The next day, Nami also officially became the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, although the way to say goodbye to everyone in Coco Yasi Village was a little special, but as soon as she got on the ship, Shangis immediately flattered: “Miss Nami, welcome to join!” ”

Luffy bounced, and Shangis, who was just about to woo, was directly stepped on by Luffy, and Luffy laughed: “Nami, since you chose to say goodbye in this way, it’s really cool!” Worthy of being my woman. ”

“Indeed! Much better than some knight crying goodbye. Solon struck without hesitation.

“What do you green algae head say! And Luffy, since you dare to be a stepping stone, since I lost such a big face in front of the lady. Shangis yelled.

“This is so good! Nami is my woman, I was coercive and tempted yesterday, soft and hard, and it was hard to persuade Nami to join my pirate group, and now she is my woman, how can you have nothing to please! Luffy said playfully.

“You guy, Luffy, what the hell did you do to lovely Miss Nami yesterday!” Shangis felt a little unwilling.

“Of course I did what I loved.” Luffy said a little heavily.

Nami, who was listening from behind, immediately became angry, punched Luffy, and yelled, “Don’t say such misleading words.” ”

It’s a pity that Luffy has long been on guard, the side of the body easily dodged Nami’s fist, should have lost the target, Nami’s body fell a step forward, Luffy caught Nami by the trend, and continued: “Look! Nami has already taken the initiative to give her arms and hugs, isn’t this the best proof! Hahaha! ”

“Damn it! You guy, I didn’t think that since your nature is like this, since Nami has fallen into the hands of a lust demon like you, then how can I care as a knight! I’m definitely going to fight you to the end, Luffy. Shangis pointed at Luffy.

Solon Akin and Locke had some solemnity in their eyes, just now Luffy was obviously carrying Nami, why could he easily dodge the attack?

Luffy looked at Solon’s solemn eyes and said, “That’s because that move just now is the power I want to teach, what do you think!” ”

As soon as Luffy said this, the three of Solon were immediately surprised, and Usopp asked a little puzzled, “What is it!” Luffy, what did you say you were going to teach us! ”

Shangis and Nami also looked at Luffy with a puzzled look, Luffy also deliberately bought a pass without saying, Solon finally couldn’t help but be curious and asked: “Hey, Luffy, the power you just said, is it the power that can see through people’s hearts?” ”

“The power to see through people’s hearts?” Usopp was surprised.

Luffy chuckled, “Don’t pull it, how can I see through people’s hearts!” It’s just that Solon’s facial expression just now is too obvious. ”

“Well?” Solon looked a little stunned and said, “That’s not right! Even so, just now Nami obviously attacked you from behind, how did you dodge it! And he hid so easily. ”

“Don’t you know that you are called a strong man? It’s too easy to dodge Nami’s attacks. Luffy said playfully.

Nami yelled a little unpleasantly: “You guy, can you not be so narcissistic!” ”

“Hahaha, in fact, my brother also said this about me before, okay, let’s get back to business! As Solon said, in fact, I had just guessed that Nami would attack me from behind, because Nami’s fiery temper, when I said it before, would definitely want to beat me, and I had already been on guard. Luffy laughed.

Solon yelled, “You guy is dumping us!” ”

Luffy chuckled, “Actually, it’s nothing, that move is called seeing and smelling domineering, I just foresaw Nami’s actions and prepared in advance.” ”

“Foreknowledge action? Foresee what comes in the future? Shangjis was a little surprised: “Since you have this ability. ”

“Shangis, how about giving you a chance, kick me with your best kicking skills!” Saying that, Luffy closed his eyes and beckoned to Shangis.

Shangis was a little surprised: “Is it really okay?” Since you closed your eyes. ”

“It’s okay, hurry up!” Luffy beckoned to Shangis and said lightly.

“Alright!” Said a kick over, but Luffy’s head was slightly tilted, very easy to dodge, several kicks had no effect, Luffy stepped back slightly, opened his eyes and said, “That’s probably what it looks like!” ”

Usopp looked surprised, “It’s so powerful, Luffy, since you have such a powerful move!” ”

Luffy said lightly: “Actually, I’m only half-hanged when I see the domineering, and I’m good at the domineering of the armed color.” ”

“Weapon-colored domineering?” Solon muttered.

“Solon, use your knife to cut me.” Luffy said lightly.

“Huh? Okay, I see. Saying that, Solon took the Hedao word in his hand and slashed it, Luffy’s head was slightly tilted, and a knife was right in the place of Luffy’s neck, but unfortunately, in the place of the neck, a black hardened domineering appeared, like a piece of iron, as if Solon’s knife could not enter at all.

“This is?” Solon was surprised.

“Armed color domineering, like covering the body with a layer of invisible armor, can greatly improve the defense and attack power, even if it is a very ordinary attack, as long as the domineering of the armed color is wrapped around, it will be a hundred times stronger.” Luffy explained to Solon, and at the same time walked in front of Shangis, his finger flicked slightly on Shangis’s forehead, and Shangis’s whole person was suddenly ejected several meters away.

“Ah! It hurts! Shangis covered his forehead in pain.

Usopp swallowed in surprise, “It’s so strong, since he has this kind of power.” ”

Luffy continued: “Of course, this is not the most powerful place in armed color, you all know this kind of thing like the Devil Fruit!” ”

Locke nodded, this is his most knowledgeable, but he has never seen domineering, and said seriously: “Huh? This understands, the devil fruit is divided into three categories, animal line, superhuman line and nature line, the strongest of which is the nature department, the captain should be superhuman! ”

“That’s right, it’s not wrong that the nemesis of the devil fruit is the sea, but if there is no sea, there is also something called sea lou stone, which can be said to be the crystallization of the sea, among the three major devil fruits, the reason why the natural system is called the strongest, because the destructive power of the natural fruit is very strong, and the natural fruit can be elementalized, and all physical attacks cannot harm it, which is the horror of the natural system’s real ability.” Luffy said lightly.

Usopp swallowed his saliva a little and said, “Then those who deal with nature can only use sea lou stones.” ”

Luffy continued, “That’s true, but if you encounter someone with the Devil Fruit ability, then there is no way to use the Sea Lou Stone. Just like me, if I don’t arm the domineering, I can’t do anything with the natural ability. ”

Locke said with some excitement: “That means that the domineering spirit of armed color can hurt those with natural abilities. ”

“That’s right, the domineering power of the armed color can attack the entity of the able, of course, there is no way to make the capable person powerless.” Luffy said for everyone.

“So it is, it seems to be a very good power!” Solon said with some excitement.

“The domineering of armed color can be wrapped around the sword or bullet, and it must be an entity to wrap the domineering of armed color, and there is no way to do it with flames and the like.” Luffy said flatly: “In the three-color domineering, I don’t know the domineering of the overlord color at all, it should be said that I haven’t awakened yet, I think I should have it, as for the domineering of the color I don’t know much myself, but I can teach you the domineering of the armed color, and this domineering is also more practical, you can directly use the Dao to fight above, improve the attack and defense power, as long as you learn, the combat effectiveness will improve a lot.” ”

“Hmph, huh? Finally starting training? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time! Solon said with some excitement.

“Alright! Then start the special training! ”

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