After Ace got rid of Smogg, he directly found the largest restaurant, I don’t know if it was a coincidence, as soon as Ace entered, he just saw Luffy sitting on the stage eating, walked over, patted Luffy on the shoulder and said, “Hey, Luffy, so you’re here!” ”

Luffy turned his head and said, “Oh, it’s Ace!” ”

Suddenly startled, ‘poof’, sprayed all the contents of his mouth on Ace’s face, and said: “Ace, why did you appear here!” ”

“Hey, hey, you guy, is this how I gave me a meeting gift when I saw your brother?” Ace said helplessly, wiping the scum on his face with a towel: “Are you surprised to see me here?” Didn’t you see the message I left on Magnetic Drum Island? ”

“Magnetic Drum Island, what message did you leave behind!” Luffy said suspiciously.

“You guy, forget it, it’s not an important thing anyway, it’s great to be able to see you here, Luffy.” Ace said with some relief.

Luffy showed his big teeth and smiled, “Ah! I’m also very happy to see you here, but I heard that you seem to have joined the Whitebeard Pirates, and what kind of captain of the second team? ”

“Ah! It’s true, Whitebeard is the best pirate I’ve ever met, and I want to make him One Piece, but it’s not you, Luffy. Ace said lightly.

Luffy said a little helplessly, “Is it? Then I’m really lucky! If I had joined your pirate group, I would definitely be a member of the Whitebeard Pirate group by now. ”

“I just wanted to ask you, Luffy, how’s it going! Do you want to join the Whitebeard Pirates? Of course, your partner can also come together, and I believe that with Luffy’s strength, you can also be a captain in the Whitebeard Pirates. Ace invited Luffy.

“I think it’s better to forget it! Although Whitebeard is the strongest pirate in the world, but now Whitebeard is also old, no matter how strong his strength is just an ordinary person, the strongest pirate may not be him, when I get to the new world, I will break him, as for joining! I guess how could I possibly join him! But Ace, the person who wants to become One Piece is me, even if you want Whitebeard to become One Piece. Luffy said confidently.

Ace listened and laughed loudly: “Hahaha, sure enough! You kid is still the same arrogant, I was the same as you, ran to challenge Whitebeard, but failed, Whitebeard is the strongest and best pirate I have ever seen. ”

“This is confidence, Ace, forget it, now I am preparing to kill Klockdar of the Seven Martial Seas first, let the world see my strength first, and increase my bounty significantly.” Luffy said confidently.

“So your purpose is Klockdar! Straw Hat Kid. At this time, a voice came from behind.

As soon as Ace and Luffy turned their heads, Luffy was a little surprised, “Smogg, why are you here!” You should be in Roguetown, right? Are you…”

“He seems to have come after you, and Smog is also very hard, chasing all the way from the town of Rogue in the East China Sea to the great shipping route.” Ace quipped playfully.

Luffy pretended to be embarrassed and said, “I’m so sorry! Smogg, since you have run such a long way to chase me, you must be very tired! Would you like to come over for a drink? ”

“Don’t tell me this, Straw Hat Boy, see that I can still be so relaxed.” Smogg looked at the two brothers who didn’t put themselves in their eyes at all, and said a little angrily.

“I don’t want to fight you, if you don’t honestly guard Rogue Town, aren’t you afraid that the rest of the pirate group will pass through your defense line? This will damage the prestige of your white hunter. Luffy said playfully.

Smog said coldly: “The guy who escaped from my hands, I will arrest him no matter how far he goes, so you are also obediently arrested by me!” ”

Luffy smiled playfully, “Okay! Then I’ll play with you a little! Think of it as an after-dinner exercise! Ace, you are not allowed to shoot. ”

Ace ate Luffy’s meat just now and said, “Don’t worry!” That’s what I planned to do in the first place, Luffy, let me see your strength too!” ”

Luffy took off the ten hands behind his back and aimed them at Smogg.

Smogg’s eyes were cold, and he looked at the ten hands in Luffy’s hand and said, “That is?” ”

“Want to go back? This is your weapon! Luffy said a little playfully: “Actually, I like it very much, compared to this weapon, it is set with sea lou stones, and it is more convenient to deal with those who have abilities.” ”

“If there is no need for that, the weapon will be given to you.” Smog said coldly, and at the same time took out a handful of the same ten hands as Luffy from his back, “In exchange, give me your head!” Straw Hat Kid. ”

Saying that, Smogg’s body turned into a cloud of smoke and hit Luffy with ten hands, Luffy knew that the ten hands were the ingredients of the sea lou stone, but he didn’t want to use his body to resist, and took the ten hands as Smogg’s ten hands.

“Don’t underestimate me, Smogg.” Speaking of Luffy’s use of his ten hands, although Luffy generally uses his own fist to punch directly with a punch, but this ten hands are not a sword, just hold it and hit it, and it does not affect his ability to play rubber fruits.

Luffy pointed the tip of his ten hands at Smog and roared, “Stretch the rubber gun and stick to beat around.” ”

“Do you think I’ll lose the same move? Straw Hat Kid. Smogg did not look at Luffy at all this time, the ten hands in his hand constantly blocked Luffy’s ten hands, and he who used this weapon naturally understood that if he was attacked by Hailou Stone, it was worse than being attacked by a domineering fist, and if Hailou Stone hit him, he would immediately be powerless.

