Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 161 Attracting People to Kindness Zhang Daye

"Boss, we caught two more thieves today, but unfortunately there is no reward." Rui Mengmeng pointed to the yard to indicate that the people were tied up outside.

"I'll go take a look." Zhang Da also walked towards the yard, "Oh, yes, your marshmallows and shark peppers."

Of course everyone has a share of buying delicious food. Tom and Artoria now have one in each hand, eating happily.

However, Shark Chili refused: "It's not dessert time now. Extra sweets are bad for your teeth, and so are you. Remember to rinse your mouth after eating."

Everyone nodded in unison. Only Zhang Da also wanted to complain. Is it really good to apply the common sense of human teeth protection to steel teeth?

After lifting the door curtain and entering the backyard, the two thieves were tied back to back and their mouths were gagged. The two men fell into different traps.

An inch-long nail was stepped on one foot, and it has not been removed until now. The other was hit by a mousetrap. Half of the foot was red and swollen visible to the naked eye, and the shoe was still red and swollen.

Although the two people were in severe pain, they were full of joy, because they saw that besides mouse traps and nails, there were also barbed wire, large animal traps, and even a landmine under the corner of the wall.

Tom had planted landmines to protect the cheese from being stolen by Jerry, but unfortunately he stepped on them later.

The two little thieves want to cry but have no tears, so what? Isn’t it just that there is a little bit of gold at home? It looks like a war trench!

Zhang Da also squatted in front of the two people: "Does it hurt?"

"Uh huh!" The two people nodded.

It must have hurt, not to mention the mouse trap, the nail in Tom's world, even Spike the big dog couldn't stand it after stepping on it, so he could only sit there and cover his face and cry.

"Do you dare to be a thief again?"

The two shook their heads crazily. It's hard to say whether they should be thieves or not. At least they dare not come to this tavern again. What if they stepped on nails today, what if they stepped on thunder tomorrow?

"For the sake of your good attitude in admitting your mistakes..." Zhang Da also grabbed one of his feet and pulled out the nail.

"Ugh!!!" The man was so painful that cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I should have said hello to you in advance." Zhang Da also inserted the nail back smoothly - he swore that he didn't intend to torture people, and he was somewhat affected by it after hanging out with Tom for so long.

People who were hit by nails again almost cried, what kind of devil is this!

"Uh... what, I didn't think about it just now, now I'm going to help you pull it out again?"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, of of of of use, I want to say, please let me go, and I'll never do it again.

A little embarrassed, Zhang Da also turned to another person, "Then let me help you take off the mouse trap?"

The other person shook his head more horrified and violently. Isn't it enough to torture one person?

"Ahem, forget it. I'll hand you over to the Sheriff later and don't cause trouble."

The two nodded very obediently. They wished they could stay away from this devil.

Today is also a day to lead people to good deeds. Zhang Da also turned around and left.

For this kind of attempted theft and there is no reward, it is not possible to chop them off on the spot, and it is almost the same to hand them over to the magistrate, but Zhang Da is a little embarrassed to beat them after such a disturbance just now, so let it be.

Recently, the security officer in charge of 59GR has a particularly good attitude towards Zhang Daye, because the recent petty theft, illegal traders, and local hooligans on the island have all been frightened by Zhang Daye.

These usually disobedient guys started to curry favor with the magistrate one by one, not only gave him a little more income that he could only understand, but also allowed him to obtain real political achievements.

The Sheriff is a sensible person and knows how all this came about, so the people he meets in the tavern are like family members.

After lunch, Zhang Da also called the sheriff, and he immediately came over to pick up the people.

"I always feel like I've become a local tyrant and bully in this town. Even the officials are obsequious to me." Zhang Da also looked at the sheriff who dragged the two thieves away and muttered to himself.

"Mr. Bully, please hand over the civilian girl Ria-chan you robbed." Lieutenant General Gion's slightly naughty voice sounded from the other side.

Zhang Da also turned around: "Isn't it bad to eavesdrop on what others are saying?"

"I'm sorry, sorry, I just happened to hear it." Lieutenant General Gion blinked his eyes, "Could it be that just now it was a small wish deep in Tatsuya-chan's heart, the kind of ulterior motive?"

"Who would have such a wish." Zhang Da said helplessly, "Please come in."

Lieutenant General Gion naturally greeted Shark Pepper and Rui Mengmeng, and then sat down next to Artoria and chatted without looking outside.

Zhang Da also hesitated for a while and finally asked: "Lieutenant General Gion, we want some Hailoushi handcuffs, is there any way?"

Gion said bluntly, "Yes, just join the navy. With your potential, not only can you have handcuffs, but you can also apply for special sea stone weapons."

Zhang Da also looked at her: "You also know that this is not the answer I want, right?"

"But this is the answer I want~" Lieutenant General Gion smiled, and then put away his joking expression, "Actually, it doesn't matter if I give you one or two pairs with my authority, but there must be a reasonable reason. , after all, it’s not my own stuff, so I can’t just give it to my friends.”

"The reason..." Zhang Da also thought for a while, "For example, we have caught a lot of bounty criminals recently?"

Lieutenant General Gion frowned slightly: "That's probably what I mean, but I don't think it's enough. It's not like there aren't bounty hunters who are more diligent than you."

"For example, in order to assist a lieutenant admiral in the navy, he provided important information, and now he is very likely to be targeted by the notorious Don Quixote pirate group. We are so scared that we can't eat well and sleep well. I heard that all of them They are all super-powerful people who are very weird, so do you want some pairs of sea-floor stone handcuffs for self-defense?"

Zhang Da also activated the Yin-Yang Qi and Miserable Skills.

Of course, Gion could tell that Zhang Da was teasing her, and pointed to Arturia who was wiping her mouth and Tom who was lying on the table and snoring, and said with a smile: "This is what you said about whether you can't eat well or sleep well." fragrant?"

"Uh... It's because I don't eat well and I get hungry easily, so I need to eat snacks. I can't sleep well at night, so I need to catch up on sleep during the day. It's reasonable." Zhang Da was also a little stuck, and he didn't even believe what he said.

"Okay, okay, you pass the test." In fact, when Zhang Da also mentioned the matter of Doflamingo, Lieutenant General Gion had already agreed, because if their navy didn't catch the Don Quixote family, it might indeed give Zhang Da also treated them as a little compensation for the trouble they caused.

"I will send someone to deliver the things, but if you really meet someone from the Don Quixote family, remember to try not to be impulsive and contact us at any time."

"Okay, okay." Zhang Da agreed happily. If the Don Quixote family comes to cause trouble, I will definitely advise them not to be impulsive.

"So Ria-chan..." Gion showed off the sword Kimpira on his waist, "Why don't we try it out while we have time?"

"Okay, where to go?" Artoria had no objection.

Lieutenant General Gion said: "I have to go back to headquarters soon, why not stay in the yard?"

Arturia nodded: "Okay."

Zhang Da also thought of the last time Artoria and Hawkeye competed with each other and the slashes flying all over the place: "Hey, do you want to demolish the tavern?"

"Don't worry Tatsuya-chan, it's just that the competition is not a life and death duel, we will be more restrained." Gion gave him a WINK.

Zhang Da was not shocked either. He only felt sorry for the tavern.

"The Protagonist and the Supporting Actor: Petty Theft", "The Protagonist and the Supporting Actor: The Unlawful Vendors", "The Protagonist and the Supporting Actor: The Ruffians"

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