Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 414 I Swear to Ye Yan's Integrity (4000 words)

It is difficult for everyone to agree with the plan of leaving the Amber. After getting along for so long, and knowing that he has a great possibility of giving birth to a ship elf, it is also difficult for everyone to treat the Amber as an ordinary ship.

Going to the island above 10,000 meters to play such an interesting thing, of course he must bring the Amber with him-although he may not really want to go.

"Then we can only think of other ways, convert the Humber into an airship, or find another route, a place called 'The Top of the Western Sky'." Zhang Da also said, "Just go to Tina Ask."

Tina is currently resting next to the U-shaped bay inside Gaya Island. After inspection, she feels that this place is very suitable for building a military port and serving as a training ground for sailors to swim and dive.

"Empty Island? Why did you suddenly have such an idea? Tina was surprised."

Zhang Da also replied: "Because of curiosity, after all, it is an island at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and I want to play."

Tina said: "Although I want to help, Tina is also very embarrassed when it comes to navigation data."

"That's it..." Zhang Da was not too disappointed, thinking to ask Gion or Zefa later.

"Captain Tina, there is a warship sailing towards the western peninsula, and we have received a call from the other party. It is Brigadier General Virgo!" A sailor ran over panting to report.

"Is it finally here?" Tina said to Zhang Daye, "Tina is going to meet Brigadier General Virgo, is Mr. Tatsuya going to visit?"

"Of course, if it's convenient, I'm also very curious about what kind of person Brigadier General Virgo is." Zhang Da also nodded, thinking that it would be better if he could have a welcome banquet.

The group followed Tina to the coast of the Western Peninsula, where soldiers waved flags to direct the warships to dock.

When the warship stopped, a tall man came down from the ship. He had short black hair, sunglasses, lightning-shaped sideburns, and jagged beards. He was well-proportioned and well-dressed. He looked like a tough guy.

The only thing that spoils the image is that there is a spoon stuck to his left cheek, but he doesn't seem to notice it.

Tom tilted his head to look at him, and curiously took out a spoon and tried to stick it on his face.

Tina silently labeled her future boss as 'may not be reliable' in her heart, but the expression on her face didn't change, and she stepped forward to salute politely:

"Brigadier General Virgo, Captain Tina of the Navy Headquarters, the current interim chief of the Gaya Island Navy, is reporting to you."

"Thank you, Captain Tina." Even a spoon stuck to his cheek didn't affect Virgo's majestic voice.

"Who are these people?" Although he was very clear in his heart, Virgo still looked at Zhang Da and expressed doubts.

"This is Mr. Zhang Daye, Miss Artoria, and..." Tina introduced Virgo one by one.

Zhang Daye and the others also responded gracefully.

"It turned out to be everyone from the Amber Tour Group. I have heard of it many times." Virgo said kindly, "Even Qi Wukai lost to you, which is really admirable."

"No, no, it's mainly because Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan was there at the time, and Crocodile hadn't fought for a long time." Zhang Da also stared into Virgo's eyes, "If it's Qiwuhai who has experienced many battles like Doflamingo , we must not be opponents."

Virgo's face remained unchanged, and the spoon on his cheek didn't even shake: "I can't say that, I heard from my colleagues that even Lieutenant General Garp and Mr. Zefa are very optimistic about you."

Tina was a little puzzled, wondering why Zhang Daye suddenly brought up Doflamingo, did he have a feud with Doflamingo?

Zhang Da also sighed in his heart that Virgo's acting skills are qualified, or he has a paralyzed face and his eyes are covered by sunglasses, so he seems completely unresponsive? This kind of temptation should be useless for an old undercover like him.

It's not that Zhang Da didn't think about saying it clearly, but there is a saying that they can't be close, even if they have a good relationship with the navy, they are still outsiders.

Undercover matters are very sensitive. If the navy investigates a brigadier general because of his words, it will chill the hearts of other generals, and it will be useless to unite within the navy.

Today Zhang Da also said that Virgo was an undercover agent, and the navy went to investigate, and tomorrow he said that Warring States was an undercover agent, should the navy investigate?

So he either doesn't care about this matter, or he has to come up with real evidence, or he can only test and test around. Or just wait until when to go to the new world to play, and kill Doflamingo directly. Without the online undercover, can it still be considered an undercover?

