Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 415 Unqualified sparring will become tuition fees (4000 words)

It's useless to keep bringing the topic to Doflamingo. As a senior undercover agent, Vergo can follow Zhang Daye and call Doflamingo a scumbag without any burden.

Then he could ask Zhang Tatsuya with a serious face not to spread rumors. He is a navy and the Shichibukai are their allies. Saying such things is not in line with his position.

People who don't know may really think that he is a naval admiral with a sense of justice who can't stand the Shichibukai system.

Then it would be meaningless to continue testing like this. Zhang Da also suspected that even if he exposed Vergo, Doflamingo would be able to find a way to get him out, so he might as well go back and report the matter to General He Zhong.

Zhang Da also took the initiative to change the topic: "When we came here, we saw that the bay side seemed to be ready to start construction?"

Tina said: "Yes, the terrain has been surveyed and the design drawings have been drawn. It's just that the funds and construction materials have not been prepared, so the construction has not started."

"I brought sufficient supplies and Bailey this time. The headquarters attaches great importance to this branch and will give us the greatest support." Vergo followed the topic silently. Although he could learn about some people's dark histories, he still scolded them with others. Young Master is not a good experience.

"As long as everything goes well, the people of Gaya Island will protect you." Zhang Da also automatically extracted the keywords 'sufficient supplies and Bailey', which means you can eat freely?

Zhang Da also quietly signaled to Artoria. Artoria immediately understood that she had seen Vergo's warship. Judging from the size of the inventory of ingredients, she shouldn't be polite today.

Vergo noticed Zhang Daye's small movements with his arrogance, and became wary. What did that gesture mean? Did he discover something or give up the test?

He carefully observed everyone in the Amber Tour Group, analyzing possible threats and useful intelligence.

First of all, although the two pet cats and the running duck look very smart, they are not surprising in this sea.

Some of the little girls are well-behaved, and some are lively. They don't seem to be scheming, and there's nothing wrong with them.

The guy who has been nagging next to the little girl doesn't seem to have other thoughts, and this guy's aura is a bit weak. Is he a hired nanny?

The robot Shark Chili eats like a human. Vergo deduces that he is not an ordinary robot, but an esper. However, the intelligence also says that he is good at water combat and fish-man karate, so he is not an esper, but a modified person or It's a transformed fishman.

Take a note, maybe someone will be interested in this transformation technology.

The yellow-haired, fish-eyed boy named Ye Yan looked like he was in a trance while eating, so he probably wouldn't notice anything unusual.

Artoria and Rui Mengmeng both looked like they were working hard, but Artoria still maintained a bit of elegance, while Rui Mengmeng was much more bold and unrestrained. No matter how they looked at it, they didn't seem to be able to hide it in their hearts. The way things are.

So is the problem only with Zhang Daye?

Virgo looked around and roughly determined the focus of his observation. Then he took the spoon from his cheek and started drinking the soup as if nothing had happened.

However, Zhang Da did not do anything strange anymore, but just chatted and ate with everyone normally.

Occasionally, he would compete with the cat for food, but sometimes he couldn't get it at all, and sometimes he would force the cat to even swallow the plate.

Is this person really worthy of my attention? Virgo began to doubt his own judgment, and he didn't even notice that a chicken leg was stuck to his left cheek.

Time passed by, and everyone at the banquet was full of wine and food, leaving only a few people who were still challenging the food reserves and the chef's physical strength.

Vergo glanced at the mountain of piled dishes and gently adjusted his sunglasses. He had heard that they had a big appetite, but he didn't expect it to be so big: "Captain Tina, you have known about this for a long time? "

Tina had already lit a cigarette. After determining that this new superior was not very reliable, Tina became more casual. She crossed her legs and blew out a puff of smoke:

"I've seen it before. When you invited them to the banquet, Tina was already mentally prepared to go shopping tomorrow morning."

"It was my mistake." Vergo said calmly, "Leave the purchasing to me tomorrow."

Weiwei looked at Artoria and Rui Mengmeng with admiration. Although it was not the first time they met, these two sisters were really amazing.

She touched her bulging belly and silently encouraged herself that she must be as good as her two sisters in the future!

"Sneeze!" Cobra, who was far away in Alabasta, felt a chill on his back and sneezed. He wiped his nose and picked up a document, "The next topic is, 'About increasing grain production in Alabasta. Plan', I don't know why, but I always feel that this matter cannot be delayed."

