Armed color domineering hardened palms suddenly hit the whale’s body, although the use of three gears, into the giant’s arm, but and the whale’s huge body is also completely out of proportion, although the fist is small, but the power is completely not to be underestimated, a blow, attack to the whale’s body, suddenly in the whale to open a nest, the surrounding waves were also overturned by this impact tens of meters high.

“Fuck me off.” The strength increased again, and the powerful domineering fist suddenly shook the ship.

“Uh-huh.” The whale wailed miserably, and the huge body of 100 meters high ‘touched’ and poured into the water, splashing waves tens of meters high.

Solon and the others finally stabilized the boat, looked at the surprise of the fall, swallowed their saliva and said, “It’s so powerful!” ”

“Since you knocked down a whale that you hit, Luffy, you guy is really a monster!” Shangis looked at the whale that was as huge as the mountain in front of him and was knocked down by Luffy.

“Luffy, you whale won’t be killed by your palm!” Nami asked suspiciously.

“You think too highly of me! Although the use of the third gear of strength is a lot enhanced, how can there be a way to kill such a big fish! Luffy said lightly, “Wouldn’t it be nice if you obediently stay in the water?” It’s okay to run out, it’s really a stupid fish, but I think I must have fainted! Let’s go quickly! If the whale recovers in a moment, I am afraid it will go crazy, if I am not afraid, but if the boat is swallowed, it will be miserable. ”

Nami and the others recalled the huge whale just now, swallowed and said, “That’s right, hurry up, it will be bad if the fish wakes up.” ”

“Uh-huh.” At this time, the whale woke up and opened its mouth of blood for a hundred meters.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA The three of Nameusopkamen saw the whale and shouted.

Not to mention Nami three timid people, this kind of behemoth, even people like Solon Rock are frightened, this kind of guy can’t win at all!

“Luffy, hurry up and find a way!” “Hurry up, Luffy, use that move just now to knock it away!”

Luffy was a little surprised, “This guy is also a little too powerful!” Since I was hit by my grizzly gun just now, it has recovered so quickly, and yes! I’ve never seen a fish this big either. ”

Solon yelled, “Now is not the time to say this! ”

Luffy said indifferently: “Don’t worry, this whale is so big, our body is so small, even if it reaches its belly, it will be fine.” ”

“What are you kidding!” Humanity.

Luffy suddenly suggested at this time: “Hey, hey, calm down!” This guy’s skin is very thick, if you want to kill him, you can only attack from the inside, even if this fish is powerful, it can’t be so hard in the stomach! ”

Usopp suddenly realized: “Oh, yes, it seems that this is indeed the truth when you say this!” ”

“Just make a hole in its belly and we’ll be out.” Solon said confidently: “So that’s the case, it’s really a good way!” ”

“I still don’t want to be eaten, though.” Nami shouted.

The whale swallowed the Merry in one bite and slowly dived to the bottom of the sea.

Inside the whale, the Merry was swallowed to an extremely strange place, Nami looked around in surprise, there was an island, there was a sky, and whispered: “Here, where is it?” ”

“Are we all dreaming now?” Solon whispered suspiciously.

As soon as Solon finished speaking, Luffy hit Solon in the face with a ten-hand slap, and Solon yelled after falling to the ground, “What are you doing!” Luffy. ”

“Looks like you’re going to be in pain! It means that you are not dreaming, this should be the stomach of that whale! You look at the sea, it should be stomach acid. Luffy said lightly.

“Stomach, stomach acid.” Usopp said with some alarm.

At this time, an old man came out of the island house, and Solon was surprised: “Flowers? ”

“It’s an old man, see it clearly.” Shangis Road.

The old man looked at Luffy and his group coldly, his eyes seemed to be full of murderous aura, Luffy said a little unpleasantly: “Stinky old man, what kind of eyes are you!” ”

“Luffy, don’t provoke him!” Usopp was a little frightened by the old man’s eyes.

The old man looked at Luffy with cold eyes, sitting on the chair and reading the newspaper casually, and Shangis on the side yelled unpleasantly: “You have seen us for so long, but you have told us something!” ”

Locke on the side asked lightly: “Where is this place, I remember that we seem to have been swallowed by that whale!” ”

“This is the stomach of that Rab, the whale.” The old man said flatly.

“You said this is the stomach of a whale, but this is obviously it…” Usopp looked up at the sky and suddenly found that the clouds and seagulls in the sky were all stationary: “Are these all painted?” ”

Luffy twisted his fist and said, “Since it’s the whale’s stomach, it’s easy to do, isn’t that our purpose too?” Since this whale just outside was not knocked unconscious by me, he swallowed us, and now I can give him a big hole directly in the stomach of this fish. ”

“I advise you to stop! Will die. The old man said with cold eyes.

Luffy was upset, and his body immediately emitted heat, and he whispered, “Dead man, interesting!” Let’s take a look! Which of us two will die! ”

“Of course I’m going to die.” The old man said lightly.

