“Hmm…” Nami whispered a little painfully.

“Looks like you’re awake!” Hearing Nami’s groan, Luffy walked over.

“Are you?” Nami looked at the familiar man in front of her and said, “Thank you for saving me, wait a minute, what about my treasure?” ”

Nami suddenly remembered and shouted in panic.

Luffy smiled bitterly when he heard this, “You almost lost your life, and you still have to take care of your treasure!” Next to you, I brought it for you. ”

Nami looked at the treasure beside her and said reassuringly: “Great, it’s good that my money is okay.” ”

Luffy was really speechless enough to listen to this.

“Ah! How did my clothes get changed? ”

“You’re too loud, aren’t you?” Luffy plucked his ears a little helplessly and said, “If you don’t take out the bullet, your wound will definitely become infected.” ”

“In other words, my clothes were all changed by you.” When Nami heard this, she immediately roared, “Then you didn’t peek!” ”

Looking at Nami’s blushing look, I didn’t expect that Nami, who is usually so spicy, would also have this cute look!

“What is peeping! Don’t say it, I’m like a selang. Luffy said with some disdain.

“Really no peek?” “Nope.”

“Then you are watching in the open.” “That’s right.”

“You bastard, I’m going to kill you.” As soon as she got the answer, Nami wanted to jump down and kill Luffy immediately, but as soon as she moved, the wounds on her body began to hurt.

“Even if you want to kill me, wait until you heal your wounds! You can’t kill me now.” Luffy kindly reminded.

Nami sighed in pain, and sat on the bed honestly: “Hmph, because you guy peeked at me, so the half of the treasure that you said before is now nullified.” ”

“Is it? Anyway, I didn’t plan to ask for it in the first place, I’m telling you! I didn’t just see you, but I touched your whole body from top to bottom? Luffy said with a playful smile.

“You bastard, I’m going to kill you.” As soon as Nami heard this, she jumped straight off the bed and grabbed Luffy by the collar.

“Okay, calm down! Anyway, if I go to help me find a doctor, if he helps you treat, he will also see you and touch you, anyway, I also know a little about basic treatment, wouldn’t it be better for me to help you? Luffy looked at Nami like this and smiled.

Nami threw Luffy out directly, and said fiercely: “Anyway, thank you for saving my life, now the two of us don’t owe each other, I’m leaving.” ”

“This can also be called not each other! I didn’t get any benefit and wasted my day. ”

“One day, have I been in a coma for a day?” Nami wondered.


“So, what about that card pirate group? Didn’t they find it! Nami asked anxiously.

“Oh, you said them!” Luffy said indifferently, “When I brought you here, I was afraid that they would find you, so I went to clean them up.” ”

“What?” Nami didn’t dare to question, “You beat them?” ”


“Their captain is a pirate with a reward of 5 million berry! Lie to people! Nami couldn’t believe it, since this teenager about the same size as him in front of him could solve the pirate with a reward of 5 million.

“What is impossible! Otherwise, the pirates would have come here to make trouble. Luffy said indifferently.

Nami was a little incredulous, and asked cautiously, “What kind of person are you?” Also, why did you come to my rescue. ”

“My name is Luffy, Monchi D Luffy, as for why I want to save you, the reason is even simpler, because I don’t want to see such a beautiful beauty as you being killed by that group of stupid pirates, it’s as simple as that.” Luffy naturally can’t tell you, because you are my future navigator, and if you die, it will be very difficult for me to go to sea.

“Less deceptive, your reason is too bad!” Nami obviously didn’t believe it, but he really didn’t understand Luffy’s purpose, and at first thought that the other party’s purpose was money, but it seemed that Luffy was not interested in money at all.

“Hey, it’s true, you don’t believe it when I say it, forget it, anyway, it’s just that you’re okay now, so I’m relieved, now you can take your treasure and go back.” Luffy said lightly, only to find that this sentence seemed to have some aimei!

“You fellow, what the hell do you mean by that!” Then listening to Luffy’s words that seemed to care about herself, Nami asked.


“Luffy, we shouldn’t have known each other before, right? Why do I feel like you know me well? Nami asked suddenly.

