Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 420 Cause of Death: This Eagle Eye Doesn’t Look Strong (4000 words)

Today, the sea near Changhuan Changdao is exceptionally unsettled. Sometimes the waves are rough, sometimes the golden light shines, sometimes there are birds startling and plundering elsewhere, and sometimes schools of fish jump out of the sea and flee far away.

The herdsmen on the neighboring island speculated whether an earthquake was about to occur, and only Dongjit knew a little about the truth.

But the people near the battlefield are very relaxed at this time, and they were a little worried about Artoria's safety at first, but after a long time, everyone realized that it is difficult for these two people to hurt each other, so everyone should watch the battle Watch the game, play when you should, and exercise when you should exercise.

Zhang Da is also training while watching the battle, using the battle between Hawkeye and Artoria as the background board.

"Puru porp por... Kacha."

Zhang Da also guessed that it was Zefa's reply, so he dropped the dumbbell and connected the phone: "This is Zhang Daye, Mr. Zefa?"

The voice of the phone bug was not Zefa: "Hello, Mr. Tatsuya, I am Sengoku."

"Marshal of the Warring States Period?" Zhang Da was also surprised, "It's you who called me personally, I'm flattered."

Warring States said politely: "I have heard the generals of our navy mention you more than once, and I have always wanted to meet everyone in the Amber Tour Group, so I can thank you in person for your many help to the navy."

"You are too much..." Zhang Daye's words were covered by a rumbling voice.

"What happened?" Warring States asked quickly, "There are sounds of fighting over there, did you encounter pirates?"

Zhang Da also glanced into the distance, and said, "It's okay, it's just that Arturia is fighting with Hawkeye, don't worry, you say your own."

"It's fine." Zhan Guo breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly felt something was wrong, "Who did you say Arturia was fighting with?"

Zhang Da also said, "Hawkeye."

A drop of sweat dripped from the corner of Zhan Guo's forehead, and he asked with a hint of luck, "Which Hawkeye is it?"

Zhang Da also said: "Which Hawkeye is there, the world's number one swordsman, Joracle Mihawk."

Warring States hurriedly said: "Calm down, don't be impulsive! If you don't want to be Qiwuhai, you can say it well, if you don't want to go to fight Qiwuhai!"

Good guy, Crocodile's bones are still cold, you have provoked Hawkeye again so quickly? Are you dating Qiwuhai? If you kill another one, you really don't need to be Shichibukai anymore.

"Ha, who do you think we are?" Zhang Da also realized that the Warring States had misunderstood, he thought for a while, and smiled, "But... your idea is good, as long as you kill all Qi Wuhai, the Qi Wuhai system will It has become a joke, then we don’t have to be Qiwuhai, ha, Marshal of the Warring States Period, you are worthy of being a wise general!”

"Don't make such a joke!" Zhan Guo felt that his blood pressure was about to rise.

This group of people really deserves to be the people Karp praised, and they are really talented in making him angry. He tried to keep his tone calm: "What the hell is going on?"

"To put it simply, Hawkeye came here to do something, and just arrived near our flight line, so he waited for us for a few days, the purpose is to exchange sword skills with Artoria." Zhang Da also explained, "You You should know that we have known each other for a long time, so there is nothing wrong with this kind of sparring, right?"

Of course, the Warring States knew about this kind of thing that had caused a little sensation. He digested the information a little bit, and said: "It's just that it doesn't matter, but please pay attention to the power, so as not to hurt ordinary people."

"Don't worry about this, we deliberately chose an island where no one lives." Zhang Da also said, "By the way, you contacted me because of Qiwuhai's invitation, right?"

Zhan Guo said: "That's right, Zefa has told me what you mean, I will discuss this matter with Wulaoxing, you don't need to reply for now."

"That's really great, thank you." Zhang Da also felt very happy to get rid of troublesome things.

"If I'm really grateful, I'll do less of the things that give me headaches."

"We rarely cause trouble, don't we? Every time trouble comes to us, doesn't it?"

Of course, Zhan Guo knew he couldn't blame them, but no matter what the cause was, the end result was that he had to work overtime, and this time he might even be scolded by the five old stars and have a headache.

After being silent for a while, Zhan Guo said: "Anyway, that's it for now. Zefa asked me to ask for him. According to your route, it shouldn't take long to reach the Chambord Islands, right? Are you interested in coming? Have a look at the Navy Headquarters?"