“Damn it! White Snake. Smogg grabbed the white snake and grabbed Luffy’s arms directly, yelling, “I’m not going to let you escape, Straw Hat Kid.” ”

“Is it? It’s a pity that you are destined to be disappointed and enter second gear. In an instant, Luffy’s whole body was steaming, and his hands directly turned around to grab Smogg, and he roared lowly: “You can’t beat me, Smogg, stretch freely· JIE rubber plutonium. ”

Luffy hit Smogg’s head, Smog was in pain, and the whole person was knocked out by Luffy, and Ace on the side said excitedly: “Oh, it’s really Luffy, it’s quite powerful!” ”

Luffy looked at Ace, who was eating leisurely on the side, and said, “Ace, now that the navy has come to this city, it seems that I can’t stay here, let’s go!” How about going to my boat first! ”

“Hugh wants to escape.” Smogg, who got up from the ground, immediately hit Luffy.

Luffy and Ace jumped in both directions, and the ground was directly punched out of a big hole by Smogg, and Ace said a little playfully: “Luffy, look!” You seem to have him off! ”

Luffy chuckled, “Is it? I’m sorry, Smogg, although I know you want to capture me, but with your current strength, I am afraid that you will not be able to defeat me, so why not let me go? ”

Smogg said coldly: “Less proud, straw hat boy, don’t think that if you understand a little domineering, you will definitely be able to defeat me.” ”

“Is it? Anyway, I don’t plan to really fight you, goodbye. With that, Luffy and Ace ran straight out.

Smogg yelled, “Damn, stop for me, Straw Hat Kid.” ”

As soon as he came out of the restaurant, Smog chased Luffy and Ace and the two of them chased more and more navy at once, and Smog shouted: “, don’t run, straw hat kid, stop for me.” ”

Luffy finally found Solon and immediately ran to them, exclaiming, “Hey, everyone, ready to set sail.” ”

“Aaaaah! Hey, Luffy, what are you doing with so many navies! Hurry up and take them aside. Solon yelled.

“I know this kind of thing.” Luffy said loudly.

Ace looked at Smog and the navy who chased after him, and said lightly: “Oh, he is really persevering!” Luffy, are you going to let him chase him all the way like this? ”

Luffy said playfully, “How come! I just took him out and hit him in a slightly more spacious place. As soon as the words fell, Luffy braked one by one, and the whole person turned around.

He said to his partner in the back: “It seems that everyone is here!” Fortunately, no one was arrested, so let’s go first! I’ll chase you right away. ”

The soldier behind Smog immediately raised his gun and yelled, “Hugh wants to escape, Straw Hats.” ”

Ace opened his arm and roared lowly: “Yan Net.” ”

The whole road was completely blocked by Ace’s flames, and said, “Okay, now that traffic is prohibited here, let’s play with you a little!” ”

Luffy said with some excitement: “Speaking of which, I haven’t joined forces with Ace for a long time, and now Ace has eaten the Burning Fruit, and his strength must be much stronger than before!” ”

“That’s natural, and you’ll definitely see it in a while.” Ace said confidently.

Smogg looked at Luffy and Ace blocking here, and the navy behind him was completely afraid to advance because of the high temperature of Ace’s flame, this situation even Smogg understood that Luffy and Ace were not easy guys to deal with, if you want to deal with the two of them at once, it can be said that there is almost no chance of victory, but Smogg, who is like a cow, will not admit defeat, and said coldly: “Although there is no way to catch the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates, as long as you are the captain, those guys will not worry.” ”

“What a confidence! Smogg, where did you get this confidence! Luffy said lightly, “Let’s be honest! I don’t have any interest in you, compared to Smogg, your strength is completely dependent on the fruit of that natural system, and now you don’t know how to be domineering, and your physical skills are ordinary, you are not my opponent at all. ”

“Whether it’s an opponent or not, then you have to fight to know!” White Storm. Saying that, his whole body directly turned into a tornado and hit Luffy.

Now Smog just couldn’t find where the others were at all, Luffy chuckled, “Don’t think that if you hide, I won’t be able to attack you and enter second gear.” ”

Saying that, Luffy’s whole person jumped into the air, his hands and feet were all hardened with armed colors, and he roared lowly: “Break it all up for me!” Fireworks rain with free contraction. ”

The hands and feet launched a comprehensive attack at the same time, hitting the smoke, and the attack fell on Smogg’s body at once, and the victory and defeat were divided in an instant.

“Colonel Smogg.” The navies were surprised, and Smogg, who had always thought that he was super powerful, had been defeated twice by Luffy.

The navy knows that although Smog is only a colonel, his strength is not at all lost to a major admiral, and even comparable to a vice admiral, but it is a pity that Smog relies too much on his own devil fruit, thinking that nature is an invincible existence, and when it encounters Luffy, it will only be defeated.

“That’s awesome! Luffy, since he immediately divided the victory and defeat. Ace looked at Luffy’s strength, and was also surprised in his heart, originally thought that he went to sea three years earlier than Luffy, and his current strength should be far stronger than Luffy, and now he found that even if he wanted to win Luffy now, it was not easy, I really don’t know what kind of cultivation Luffy has carried out in the past three years.

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