Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 416 Chestnut Head (4200 words)

Bang bang bang bang, Zhang Daye and Virgo fought again, punches and kicks, and body shapes changing.


"Both of them are so awesome!"

"Come on! Neither side should lose!"

The onlookers consciously acted as the atmosphere group.

At this moment, Virgo had already taken off his coat, his arms were covered with thick black, shining like metal under the lights of the street, every time he punched, the muscles on his arms would stretch and contract violently, giving people a strong oppression feel.

Not to be outdone, Zhang Da forgot all the dodging skills that Uncle Long taught him, relying on his own strength to not dodge even a single move, and focused on confronting Vigo head-on.

He felt that Uncle Long would understand him. After all, use magic to deal with magic, and use domineering energy to deal with domineering energy.

He can't match Vergo's skill in using Haki, but he can fight with strength and brute strength. Feel Vergo's domineering power in the confrontation, learn his skills, and by the way... get used to the pain caused by opponents who can break through defenses.

It has been a long time since Zhang Da also received such a hearty and valuable beating.

When I usually sparred with Arturia, Rui Mengmeng and the others, although they were told to fight freely and it didn't matter if they got injured, everyone still couldn't be ruthless.

Vergo is in very good condition now. Zhang Da also estimates that this guy is fighting him with the anger of the young master being scolded. This fist is powerful enough! This leg sweep is so decisive! This look is so sharp!

boom! boom! Zhang Daye was also punched in the face and Vergo was punched in the abdomen.

As a result, Zhang Daye threw his head back and fell backwards. He did an emergency back handspring in mid-air and landed smoothly, while Vergo took two steps back and regained his balance.

At this time, Zhang Daye's eye circles were blue and purple, exactly the same as after Tom was beaten, while Virgo's abdomen was pitch black, obviously blocking the attack with his weapon color.

Zhang Da also touched his eye sockets. It hurt a little, but it didn't have much effect. The punch that hit the opponent's abdomen was like hitting an iron lump, and he got used to the feeling.

Virgo was startled, secretly thinking that he may have misjudged the opponent's strength at the beginning, not to mention the speed and strength, did he really just master his domineering? I just used my armor to defend myself, but why do I still feel a dull pain?

I even have the urge to scream, this is wrong!

"Is Mr. Tatsuya really a beginner?" Vergo asked directly.

Zhang Da also thought for a moment and said, "It's been about four months since I learned domineering."

"It's only been four months, so that's amazing."

Zhang Da also shook his head: "That's not true. My talent is average, and I haven't even mastered the hardening technique yet."

Virgo felt that this person might have misunderstood talent in general, and he didn't want to discuss this topic with this guy anymore. The dark armed color was all over his body: "Mr. Tatsuya's skill is admirable, so I will do my best next."

To be precise, it is full power without weapons. Vergo likes to use a piece of bamboo as a weapon, but he feels that it is not necessary for simple sparring.

"It's what I asked for." Zhang Da was a little greedy to see Vergo in this state. His armed color and domineering aura covered his whole body. Let's not talk about the practicality. Blurring people is really bluffing. Especially when used in front of someone who is proficient in domineering, the aura will immediately increase by a hundred.

Vergo, who turned on the full armor color, was like Cheng Shifei who had turned on the indestructible mode of King Kong. With the word "reckless" hanging on his forehead, he withstood Zhang Tatsuya's attack and punched him with his fists.

The two of them fought for more than an hour, and when the lolita watching were all a little sleepy, there was no sign of stopping - Zhang Tatsuya's domineering power was not enough.

Dominance is just like the blue bar in the game. It has an upper limit, and it is often closely related to a person's spirit. When it is excessively consumed, one will feel tired and even unable to stand up.

But Zhang Da is also different from the people in the pirate world. He has several tubes of various blue bars such as magic power and infuriating energy. Even if his domineering power reaches the bottom, he will not be exhausted. He can continue to use other powers. In combat, the only drawback may be that there is no way to convert between them.

"Brigadier General Vergo... Phew..." Zhang Da also felt that he should be a little out of breath, "I almost still have the power to make the last blow. Let's decide the outcome with one blow, right?"

"No problem. In fact, I'm almost at my limit." Vergo told lies with his eyes open and didn't blush at all, probably because he couldn't see it because of some military colors.

Zhang Da also didn't care about these details, and tried to concentrate as much as possible, focusing his remaining domineering energy on his right fist.

The blackness all over Vergo's body also gradually faded away, leaving only a black right arm.