Several ministers felt that there was no problem. More food was not a bad thing, and they had a heated discussion with the king.

Although Zhang Daye has a big appetite, he always eats very quickly when he and Tom are fooling around, and he becomes full without noticing.

Seeing that the navy soldiers gradually divided into two groups, one group went to cheer up the chef, and the other group went to cheer up Artoria, Zhang Da also felt that this was not possible and had to distract them so that Artoria could eat quietly.

Zhang Da also set his sights on Vergo, who could be a sparring partner: "Brigadier General Vergo, I heard that you are very good at armed color and domineering. I wonder if I can ask for advice?"

Virgo is a master of armed domineering and can easily cover his whole body with armed domineering. Doflamingo is full of praise for his domineering level, claiming that even the fruits of Luo's surgery can't do anything about Virgo.

Although he misjudged Luo's progress in strength and was slapped in the face by Luo Guangspeed, Virgo's armed color level must be higher than that of a beginner like Zhang Daye.

Such a good sparring partner, not in vain.

"Is the armed color domineering? In fact, I only understand a little." Virgo was modest, but he was a little moved. This is a good opportunity to understand the strength of the amber tour group. "It would be great if Mr. Tatsuya is willing to communicate."

"Okay, shall we go outside then?"

Virgo nodded, the chicken legs sticking to his cheeks remained motionless.

"It just so happens that I'm here to ask Mr. Tatsuya about sword skills." Virgo touched his waist, wondering, "Huh? Where's my sword? Why can't I find it?"

A soldier familiar with Virgo reminded: "Brigadier General, you are not a swordsman, are you?"

Virgo suddenly realized: "Ah, by the way, I am not a swordsman, nor do I have a sword!"

Jackie Chan wondered: "Is this person... really strong?"

"It's hard to say." Shark Chili thought about Garp's appearance, and said, "I've seen a vice admiral who looked even more unreliable than him, but his strength was terrifying."

Wendy and Perona thought of Garp chasing their two grandsons all over the mountain, and also remembered the days when Zhang Daye was beaten every day, and nodded in agreement. That old grandpa did exactly what Shark Pepper said.

"Is there such a person?" Jackie Chan heard this kind of thing for the first time, "Then let's follow up and see, it will be bad if Tatsuya is injured."

A group of people followed in the footsteps of Zhang Daye and Virgo, Artoria didn't join in the fun, because Zhang Da also asked her to stay to eat and drink.

Ye Yan was still in a state of fugue and didn't join in the fun, Rui Mengmeng continued to cook with Arturia, she felt that her appetite seemed to have increased again, and she was a little distressed.

The sailors didn't hesitate, and followed them wholeheartedly. How can a tough guy fight a beautiful woman when she eats? Fist to flesh communication is the romance of a man!

Zhang Daye and Virgo found a spacious place on the street. This is near the residence of the AM Pirates. After the pirates were arrested, no residents came to claim the house, so the navy regarded it as a temporary place. Stations and temporary warehouses.

Virgo stood still, the coat on his body fluttering with the wind, except for the chicken legs on his face that affected the style of painting, he really had the air of a master.

Zhang Da also gave the chubby Tom to Uncle Long to take care of, and then stood opposite Virgo.

Uncle Long stretched out his hand to catch Tom, but was almost taken aback: "It's so heavy! Tom, how much did you eat?"

Tom tilted his head and tried to break his fingers. A roast chicken, three fish, four or five servings of steak, two plates of fruit, sausages, soup, various stir-fried vegetables, and plates that he accidentally ate...

Tom spread his hands to show that he couldn't figure it out.

Uncle Long sighed, put Tom on the ground, and gently rubbed his stomach, one by one, which was not worry-free.

Tom showed an expression of enjoyment, and quickly hung up the snot bubble.

"As expected of you." Xia Lulu looked at Tom with her arms crossed, and asked, "Do you want to cover him with a blanket? It's night now, so he'll catch a cold if he sleeps like this?"

"Does a cat still need a blanket to sleep?" How to take care of a cat is a blind spot in Uncle Long's knowledge.

Xia Lulu said: "Ordinary cats usually don't need to sleep, but Tom and I both do."

"Uh... well, I really can't treat you like cats. But where can I find a blanket?" Uncle Long looked around, and finally looked at his shirt.

