“Luffy, you won’t want to?” Nami asked with a twitch at the corner of her mouth.

Luffy quickly disappeared in place with a shaving, jumped onto Rab’s head, looked at the scars on Rab’s head, and yelled, “Stretch free, rubber JIE Tomahawk.” “A foot fell violently, and his right foot sank directly into Rab’s head.

“Ahh Rab groaned in pain, and his huge body suddenly jumped up and crashed into the Red Earth Continent.

Luffy pulled his foot out, jumped into the air and chuckled, “Hmph, although the body is very large, it seems that the injury on the head is always your weakness!” Rab. ”


“Hmph, Arashi, Zhou Broken.” Looking at Rab who rushed over, Luffy quickly kicked out a vacuum, and the strong Lan foot like a chopping blow suddenly cut a blood mark tens of meters long on Rab’s head.

“Ahh Raab shouted at Luffy in the sky again.

Luffy said playfully, “It seems to hurt!” But this is just the beginning, try this trick! Armament color, hardened arm, flexible rubber siege gun. ”

It quickly hit Rab’s head, and the already scarred head was suddenly beaten by Luffy’s blood.

Luffy fell to the ground and saw Raab rushing towards him, shouting, “Wait a minute, Rab.” ”

“Uh-huh.” The whale seemed to understand human words very well and immediately responded.

“You’re strong! But I’m stronger, right? This time, I think we will fight here first! Luffy chuckled, “You have such a huge scar on your head, even if I win, it’s not interesting, you can treat your injury well, and wait for the next time we will fight!” Let’s divide the winner and loser! Rab. ”

“Ahh Raab howled in response.

“But what? Until then, don’t hit the Red Earth Continent with your head, otherwise, the next fight with you won’t be fun at all. Luffy said playfully.

“By the way, I’ll leave you a mark!” Saying that, Luffy drew a straw hat pirate group logo on Rab’s head, and chuckled: “Okay, Rab, this is the proof of the agreement between us, now you are honestly here to heal the injury on your head, and you are not allowed to hit the red earth continent with your head, otherwise the sign on it will disappear, and after I finish sailing for a week, let’s have a good showdown!” Rab. ”


“It’s Luffy! It’s really amazing! Even such a big whale is not your opponent! Usopp came over and said excitedly.

“Do you still need to say that? And don’t look at who I am. Luffy said a little narcissistically.

Solon came over and asked, “Luffy, the move you just used in the sky is something like a slash!” ”

Luffy was a little surprised, and explained: “That move is called Lan Foot, it is a vacuum that kicks out, it belongs to a kick, it is not a chopper, but its power is not inferior to the slash.” ”

Shangis was surprised: “Since kicking can kick out of a vacuum, I have never heard of this!” ”

Kulokas on the side came over and said lightly: “Because this is the Navy’s move, the Navy’s ultimate physical skill, the Six Style, but I didn’t expect that the Navy’s move was learned by you a pirate.” ”

“Because that’s what my grandfather taught me!” Luffy said with some pride: “By the way, where are those two guys who were caught in Rab’s stomach before!” ”

Only then did everyone notice that Akin came over and said, “The two of them seem to have left just now, but it seems that the record pointer was left on the ship.” Saying that, Akin took out the pointer in his hand and said.

“Record pointer?” Everyone wondered.

Locke introduced: “Captain, don’t you know? In the great channel, the weather changes, and the magnetic field of the island is unpredictable, if you use our compass here, you can’t survive in the great channel, so you must have this thing, it can save the magnetic force of the island, when the magnetic force is full, it will guide us to the next island. ”

“That’s how it is!” Luffy said lightly: “Forget it, anyway, this kind of thing should let Nami worry about it, I don’t know Hainan Airlines, right!” Nami. ”

“It’s a pity! Captain, I just asked, this woman doesn’t seem to understand at all, obviously the navigator doesn’t even know this, captain, is it really okay to let him be the navigator on our ship? Locke said with some contempt, Locke completely looked down on the weak, the most hated on the ship was Usopp, followed by Nami, who had always thought that Nami’s sailing skills were very good before recognizing her.

“You fellow, what do you mean by that!” Nami yelled in dissatisfaction.

Locke stroked his glasses and said with some disdain: “Sure enough, the little girl is the little girl, although it has great potential, but I don’t even understand the most basic things.” ”

“You guy, since you dare to say such things to the lovely Miss Nami, it seems that you are also a little self-righteous!” Shangis said unpleasantly.

Locke stroked his glasses and said, “I’m just stating a fact, I don’t even know the basics, and if she doesn’t even know this, I don’t feel comfortable letting him be a navigator on our ship.” ”

“Okay, Locke, you’ll take a rough look at these!” Luffy played the circle, he knew that Locke would not joke with others at all, only if he came out to play the circle.

Locke ignored Shangis’s angry eyes and said, “Actually, I haven’t been to the Great Passage, and I don’t know too much detail, but each island of the Great Passage is rich in rich ores, and there are magnetic fields between the islands are very strange, and the wind direction and currents are completely unable to determine the direction, if you want to sail in the Great Channel, you must need this record pointer.” ”

“So that’s it!” Nami said.

Kulokas on the side helped to add: “He hasn’t said me yet, in fact, and in the great passage, the magnetic field between the islands is connected, when you get on the island, the recording pointer will store the magnetic field inside, and after the magnetic force is stored, it will point to the next island, and you can’t leave the island until the magnetic force is full.” ”

“That’s really unpleasant! In that case, if the magnetic field of an island is stored for a year and a half, doesn’t it have to wait? Luffy said with some discomfort.

