you let Liya-chan talk to me?"

"She's been listening by the side." Zhang Da also somewhat doubted Taotu's intentions now.

"Liya-chan~ Did you miss me~" Taotu's voice was charming and playful.

Arturia thought about it carefully, and said seriously: "I didn't think about it."

"Hey~~~~ Liya sauce~" The phone bug vividly imitated the expression of sadness and grievance.

"Pfft..." Zhang Da also laughed out loud, and gave Artoria a thumbs up. If he wanted to say the most hurtful words, he had to answer the truth seriously after careful consideration.

"Hey, by the way, how do you know that the person who contacted you is mine?" Zhang Da also didn't remember that the phone bug had a missed call display function.

"Secret, I'm not happy to answer it today, you can guess it yourself."

Kacha, hang up the phone neatly.

Zhang Da also looked at the phone bug in front of him, and silently reflected on himself: "I was wrong, I shouldn't laugh at her before solving all the doubts, let's not be an example."

Jackie Chan hastily pulled away the three lolitas, raised an index finger, and taught: "Tatsuya is wrong. You should not laugh at others casually at any time. It's very impolite, remember?"

Weiwei said, "Remember."

Wendy nodded obediently: "Yes!"

Perona routinely perfunctory: "Yes~Yes~Yes~"

Jackie Chan leaned forward, looked into Perona's eyes, and said, "Perona, it's enough to say it once, and one more thing, don't deliberately prolong your voice when you speak."

"Yes~" Perona was dejected and absent-minded.

Tom slapped his thigh and chuckled.

Rui Mengmeng asked curiously: "Boss, the Wang Zhi mentioned by Lieutenant General Gion just now is the Fourth Emperor, right? Why does he seem to be suffering all the time recently? Isn't he a very powerful person?"

"The big tree attracts the wind, who told him to be targeted by the red hair? Coincidentally, other big pirates also planned to attack him." Zhang Da also didn't know the real reason for the fight between Shanks and Wang Zhi. Max and the others happened to be eyeing Wang Zhi. Otherwise, it couldn't be because Wang Zhi didn't give Shanks face, right?

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with us for the time being. I've stayed here long enough. Get ready to sail."

Hawkeye had already left, and the Amber tour group also left after staying here for two more days, leaving only a group of singing and dancing herdsmen, and a sunken pirate ship not far away.

For the herdsmen on Changhuan Long Island, this day is a day worth celebrating. The intermittent earthquakes and big waves that have troubled them for many days finally disappeared, and they can continue to live as leisurely and peacefully as before.


On May 10, 1511 in the lunar calendar of the sea, there was light wind, light rain, and the effective wave height of the waves was about 1 meter.

Zhang Da also found that he would become lazy when it was rainy, and the comfort level of the quilt would increase sharply. He still doesn't understand the reason for this.

In short, after he turned off the alarm clock today, he retracted into the bed and slept for another 10 minutes. He still thought that if he woke up too late, he might be mocked by Perona arrogantly, so he got up firmly.

Although Perona herself is a difficult household, it does not affect her use this matter to make a fuss.

This morning's Tom is a cat-shaped tattoo on the owner's arm. If he hadn't learned to be domineering, Zhang Da would have almost missed him.

One person and one cat made the bed a little bit before leaving the room to wash up.

A little wind and rain could not stop the newspaper delivery gull's enthusiasm for work, and he still diligently delivered the newspaper to the Amber. Its bag was probably waterproof, and what Rui Mengmeng bought was not a wet newspaper.

In view of the bad weather, besides paying for the newspaper, Rui Mengmeng also gave away a small bag of Tom’s special dried fish, which was so delicious that the newspaper delivery bird almost wanted to exchange the newspaper for another bag, but was rejected by Tom, so he reluctantly gave up. to leave.

"A shocking battle! Will the title of the world's greatest swordsman change hands?"

Recently, the world's number one swordsman, Joracle Mihawk, appeared on Changhuan Long Island, and a battle broke out with Artoria, the escort of the amber tour group. This battle lasted seven days and seven nights, and even changed Topography of Long Loop Long Island!

After the war, Joracle Mihawk left in a hurry, and the amber tour group traveled as usual. The two sides kept silent about the outcome of the battle. Perhaps the title of the world's number one swordsman no longer belonged to Mihawk up!

The article is well written, but the accompanying picture only has a distant view, and only acquaintances can vaguely recognize the two confronting people as Hawkeye and Artoria.

"It's really a picture at the beginning, and the content is all based on editing?" Zhang Da also sneered, "You still 'keep your mouth shut about the result', you tm come to ask me? There are seven days and seven nights of fighting, and the time for meals and rest is also counted. Is it?"

Ye Yan said: "I'm curious where they got the news. The only ones who know about it are us and the navy. The navy should not be so boring. Is it the herdsmen? Or did a reporter just pass by and secretly take pictures?"

Zhang Da also said: "I can't tell. There are always such wonderful talents in this world. After many big pirates are wanted, they don't know how their photos were taken. Maybe we also met one."

Weiwei asked: "Then sister Arturia is the world's number one swordsman now?"

Artoria denied: "No, I didn't really defeat him."

"The sentence in the newspaper 'Mihawk left in a hurry, and the amber tour group travels as usual' is obviously implying that you won." Ye Yan said, "Even if you don't admit it, many people will regard you as the world's No. One."

Wendy said, "But aren't they lying?"

"No, the timing may have been a misjudgment, but the result was indeed that way. It's just that the writers described the facts with subjective emotions." Zhang Da actually understands this way of speaking to mislead others with the truth .

Wendy felt that this was wrong, and she asked, "But why did he do this?"

Ye Yan said: "I understand this. Of course it's to create a sensation. People in their business always want to make big news. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, as long as it's big news."

"With our reputation and Hawkeye's reputation, such writing must be popular. As for why we imply that we won, it may be because we like us, or it may be because we want to kill us."


"Of course I like them!" Facing the question from his subordinates, Morgans waved his wings and replied, "I really like a group that surprises the world every once in a while! They are simply our best friends! "

"Of course, it's okay to say that it's a flattery. If we can cope with the continuous challengers and even the revenge from Hawkeye, then we can publish another article. If we can't handle it, people like them will die. Breaking news."

"Death news..." The subordinate couldn't turn the corner, "But you just said that they are our best friends..."

Morgans glanced at him, and said as a matter of course: "They are friends. I will personally write a press release for them at that time, and then I will mourn for them with all the members of the newspaper."

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