At this moment, when Klockdar’s hand was about to touch Vivi, countless bullets from the sky instantly beat Klockdar into a sieve.

The Straw Hat group looked at the sky in surprise, and Vivi was surprised: “You are?” Bel? ”

Bell fell from the sky, and hit Klockdar with an eagle claw, Klockdar immediately retreated from the elemental body of the body, and after seeing the person clearly, he said a little playfully: “It’s really rare!” Since it will come here, Rinse Bell, the strongest warrior in Alabastan, isn’t the Kingdom Army going to war with the rebel army now? Why don’t you stay in the capital Albana and get ready to fight and run here! ”

“Klockdar, it seems that Alabastan really has everything you in!” Bell gritted his teeth.

Vivi immediately said, “Bell, why are you here!” Is Father all right? ”

“Well, it’s been a long time, Princess Weiwei, Your Majesty ordered me to dispatch the Kingdom Army here, I first ran to the rainy land to check the situation, I just came to the rainy land and heard that since the king ran to burn the city of flowers, is this true?” Bell asked a little anxiously.

“This was done by Klockdar’s men.” Vivi said angrily.

Klockdar said playfully: “Don’t say that! By the way, in fact, when I told you before, that intelligence was completely false, I let the Baroque Walker people fake it, in order to deceive the Straw Hat gang to do this, but it seems that it is no longer necessary, the rainy land has turned into a desert, whether it is really fake it doesn’t matter. ”

“Is it fake?” Vivi said with some joy.

“Well, it was fake before, but now it’s real, it should be just now, right! Mr2 has already gone to the City of Flowers pretending to be the king, so what I just said became true. Klockdar said with a look of indifference.

Bell listened to this, the green tendons on his forehead became more obvious, and gritted his teeth: “Bastard, Klockdar.” ”

“Wait a minute, Bell, please save them first, they are all my partners, I can get here safely, and I all rely on their protection.” Vivi pointed at Solon, who was trapped in quicksand.

Bell nodded slightly, he who has been in Alabastan, naturally understands how strong Klockdar’s strength is, even if he is the strongest fighter in Alabastan, he is definitely not Klockdar’s opponent, in this case, he must find a few partners who can fight side by side.

The body immediately changed into a bird form, saving Solon and Lockakin, and did not stop this Crokdal, or disdained to stop it, how different can an ant and a few ants be, all crushed.

Klockdar smiled disdainfully: “Hmph, it’s really boring, are you going to fight side by side now?” But just like you, I am not my opponent, I am a Qi Wuhai. ”

Solon kindly reminded: “Be careful, this guy is natural, ordinary attacks are useless.” ”

Bell chuckled, “Of course I know this, but even the natural system has weaknesses, the weakness of the gravel fruit is water, if it touches water, he can’t sand.” With that, Bell handed Solon a few bottles of water from his bag.

Klockdar said a little playfully: “I really didn’t expect it!” Since your kingdom knows my weaknesses, it’s also ah! I’ve been in Alabastan for so many years, but even if there is water, what can I do! Can you kill me? ”

“Yes! The sand will solidify if it meets water, so it cannot be sandified, which means that Klockdar cannot turn into sand, and there is a chance of victory. Nami said excitedly.

“You have to finish him off before you run out of water.” Saying that, Shangis stood up and brought the only water he had with Joba.

Solon and several people passed their eyes a little, and rushed towards Crokdar together, saying: “Everyone must seize the opportunity, there is only one chance, if there is no way to kill Klockdar, it will be us who die.” ”

Klockdar looked at them since they really planned to use this method, and said disdainfully: “Hahahaha, it’s really stupid, although my weakness is that water is not wrong, but I will let you know how small your boring little schemes are in the face of absolute power.” ”

Saying that, Klockdar’s right hand suddenly slapped on the ground and roared lowly: “Infinite sand waves.” In an instant, the whole sky shook, and the desert where Solon and the others were located immediately began to slide, and sand more than ten meters high struck from all directions, covering the sky like waves.

Solon and the others were shocked, and Usopu Nami cried, “Aaaaa Help me! ”

“Damn it! It’s not a rank at all, is it really going to die here? Solon gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

Bell immediately flew in front of Weiwei and said, “Princess Weiwei, hurry up!” ”

“Bell, no, if I run away now, Nami everyone will die, and I definitely can’t leave everyone alone and run away.” Vivi said firmly.

“Princess Vivi, what are you talking about! Now I can’t live without you, and if you die, who will stop the war! Bell said loudly.

Locke roared angrily: “It’s noisy, there is no time for infighting now, the people are all gathered and attacked at one point, so that there is a way to break out, otherwise there is only a dead end.” ”

“Aaaaah! Solon, hurry up and find a way! Usopp immediately ran over and hugged his thighs.

“It’s noisy, shut up for me!” Solon yelled.

“Everyone calm down, now if you don’t unite together, there is only one way to die, and attack one point together with the strongest move.” Bell said loudly.

Klockdar, who was standing on top of the sand wave, looked at the Solon people below, playing with the taste: “Still doing a dying struggle?” Stupid pirates. ”

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