The two of them used the Sixth Marine Style Shave at the same time in tacit agreement, and punched each other in the face.

This move brought a bit of personal grudge between the two of them.

Zhang Daye's right fist stuck on the left face of Vergo, and Virgo's right fist stuck on Zhang Daye's left face. The two of them passed each other, staggering at the same time, swaying, and facing each other. Waiting for the other person to regain his footing.

The air seemed to become quiet following their movements, and the cheering voices of the sailors stopped abruptly. To exaggerate, they even held their breath, waiting unblinkingly to see the result.

Several people in the Amber Group also looked at Zhang Daye nervously, and only Tom's small snoring could be heard nearby.

Zhang Daye happened to be facing them at this time. Seeing everyone's worried looks, he blinked his left eye slightly to indicate that he was fine.

Two seconds later, Zhang Da also suddenly remembered that he should be exhausted now, so he fell to the ground, lowered his head and began to pant heavily.

"Congratulations, Mr. Tatsuya." Virgo helped the crooked sunglasses.

At the last moment, Zhang Daye's fist was finally successfully stained with a layer of black, which meant that he had learned the technique of arm color hardening, and this punch made Virgo a little painful.

Of course, it still takes a little time to use it flexibly, or even wrap the whole body like Virgo.

"Thank you for your advice." Zhang Da also raised his hand, looked at the chicken leg that he had just caught, but failed to eat it.

The sailors talked a lot: "Who won this?"

"Nonsense, of course it is Brigadier General Virgo!"

"But that Mr. Tatsuya is also very strong, both of them are very strong!"

"Brother Tatsuya!" Wendy trotted over to help Zhang Daye check his injuries.

However, he didn't have any serious injuries, except that his face was a little swollen, one eye socket was blue, and the place where his arms were fighting against Virgo was also a little bruised. Basically, he can recover after a night of sleep today.

"I'm fine, just a little tired." Zhang Da also stood up, and stuffed the chicken leg into Tom's mouth casually.

Tom didn't open his eyes, he chewed the chicken leg together with the bones and swallowed it with a few clicks, licked his lips contentedly, and didn't even break the snot bubble.

Virgo still has more energy, and seems to want to try other people's level again, he asked: "Mr. Jackie Chan and Mr. Shark Pepper are interested in communicating?"

Jackie Chan hurriedly said: "Ah? I don't need it, I'm not your opponent."

Shark Pepper did not directly refuse: "If it is convenient, I would like to compete with you tomorrow."

"Alright." Virgo nodded, it seemed that the other party didn't want to take advantage of others' danger and win without force, and was confident in his own strength, "It's a pity that I will be busy from tomorrow, what a pity. "

Zhang Da also said: "Actually, I am the only one in the whole group who understands armed domineering, so I have nothing to regret."

"Is that so?" Virgo was a little surprised. There is only one person in the team with such an outstanding record who understands domineering? Is this why they keep applying to the Navy Headquarters for Hailoushi handcuffs?

Everyone nodded, and a sea soldier who had dealt with Zhang Daye and the others at Whiskey Hill confirmed, "That's true, but each of them has great abilities."

Virgo knew that most of the amber tour group were troublesome ability users, but as long as they knew the information about abilities, there was nothing to be afraid of, and the Don Quixote family was not bad when it came to ability users.

The only one who understands domineering is far from Dover's opponent, who doesn't seem to be a big threat to the family?

No, underestimating the enemy is the stupidest thing to do, so let's report it truthfully, and let Dover decide how to deal with it.

Virgo and Zhang Da also said goodbye and returned to the residence with the excited sailors.

At this time, Artoria, Rui Mengmeng and Ye Yan had already left the banquet, leaving only a few chefs with weak legs and Tina who had a headache.

"Yo, you always get beaten badly?" Ye Yan had been worrying about the dominance mode for several days, and it was rare to see Zhang Da in a mess, so he instinctively wanted to have some fun.

"So-so, just learned a new skill, my fist is harder, do you want to try it? By the way, you can use the master mode to see if I can break the defense." Zhang Da also expressed that he didn't want to suffer from this. , which in turn pierced Ye Yan's heart.

If I can freely control the master mode, I will kill you now, Ye Yan looked at Zhang Daye with dead fish eyes, and after a few seconds he shouted: "Let out with the wind ears!"

Sui Fenger got out of the yellow demon flag, and before Zhang Da asked anything, he immediately took out the camera and took random pictures of Zhang Da, and then slipped back immediately after taking pictures, he was a repeat offender.