Zhang Da was also thinking about how to add trouble to Doflamingo. The last time Diamanti took the initiative to send a bounty, ah no, he took the initiative to find trouble, and he still had to continue to settle with them.

Virgo was not at peace at this moment, there were so many Shichibukai, why didn't he mention others, only Dover? Does this person know something?

Impossible, Virgo is confident that he has been undercover for so long and has never had any flaws. Only a few cadres who are loyal to Dover in the family know about this matter, and no one will leak information.

It was also his first contact with the Amber Tour Group, and it was even more impossible for him to show his feet in front of them. Something was wrong, something was very wrong.

The first meeting between the two parties was not pleasant. Virgo quickly left with Tina on the grounds of handing over the work. Before leaving, he politely invited Zhang Daye and the others to the dinner party. Even in such small details, Virgo also did nothing different from a real admiral.

Zhang Da also agreed with all his mouth, and only smacked his lips after he left. It was a big flaw, and he didn't feel sorry for the navy's funds at all. Of course, it is also possible that he has been stationed in the New World and doesn't know much about the situation.

"Don't learn these bad habits." Zhang Da also reached out to remove the spoon from Tom's face, "Let's go, today's physical activity is swimming, and try diving by the way, see if there are any cute sea beasts nearby."

Ye Yan said: "I won't go, I'll go back to the boat and continue to study the form of the master of the night."

"We also want to go back to the Amber." Perona and Weiwei couldn't practice swimming, especially because of the influence of the fruit ability, Weiwei didn't like water very much now.

Hope she doesn't turn into a dirty kid who doesn't like baths.

Zhang Da also focuses on physical fitness and arrogance now.

While swimming, I will be full of arrogance and domineering, and try to capture the "sound" around me. This can not only exercise but also assist Tom in catching fish, which is the best of both worlds.

He also tried using the armed domineering color while swimming, and the result was that when his hands and feet hit the water, he would hit a big splash. If he controlled it well, his swimming speed could indeed be improved a bit, but the movement was a little louder.

And with a lot of practice, he naturally mastered a very useful technique.

"Haha, Artoria, look, I can also run on the water!" Zhang Da also happily swung his arms, stepping on the sea surface with both feet in turn, leaping several meters, accompanied by a big splash every time .

Rather than saying that he is running on the water, it is better to say that he is stepping on the sea and using his strength to jump. At first, he needed to use the armed domineering support, but as Zhang Da also adjusted intentionally, he needed less and less domineering.

"Qinggong floats on the water?" Jackie Chan looked at him and said a familiar name in surprise.

"That's almost what it means!" Zhang Da also felt that it was very appropriate, and he spread his legs and ran around on the sea, happily like a dick.

"Now that you have mastered such a move, how about practicing moon steps?" Artoria stood calmly on the sea, "The trick to stepping on air is very similar to how you step on water now."

"Huh?" Zhang Da also stopped, thought for a moment and nodded, "It makes sense!"

Rui Mengmeng shouted: "Boss."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Zhang Da also looked at her suspiciously.

Rui Mengmeng asked: "Can you stand on the sea without moving your feet?"

"I can't, I'm not Artoria." Zhang Da also glanced at the bottom of his feet inexplicably, and then sank down with a plop, quite like Tom.

Swinging his legs slightly to surface the water, Zhang Da also wiped his face, and then began to practice moon steps. Although it didn't go as smoothly as expected, but after all, he gained some experience, and Zhang Da also saw the hope of learning.

Wendy saw Zhang Daye's thoughtful performance. She had also seen the skills and learning methods of the Six Forms, and tried to practice, but because the main energy was focused on improving physical fitness and magic, the progress in the Six Forms was slow. .

Another important reason is that the Six Forms are not that useful to her. She can do attack, defense, and acceleration through magic, and it is more obvious for her to make efforts to improve magic.

After such a long period of hard work, Wendy's magic has entered a stage where it is relatively difficult to improve, and she feels that she can devote more energy to physical skills.

Seeing Zhang Daye's exercise process today, Wendy tried to gather the wind on her feet, and then released it in one breath with the strength of her legs, so as to achieve the acceleration effect that other people can only achieve by stepping on the ground multiple times in an instant .

Shaved · magic version, complete!

"If that's the case, moon steps might work too." Wearing a children's swimsuit, Wendy started her magic modified version of moon steps experiment on the sea.

