Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 413 Katakuri (4200 words)

"Your taste is really the same as before. Come with me, and I'll make it for you right away." Sage didn't refuse Tiki's small request to eat cherry pie.

As a chef, it is a joyful thing for a companion to want to eat what he cooks, not to mention that Tiqi is a good brother whom he has known for many years, a lifelong friendship!

"Hahaha, it's really great!" Tiqi crumpled up the newspaper in his hand and threw it into the sea.

He hasn't given up on his dream yet. Since the person is dead, the dark fruit will definitely be reborn somewhere. For this, Tiqi would like to thank the amber tour group, thanks to their hard work, otherwise if the guy is sent to the deep sea prison , he was going to have a headache.

The fact that Midnight was easily defeated did not affect Tiqi's desire for the dark fruit. In his opinion, it was just that Midnight was too weak, and the fruit development had completely chosen the wrong direction.

Create darkness to plunge the entire island into darkness? What a stupid usage! If this fruit falls into his hands... Tiqi has a bold idea.

"Hurry up Tiki," Sage urged, "You know I cook fast, and I won't be able to eat fresh cherry pie if I'm late!"

"Come right away!" Tiqi returned to his simple and honest look, "Speaking of which, I still have a few bottles of good wine, let's drink together!"


Charlotte Duckworth, Minister of BIG MOM Pirate Jam, also saw this news, mainly because she saw the familiar name Fazhi at a glance.

That was his former subordinate. He originally thought that the enamel with the fruit of jelly candy would become a capable subordinate after a little training, but he was greatly disappointed. Not only did the jelly candy he made taste bad, but also his combat talent was not very good. It was a waste of time. A really good fruit.

Based on the principle of out of sight, out of mind, Duckworth sent her to the Paradise with a task that was neither too serious nor too serious. Unexpectedly, she was so weak that she was caught in the Paradise.

"Who dares to touch someone from our Big Mom Pirates?" Although he didn't pay much attention to Fa Zhi, he was still one of his own and couldn't be bullied casually. Duckworth decided to teach the ignorant man a lesson.

Then when Duckworth read the news seriously, he was silent. It seemed that it was not something he could decide whether to be an enemy of this group of people.

Duckworth knew that if he himself was arrested, then his mother might send some brothers and sisters to rescue him and help him vent his anger, but Fazhi is just an ordinary subordinate, not enough to mobilize everyone, but if he goes by himself, That's probably death.

"Let's ask my brothers." Duckworth felt that this matter affected the face of the BIG MOM Pirates, but judging from the news, Fazhi should not have revealed his identity, so the impact is not big, definitely not To the extent that mother needs to express her opinion, let's listen to what my brothers have to say first.

Perospero is the eldest son of the Charlotte family. He has the ability to lick fruit. He is powerful and stable. Not only is he in charge of Candy Island, but he also handles most of Totland's important affairs, which is very reliable.

So Duckworth decided to go find Katakuri.

It's not that he can't trust Perospero, but because Katakuri is the number one in the "Most Popular Brother Ranking".

Although Duckworth didn't fight with his younger brothers and sisters to form Katakuri's brother fan club, his trust and love for Katakuri's brother is actually no worse than others.

Before Duckworth could knock on the door, Katakuri had already walked out. He was more than five meters tall, with short dark red hair, and covered his mouth with a thick scarf. Although his face was cold, he cared deeply about his younger brother. Sister: "What's the matter, Duckworth?"

Duckworth is used to it. He knows that brother Katakuri is often able to see the short future because of his over-exercise of knowledge and arrogance. He must have seen the future he was about to knock on the door just now.

The difference in height made Duckworth look up at Katakuri. He held up the newspaper and said, "That's it, brother Katakuri..."

"Wait." Katakuri interrupted him, "This matter is not suitable for talking at the door, come in with me."

"Ah, yes!" Duckworth knew that Brother Katakuri already knew what he was going to say, and felt that he didn't need to go in, but whatever, it was worth it to be able to enter Brother Katakuri's room happy thing.

After closing the door, Katakuri didn't rush to speak, but sat down unhurriedly. He saw that the 'future' Duckworth would look around his room.