Kulokas said lightly: “That’s not it, there is a permanent pointer, that is, no matter what, it always points to an island, no matter what, the magnetic field will not be replaced by other islands.” ”

“This is really chicken ribs! What’s the use of asking for an island pointer! After waiting for that island, it was completely useless. Luffy said a little nerve-wrackingly.

Kulokas said lightly: “There is no way, and the record pointer is only available in the cities of those larger islands, after you enter the great channel, first you will extend from the Upside Down Mountain, choose one of the seven magnetic belts, no matter which island you start sailing, you will finally be fixed on a shipping route.” ”

And the last island to arrive on was Lovedel. That is, the end of the great passage, only One Piece, Goldo Roger arrived on that island alone, it can be said to be a legendary island! Kulokas introduced.

“Lovedel?” Nami whispered.

Luffy said with some excitement, “Is that the end of the Great Passage?” WHERE IS THE LEGENDARY OEPIECE! ”

“This one! Who knows! But there’s a good chance it is. ”

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter anyway, anyway, I definitely plan to go where.” Luffy said confidently.

“Oops.” Luffy suddenly remembered something, suddenly ran to the inside of the boat, took the slippery fruit in his hand, and said, “Great, I thought my devil fruit was stolen by those two guys just now?” ”

“Don’t worry! Captain, as soon as the two of them escaped, I went immediately. Akin said lightly.

“But it’s not a solution to do this all the time! Hey, Nami, hurry up and eat this fruit! Luffy said as he took the Devil Fruit out of the box.

“Is this the Devil Fruit? I didn’t expect that there really was such a thing in the world, and I always thought it was a legend? Carmen on the side was surprised, although she knew that Luffy was the ability of the Devil Fruit, she had no idea what the Devil Fruit looked like.

“However, if you eat it, it will become a dry duck, and this is worth 100 million Baileys.” Nami’s eyes flashed greedily.

Luffy shouted, “This thing is priceless, do you eat it or not!” If I don’t eat it, I’ll give it to Carmen. ”

“You gave it to me!” Nami shouted as she grabbed Luffy by the collar.

“Hahahaha! Anyway, everyone is a partner! And the next thing to go to is the Great Passage, the Devil Fruit is something that everyone wants, what if it is stolen! As long as you eat this thing, you can become an ability, and it is not cost-effective to be stolen by others, and the 100 million Bailey owes it first. Luffy said with some persuasion.

Nami thought for a while, rolled her eyes, let Luffy go, and said a little slyly: “Yes!” But this devil fruit is worth 100 million Baileys, so I’ll lend you 100 million Baileys first, but…”

As soon as Solon heard this, he felt a sudden chill on his back, and Luffy said helplessly: “You want me to return it to you three times in the future, right?” ”

Nami was shocked when she heard this, and said angrily: “What is called three times!” It’s fivefold, five times. ”

“Oh yes? Solon is obviously three times, how come to me is five times! Luffy was a little surprised, this woman is too pitted!

“How do you know!” Solon exclaimed, kindly reminding: “Luffy, you obviously know that this woman eats people and does not spit bones, and you deliberately hit the muzzle. ”

“Solon, who eats people and doesn’t spit out bones!” Nami punched Solon and flew out.

Nami looked at Luffy and said, “How is it!” Luffy, as long as you promise, when the time comes, five times, that is, give me back five hundred million Baileys, I will just give you this devil fruit, how!” ”

Solon listened to this, swallowed his spit a little nervously, when he took Nami 100,000 Bailey, he asked for 300,000 Bailey, obviously he exchanged 100,000 Bailey for her on the same day, since he said that there was still a gap of 200,000.

“Forget it, whatever, anyway, 300 million or 500 million can be, come, Carmen, eat the slippery fruit!” After eating it, your skin can become extremely smooth. Luffy gave the Devil Fruit to Carmendo, and now he didn’t want to theorize about these things with Nami.

Nami saw that Luffy didn’t care about money at all, and didn’t have the feeling that Solon was borrowing money from him at that time, and exclaimed, “Hey, Luffy, did you really hear clearly?” It’s 500 million Baileys, plus in the village of Cocoasi, you promised me, if I join your pirate group, you will give me 1 billion Baileys, adding up to 1.5 billion Baileys, don’t forget, now you owe me 1.5 billion Baileys. ”

Solon Locke frowned slightly, and Solon said coldly: “Nami, don’t be too intrusive, even if the captain really says so, you can’t take it seriously, don’t forget that you are also a member of this ship, you have to find out your identity.” If it were just Solon himself, he might not care, but Luffy is the captain of this ship, and if a crew member says this and owes the crew money, then where is the majesty of the captain, he really can’t tolerate this.

Akin said coldly: “Miss Nami, in order to invite you to the ship, everything depends on you, and in order to help you defeat Along, you even made an agreement with you three years ago, don’t you think that you are a little too much for the captain like this?” ”

Locke looked at Nami with disdain, and said coldly: “What an ungrateful woman, what else do you think you really think you will be!” The navigator is more on the sea ahead, less proud. ”

Nami also found that she seemed to be a little excessive, it seemed that the cold eyes of Solon and several people, originally she was just talking and playing, but now she has become the public enemy of everyone, feeling that she is extremely wronged, tears are rolling in her eyes.

“You guys are too much! Since…”

“Don’t say that about Nami! You guys. Luffy interrupted Shangis and chuckled, “Have you forgotten my original agreement with Nami?” I said that if Aaron returns and doesn’t want to return the village to Nami, I will also knock Aaron down, but she will associate with me as a fiancée, and now she is on my boat, which means that she is my woman, since she is my woman, then isn’t her money also mine? Don’t be so nervous! Everyone. ”

As soon as Nami heard this, she snorted, “Hmph, who is your woman!” ”

“Okay, let’s go! Let’s go to the next island! ”

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