"It seems that we are indeed approaching the Chambord Islands." Zhang Da also made the calculations. If he continues to follow the record pointer, the next stop will be the capital of seven waters, and then the Chambord Islands. Won't it bother you too much?"

"Don't disturb." Zefa took the microphone, probably listening to Zhan Guo all the time, "Aren't you very interested in Liushi and domineering? It just so happens that the preparations for the new training camp have just started, you can come together Participate in training."

It doesn't matter whether they participate in the training or not, the main thing is to let them come and stay for a while to cultivate their relationship.

"Training camp?" Zhang Da is also very interested in this. The training for recruits may not mean much to him, but Zefa will definitely make adjustments to different people.

Moreover, Ye Yan, Uncle Long, Perona, and Weiwei, who are less physically fit, will definitely improve a lot if they participate for a period of time.

Zhang Da also asked excitedly, "Do you include board and lodging?"

"..." Zefa said dumbfounded, "Bao!"

Warring States has no objection to Zefa's decision. The Navy headquarters is really not short of these few people who can eat. As for the ingredients, just send people into the sea to catch a few sea beasts and sea kings.

"Okay, then it's settled! We will probably spend a few days in the capital of seven waters, and then stay in the Chambord Islands for a while. It is estimated that we will head to the Navy headquarters in a month or two."

When he hung up the phone, Zhang Da was also happy that he had successfully found a short-term meal ticket. Zefa is also happy with the slight progress in the recruitment plan, and everyone is happy.


For the next few days, Arturia has been exchanging swordsmanship with Hawkeye.

During this period, there was also an episode. An unknown little pirate group squatted in the distance for several days, and finally decided to rush up, trying to kill Hawkeye and the Amber tour group at the same time.

Then, they die.

Cause of death: 'Hawkeye and the Amber tour group have been fighting for several days, and now is their weakest time! '

Of course Hawkeye and Artoria didn't fight continuously, and they didn't miss their meals and rest every day.

Occasionally, they would discuss the principles and optimization methods of some sword moves with each other during the break. During the few days of fighting, both sides had their own advantages and disadvantages, but they never officially came to a conclusion.

According to the two of them, unless the two sides fight to the death, fight with their lives, and compete in the short moment of comprehension and decision between life and death, it will be difficult to distinguish winners and losers in swordsmanship.

Hawkeye didn't think much of the title of world's number one swordsman, and even kept looking forward to someone who could surpass him and let him see a higher level of swordsmanship.

And Arturia has no interest in that title, and it is even more impossible to fight Hawkeye for a name. For her, Hawkeye should be regarded as a good opponent and friend.

In view of the great destructive power of the two people, Zhang Da was also a little worried about the capacity of these small islands, so he simply went with everyone to visit the other small islands in Changhuan Changdao.

Basically, changing places after one or two games, not only allowed everyone to see the scenery of each island, but also spread the pressure on the nine small islands where there are no herdsmen for the time being. Zhang Da also felt that he was really a kind person.

In the end, each small island harvested a shallow bay sunken into the island, with different shapes and sizes. Generally speaking, it should not affect the environment of the island too much, and it should not have much impact on the future life of the herdsmen. Influence.

What's worth mentioning is that Zhang Da also couldn't hold back in the end and made a few gestures with Hawkeye, and finally got a wound three or four feet long, almost bone-deep.

Faced with this kind of wound that is fatal to ordinary people, Zhang Da also felt: "This is too painful! It still hurts so much with all the defenses fully activated. It hurts so much that I can hardly walk!"

"It's just that you won't be able to walk soon? A normal person shouldn't be able to stand up after being injured like this?" Xia Lulu complained, "What kind of monster are you, lie down quickly and let Wendy help you stop the bleeding first!"

"Oh, good." Zhang Da also lay down, and while receiving treatment, he complained that Hawkeye couldn't be gentler.

The fatal injury, after Wendy's treatment, Zhang Da only needed to sleep, and he would be alive and kicking the next day without leaving any scars.

Zhang Daye's performance gave Hawkeye a lot of surprises. You must know that the last time he saw Zhang Daye in Chambord Islands, he was just a noisy weakling. In Hawkeye's words, it's the kind of 'ant who doesn't deliberately remember'.

But now if he doesn't use force to overwhelm others, Hawkeye needs to be more serious to find the flaws in his moves. This progress is already amazing.

