The little girl looked at Luffy and suddenly slumped and cried.

Luffy waved his hand a little helplessly and said, “Sure enough! The little girl is the little girl, and she cries when she is a little scared, which is really boring. ”

“Hey, Luffy, stop talking about this, hurry up and save us!” Usopp yelled.

“Ah! I see, armed color hardened, flexible rubber machine gun. ”

‘Bang bang’ The entire Holy Grail collapsed at once, and a flame directly ignited the whole thing, and Luffy grabbed Carmen and Nami inside, saying, “Nami two are okay!” ”

“You want to kill us!” Nami yelled.

“You have wronged me, but I am saving you!” If you don’t melt the wax with fire, you will have an impression of your smooth skin. Luffy said a little teasingly.

“Aaaaah! It’s so hot, Luffy, why did you only save Nami and Carmen! It’s too heavy to color and light friends! Usopp yelled as soon as he ran out.

“What is heavy color light friend! I only have two hands, of course there is no way to save you. Luffy said lightly.

Nami also immediately said: “That’s right, you are also a man!” Do you want our two ladies to be roasted by fire!” ”

The flames melted the wax on the two giants on the side, and Usopp immediately ran over and asked, “Master Brockie, are you all right?” ”

“Master?” Luffy whispered.

“It seems to be because Usopp adores him! Said to become a warrior like that giant in the future. Nami said lightly.

“Dongli, woooo Looking at his dead friend, Broki wailed.

Luffy said with some complaints, “Did Usopp really say that?” ”

Nami was a little dumbfounded, looking at the giant’s tears as majestic as rain, “Ah! It really seems to have been said! ”

“Hey, Luffy, huh, is this a giant? It’s so big! Solon looked at the two giants in front of him.

“What the hell is going on!” Akin asked suspiciously.

Then, Carmen told them roughly what happened here, and Luffy said lightly, “How long is this giant going to cry!” ”

“It should be said that it is really worthy of being a giant, this is also too powerful!” Nami on the side complained.

At this time, Dongli, who had originally fallen next to Brockie, suddenly woke up, but Brocky was startled, and said, “Dongli, you, you are still alive!” ”

“Ah! It hurts, I seem to have fainted just now. Dong used his sword to support his body.

Shangis was surprised: “It’s really a giant!” The vitality is really tenacious! ”

Locke stroked his glasses and said: “No, it should be the reason for the weapon, they have been fighting for a hundred years, their weapons have long lost their sharpness, and it is natural that there is no way to cut people to death.” ”

Luffy said lightly, “Okay! Since everyone is okay and enough food has been collected, there is no need to stay on this island any longer, let’s go! Travel to Alabastan. ”

Usopp listened to Luffy’s words and immediately said, “I’m sorry, Master Brockie, now I’m going to continue my voyage, but one day I’ll be like you, a brave sea warrior, and I’ll go to Elpabu later, goodbye.” ”

“It seems that they are really in a hurry!” Brokey looked at the group that left and said lightly: “Dongli, can you still move?” ”

“Naturally, for the benefactors who have protected the glory of our Elpab, let us give them a ride!” Dongli slowly stood up and said.

As soon as he went out to sea, Luffy noticed that the two giants were now standing on the shore, and Luffy wondered, “How could the two of them be here!” ”

“Did you come to send us?” Solon said lightly.

At this time, the giant Dongli said to himself: “On this island, the biggest reason why it cannot survive is here, on this route, there is an island-eating whale, you have protected our glory, we will definitely block the glory of our Elpab, and we will also send you to sea.” ”

“Island whales?” Luffy said a little solemnly.

“Just go straight like this.” Dongli said loudly.

“Is the island whale the size of the Twin Gorge Rab?” Akin Whale Road.

Solon asked lightly, “What should I do?” Captain. ”

Luffy chuckled, “Do you still need to ask about this kind of thing?” Just go straight ahead. ”

At this time, the surface of the water gradually rose, a huge red whale opened the blood basin mouth, Solon looked at this whale in surprise, although he had just listened to the two giants, his heart was prepared, but he was shocked when he saw it, and said: “This guy, it’s really big!” ”

“Aaaaah! Hurry up, hurry up! Nami yelled.

“No, Master Brockie said let’s go straight ahead.” Usopp said loudly.

Locke grabbed Usopp unpleasantly and said, “Who the hell are you listening to!” Do you want to be eaten by whales? ”

“Even if it’s too late to turn now, just go straight to the past!” I can make a hole in its body. Luffy said with a little solemnity.

“Is it? Luffy, is it really okay? Nami looked at Luffy with some longing.

Luffy looked at Nami’s eyes, touched Nami’s head, and smiled confidently, “When have I ever disappointed everyone!” You’re good to go! ”

Luffy bit the thumb of his right hand, blew air inside, how his right arm quickly grew larger, became a giant’s arm, and chuckled: “It’s too easy to open a hole from the inside, no matter how hard it is on the outside, the inside will never be exercised, armed color hardened, flexible spear gun.” ”


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