Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 142 Could it be that Princess Shirahoshi turned into a cat?

The cannonball turned a corner in the water, and flew towards Zhang Daye's boat under Van der Daken's unbelievable eyes. To be precise, it flew towards Tom.

Tom's head turned around following the curved path of the shell, and he jumped up in fright when he was sure that the target was himself.

Then Tom ran a few steps to the left, then ran a few steps to the right, and finally ran back to the same place, lay down on the deck, closed his eyes and put his head in his hands to resign himself to fate.

Generally speaking, in this case, Tom will inevitably be hit by the shell into the space below the deck. The difference lies in the posture and the shape of the hole left in the deck.

But of course Arturia would not watch this happen, and jumped up to cut the shell in half in mid-air.

Solid shell, no explosion.

Artoria patted Tom's head: "It's all right."

The trembling Tom opened his eyes, looked left and right, and then up. After confirming that it was safe, he hugged Artoria's legs. He was so moved that he wanted to cry - she seemed to be more reliable than her master.

Arturia picked up Tom, she liked Tom's food very much, not only because Tom's cooking was delicious.

They are fine here, but something is wrong with Vander Daken:

"Why did the cannonball I throw fly towards a cat? Could it be...Princess Shirahoshi turned into a cat?"

"No, no, no, it's impossible." Vander Deken rejected this weird idea because he remembered that he had seen Tom, "That was the pet on Princess White Star's shoulder at that time!"

But this result made him even more unacceptable. The ability he was proud of, and his actions of wisdom and courage, were marked wrong?

Could it be that what he touched at that time was not Princess Baixing's hair, but this cat's fur?

"It's impossible!" Vander Daken decided to try again. He took out a gold coin from his pocket and gently popped it out with his right hand.

Then I saw the scene I didn't want to see the most. The gold coin turned a corner flexibly and flew towards the cat again.

Because it was not a dangerous thing, Artoria did not intercept it. Tom happily caught the gold coin and bit it with his teeth, leaving a row of fine tooth marks.

Vander Daken's eyes were almost bleeding, not because he felt sorry for the gold coins, but for himself.

Thanks to his hard work, he wrote a love letter, specially sent photos, and carefully prepared gifts. Did they all fly into the hands of this cat?

Vander Daken's heart was broken: "Hehehe... My love, has it ended from the beginning, just because of that nasty cat!"

The subordinate who was slapped stupidly by Ayun with his tail failed to attract Vander Deken's attention. The waterspout made by Shark Pepper also failed to attract Vander Deken's attention. At this time, he was just quietly immersed in himself. in grief and anger.

"Captain~Captain~" The anglerfish saw that the situation was not good and had already slipped away. The only person left at the scene was the child-like Mianjin Mian. He had always followed the captain's orders. Now that the captain didn't speak, he didn't know what to do. what.

"Huh?" Van der Daken finally came to his senses. Seeing the giant shark approaching him, he quickly shouted, "See you in Mianjin, take me and run away!"

"Yes, Captain!" Mianjin obediently picked up Vander Daken and swam forward, carefully avoiding the wound on his palm.

Mianjin Jian is also called the Bald Sea Monster or Big Bald Head. Although he looks like a human being, he is actually a red-finned fisherman. He is 80 meters tall and his swimming speed is not slow at all.

Zhang Daye and the others certainly didn't want to let the culprit go just like that. Shark Chili drove the Shark Giant and chased them at the lead, followed closely by Artoria driving the eel.

"Don't try to escape!" Shark Pepper saw that the time for the super transformation was approaching, and controlled the giant shark to raise his left hand: "Shark cannon!"


A yellow laser beam was launched and hit the left leg of Mitsu Mie, who was 100 meters away.

"Ah, it hurts! Captain, my leg hurts!" Mianjin burst into tears seeing the pain.

"Don't stop and see you in Mianjin!" Vander Daken yelled, "It's just a small injury, hold it back!"

Mianjin gritted his teeth obediently, but he could still feel the severe pain in his calf, and said aggrievedly: "Captain, I have gritted my teeth, but it still hurts!"

"Stop rambling, and swim!" Vander Daken said impatiently.

"But I can't swim anymore..." Mianjin hoped that the captain could find a way with tears in his eyes.

Vander Daken's tone suddenly became gentle: "I see, you can't swim anymore, see you in Mianjin."

"Mmm, yes!" Mianjin nodded vigorously.

Vander Deken caught the bubbles on his body and swam to Mianjin's face, put his gloved right hand on his face, and said the most vicious words in the calmest tone: "Then you are useless , go to hell with that damned cat."

"Captain, what are you talking about?" Mianjin asked confused.

"I said you are of no use to me anymore. Let's die together with that cat!"

Vander Deken saw that the shark giant and Zhang Daye's boat were in a straight line, and with a little force on his right hand, Mianjin saw the huge body just "thrown" out by him.

"Ah~~~Captain~" Mian Jinjian screamed, his huge body turned around and accelerated towards Tom.

Caught off guard, the giant shark was hit by Mianjin's big head. Although there was no damage on the outside, the shark pepper in the cockpit was completely shattered when it encountered a sudden brake.

Coincidentally at this time, the moment of super-transformation arrived, and the Shark Pepper's eyes, which had transformed back into the form of a small shark, appeared circles of lines representing dizziness.

Shark Pepper dazedly touched his head with his small short hand: "Be sure to put on the seat belt, and put it on when you get back! Ah, my head..."

He also hurts, bumping back and forth against the wall of the cockpit quite lightly, but fortunately he didn't touch any operation buttons that shouldn't be touched.

"Sparkle! Flash!" Zhang Da almost shouted.

Rui Mengmeng opened her mouth wide: "What is this? A suicide attack?"

Tom shivered, his upper and lower teeth kept fighting, making a creaking sound.

No wonder they panicked, the scene where Mianjin saw the big head of the giant shark flying towards them was really too oppressive.

It's like a 20-story building pushing a three-story building to hit you.

If this was changed to Meili, the little sheep's head would definitely be able to scare out the emoticons.

Artoria could still command A Eel calmly, but her voice was much more serious: "Up, full speed!"

There seemed to be an invisible rein in the void that was pulled by Artoria, and the eel quickly swam upwards under her guidance. Judging from the current situation, it was more than enough to avoid the impact.

The problem is, that thing will track.

When Ah Eel was pulling the boat upwards, Mianzumi's big head also changed direction, turned a corner and continued to bump into it at unabated speed.

"You can't escape!" Vander Daken laughed heartily, "Go to hell, damn cat! Go ha ha ha ha..."

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