Duckworth would be disappointed if he rushed to talk, since his brother was interested in his room let him take a good look.

After a while, Duckworth woke up with a start: "Sorry, Katakuri brother, I was distracted."

"It's okay," Katakuri said. "Is that enamel important to your Jam Island?"

Duckworth opened his mouth.

Katakuri nodded: "So that's the case. Since this is the case, there is no need to mobilize the crowd. Recently, the red hair has not been very quiet, and often appears near our territory. Other old friends also have their own actions. We have no time for this I made a special trip to Paradise."

"And it's not wise to start a war with the amber tour group rashly at this time. Let's wait for them to come to the new world. It just so happens that mother is very interested in their two cats, and may invite them to the tea party at that time."

The four emperors are newly established, Wang Zhi has been losing battles recently, and the red-haired pirates, the little loach who can't catch or die, is messing around in the new world, making everyone uneasy recently, only the navy laughs Hehe, waiting to see the excitement, Morgans was thinking about big news.

It's so easy to communicate with Brother Katakuri, he understands everything without talking. Duckworth looked at Katakuri adoringly.

Katakuri stared at Duckworth, tilted his head imperceptibly, and asked in confusion, "Why don't you speak, don't you agree?"

"Huh?" Duckworth said in a panic, "No, no, I just thought..."

Katakuri covered his forehead with one hand, and said with some distress: "One or two are like this...Listen, I can see the short future, not mind reading, if you think I can see you If you want to say something but don't plan to say it, then the future I see is just you in a daze."

"Ah, yes!" Duckworth wanted to apologize.

"Okay, no need to apologize, I should have made it clear to you in advance."

"..." Duckworth didn't know what to say again.

"I don't need to mention it to my mother. Not long after the tea party, she was in the right mood. There is no need to spoil her mood for such a trivial matter."

Duckworth nodded. If his mother was in a bad mood, these brothers and sisters would also be sad, sometimes psychologically, sometimes physically.

When Duckworth left, Katakuri fell into deep thought. Should I control my ability to see the future? It feels like it will affect the communication between me and my brothers and sisters.

"Huh?" Katakuri glanced at the time and gave up thinking.

Because it was afternoon tea time, it was the most relaxing time of the day for him, he didn't need to maintain his perfect brother's personality, he could lie down leisurely and enjoy the delicious donuts.


In the next few days, the days of the amber tour group were quite peaceful.

Due to the reputation of Gaya Island as the island of pirates, many uninformed pirates came here to make trouble these days, and some well-informed pirates came here to kill the amber tour group and make a name for themselves.

But before Zhang Da could take action with them, Tina led her subordinates to clean them up. The navy stationed here were all elites from the headquarters, and it was easy to clean up some lesser-known pirates.

Thanks to these pirates, Zhang Da also had a small income. It was Tina who took the initiative to give some of the pirate's property to Zhang Daye, on the condition that they would not intervene in the battle.

Zhang Da also understood what she meant after thinking about it for a while. The navy had just arrived and urgently needed some victories to establish their prestige in the hearts of the residents, so that their future work would be much easier.

As long as you don't do anything, you can get both money and favors, and Zhang Da naturally didn't refuse.

But he thought about it, and finally asked Shark Pepper to use the shark giant to lurk Weiwei near the battlefield to watch the battle, so that she could learn more about how normal people fight against pirates.

The Amber regiment's way of fighting against pirates is too weird, and sometimes they spend more time protecting the pirate ship than the Amber.

Tom's statue has a cat face, which is why he doesn't want to be discovered. If Zhang Daye knows that he can move, he might have to protect himself completely in the future.

Not to mention the pirates, during the days of staying on Gaya Island, everyone has already visited the island.

Magic Valley Town on the West Peninsula is very suitable for shopping, eating and drinking, because it is a place specially left by the pirates for them to eat, drink and have fun, so it has all the necessary entertainment facilities, and there is even a comfortable luxury hotel.

You can go exploring in the forests of the Eastern Peninsula, where there are all kinds of strange creatures, such as centipedes, praying mantises, mole crickets, ladybugs...these insects are all about the size of humans, if it is the man standing at the top of the food chain, he must Can feast on.

