Klockdar is like a cat and mouse for the Straw Hats, and now the time and place are on Klockdahl’s side, in fact, if it were not for the fact that this plan is extremely important to his ambitions, he wants to try to release the Straw Hats, and then see if the princess can stop this war.

Klockdar, who is extremely confident in his plan, will not think that Vivi has a way to stop it, but he still will not let Weiwei and the others go, even if there is a one in ten thousand possibility, Klockdar will not allow it, because this ideal plan is very important, and if you succeed, you can get Hades, one of the three strongest ancient weapons in the world.

Solon and the others looked at the surrounding sand waves, and Locke said calmly: “Are you ready?” We have to succeed in one hit, or we’ll just be buried alive. ”

“Aaaaah! Luffy, come and save us! Usopp shouted into the sky.

“I’m still so young, am I going to die like this? I still have a lot of clothes to wear, a lot of money to spend? Nami said sadly.

Bell deserved to be a soldier, and even in the face of this desperate situation, he said without the slightest fear: “Okay, let’s go together!” You must also make an exit for anything, and the princess will ask you. Bell looked at Choiba who was carrying Vivi behind him.

“Well, don’t worry! Leave it to us! Joba nodded.

“Ready? Everyone. Bell turned to the crowd in the straw hats.

“Well, it has to be, if you don’t want to die here.” Solon looked at the ten-meter-high sand wave in front of him flatly, as if it did not exist.

Nami in the back yelled, “Don’t say such terrible things in such a flat tone, okay!” ”

“Okay, on.” Solon pulled out three knives and rushed first, and Locke immediately followed.

Shangis was not a fool this time, but said with some solemnity: “Miss Nami, Vivi-chan, Carmen-chan, you must follow us firmly, if you can’t keep up, you will only be buried alive.” ”

Nami listened and swallowed her saliva a little, and nodded.

“Three-knife flow Eagle wave.”

“Lamb SHOT.”

“Ghost step spoon death.”

“Demon King Hammer.”

“Spike of the Dragon.”

With a ‘touch’, the five people joined forces to attack, and finally punched a hole in the sand, and after the sand fell, all the Straw Hat and the group were submerged.

Klockdar and Nicole Robin stood there, looking at the sand that had been flattened with a flat look, Nicole Robin said flatly: “It’s really worthy of Klockdar of the Seven Martial Seas, so that it will all be solved as soon as it comes.” At the same time, he secretly looked at Klockdal in surprise, and he was even more surprised by the strength of the Seven Wuhai, and secretly said: Sure enough, Klockdar is completely different from the pirate group that has stayed in the past, is this the strength of the Qiwu Sea? So strong.

Klockdar took a sip of his cigar and said lightly: “Cut, waste so much of my time, it seems that the straw hat boy has not come over yet!” Forget it, go straight to Albana! Now there is no time to waste on the straw hat kid either. ”

“I think the straw hat boy probably died in that sandstorm!” Nicole Robin said lightly.

Klockdar said flatly: “I don’t think he should die in a sandstorm, but if he really only has this strength, it is not worth my expectation.” ”

As soon as Klockdar’s words were finished, he suddenly heard the sound of the sand behind him, and the originally smooth sand straw hats in the sand behind him emerged one by one.

Klockdar said with some unhappiness: “Since you have not been buried alive!” It seems that their little lives are quite hard! Since he escaped at the last moment. ”

“Hey, it’s all right!” Solon asked with his hands on the ground, panting.

“Well, are you okay? I’m still alive. Bell said lightly.

Klockdar looked at the straw hats with some playfulness: “I didn’t expect that the lives of you cockroaches are really hard!” Since it crawled out of it abruptly, I also appreciate it a little! But the water you dealt with me seems to be all gone! What to do! ”

“Damn it!” Solon and the others clenched their teeth.

A storm appeared in Klockdar’s hand, and he said playfully: “I don’t know if you can continue to play with me for a few minutes!” Now that you have lost water, your physical strength is estimated to be almost consumed! Still have to play? ”

“Aaaah! Klockdar, it’s too strong, we can’t beat this monster at all! Run away! I’ve had enough of this kind of travel. Usopp was the first to have a nervous breakdown, and began to turn around and run away.

“Hey, Usopp, it’s useless, even if you run away he won’t let us go, Usopp.” Choiba yelled.

“Usopp.” Nami also looked at Usopp who had fled with some despair, and yelled: “Luffy, where are you, please, please come and save me, come and save us!” Luffy. ”

Solon slowly stood up, aimed his weapon at Klockdar, and said with some excitement: “Don’t beg Luffy so quickly, we’re not dead yet!” If we don’t give up our lives, then we have no hope, and if we fight, there may be a glimmer of life. ”

Akin said very approvingly: “From the moment you become a pirate, you should understand that we are pirates, and we will die one day, you don’t underestimate us, Klockdar.” ”

“Hahaha, hahaha.” Klockdar laughed loudly: “What a stupid pirate, don’t you understand it until now? I am completely different from your dimension, pirates like you, there are more in the sea ahead, countless pirates die every day, there are countless people who hold this determination to die, empty faith, what is the use of no absolute power! ”

“Hmph, okay! I will let you know that if you continue to fight, some are not hope, taste what is called despair! ”

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