At the headquarters of the navy, in the office, a middle-aged man wearing frog glasses, a sea hat on his head, and a beard in the shape of a twisted flower, this person is the supreme leader of the navy, Buddha no Sengoku.

“Lord Marshal, I have a group of new pirates from the East China Sea here, because of some circumstances, I can’t give them a bounty correctly now.” Brigadier General Brannor walked into the office respectfully.

“Oh, I’m a little interested in this, let’s take a look!” Sengoku asked with some interest.

“Yes.” Saying that, Brigadier General Brannu took out the photo in his hand and said, “First of all, this person, he is from the West Rob Village in the East China Sea, and he is also a red-haired pirate group, the son of Jesus Bu, I am afraid he also inherited his father’s sniping talent!” ”

Then there was this man, Rorora Solon, a man recognized by Hawkeye, and he, Shangis, who seemed to be a descendant of the Chef Pirates’ Red-footed Jeep, and here there was the Creek Pirates’ combat captain, Akin, and Locke, the Bobcat who had deceived the navy distribution by faking his death. And where is a girl named Nami, who once seemed to be a cadre of the Aaron Pirates! ”

“At the same time, their captain Monchi D Luffy is also a very powerful guy, originally I didn’t find it at first, but after careful investigation, we found that three years ago he went to sea with Fire Fist Ace, and the deputy captain of the spades pirate group who became famous at one stop, Luci, seems to be the same person as this straw hat Luffy, three years ago we thought he was dead, but we didn’t expect to choose to go to sea.”

“Marshal, it’s not the most important thing yet, the main thing is that this guy doesn’t know why, since he will be our navy’s naval six style, although there are only two styles of moon step and shaving, but it is definitely not to be underestimated, and a new person, since he will also be armed with domineering, of course, it is only a preliminary determination at present, after all, there is no enemy in the East China Sea who can fight with him at all, according to the report, even the pirate Governor Crick of the East China Sea, Bucky the Clown, Fishman Aaron, These guys were all easily solved by this straw hat Luffy. ”

Warring States listened to this report, his eyes became a little solemn, and said: “Huh? You did the right thing this time, they are indeed some guys that cannot be ignored, and I didn’t think that since so many terrible guys were gathered together, if left unchecked, they would definitely pose a very big threat to the Navy. ”

Sengoku said lightly: “Since he had a bounty of 30 million yuan three years ago, now he is even more of a terrible guy, although he is a newcomer, but since he can explore the naval six style and domineering by himself, he definitely can’t underestimate his potential, and this straw hat Luffy has a bounty of 100 million Bailey, Roroya Solon, a bounty of 45 million Bailey, Shangis Bounty to him 35 million Bailey, Usopp Bounty to him 30 million Bailey, the rest of the people you just watch and give!” ”

“Yes, Lord Marshal.” Brannou said respectfully.

“Also, tell Smog that if you meet Straw Hat Kiddy in Rogue Town, you must take him down.” Sengoku reminded that although Smogg’s temper is a little hot, his strength is there, even if Smog can’t take down the Straw Hat Kid, you can see his real strength.

When he left, Sengoku gritted his teeth and said: “Bastard Karp, since it is your family again, it is good that it was discovered early, otherwise there must be a scourge, come here!” Give His Majesty the King Seven Wuhai, Shah Krockdar, and tell him directly that if he encounters a new pirate named Luffy the Straw Hat, he can directly capture or erase him. “After doing this, Sengoku is a little easier, although he doesn’t think much of Crokdal’s strength, but he is also a person who has challenged Whitebeard, and there should be no problem dealing with a pirate newcomer.”

“Captain, captain, look! Luffy’s kid has already gone to sea. “An island in the New World, a minions cried.

The red-haired Shanks took the bounty slip and said excitedly: “Oh, it’s true!” Luffy, this kid, since he was rewarded with 100 million Bailey for the first time he went to sea, this guy is also too powerful! ”

Raki on the side corrected, “That’s not right! Captain, Luffy actually went to sea with Ace once three years ago, but his name was Lucy at that time, and he was offered a reward of 30 million at that time, which was the second reward. ”

“Well, don’t care about these details, the last time I went to sea was simply a joke, this time is the real sea, no matter what, since the bounty for the first time to go to sea is over 100 million, it’s really powerful!” Little ones, to celebrate Luffy’s departure to the sea, let’s have a banquet! Red-haired Shanks said excitedly.

Great Passage, a man looked at Luffy’s bounty slip and excitedly said, “Oh, there really is a set!” Luffy, well, since you’ve already gone to sea, it just so happens that Tichy guy seems to have heard that he appeared in the area of Alabastan! Let’s go meet each other! Luffy, I hope you don’t get too surprised this time! ”

In the windmill village, after a few days of sailing, Luffy finally came, and shouted: “Okay, brethren, rest here today, finish resupplying food and water, and tomorrow we will go directly to Rogue Town, and it is almost time to set off for the great waterway.” ”

Solon got off the boat and said, “Is this the village where you were born?” ”

“Yes, let’s go! Let me take you to a place! Luffy chuckled.

Coming to Marcino’s hotel, which was still lively, Luffy chuckled, “Hey, long time no see, sister Marcino.” ”

“Luffy, are you here to get your things?” Marcino smiled happily, and when she saw Solon behind her, she chuckled, “You guys are Luffy’s companions, right!” Mr. Solon and Mr. Shangis. ”

“Aaaaah! Miss Marcino, how do you know me, am I so famous? Shangis looked at Marcino and leaned over with a fancy look.

