The next few days were spent repeating a similar life, running with heavy loads in the morning or afternoon. Occasionally, Shark Chili would recognize a rewarded prisoner in the crowd, and Zhang Da would step up and knock him down on a stool.

However, most of these criminals operating alone are small fish and shrimps, ranging from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions.

In a few days, not a single bounty criminal was seen in the entire 59GR. They were either so professionally disguised that even Shark Pepper couldn't identify them, or they ran to other islands.

There is nothing that can be done about this. In fact, many people have seen with their own eyes that Zhang Daye used one move to kill a prisoner with a reward of 1 million yuan, and another move to kill a prisoner with a reward of 10 million yuan.

Thinking of that gleaming golden folding stool, anyone who has done something bad will feel a pain in the head. The name of folding stool Tatsuya has been completely established.

In addition, according to reliable information, Zurito Tatsu is also the weakest person in the tavern.

The prisoners invariably chose to keep a low profile to avoid the limelight.

Zhang Da, who had no results for two consecutive days, also decided to expand his running range to GR 58 and 57 next door. Anyway, this distance does not take much energy and time.

As a result, the security of the three islands has become better than ever. Ever since Zhang Daye knocked a gangster to the ground one day and beat him up for taking fruit from an old woman without paying for it, there were very few people eating Bawang meals nearby.

On this day, Zhang Da also arrested another person worth more than 3 million yuan and went to the naval base in exchange for a bounty. Arturia and Tom were traveling with him.

Shark Chili and Rui Mengmeng have already gone back to the tavern. Recently, people occasionally sneak into the tavern while they are away, hoping to get rich.

Because according to legend, there is not only a golden folding stool in the tavern, but also a golden statue.

The folding stool will be carried around by the little boss as a weapon, so the statue won't be carried around on its back, right?

Some people couldn't help it and wanted to take a look over the wall when they were not at home, or when it was quiet at night.

As a result, cries of pain would occasionally be heard in the small courtyard of the tavern. Some were stepping on mouse traps, and some were stepping on nails.

These people must have some semblance of professionalism. They can cover their mouths the moment they scream.

But when they hop on one foot to leave the dangerous area, they often fall into a pit or are caught and hung up by a large net.

Of course, there are also people who do not go through the yard, but pick the lock from the front door of the tavern. At this time, he will step on the rake placed at the door. The rake will suddenly tilt up and hit the person who picked the lock in the face, knocking him to the ground. .

Although the rake was placed so obviously, it brought down three people in five days. It was very easy to use.

The side effect is that when Tom runs out to get the newspaper in the morning, there is a high probability that he will get hit in the face and his head will hurt.

Shark Chili and Rui Mengmeng didn't come with them in exchange for the bounty, they just went to accept these greedy hapless people, and they will be tied up and dealt with accordingly.

"Brother Tatsuya, why are you so diligent recently? You can send a few people here almost every day." Major Kuro, who was in charge of exchanging the bounty, asked with some distress.

It would be very bad if this situation continued. He couldn't take leave every day to avoid taking credit. Otherwise, he would cry when his salary was paid.

Zhang Da also answered honestly: "I'm short of money recently."

He was also a little troubled. It was getting harder and harder to find people. The bounty criminals were not the wild monsters in the game. They had been wandering back and forth somewhere since they were refreshed. They would also run and learn when they heard that there were powerful bounty hunters nearby. He hides and can disguise himself.

For this reason, Zhang Da also posted a reward order on the wall of the tavern, promising that if anyone provided effective clues, he would be willing to pay 5% of the intelligence fee after catching the prisoner.

The posts are all people who are wanted for committing crimes in the Shampoo Islands. Maybe someone has seen them.

While Major Clow was helping him go through the procedures for exchanging the bounty, he cursed, "If you are short of money, you still use a gold folding stool. Who would believe this?"

When leaving the naval base, Zhang Da also saw an acquaintance: "Lieutenant General Gion?"

"Ah! Riya-chan!" Lieutenant General Gion showed a surprised expression as he was about to enter the naval base.

"Hello." Arturia greeted her normally.

"Long time no see!" Lieutenant General Gion hugged Artoria affectionately, and then hugged Tom again, "Tom-chan too!"

Later, Lieutenant General Gion seemed to have just noticed Zhang Tatsuya and said, "Oh, Tatsuya-chan is here too."

"You did it on purpose..." Zhang Daye closed his eyes, and Tom was squatting on my shoulder. Can you see that he couldn't see me?

"Haha~ Are you angry, Tatsuya-chan?" Lieutenant General Gion covered his mouth and smiled, then opened his arms, "Sister, come and give me a hug, too?"

"No need." Zhang Daye refused directly. He really didn't know how to deal with such a big sister. In an instant, the two sailors standing guard at the door looked at Zhang Daye with much friendlier eyes.

"Does your old man have anything important to do here this time?"

"What an old man, Tatsuya-chan is not cute at all." Lieutenant General Gion said, "Of course I came here to find Riya-chan, and I just completed a small mission."

"Then we won't bother you." Zhang Da didn't believe her nonsense. The lieutenant general didn't have so much time. Did he really think everyone was a Garp?

"Don't leave in a hurry." Lieutenant General Gion persuaded, "Has Ria-chan finally decided to join the navy when she came to the naval base today?"

Artoria denied: "No, I just accompanied Tatsuya to redeem the bounty."

"The Liya-chan you are talking about has been blinded by money. Now we have to go back for lunch. Goodbye Lieutenant General Gion!" Zhang Da didn't wait for Lieutenant General Gion to speak, and pulled Artoria away.

"Really~" Lieutenant General Gion turned around and entered the base. The tavern wouldn't run away anyway, so he had to finish the work first.

"Tatsuya, why are you walking so fast?" Arturia asked in confusion as he dragged her along.

Zhang Da also let go of his hand: "It's nothing, I just feel that she is very troublesome, the way she talks, and the last letter, she always wants to kidnap you."

Artoria said: "It doesn't matter, she doesn't mean any harm. As a senior general, it is normal to recruit talents for the army. I won't agree to it anyway."

If you have any ill intentions, I'll just hit you with a folding stool. Even if I can't beat you, you're still there. It's just troublesome if you don't have any ill intentions...

But Artoria was right. She wouldn't agree anyway. It was all because of the letter last time. Next, let's try to get the sea stone from Gion.

It's a bit unwise to mention it. I should ask Neptune when I'm in Dragon Palace City. It's a kingdom after all, and maybe I have some reserves. It's hard to ask now.

Arturia didn't have as many thoughts as Zhang Tatsuya now. She pointed to a stall: "Tatsuya, that marshmallow looks delicious."

"Buy, didn't you just receive the pocket money yesterday?"

"Run out."

Zhang Daye:......

Did I give too little?

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