Zhang Da didn't follow his train of thought, he touched his face before realizing that he wanted to leave a black mark in history!

Ye Yan retracted the yellow demon banner and ran away, even using shaving.

"Stop!" Zhang Da also chased after him, with a trail of smoke and dust behind him.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Weiwei covered her mouth and nose, and said with difficulty, "Brother Tatsuya, did he also eat the rustling fruit?"

Rui Mengmeng glanced at Tom: "No, it's definitely not the reason."

Zhang Da also didn't do anything to Ye Yan in the end, it's just black history, the worst is to collect some of him, everyone hurt each other.

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Da also suddenly felt that with Ye Yan's moral integrity, it seemed difficult for him to win, huh! When is not thick-skinned enough to be considered a weakness!

Early the next morning, Virgo was about to take someone out for shopping, and a large band-aid was stuck on his cheek, which did not prevent him from absorbing another piece of fried poached egg through the band-aid.

Zhang Da has also recovered to his original state. Seeing Virgo's appearance, he "sincerely" apologized: "I'm sorry Brigadier General Virgo, I didn't stop yesterday."

"It's okay, I also...huh?" Virgo asked in surprise, "You've recovered?"

"Yes, I'm recovering well."

Virgo glanced at Wendy thoughtfully and nodded. It seems that it is very important to have a companion who can heal.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to start dealing with matters about the base today, I'm afraid I don't have time to discuss with you again."

Zhang Da also said, "It's okay, we're actually here to say goodbye."

"Are you leaving so soon?" Virgo said, "I haven't entertained you well yet."

The face of the chef who went out with him was almost green, Brigadier General, how else do you want to treat him? Let's roast some of us next time!

Fortunately, Zhang Daye's answer made the chefs breathe a sigh of relief: "I was very sorry yesterday. We have stayed on this island for a long time, and it is time to continue our journey."

Virgo nodded: "Alright, I wish you all a pleasant journey."

It was Tina who came to the coast to see them off. Zhang Da also thought about it but didn't say much. With Tina's strength, even reminding her to beware of Virgo is useless. It's easy to walk and get wind of the wind, but reminding her will increase her danger.

After bidding farewell to Tina, the Amber Tour Group set sail again.


Three days later, an expedition ship docked at Gaya Island.

The sentinel immediately reported the matter to Virgo: "Report to Commodore, it is an expedition ship from the Kingdom of Lubnir in the North Sea, and the captain is called Montblanc Kulikai!"

"The Kingdom of Lubnir... Mont Blanc... is that person's descendant? That family has been passed down, thanks to him being able to get permission." Virgo was originally from Beihai, and he is familiar with the story of the big talker, " Have you verified the information?"

The sentinel said: "Yes, it is indeed the document of the Kingdom of Lubnir. That Montblanc Kulikai has a chestnut on his head, which is very recognizable!"

Virgo nodded: "Well, as long as you don't harass the residents, let them go."

At this time, Kuli Kai who landed on Gaya Island had mixed feelings. He was the descendant of the 'Liar King' Nolando, because Nolando reported the news of the Golden Land to the king, but he found nothing when he took the king to search for it. As a result, he was sentenced to death for deceiving the king.

Although Nolando's family was not questioned together, the Montblanc family has been ridiculed for generations because of this, and they can't hold their heads up at all.

In Kuli Kai's generation, he finally couldn't bear all this and decided to leave his hometown.

Originally, Kuli Kai hated the ancestor who made him bear the infamy for no reason, and thought he could just become a pirate, but later he heard about the reputation of a certain tour group, and then realized that he just wanted to leave that country, not to become a pirate. Pirates, how can pirates be better than liars?

So Kuli Kai tried everything possible to get permission to form an expedition, and despite some difficulties and ridicule in the process, he finally set off.

"Gaya Island...why is this place?" Kuli Kai walked to the half house on the east coast without knowing it.

‘The Golden Country exists! It just sank to the bottom of the sea for some reason! ’ Kuli Kai remembered the last words of his ancestor Nolando before his execution.

"I want to stay here." Kuli Kai said to the crew.


At this time, the amber tour group has arrived at the next island.

Zhang Da also saw a familiar small sailboat on the shore, with a black coffin-shaped hull, a cross-shaped mast, and candles on both sides of the hull.

A man with piercing eyes was standing on the shore.

"Hawkeye?" Zhang Da also asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Sorry for the lateness, I have been in a bad state for the past few days, the reason has been mentioned before, I am trying to adjust, I am sorry everyone

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