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The green pheasant looked at the people of the Straw Hat Pirates behind them, they did not come up, which should show that they should not be a big danger, or that although they have potential, but the strength is not enough, so powerful are just a few, just try the skills of these two women!

Saying that, the green pheasant looked at Zi Xue and Zi Yun, and Luffy was unhappy for a while: “Hey, green pheasant, have you seen enough, they are my women.” ”

“Oh yes? Sorry sorry, it’s just that the two young ladies are too charming, can’t help but let me take a look at it more, are you free today? The green pheasant said playfully.

Luffy immediately became angry when he heard this, even Lao Tzu’s woman dared to tease, isn’t this a light in the toilet, looking for death?

But Luffy was angry, and there was even more anger than Luffy, Zixue Ziyun and the two had just finished teasing the words of the green pheasant, and the two immediately rushed up, the two demon knives overlapped together, and together they slashed a slash over, and the green pheasant’s body was immediately split in two.

Luffy also immediately seized this opportunity and roared lowly, “Stretch freely· JIE rocket artillery. ”

“100 million volts, Thunder Dragon.”

There was a big explosion of ‘touch’, and the green pheasant inside said a little lazily: “Ah, la-la, what two thorny roses!” Why are you so angry! Just kidding. ”

“This guy, since he is not injured at all, he is hiding really fast!” Luffy pouted.

The green pheasant said a little helplessly: “Okay, Monchi D Luffy, right!” I will do as you wish, tell the headquarters completely about you, and put all your malignant, well, such as not cooperating with the actions of the Navy, unwilling to take the initiative to tie up your hands, and resist the arrest of the admiral, and then give you a few random charges! Anyway, you are all pirates, and you won’t care about those charges, right! What do you think of this! ”

Luffy and several people listened to the black lines on their foreheads, how did this girl become an admiral in the first place! Since it was so casual, Luffy said lightly: “No need, you should report to the Navy headquarters that you were beaten by the Straw Hat Pirates, and the Straw Hat Pirates who died nine lives escaped, so you can.” ”

“Hey, hey, this is too suspenseful!” Hearing this, the green pheasant said with a little crying and laughter: “How do you tell me to keep up with the general’s report!” Our admiral is the highest combat power of the world government! This makes me very embarrassed! ”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, we won’t make it difficult for you.” Saying that, Luffy rushed over first, and the green pheasant immediately condensed an ice spear and stabbed at Luffy, but with Anilu, a natural ability, he directly destroyed all these things.

The destructive power of the natural department is very strong, in terms of destructive power, Lei Ke is compared, with the help of Anilu, in addition to the swordsmanship of the two of Zixue Ziyun, several people fought against the green pheasant, and this time the green pheasant also had to be 120,000 points of caution.

Several people fought for hundreds of rounds, the green pheasant also felt more and more their strength, gradually felt a little passive, looking at the attack of the two of Zixue Ziyun, if the two fight, the strength is not lost to the vice admiral of the navy or even stronger than the vice admiral, and the sword art is strong, the sword skills of the two are the same way, the cooperation is completely seamless, if you have to say, these two women are much better than Luffy and Anilu, these two strange things, Luffy is proficient in armed color domineering, Anilu is proficient in seeing and hearing color domineering, And these two women have practiced these two domineering styles to the peak, if the two join forces, I am afraid that they will not lose to any of the Seven Martial Seas, and the strength of these two women is probably the strongest.

Thinking of the strength and potential of the Straw Hat Pirates, the green pheasant became more and more frightened, this kind of power, even if two generals are sent at once, I am afraid that they may not be able to arrest them all! If you wait for the rest of you to grow, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

The green pheasant also got what he wanted to know now, naturally there is no need to fight in the fight, the strength of these guys is very strong, there is no hope for him to arrest them, it is better to retreat early.

Thinking of this, the cold qi on the pheasant’s body was quickly released, and he said loudly: “It’s really powerful!” It seems that I am not your opponent, but you can’t kill me either, goodbye, Ice Age. ”

Seeing this move coming, several people defended themselves, and by the time the cold dissipated, the green pheasant had already left.

But there is no pity for this, and it is already a lucky thing to be able to force an admiral to escape.

Among these people, only Anilu is the fastest, and it is possible to catch up with the pheasant, but it is useless to catch up, if the pheasant is bent on escaping, they will not be able to kill at all, and they may be broken by the pheasant one by one.

After all, in terms of personal strength, no one in the green pheasant’s powerful straw hat pirate group can compete with it, and it is best to let him leave like this, anyway, the purpose has been achieved.

“Gone?” Zixue looked at no one around and said lightly.

“It should be! After all, no matter how powerful he is, if a few of us join forces, he knows that it is impossible to win against us, so he naturally has to leave. Luffy chuckled.

Zi Yun looked at Anilu and said playfully: “How is it!” Didn’t you always want to fight the strong before? Now after fighting with the pheasant, how do you feel! ”

“Cut.” Anilu pouted unpleasantly: “Look less at this god, he is stronger than this god only physical skills and domineering, moreover, this god will improve his physical skills and domineering, the next time we meet, there is no need to join forces like this, this god alone can kill him.” ”


“Are you all right?” After Solon and several people looked at the pheasant immediately, they immediately ran over, and today they watched the battle from the sidelines, and indeed gained a lot.

Luffy looked at a few people, stretched his waist a little and said, “It’s okay, I didn’t expect that since the strength of the admiral is so powerful, I’m tired, let’s go back!” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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