Nami asked lightly, “You mean to say that he may be Luffy’s brother, and he came here to find Luffy.” ”

“I’m not sure about that.” Wei Wei said lightly.

At this time, Solon looked at the female navy Daschi who had met him above Rogue Town, and immediately hid in some horror: “Why did that woman appear here!” If it had anything to do with him, it would be miserable. ”

“What’s wrong? Solon. At this time Usopp came over and asked.

“Hey, Dusty.” At this time, Smogg, who had been above Rogue Town, walked over, threw several pirates on his shoulders on the ground, and said, “It’s just a group of pirates.” ”

“Colonel Smogg, does the Colonel still hate pirates so much when he comes to such a remote country?” Dusty said respectfully.

Smog snorted coldly, “Instead of having time to say this, it’s better to send these pirates to the Kingdom Army!” ”

At this time, Smogg suddenly looked at the man who passed by directly and yelled: “You give me a stop.” ”

The man turned around and chuckled, “Is there something going on?” Colonel of the Navy headquarters, Smogg. ”

Smog said coldly: “I didn’t expect that since I would meet a pirate like you here, and pass in front of me so openly, why would a pirate like you appear here, the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, Portcar D Ace.” ”

Dusty and the surrounding navy listened, and immediately looked at Ace warily: “Is he the Fire Fist Ace of the Whitebeard Pirates?” ”

“Whitebeard Pirates.” “Yes! The logo behind him is the logo of the Whitebeard Pirates. “Why are the people of the Whitebeard Pirates here?” The surrounding people also looked at Ace and the navy in surprise.

The group of straw hats hiding behind also looked at Ace in surprise, “Since he is really Luffy’s brother!” “The second team of the Whitebeard Pirates is opposite, Ace.”

Smogg looked at Ace and said, “What is the purpose of you coming here, what is the relationship between the straw hat kid and you.” ”

“Hmph, he is my younger brother, as for the purpose of my coming here, it is to find him.” Ace said lightly: “But since your navy knows about my relationship with Luffy, ah!” But it doesn’t matter, it’s not a matter of not seeing people anyway, right! ”

“Really? I also guessed this, three years ago, the straw hat kid ran into the pirate group of spades under the pseudonym Luci, and then disappeared, and now it suddenly appears again, are you here to find him? Smog said lightly.

“That’s right, but I haven’t found it yet, so what are you going to do to me!” Ace said indifferently.

Smog let out a breath of smoke and said, “You just need to be caught by me obediently.” ”

“No, now I still want to go find Luffy, but I can’t be caught by you.” Ace said playfully, not taking Smog in his eyes at all.

“I think so! I just want to catch the straw hat kid now, but if he knows that your brother is caught, he won’t let it go!” Smog said flatly, and his hands began to smoke white.

He said to the surrounding navy: “Don’t shoot, this man is not something you can handle.” ”

Ace said a little playfully: “If I am caught by you, then I don’t think I will have the face to see Luffy, forget it, let’s play with you a little!” ”

“White Snake.”

“Pillar of Fire.”

A flame directly forced Smogg’s smoke back, and Ace said lightly: “It’s a little difficult for fire and smoke to separate the winner and loser!” However, the destructive power of fire is far stronger than smoke, if it continues, I am afraid that I will burn everything around me, do you want to become such a result? ”

“Then you can honestly be caught by me, can’t you? White emitter. Saying that, Smogg’s fists quickly emitted white smoke.

Ace smiled disdainfully: “You can’t catch me with this kind of power, you are still very early, Fire Fist.” ”

Just one move directly forced Smogg’s smoke back, although it did not cause any harm to Smogg, but the people around him were miserable.

Ace said lightly: “I think we should stop!” If you continue to fight, I am afraid that I will burn this city down, and with your strength, don’t try to catch me, goodbye.” Saying that, Ace turned around and fled directly.

Smogg did not chase, just as Ace said, even if he caught up, with his strength, he was not Ace’s opponent at all, and said to Dusty: “Hurry up and let people put out the fire and rescue the wounded, fast.” ”

“Yes, Colonel Smogg.”

Smogg looked in the direction Ace left and said, “Damn, damn Fire Fist Ace, I didn’t expect that since you would appear here, it seems that things have become a little bad.” ”

Having just escaped the Straw Hats, Solon looked at Ace, who had disappeared, and scolded: “Damn it! Is this Luffy’s brother? It’s really a monster like Luffy! ”

Locke said flatly: “He is the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and I have also heard of the name of Fire Fist Ace, and it seems that he is also a pirate with a very high bounty, although I don’t know how much, but it should be higher than the captain.” ”

Usopp complained, “Sure enough! The monster’s brother is indeed a big monster! ”

Nami said a little excitedly, “But with Luffy’s brother to help, the chances of defeating Crockdar are much higher!” Even that Navy Smogg didn’t seem to be his opponent at all! ”

Shangis said lightly: “Ah! If he was really looking for Luffy, he should have found it, so let’s do what we have to do now! ”

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