And when he did it, Hawkeye planned to let this annoying guy lie down for a few days, but he didn't expect his physique to be a bit weird. Hawkeye was looking forward to Zhang Daye's future.

Tom was the most anxious when he saw his master bleeding. Without saying a word, he took out his sword and rushed forward to fight Hawkeye for three hundred rounds.

If there are people, you will find that there are exactly three hundred rounds. Although Tom's footsteps were erratic and his moves were chaotic, Hawkeye still couldn't find a flaw.

Moreover, according to Hawkeye's strength, it was supposed to be one move at a time to destroy gold and jade, and sword qi, but this time after three hundred moves, he couldn't even use a flying slash. He didn't even cut off the ordinary Western sword in Tom's hand, and every time he made a move, he felt powerless.

After three hundred rounds were played and Tom confirmed that the owner was fine, the situation of the battle changed. Hawkeye swung his knife horizontally in an ordinary way. Tom didn't accept the move. Instead, he dropped the sword and turned around and ran towards Zhang Daye, pounced on him.

However, his upper body and lower body had their own ideas. The upper body hugged Zhang Daye's neck and rubbed against his face, while the lower body danced a tap dance around Zhang Daye.

Xia Lulu looked at Tom's bewildered behavior, and complained, "It feels like Tom is getting weirder."

Wendy reminded: "Tom, Brother Tatsuya's wound has just stopped bleeding, so be careful not to touch it."

Tom nodded to her, and rubbed on.

Zhang Da also rubbed Tom's face, then pointed to his lower body: "Do you want to keep doing this?"

Tom glanced at it with a blank expression on his face. He didn't know what to do when he asked so formally.

Zhang Da also took out a roll of tape and waved it in front of Tom's eyes, asking, "How about sticking it first?"

Tom nodded, let go of the hand holding Zhang Daye's neck, and fell back to his lower body. Because he accidentally fell backwards, Tom grabbed his lower body with his hands and twisted vigorously, straightening his position.

Zhang Da is also helping Tom wrap the tape here, and Hawkeye is thinking on the other side. Although he has chopped Tom up once before, he still wants to ask, what kind of cat is this cat?

Rui Mengmeng saw that both the boss and Tom were going to challenge, so she simply tried it too, and the result also gave Hawkeye a big surprise. Fortunately, this time it was a different and relatively normal surprise from Tom.

The first was the sword in her hand. Although it was black, Hawkeye was sure that it was not a black sword, nor was it any famous sword he knew. It was such a sword, but Hawkeye couldn't cut it off.

He was sure that Rui Mengmeng would not be domineering, but like Artoria, she used a power he had never seen before, and this power was very destructive.

This Rui Mengmeng usually looks soft and weak, but once in a fight, she will become very vicious. The big sword is specially aimed at the throat and heart and other vital points of people, and Hawkeye always feels that she wants to Relying on his excellent agility, he moved behind him.

Judging from the posture of raising his hand and the rules of his moves, the part Rui Mengmeng wants to attack is likely to be his kidney.

The swordplay clearly has the style of Altria, so why did she just learn how to be an assassin? Hawkeye was puzzled.

Due to Rui Mengmeng's outstanding strength and agility, Hawkeye spent much more time dealing with her than Zhang Daye.

When hitting Ruimengmeng, probably because of Zhang Daye's complaints, or out of caring for the lady, Hawkeye was a little lighter.

"Ah, I lost." Feeling the pain, Rui Mengmeng simply surrendered. She glanced at the wound with an expression on her face that was about to cry.

"Sister Mengmeng!" Wendy hurried over to help with the treatment.

"Ah?" Rui Mengmeng said, "I'm fine, the wound is very shallow, and the bleeding will stop soon, you go take care of the boss."

"But your face is ugly."

"Because the clothes are broken, they are very expensive!" Rui Mengmeng said distressedly.


Another one whose defense is far superior to ordinary people? He looked at his blade, it couldn't be because my knife should be sharpened, right?


Hawkeye is gone, driving his boat, he is going to visit his friends in the new world, and at the same time, he is also going to challenge more powerful people. The existence of the amber tour group has given him a sense of urgency that he will be defeated at any time after a long absence , the days to come may not be so boring!

Here Zhang Da can also prove that Hawkeye definitely did not row the boat with his black knife, but sailed normally with the sails.

As for what he would do in the calm zone, Zhang Da would not comment on that.

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