The steam on Luffy’s body disappeared at once, and he roared unpleasantly: “You guy is playing me!” ”

“Luffy, calm down!” “The other party is just an old man, there is no need to be too serious with him.”

Solon chuckled and asked, “By the way, Grandpa, why are you here!” Is there any way you can get us out! ”

Old Man Hua looked at Solon coldly and said, “Before asking others, you should introduce yourself first!” ”

“Oh, that’s right! My name is…”

“My name is Kurokas, I am the caretaker of the Twin Gorges, and I am 71 years old.” The old man named Kurokas ignored Solon himself.

“You bastard!” Solon roared unpleasantly.

Kulokas pointed and said, “Just pass through that door and you can go outside.” ”

“Door! I didn’t expect that there was still such a thing in the belly of the whale! Usopp was surprised.

Suddenly, the sky shook, and Luffy shouted unpleasantly, “What the hell is that fish doing!” Since it suddenly became like this. ”

“Rab it, it’s hitting the Red Earth Continent with its head.” Kulokas said lightly, saying that he also immediately jumped into the stomach acid and swam towards the gate.

“Hey, what are you doing!” Usopp shouted.

Solon said lightly: “Leave him alone, let’s go out quickly!” If the ship has been in this sea of stomach acid, sooner or later it will be melted away. ”

“Aaaaaa Two men on the head fell into the sea from the other side of the door, shouting, “Aaaaa Help me! Save us! ”

“Who are those two guys!” Solon asked lightly.

Locke stroked his glasses and said, “Do you want to save them?” Captain, if they didn’t care, they would have melted in the sea of stomach acid! ”

“Cut, it’s not my subordinates, I care what they do!” Luffy looked at the two over there with some disdain, suddenly changed his attention, and said, “Forget it, go and save them by the way!” It seems that it should be an unlucky egg swallowed by this fish like us! ”

After a while, the whale gradually calmed down, Shangis and Akin rescued the two, and Luffy looked at the two: “It seems that the lives of the two of you are quite hard!” Since it has not been melted by stomach acid. ”

“Lovely young lady, are you all right?” Shangis flattered the blue-haired girl.

Kulokas came over from the other side of the door and said, “What’s going on, how are you two again!” As long as I’m alive, I won’t let you hurt Raab. ”

“Is it? Then you take a good look! I immediately made a big hole in the belly of this whale. Right! Mr9,” said the blue-haired girl with a chuckle.

“That’s right, Miss Wednesday.” Mr9 and Miss took out their cannons on Wednesday and pointed them at the sky next to them and said, “You’re good looking!” ”

With a ‘touch’, two shells were fired, and Kulokas immediately jumped up and blocked the shell with his body.

Usopp was surprised: “Grandpa, since he used his body to file the shell.” ”

“Do you want to protect this whale?” Solon said lightly: “But since you have found the exit, let this whale go!” But we are also under no obligation to save it. ”

Luffy kicked the two men unconscious, and Shangis shouted, “Aaaaa Miss Wednesday. ”

“Che, it’s really unpleasant to look at being so comfortable on my boat.” Luffy said lightly.

After rescuing Kulokas, Kulokas will also tell Luffy and others about Raab, and also bring Luffy and others out of the whale’s body, Luffy said excitedly: “It’s always out!” ”

Locke looked at Mr9 and Miss Wednesday and said lightly: “It turns out that the two of them want the meat of this whale, but this whale’s perseverance is really firm!” After so many years, since it is still waiting. ”

“What a man! This is the agreement with the partner, but the group has made it wait for fifty years. Usopp said with some excitement.

Solon said disdainfully: “Idiot! I want to know it! That group of guys would have died a long time ago. ”

“It won’t! Not necessarily, they are now pirate above the sea! Usopp said with some excitement.

“Unfortunately, the truth is always cruel, and after those years, I heard that their group had disappeared into the Great Passage, which is very dangerous compared to the Great Passage fifty years ago.” Kulokas said lightly.

“That’s a shame! But no, why not tell Raab about the loss! Isn’t it about being able to understand what you’re saying? Luffy asked with some doubt.

“Actually, I told Rab a long time ago, but he didn’t listen at all, and every day he yelled at the Upside Down Mountain like this, hitting the Red Earth Continent with his head.” Kulokas said with some sadness: “If it goes on like this, Rab will die sooner or later.” ”

Usopp said a little helplessly: “What a poor whale!” Since the agreement that has been adhered to is going to come to naught like this, pitiful! ”

Luffy suddenly had an idea and said, “Actually, there are many ways to save this whale!” Just make an agreement with him! Isn’t it very respectful of its conventions with others? ”

“Engagement?” Nami wondered.

“It’s useless, Rab can’t listen to it at all, I’ve tried to remake an agreement with him before.” Kulokas said a little helplessly.

“Just watch it! Isn’t it just a whale? If the future One Piece can’t even clean up a fish, then how can he be your captain! Enter, second gear. Luffy said as he gradually released steam from his body.

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