When Luffy heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded, you really don’t know me, I really know you very well, “This ah!” ”

Nami saw Luffy start to play sloppy eyes, and the doubts in her heart were even greater, holding Luffy’s face directly with both hands, staring at Luffy with dead eyes, “What!” Tell me! ”

“This one! Because I like you. Luffy really couldn’t find any good reason to say it directly.

“Like me?” Listening to this, Nami’s face blushed slightly, and said, “Less deceiving people, it’s just the first time we met, how is it possible!” ”

Luffy saw that Nami had finally changed the subject, and immediately said, “How impossible!” Haven’t you heard of love at first sight? I was fascinated by you the first time I saw you. ”

“Hmph, okay! I can barely trust you! Nami snorted: “But I’m a very picky person, and my favorite thing is money, if you can come up with 100 million berry, I can consider it.” ”


“What?” Nami heard Luffy’s answer and was surprised: “You heard me clearly, is it 100 million berry?” ”

“I know that although I can’t take out 100 million beri now, I will definitely be able to take it out in three years.” Luffy said confidently.

“Three years later, how can you say so confidently!” Nami said suspiciously.

“This one! You will know in three years, anyway, now I am ready to go back, if I don’t go back, I’m afraid Sister Marcino will be worried. Luffy said lightly.

“By the way, where is your hometown!” Nami asked.

“Windmill Village.”

“Windmill village? All right! At least for now, it’s a smooth ride, I’ll go back with you! Nami suggested, “By the way, my name is Nami, although I don’t know much about you, but it seems that you are quite good at the moment!” ”

Therefore, Luffy and Nami were a brief companion, and during this time, Luffy also saw Nami’s navigation skills.

“Okay, let’s separate the two of us here! Then the two of us took different routes. Nami said after docking the ship.

“Alright! Well, goodbye. ”

After saying goodbye to Nami, Luffy thought about it slightly, and secretly said: I remember that in the original book, Arrita seems to have got a slippery fruit on an isolated island! However, the specific location Luffy does not know, only that in the original book, Luffy and Kebi went to the base where the Monte Dazo who held Roroya Solon was located.

Then the island should not be too far from the base of Meng Axe, of course, Luffy also has not too high hopes, but anyway, where he will pass when he passes, just go over and find it.

“Alright! Rest here tonight, go find some food first, and then see if the Devil Fruit is there. Luffy said that although he said so, he didn’t have much hope for the slippery fruit that he couldn’t find, and he remembered that Luffy in the original book was able to find the devil fruit by luck after knocking Arrita away.

But now that Luffy knows the plot, it’s impossible to think that Luffy has no opinion in the original book to knock Arrita away, and then follow over to find the devil fruit, so Luffy doesn’t have much hope for this kind of thing.

An isolated island, how small it is, there are tens of kilometers away! Finding a fruit is undoubtedly finding a needle in a haystack, and there is not much hope for it at all.


Luffy looked at the behemoth in front of him and muttered, “Bear? It seems that today’s dinner is yours. ”

Wait, for a moment, Luffy looked behind the bear, and on the tree there was a devil fruit in the shape of a blue grapefruit.

“Isn’t it! You can really find it! Luffy looked at the fruit behind the bear in amazement, although he didn’t know if it was a slippery fruit, but at least it was a superhuman devil fruit.

“It seems that it is! The halo power of the traverser is stronger than the halo power of the protagonist of the original work, and it can be found by looking for it casually. Luffy looked at the easy coming fruit and said with a somewhat speechless wry smile.

“Oh, oh, oh.”

Big Bear screamed furiously and slapped Luffy.

Luffy stepped back, then knocked the bear unconscious with a punch.

Helplessly looked at the bear and said: “I was in a good mood today, I didn’t want to eat you, this is your own death, I can’t blame me!” But to a guy like you who has muscles in his head, I’m afraid you will still hit me even if I’m in a bad mood today! ”

After Luffy plucked the fruit, he chuckled, “It’s done, but do you want to give it to Nami?” Nami in the original book uses a weather stick! Forget it, let’s talk about it later! ”

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