“What’s going on!” At this time, a strong wind suddenly blew over, making a loud noise, and Shangis said with some discomfort.

Luffy grabbed the branch, ran directly up, looked at where two people like a hill were fighting in the distance, and was surprised: “Since it is a giant race, I didn’t expect to see a giant here.” ”

“Hey, Luffy, what kind of giant are you talking about!” Shangis asked with some doubt.

“Come up and see for yourselves!” Saying that, Luffy’s arm stretched out and directly grabbed Shangis and Vivi.

“That’s, the Giant Clan, although I have heard rumors, but this is the first time I have seen it!” Vivi was surprised.

Luffy chuckled, “These two guys are really powerful!” It is obviously so big, since the body is still so agile. ”

Shangis said with some worry: “That monster Miss said on Sunday that this island is dangerous, there are giants!” Be careful, don’t be discovered by them, or it will be miserable. ”

“Don’t worry! Both of them are now dueling and don’t notice ours. Luffy grinned his teeth, “Besides, even if it’s discovered, it doesn’t matter!” Although I am a giant, my strength is definitely above them, so there is no need to worry. ”

Shangjis complained a little: “You are really so confident at any time!” Luffy. ”

After the battle, Luffy watched as both of them fell to the ground, gasping for breath, Luffy said, “It seems that the fight is a tie!” But these two guys are really powerful! ”

“Let’s go! Anyway, we have permanent pointers, so there’s no need to stay here all the time, and I understand why the island is called a small garden. Luffy said lightly.

Shangis looked at Luffy with slight doubt, and Luffy pointed to the two giants: “Is there a monster stronger than these two giants on this island?” Although this island is big for us, it is not the same thing for them giants. ”

“That’s how it is!” Shangis said with a look of understanding.

Back on the ship, Solon and they all brought food back, but found that Nami, Usopp, and Carmen didn’t know where to run, Solon wondered: “Strange, aren’t they supposed to be on the ship?” ”

Wei Wei said anxiously: “They won’t be attacked by the monsters on the island!” ”

“It’s possible! The combat effectiveness of the three of them is not strong, and I am afraid that they will not be able to deal with the monsters on the island. Locke said lightly.

Luffy said lightly: “Really, I hope they haven’t been eaten by the animals on this island, in that case, then I have to go find them, it’s best for a few of you to work in pairs, don’t act alone, there may be monsters on this island that can’t be dealt with.” ”

Solon said unpleasantly: “It seems that we will also be killed, hey, Luffy, don’t you also see the domineering of the smell?” How about using that to find out! ”

“How is this possible! The island is so big, well, hurry up and look for it, if you don’t find it, you will meet on the boat in an hour. Luffy said unpleasantly, saying that he also immediately jumped into the air using the moon step, still looking for it from the air.

“That is?” Luffy searched for a while, and suddenly saw a huge chalice or something, and there were two giants upside down, Nami and the three seemed to be trapped in the huge chalice together, next to it was Mr5 and Miss Valentine’s Day that they had met before at Whiskey Peak, and there were two guys they didn’t know on the side.

Miss Valentine’s Day looked at the Usopp trio above: “Ahahaha, this is simply art!” You’re all going to be wax figures in a while, and think about the way your captain looks at you in a moment, your trick is amazing, Mr3, ahahaha. ”

“Do you still need to say this kind of thing? Compared to you, the level between us is completely different. The guy with a pair of glasses and a three’s on his head said.

“Damn it! How do I feel that my body is a little stiffer, and my breathing has become so difficult! Nami said a little sadly.

Mr3 said playfully: “That is very simple, the gas that should be burned has gradually been inhaled by you, and in ten minutes, your body will completely turn into a wax figure from the inside.” ”

Luffy rushed down and looked at a few people, “You guys, what the hell do you want to do to my partner!” ”

“It’s you guy.” Mr5 looked at Luffy and said coldly.

“This task will be left to us, Mr3, we will strike the shame of whisky peaks.” Miss said unpleasantly on Valentine’s Day.

“Luffy, hurry up and save us!” “Luffy, hurry up and knock them down, or we’ll turn into wax figures.”

“Looks like you’re all right! Rest assured! I’ll come to your rescue right away. Luffy looked at the two and said lightly, “But you guys are really bold when you say it!” Since you still dare to appear in front of me, this time I will completely end you. ”

“What a shame! That’s what we’re going to say. “This time we won’t be as careless as we were last time.”

Luffy chuckled, “I don’t have time to play with you, get out of the way for me!” Saying that, Luffy appeared in front of Mr5 with a shave, and roared: “Retractable, rubber pistol.” ”

“Mr5.” Miss Valentine’s Day looked at Mr5 flying out in surprise and shouted.

“Retractable, rubber stamp.” Luffy’s paw was directly printed on Miss’s pretty face on Valentine’s Day, killing her in the same second, looking at Mr3 on the side and the little loli next to him.

“It’s your turn now, stretchable rubber bullets.”

“Candle wall.” Mr3 is very smart, Luffy’s speed is fast, he can’t see clearly at all, no matter if Luffy wants to fight from above, as long as all the defenses are enough, at the same time complaining about the boss in his heart, how to deal with such a strong strength but don’t say a word at all!

Luffy’s fist hit it, punching out cracks, and Mr3 inside shouted, “Aaaaa You can’t stop it at all! ”

“Cut, this is really hard! Armament-colored, hardened, flexible rubber pistol. Blessed with the domineering spirit of armed color, he broke the candle wall of Mr3 in an instant, knocked Mr3’s whole person out, looked at the little loli on the side coldly, and said: “Now you are left alone, little girl.” ”

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