"I have it here." Zhang Da also took out a bed on the spot, squeezed the pillow, and carried Tom up.

Tom arched comfortably on the pillow, grabbed the blanket, rolled himself into a spring roll, and then smacked his mouth a few more times before falling asleep again.

The navy were all dumbfounded: "What are they here for?"

"Why do you bring cats to sleep on the street?"

"Did the cat's belly suddenly get smaller?"

Only then did Zhang Da realize that he still had business to do: "I've been waiting for a long time, Brigadier General Virgo, shall we start?"

Virgo nodded: "Come on."

Zhang Da was also completely impolite, wrapped his fists around his armed domineering, and at the same time controlled himself to only use his armed colors and not use other powers, and rushed forward to punch.

Virgo moved his right hand, from the fist to the elbow, all dyed a layer of black, facing Zhang Daye's fist: "Armed and hardened."

boom! The two fists collided, and Virgo's fist hit Zhang Daye's chest without any stalemate.

Zhang Da also immediately flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and embedded into the wall with a bang, leaving only two legs dangling outside.

Virgo looked puzzled, and punched with all his strength to show that he valued him, but the leader of the dignified amber tour group, that's it? How did he beat Crocodile?

The sailors were in an uproar. Most of them had only heard about the reputation of the Amber Regiment and had never seen them make a move. But now they saw that Commodore Virgo knocked Zhang Da into the air with one blow. Sure enough:

"Brigadier General Virgo is too strong!"

The information that the amber tour group is very strong cannot be wrong, so the truth can only be that Brigadier General Virgo is stronger, as expected of a Brigadier General transferred from the New World!

"Brother Tatsuya!" Wendy and Weiwei ran over worriedly, each grabbed a leg and pulled Zhang Daye out. A large half-human-shaped hole was left on the wall.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Zhang Da also rubbed his chest, smiling on his face, MMP in his heart, secretly scolding this old boy because he thinks he is at risk of being exposed, so he wants to take the opportunity to beat me to death, right?

It was really painful to use such a lot of strength to come up.

Perona was originally looking at this side worriedly, but when she saw that Zhang Da was also alive and kicking, she curled her lips: "That's too shameful, black-hearted boss!"

Jackie Chan asked as if confirming: "Tatsuya, are you really all right? Don't force yourself to compete."

"It's all right, my little physique is very strong." Zhang Da also patted his chest. With his messy physique and mixed strength, he felt that his blood bar was super long and his defense was super high.

Virgo said: "Sorry for not controlling the strength well, I will restrain myself next."

"No, no, I was too careless just now." Zhang Da also said, "By the way, the domineering way of using it just now..."

"Is it hardening? Compared with Mr. Tatsuya's simple winding just now, this usage can provide stronger attack and defense power. It can make the user's fist or weapon more indestructible, and at the same time, the consumption will be greater."

Virgo did not hide anything, and told the truth. Anyway, he learned it from the navy, not his exclusive skill: "Many swordsmen like to use this trick, so that even ordinary weapons can compete with famous knives."

Zhang Da also recalled the content of that booklet, HQ seemed to only teach the beginners, not how to master it. I heard Zefa mention this technique, but I didn't understand it at the time.

He looked at Virgo with fiery eyes, and he must seize the opportunity of this hands-on teaching. If he still can't learn it, it is necessary to go to the Navy Headquarters.

At that time, use Virgo's information as a tuition fee—it seems a bit unkind, but who said you are from Doflamingo?

"Do you want to continue?" Virgo felt a chill, thinking of ending it quickly and sending this guy away.

"Keep going!" Zhang Da also said, "Just keep the strength just now, it doesn't matter if it's a little heavier, I'm very resistant to beating."

"Then, be careful." Virgo's arms were dyed black at the same time, and he also attacked Zhang Da.

Zhang Da also went up to Virgo, and mobilized more domineering to fight against him. At the same time, he experienced Virgo's domineering usage and tried to imitate it.

Push the book of Siyang Daxie: "Being a Human Being Again from Conan" Li Siyang's works, comprehensive comics, and the worlds he has experienced so far include Conan, Hokage, Demon Slayer, Reaper, Fairy Tail, One Man, Pirates, and the Forbidden World .

There should be many people who have seen his works such as Hokage Live Jiujian, Ninja World Correction Belt, and Guarding the City for a Hundred Years. He is an old fan author. I can only say that it is produced by Siyang and must be a masterpiece!

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