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After going back, everyone on the ship looked at Luffy and they all returned safely, originally they were still worried about whether Luffy was the opponent of the admiral, and they were finally relieved to see that several of them returned safely.

Wei Wei was worried, “Luffy, Zixue are all right!” ”

“Don’t worry! No matter how powerful that pheasant is, how can it beat the four of us! Of course we won. Luffy said casually.

“But it’s a pity! Let the pheasant guy run away. Anilu said with a little regret, before the pheasant wanted to run away, they had no way to stop it, or they didn’t want to stop it.

“Hahaha, I’ll just say it! How can it be possible to lose if a few of you join forces? Usopp laughed loudly and walked over and slammed Luffy on the back.

“It hurts.” Luffy said in pain.

Usopp and everyone were shocked: “Are you okay!” Luffy. ”

“It’s nothing, just used the fourth gear, and it’ll be fine in a few days, sure enough!” That trick can’t be used for too long, Qioba, let’s check it out for me a little later! If there are any internal injuries, it is better to solve them sooner. Luffy said flatly.

“Okay, I see.” Saying that, Joba immediately began to check Luffy.

Usopp said excitedly: “Fourth gear, Luffy, when did you have this trick!” Sounds like a great deal! That’s how you use this trick to beat the pheasant away! But it’s a little pity to run away. ”

Zi Yun was a little unhappy, looked at Usopp with contempt and said: “Cut, don’t stand and talk without back pain, the green pheasant is the highest combat power of the time government, he wants to leave, don’t talk about us, even Whitebeard or Father Master can’t stop it, don’t underestimate the strength of the admiral.” ”

“Luffy, you’d better use that move less in the future, it seems to be a very big load on you! There are things we can solve together. Zixue kindly reminded.

“Well, I see, thank you sister for your concern, come, hug one!” Saying that, Luffy’s arm stretched out and directly pulled Zixue into his arms.

“Luffy, I can’t check it if you do this!” Choiba complained slightly.

Zixue’s face was slightly blushing, and she was often teased by Luffy like this on the ship, and lightly pushed Luffy away: “Okay, let’s take a good rest now!” ”

“Oh, got it.”

Carmen looked at several people who were a little tired, after all, several people had been fighting for hours, and said: “You guys take a break first!” I’ll go make you something to eat.” ”

“I’ll help you too! Miss Carmen. Shangis immediately followed in a fool’s eye.

Luffy chuckled, “Let’s go in too!” I’m starving to death. ”

After entering the boat and sitting down, Nami couldn’t help but ask, “By the way, Luffy, what does that fourth gear you just said look like!” None of them have seen you use this trick. ”

“That’s a very powerful move, Nami, Luffy uses that move, and his body will immediately become larger and super powerful.” Qioba said with little stars in his eyes.

“It’s just that the advantages of the second and third gears are concentrated together, but the burden is also very large, but this does not matter, only if it becomes stronger in the future, this sequelae can disappear.” Luffy said lightly.

“Yes?” Nami sighed.

“But this time fortunately, only one admiral came, if two people came, then the one who escaped was us.” Luffy said helplessly.

“That’s not enough, because against a pirate group, generally two generals will not be discharged, because most of the admirals have to guard in the headquarters.” Zixue explained for Luffy.

Luffy was a little unhappy to hear this, Luffy just wanted to knock them a little, and said lightly: “Yes, yes, I see.” ”

“Che, it doesn’t matter if you run into two admirals next time, this time it is really enough to fight with him, those weaknesses of this god will naturally make up for it, isn’t it physical skills?” Anilu said with some discomfort.

Luffy chuckled and said, “If it’s a physical skill, you can also fight with the people on our ship if you are fine, and if you only use physical skills, you can try to see how far you can play.” ”

“Che, I see.”

Was there a time when I couldn’t help? Solon thought to himself.

Bagis grinned and said, “It seems that we also have to become stronger!” Otherwise, the next time I encounter a strong enemy, I am afraid that I will not be able to intervene. ”

“I’m not going to stand by and watch next time!” Akin also said unwillingly.

Solon also held his love knife and said: “I also said, I definitely don’t want to lose, and now, I don’t want to be the one who has always been protected by others, so, Captain, give me another chance!” I’m definitely going to be stronger. ”

Luffy looked at everyone who was shameful and courageous, and also smiled with a little satisfaction, the weak are not afraid, they are afraid that the heart is also weak, then there is no cure, laughed: “What a chance is not a chance!” Everyone is a partner! Let’s all work together in the same boat! I don’t want anyone to sacrifice anything that day, only if they are strong enough, they have enough self-preservation power, so that fate will not be swayed, Robin, you too. ”

Nicole Robin listened to Luffy’s words, her heart trembled slightly, and she revealed a charming smile and said, “Yes, I see, Captain.” ”

The green pheasant, who left at the same time, sat on the bicycle, looked at the sky and said lazily: “It’s really troublesome!” Since so many dangerous people have gathered together, things are not easy to handle! Seeing that our navy and world government underestimate them, this sea may not be too peaceful ah! ”

“Hey, let me see, the next island, the seven capitals of water?” _

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