Although she often fell headfirst, this difficulty did not stop Wendy from clenching her fists to cheer herself up before making the next attempt.

Zhang Da, who was bouncing on the sea not far away, also felt that he was under a lot of pressure. After practicing for so long, his progress seemed to be overtaken by Wendy!

Zhang Da also quickly gritted his teeth, tried his best to practice hard, and finally heard a 'bang' before sunset, and found the feeling of stepping on the air.

During the rest time, Zhang Da also lay on his back on the sea, admiring the afterglow of the sunset in a good mood: "Sure enough, there is pressure to be motivated. I should thank Wendy for her encouragement."

"Why don't you practice those dragon-slaying magic tricks next, and the auxiliary magic is also very delicious." Zhang Daye, who had just completed one training task, silently added two more training tasks to himself.


In the evening, everyone went to the banquet as scheduled, and the venue was a temporary camp set up by the Navy.

Virgo had heard a little bit of negative rumors about the amber tour group, but he didn't take it seriously. There are too many big eaters in this world, and even his own appetite is far beyond ordinary people. It's nothing unusual, and it's a waste anyway. It's from the navy, so I don't feel bad about eating it.

The most important thing is that Virgo needs to get in touch with the amber tour group more, so as to test whether they really know his identity. In addition, Dover pays special attention to this small group. If possible, he wants to collect more information, so that if the two sides confront each other, he should be prepared.

The idea of ​​the amber tour group is much simpler. It is rare to have a chance to eat a big family. If you don't come, you won't come.

Zhang Da also reached a subtle consensus with Virgo on the aspect of spoiling the navy's ingredients.

As compensation, Zhang Da also decided to find a way to help the navy pull out the nail. If he couldn't pull it out directly, then pull out the owner of the nail.

At the beginning of the banquet, Zhang Daye and Virgo toasted each other, each with their own thoughts, only Tina felt a cold back inexplicably.

"I heard that you started your journey from the Chambord Islands, where did you fight against the world's number one swordsman?"

"That's right, that time when Artoria and Hawkeye were sparring, they accidentally destroyed a house. Guess what?" Zhang Da also laughed, "The people living in that house happened to be the Don Quixote family. Do you think it's a coincidence?"

Coincidentally, what a coincidence, Virgo knew that after that, Dover and the others were blocked by Lieutenant General He. The original goal of arresting Tezolo was not fulfilled, and he almost put himself in it. Good job helping people!

Virgo said with some 'regret': "It's really a coincidence, but it's a pity that Doflamingo escaped in the end."

Is he mad at me? Zhang Da also raised his eyebrows following Tom's example:

"It's also a pity that Diamanti was finally caught, but he was released because Doflamingo became Shichibukai."

"It's a pity, I heard that Diamanti was defeated by Miss Artoria?" Virgo heard the rumor that Diamanti claimed that he was defeated by a swordsman of the same level as Hawkeye. Some are curious about Artoria's true strength.

Arturia swallowed the food in her mouth, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and then replied: "No, if you insist, he should be defeated by Tom."

Tom patted his chest, yes it was me.

Virgo hesitated: "This... cat?"

"Ha!" Zhang Da also laughed out loud, "That's right, Diamanti was stabbed in the butt by Tom with a spear, and the pain was so painful that he lost the ability to resist, and then I locked him with a sea tower stone."

Virgo is full of disbelief. Diamanti is also one of the top cadres of the family. Does it make sense to be poked by a cat?

If so, why not tell the truth... With Diamanti's face-saving personality, it is really impossible to tell the truth to the outside world.

Such a statement is for a calm person like Virgo, so he couldn't help asking hesitantly: "Is that so?"

Zhang Da also raised his finger: "I swear to Ye Yan's integrity, there is no lie."

Ye Yan was dissatisfied: "Hey, don't involve me!"

Virgo fell into deep thought, as if he had accidentally learned about Diamanti's dark history.

The place involving Sky Island is a bit tangled. Judging from the previous setting, there are very few people who know Sky Island. For example, when Brother Ming beat Bellamy violently, he said, "It doesn't matter whether Sky Island exists or not." So the Navy knows It's hard to say if you know, but judging from the plot behind it, it's unlikely that you don't know. And I vaguely remember that in the later stage, some people questioned the existence of Sky Island, and it was annoying.

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