Luffy suddenly blocked in front of Shangis and said, “Shangis, my sister has a sweetheart, you are not allowed to harass him.” ”

Marcino chuckled, “It’s okay! Luffy, come on, I can help you keep your stuff well.” Saying that, Marcino handed the Devil Fruit to Luffy and said, “You are Luffy’s companions!” Luffy, this kid has been very naughty since he was a child, and no one can take him except his grandfather, you must have a headache! ”

“No, nothing.” Akin and Locke Road. “Yes, you’re right.” Namesoron Shangis Usopp said.

Luffy said unpleasantly, “Hey, I’m the captain!” ”

Marcino chuckled, “I’m sorry, Luffy has always been very stubborn and face-loving, and some children have tempers, I hope you can tolerate it more in the future.” ”

Solon touched his head and said a little embarrassed: “No way! All spread out such a captain, a must. ”

Nami said a little helplessly: “Although this is the case, it is also very reliable at critical times, and many times I feel a little uneasy, hey, it is indeed a little hard!” ”

Marcino looked at Nami and said excitedly, “You are Nami!” I heard Luffy say you, you’re Luffy’s girlfriend! It’s so cute! ”

Nami looked a little confused, “No, no, that Miss Marcino, it’s actually me and Luffy…”

“Stupid Nami, you should call sister, since it is my woman, of course your sister should also be called sister.” Luffy walked over and put his arm around Nami.

“Who is your woman! Don’t talk nonsense, okay. Nami growled.

Marcino looked at Luffy and said with a coquettish smile: “But Luffy, you are really good!” Since you have been offered a reward of 100 million Bailey, this is a sea thief who has never appeared in our East China Sea, you and your brother can make our windmill village proud! ”

“One hundred million Bailey, I was rewarded so high!” Luffy was slightly surprised, he originally thought that even if he turned out the file three years ago, it should not exceed 80 million, but he didn’t expect that since he was rewarded so much

Marcino was a little surprised: “Why, you don’t know!” That’s right, too! The report was also delivered this morning, come, this is the bounty amount of your pirate group. ”

Solon was a little surprised: “I didn’t expect that our group of newcomers, since all of them will be rewarded.” ”

“Akin and Locke used to be bounty criminals, I didn’t think that since we were all rewarded.” Shangis said with some solemnity.

“Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Straw Hat Kid Luffy, with a bounty of 100 million Bailey, Pirate Hunter Solon, with a bounty of 45 million Baileys, Black-footed Shangis, with a bounty of 35 million Baileys, Usopp the Sharpshooter, with a bounty of 30 million Baileys, Bobcat Locke, with a bounty of 25 million Baileys, Ghost Man Akin, with a bounty of 25 million Baileys, and a thief cat Nami with a reward of 8 million Baileys.” Luffy looked at the bounty and said.

Usopp laughed loudly: “Then this shows that the navy knows our strength, hahaha.” ”

Luffy smiled a little unpleasantly, “Hmph, interesting!” Although I gave a reward of 100 million Bailey, I was too underestimated! This bounty amount is not at all on the same level as my strength, and now is just the beginning? You haven’t seen my true strength? Navy. ”

Luffy turned his head to look at everyone and said, “Of course, Usopp, your strength and bounty amount are not above a horizontal line, if you don’t work hard, you will definitely be killed by the bounty hunter, although you have great potential, but if you are killed, then there is no way.” ”

Marcino looked at Usopp and said, “Oh, so you are the son of Jesus!” No wonder it looks so familiar! ”

Usopp was surprised: “You know my father too!” ”

Luffy said a little unpleasantly, “Isn’t what you said nonsense? Shanks, that’s where they drank, can you not know each other? ”

“Ah! Sorry. Usopp said.

Luffy turned his head to look at Marcino and said, “Actually, Sister Magino, I came back to ask if you want to go to sea with me!” ”

“Going to sea? Why did Luffy suddenly ask me that! Marcino asked with some doubt.

Luffy said a little excitedly, “Shanks likes you very much, and don’t you like Shanks too?” How about I take you to the new world! ”

Listening to this, Marcino’s pretty face blushed a little: “What are you talking about!” Luffy, Captain and I are just friends. ”

Luffy’s eyes were a little playful, and he chuckled, “Don’t say that!” Although neither you nor Shanks said it, I understood that there were sparks in the eyes of the two of you at that time, and I saw it clearly. ”

Marcino said a little angrily: “How old you were at that time!” What do you know! Forget it, don’t tell you, Luffy, now I can’t leave, the village chief’s current health is gradually not as good as before, I have to stay and take care of him. ”

Luffy was slightly disappointed, “Is it? Sister Marcino, you are really hard! You used to take care of me, but now I thought you could find your own happiness, but I didn’t expect it…”

“Luffy?” Marcino held Luffy in her arms and smiled gently: “Actually, I’ve always been happy, Luffy, I can see you growing up so happy and energetic, I’m already very satisfied, as long as you can be healthy and happy, I’m naturally happy to be a sister, Luffy.” ”

“Marcino?” Luffy felt a little sour in his nose and chuckled, “Okay! Since you have decided what sister has, then I will not force it, but after a week of sailing, I have become a sea thief, and I am taking you to Shanks, how about it! ”

“Okay then! So, Luffy, let’s make an agreement like this first, you have to cheer up.” Marcino smiled.

The next day, leaving the windmill village, Nami looked at Luffy, who was a little out of his mind, and said, “Luffy, your sister is really a gentle person!” ”

Luffy chuckled, “yes! When I was a child, she was very good to me, just like my own sister, you should understand! ”

“Ah! I know this, just like Noki Gao! Nami chuckled.

Luffy recovered and said loudly, “Okay, little ones, let’s set off for Rogue Town.” ”

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