Pirates: The first companion is Tom Cat

Chapter 141 The robot may also be the romance of the murloc

Kachacha, the giant shark's dorsal fin slashed against the side of the flying Dutchman's hull like a big knife.

A big cut was made at the bottom of the boat, and even the keel supporting the hull was cut off from the middle.

Several crew members who were about to help Vander Deken up were shaken by the violent impact and fell. The iron cannonball that Fishman A had just picked up once again fell away and hit Vander Deken on the head.

"I'm sorry! Captain!" The polite murloc A did not forget to apologize even if he fell down.

The other fishmen were not much better. In the past, they used their advantage in the water to destroy other people's ships. They never thought that one day this would happen to them.

"what is going on?"

"Something is attacking the bottom of the ship!"

"Go down and take a look!"

After withstanding this violent attack, the bubble membrane on the ship burst instantly, a large amount of seawater poured into the space originally occupied by the bubble, and the dilapidated hull was shattered to pieces.

"What a sin, this boat might be an antique." Zhang Daye smacked his lips. Judging from how dilapidated the boat was, it might have been passed down from generation to generation in the Vanderdyken family.

Rui Mengmeng asked, "Boss, are we going out to help?"

"Let's go try out the cannon on the ship. I've never played with it before." Zhang Da also suggested, "Looking at Shark Chili, it doesn't seem like it needs help. Arturia should look at that big guy."

"Okay." Arturia nodded.

The current battle situation really does not need their help. After the boat was torn apart by the shark pepper, the murlocs were more or less hit by the current.

Their racial superiority didn't hurt them, but after seeing the ferocious giant shark, they all coaxed: "What is that? A robot?"

The worst one was Vander Deken. He was hit on the head twice by iron balls and was dizzy. Being washed by the sea water made him sober. However, as a person with abilities, he immediately became weak after soaking in the sea water.

Thanks to his two relatively clever men, Murloc A and Murloc B, they quickly caught him and used bubble coral to create a small bubble that temporarily restored his ability to move.

"Damn guy, how dare you destroy my ship!" Van der Daken angrily pointed at the giant shark, "See you in Mianjin, sink him for me!"

"I understand, Captain!" Mianjin waved his hand and slapped the shark giant. The ten-meter-tall shark giant was just a small thing to him.

Shark Chili didn't rush to dodge, but used the giant shark's dorsal fin to meet Mitsumi's palm.

Boom, the giant shark was caught in the face, and quickly rolled and flew out, knocking unconscious a few unlucky murlocs who hadn't had time to dodge.

"Okay~ It hurts~" Mianjinjian's palm was pierced with a big hole, and he cried out the pain in a childish and slow tone.

"Oh, oh, oh, it's so strong." Shark Pepper didn't feel very well in the cockpit. He bumped against the wall several times. "It hurts. It seems that I really need to consider Boss Tatsuya's opinion. Seat belts in the cockpit."

Mian Jinjian looked at his bleeding palms and shouted like a child losing his temper: "I'm angry! I'm going to beat you!"

Shark Pepper calmly shouted: "Double Super Transformation Form!"

Shark Pepper completed its transformation in the cockpit, and the shark giant instantly transformed into a sinister appearance with a shark cannon in its left hand and a shark fin ship-cutting knife in its right hand.

"What? Transformed!" Vander Deken shouted in surprise.

"Really transformed!" Fishman A and Fishman B shouted excitedly.

"So handsome!"*n

Mianjin and a dozen other fishmen shouted in unison with their eyes shining.

Vander Deken yelled angrily: "What are you excited about! Come and fight, you bastards!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Even if the opponent is a robot, the captain's order is absolute, and a group of fishmen reluctantly pounce on the shark giant.

Of course, there were a few smart ones who rushed to Zhang Daye's ship. Mianjin saw that the robot was injured, so it was a fool who went to die in front of him. It was better to find an opponent who was easy to bully.

What greeted them were two cannonballs test-fired by Rui Mengmeng and Zhang Daye. It was their first time to play with cannons, and the accuracy was not very good, but they couldn't stand someone unlucky enough to catch the cannonballs. One of the six smart fish was lost.

"I've been hit!" Zhang Da was also extremely happy. A weakling like this could knock down a person with one sword, but killing someone is not as fun as firing a cannon.

"Come on, come on, keep firing!" Zhang Da was also very interested, but unfortunately the fishmen didn't cooperate and quickly approached the ship, not wanting to give them a chance to fire again.

"It's just humans, sink their ship!"


The five fishmen confidently took out their weapons and prepared to kill the fish and destroy the boat, but Aeel's tail smashed down at an incredible speed.

"Ah!" A scream sounded, "Why would a fish..."

This was a question they couldn't figure out. They had seen people using fish to pull boats, and they had also seen people using sea beasts to pull boats. However, these fish and sea beasts were generally relatively docile, and they would only run away or be beaten obediently when they saw them.

Why did you take the initiative to attack today? And this speed and power are completely unreasonable!

In fact, Ayun didn't even think about it. He only knew that as long as he listened to the command of the woman on the bow, he would feel that he had infinite courage and strength.

This is why even when it encounters the huge Mianjinmi, it is not frightened and runs away.

The five fishmen were beaten by the big eel that they looked down upon, so they rolled their eyes and lost consciousness. Their limbs drooped like jellyfish and drifted with the waves.

On the other side, facing the small scene of a dozen murlocs jumping at him together, he didn't panic at all, and controlled the giant shark to spin the shark fin ship cutter like a propeller.

"Shark Fin Tornado!"

This is the original name of this move, which can create a tornado powerful enough to blow away the giant Kabuda.

But now under the water, a huge waterspout was directly created, covering all ten fishmen.

"what is this?"

"Captain help!"

The fish people resisted the powerful current with force, screamed and were taken away by the waterspout, and they were thrown to an unknown corner of the sea.

At the same time, Rui Mengmeng's missed cannonball accidentally flew towards Vander Deken who was fighting outside the battlefield.

It's a pity that Rui Mengmeng is not Tom. The shells she fired didn't have such magical functions, and they slowed down severely in the sea water, so they were easily caught by Vander Daken with one hand.

"Damn it, are you looking down on me?" Vander Deken casually threw the cannonball out of his bubble wrap.

But the next second the cannonball suddenly turned a corner and flew in another direction.

"Oops!" Vander Daken covered his head, "This is the hand that marked Shirahoshi! I threw the cannonball at Shirahoshi!"

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