It's a pity that the amber tour group didn't have such a good fortune. Although a few little girls could easily solve a large area, they still screamed in fright when they saw the densely packed insects.

What puzzled Zhang Da the most was Perona, who was able to come and go freely among the zombies, but was frightened by a group of bugs and changed her expression, not knowing why.

He also thought about whether these things could be used for frying and frying, but unfortunately, everyone resisted. They took Tom away directly, expressing that they would never let Tom cook such disgusting things.

Zhang Da is also a bit regretful, when he saw scorpions the size of a house on the floating island of the Golden Lion back then, he didn't see what happened to them.

Artoria, who was eager to try, also had a little regret, she could only beat a wild boar to satisfy her greed.

After visiting the forest, everyone found something new: "What's the matter with that house? Why is it only half built, and it's still on the shore?"

Zhang Da also said: "Well, the other half should have been taken away by the soaring ocean current."

"Surging ocean currents? Is it the kind we encountered on Zhenshou Island?" Rui Mengmeng still remembered that time when the Amber was swept away by the ocean currents.

"It's about the same, but the scale is bigger, and it can send the ship to an altitude of several thousand meters or tens of thousands of meters." Zhang Da also said, "Have you read the book "Nolando the Great Liar" in the library on the ship?"

Perona said: "Isn't that a fairy tale? Who would read such a childish thing!"

"Really?" Zhang Da also asked, "Question, how did Nolando die?"

"Because he lied to the king and said that he found the Golden Land..." Perona recalled the feeling of memorizing the student rules all day, subconsciously answered, and then immediately covered her mouth.

Zhang Da also looked at her amusedly, imitating her tone and said: "Who would watch such childish things!"

Perona blushed and stomped her feet: "So what! What does it have to do with the topic just now!"

"Because the book "The Liar Nolando" can almost be regarded as Nolando's sailing diary, and the stories recorded in it are basically true." Zhang Da also said, "The Golden Town does exist, and it was originally in our The island beneath our feet."

Ye Yan thought of the soaring current and the half of the house just mentioned, and said, "You don't want to say that part of the island and the half of the house were taken away by the soaring current, do you?"

"No way? Golden Township is at least a town about the size of Magic Valley Town, right? How big of a current would it take to take a town away?" Jackie Chan said in disbelief, "And won't it fall after flying?"

"In this sea, there are many incredible things. 400 years ago, there was such a super-large-scale ocean current that brought the other half of Gaya Island to the sky."

Zhang Da also said: "It didn't fall because there was a strange cloud at a height of several thousand meters, which could bear the weight of the half of the island, and it just floated over here and left the island in the sky. "

"So that's how Sky Island was formed?" Shark Pepper asked.

Everyone has seen the sound shell that Brook collects, and knows that it comes from the legendary Sky Island, but they have never heard Brook mention it, and they are worried that it will remind him of the sad past, so they didn't ask about Sky Island.

"No, there is more than one sky island, this is just a relatively special one." Zhang Da also said, "As long as there is that special cloud, a sky island can be formed. It doesn't have to have land and soaring ocean currents."

"Then shall we go to Sky Island next?" Weiwei's eyes almost started to light up, she was an adventurous child.

However, Zhang Daye's answer disappointed her: "No."

"Hey~~ why?"

Zhang Da also said: "Because we are not ready yet, if we want to go to the empty island from here, we have to wait until the right time to take the soaring current. The empty island is not fixed in one place. If we take the current It would be miserable if the sky island didn’t float over.”

"And not every ocean current has the power to send the boat to an altitude of 10,000 meters. If it is wrongly set up, it will fall badly."

"So we have to find a way to modify the Amber, let alone let it fly, at least make sure that it will be safe even if it falls. Or take another relatively safe route, but this route needs to be investigated."

The more stable people like Jackie Chan and Shark Pepper were lost in thought, while Wei Wei and the others were a little lost.

Zhang Da also thought about it, and said: "There is another way, that is, without bringing a boat, but it will take a lot of work for Artoria, Xia Lulu, and Jin Erpeng to take us up one by one."

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